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  • RMweb Gold

Absolutely laugh.gif

Not being horrid, but in general it tends to be the older portion population - some of them can be particularly unhelpful and even quite rude at times!

I wouldn't even bother asking some of them questionnaires - you can tell when they just aren't interested.


I would say that there are also other types of people like this - mainly those in a rush (or at least pretend to be!)


At least physical geography doesn't fight back! laugh.gif




Matthew said young mums even loaded up with kids and shopping