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Morning all,

Well you did mention going via Heathrow as an option you'd looked at, and it's at the other end of the country - and further away than the other side ;)

....and one that I had immediately discounted as [a] impracticable and costly (hence my thoughts about flying to Leeds-Bradford). But you do put your finger on what, I think, is a major problem in revitalising the UK
 - the fact that everything seems to revolve around London and the home counties. As part of my job hunting efforts (another story for another time), I have looked at positions in the UK and I think only one was in a company based outside the M25, and that was no further north than Cambridge. In a way it's a vicious circle: you don't have easy access to City X, so City X doesn't have jobs, as City X doesn't have jobs, easy access is not provided... (I simplify, but I think that you get the gist of things...). Very bluntly, if Marples (and his apparatchik Beeching) had had a glimmer of foresight, they would have mothballed much of the then "unneeded" railway infrastructure, which would have allowed the UK to reopen effective lines of communication as and when needed (e.g. when small villages in the home counties became dormitory towns for London). But, alas, long-term thinking doesn't seem to be a strength of either British governments or the UK Civil Service.


There is something to be said for creating 5-year, 10-year or 25-year plans...


Returning to this position the head-hunter contacted me about, it was presented to me in tones similar to "we have an excellent opportunity for you Carruthers, but it's right in the middle of deepest, darkest Congo, you don't mind, do you?...". Quite frankly, if my Swiss salary and package were to be matched, I could live most comfortably in Hull. However, it's all rather academic, now that I have a dog to care for. Job opportunities need to be somewhat closer to home (although, I wouldn't mind working as a consultant, based at home and flying in (or out) to important meetings and events..... Unlikely (given what they want) but not impossible.


On another thread, there was a short detour discussion about using consultants, and it must be said there are consultants and consultants. One lot, and the type that gets (quite rightly in my mind) ridiculed, are those who have "management" training or specialise in "business" and who have absolutely no idea about the type of business they are consulting for; the second type - and most valuable - are those who really know a business inside-out and are brought in to provide focussed and experienced expertise for a short time (e.g. a company may not need a full time widget-calibrator on the staff, but when - once every X years - the widgets need calibrating, then an experienced consultant widget-calibrator is brought in...). I'd be in the latter category.


Anyway, busy day ahead for me, wishing everyone a good'un



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Not only sleepy but grumpy with a bit of dopey mixed in for good measure.


I've always wondered why they called Hull station, Paragon.

Is it really perfect?

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Il Dottore hits the nail on the head. Everything is focused upon London, where more than 15% of the country's opulation live within the M25 and even more money is being focused on preserving its monopoly (more airport runways, HS2 as examples). Land and property around London are becoming beyond the prices of most people of "normal" means whilst we seems to have an increasing influx of people with foreign accents doing all the service jobs in the capital, how do they afford to live there?


Outside the capital, planners say we must have many more houses for our rapidly growing population as directed by the central politicos but in their rush to build houses, they even sell off land allocated for a new primary school to serve a development for yet more houses - with no school!


As for employment, the vast warehouse operation a few miles away is claimed to provide plenty of opportunities, just as it will for the 3,500 houses this district council wants within 6 miles of that site and the 6,500 houses to be built between the warehouses and Rugby! So, we have 10,000 houses to be built all depending for work on 300Ha of highly automated shed operations.


The nearest A&E facilities have closed, the ambulance service has centralised its operation to a point 15 miles away across two strategic highways, the nearest main hospital regularly fails to meet good levels of performance and yet this area is "ideally placed for growth".


Would someone take away my soap box before I have an accident please?

Edited by Gruffalo
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry at the moment & 7oC, very dull & the forecast is for a cloudy day with outbreaks of rain.

Diet seems to be proceeding OK & I've been meeting my calorie targets with quite a few to spare. This was deliberate as we are going out for a birthday bash tonight & I will be having a couple of beers. Abbie's coming here this morning to bake a cake for her Dad's birthday. She's fast becoming a good little cook - especially her cakes. (Bu##er it - I'm supposed to be on a diet).

Exercise bike is going OK but I'm not doing as much as Mick - I'm up to 20 minutes but nowhere near the calorie count - mine was 170. Also doing a 20 minute brisk (for me) walk each day which is about the most my knee can manage at the moment.

Hopefully will be sticking some track down today inbetween various taxi jobs that are needed.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

I've always wondered why they called Hull station, Paragon.

Is it really perfect?

Well it was a little less than perfect on 14.2.1927...... http://www.railwaysarchive.co.uk/docsummary.php?docID=308


Morning all


Fleecy clouds and a bit of blue sky appearing now, so not too bad. Mild weather seems to be set in for the foreseeable future, too.


Good to see Stewart back - sorry for the cause of absence. Hope the clouds are lifting long-term. Flavio's job situation sounds lamentable. It's nice to be head-hunted, but the deal needs to be an all-rounder. I guess worldwide belt-tightening affects your speciality, too. Glad to hear SM Mike's tinnitus may be in early retreat. No doubt such things are not life-threatening, but can ruin it all the same.


Not much on the agenda, but will need to ring MiL, to hear what's afoot - or not. Having looked at the IoW she decided against it, will probably be homed somewhere in SW London as now. Her reasons for not moving to IoW were that no-one would visit her. No-one visits her now!


Hope to get a couple more trestle bents under way, may post a pic or two when done. It isn't marvellous scale modelling, but working with real wood is nice in its own way.


Driving round the ring-road at Le Mans yesterday, and had a pinch-myself moment on glimpsing an EWS-liveried Class 66 on a freight train. Still a surprise to see locos here that I first saw in the sidings at Wembley!


Hope your weekend delivers.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afoggy day in Leeds..


Don't get me going on London. With the infrastructure we have in it a lot of the jobs there could be decentralised.. Some have but why have the tax office for London in Scotland (and the student loan company -the Scots students don,t need a loan in Scotland. Once devolved I expect these jobs to be relocated out of Scotland. But it would be a miracle if they were..

Have a nice day all

We are off to Skipton once I can find the car...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dull earlier but brightening up now. That description will do for me and the weather!

I'm fairly confident this may be the last day (started last year!) of the cough/cold.   Aditi is much better. Her cough was deemed to need antibiotics and mine wasn't. 

All I intend to do today is take Robbie for a walk. We went to the park yesterday and quite a few of his usual favourite spots were flooded, only by a few inches but this required much sniffing and checking. The football field was flooded and a daft spaniel was running round chasing seagulls. I suppose at one time Robbie would have as well but now I think he knows they will fly away!

Aditi must be getting better as she has a habit of deciding we need a holiday when she has been ill. We will be taking Robbie down to Dartmoor for a week in May, by when I'm confident my cough will have definitely subsided!



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Grey. Shade 37 I think.


This is a weekend where she's decided that we're staying home and "getting on with things".


I think I'm going to be supplied with a list of things I've got to get on with.


[EDIT} Just been supplied with the list - very simple "get on with your modelling".

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

The idea that Marples and his successors might have considered 'mothballing' rail routes in case of future need is a non-starter in the context of the mid 60s. Marples was part of a government heavily influenced by the 'Roads Lobby' of road haulage, car manufacturers and road builders. Marples himself was a major player, whatever he did with his shares in Marples Ridgeway when he became a minister. The succeeding government was committed to 'progress', which included putting car ownership within reach of everybody, thereby enhancing (!) the living standards of .the working class, providing income for British (in those days) motor manufacturers and work for the car workers. Future transport planning in those days consisted of motorways, dual carriageway trunk roads and bypasses.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, up earlier than my body wanted to go to the chemist and then food shopping. Not foggy just a low sky describes the weather at presenthopefully things will pick up as the day wears on. Snake feeding day today as well as spider watering and feeding somedays I am tempted to put the lot on ebay.

Naughty you. :jester:

No wonder he is marrying her....

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, not so much low skies as high sea here, it is absolutely bucketing it down.  Mrs NHN off walking friend's dogs (they're back from Kiwi tomorrow, thank crunchie) so she will be rather damp when she berths.


A day of shopping and house cleaning (for the friends - they have been away a month) and car waking up fun, although I did move them in mid holiday to prevent stuck brakes.


No Groudle tomorrow either as we will be collecting said friends form Ronaldsway Airport (no through connection to Hull) at some point, when they make it!


As for Hull, NHN's big brother went to Uni there, which says more about him than Hull I fear.  He does know a lot about radar though.  Just not much else.....


Love the Trough shot, one of our favourite places in the UK, and little known to those outside of Lancashire.  Magical countryside.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, nice picture of the Forest Of Bowland one of my favorite haunts, weather grey but looks like its clearing.


Hoping to have some modelling time this afternoon.


Have a great day everyone

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Just thought I'd offer a cheery image in amongst the many shades of grey weather.

This is in the Trough of Bowland.




That's real smart, DD.  Can we stick it on our backscenes?  :D :D :D :D :D :D :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Thanks for the photo.  It cheered me up no end - as you say, after all this drab grey stuff - and still raining here.



Morning all. Good to see I'm my back to my ususal cheeky self  [Edit: even if I still can't get the spilling right].

Be of good cheer, one and all.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I thought for a minute that DD had discovered water on Mars, then I read the comments - smashing pic and amazing colour.


The weather is cr*p although I don't think rain is actually falling at the moment (no, it isn't, just checked) but I'm still not sure if I fancy a 1 hour drive to collect various toys from Alton - on the other hand I suppose a Dukedog in the hand is worth two in the bush and I could get on and 'test' the one that arrived from Cornwall yesterday.


Yes, this 'London & South East' centric thing is rather daft, when our friends moved to the further reaches of Herefordshire it was a pleasure to stay with them especially when the majority of traffic along the road outside consisted of people on horseback and farm tractors.  Meanwhile the idiots planners have decided our little town needs an extra 400 houses in what will be called 'sustainable development' which is an expression that defies all understanding as there are no major employers here, the schools are over subscribed, the car parks are always full, and so on.  Meanwhile someone working for one of the developers (Bloor) is clearly more than 10d short of a shilling when he suggested commuters from their proposed sites could use the lane which passes the top of our road - which is barely wide enough for a car in places and incorporates numerous blind bends.  But then such is the nature of money grubbing ticky-tacky property developers that practicality and common sense are the last things to occur in their demented little brains.


Oh and yes, consultants - hopefully my efforts were in iD's second category; certainly woke-up the Aussies (quite interesting to go into a concern and tell the General Manager that he was one of the major risks in their timetable development process - but they did invite me back!).


Have a nice day one all.

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thanks for the pic of the Trough of Bowland.


I need to go and find that special cheese of the same name and then I will be Troughing Bowland.


More shades of grey here and rain overnight which has allowed the lawn to revert to sponge force 8 veering westerly to decidedly boggy 9:  Swimming pool 10 later

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The photo below was taken yesterday after a night of heavy rain. The water can't get out until low tide. The field is supposed to flood if there is heavy rain. This piece of land was sold by the council a few years ago quite cheaply as it had no planning permission. Now shortly after purchase this all changed and there were rumours of a someone wanting to build a nursing home there! I don't think this will ever happen.





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  • RMweb Gold

. Now shortly after purchase this all changed and there were rumours of a someone wanting to build a nursing home there! I don't think this will ever happen.


If there's money in it for someone, it will .....


.... and damn the consequences.

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  • RMweb Premium

Polly, please use it in any way you see fit.


Thanks, DD.











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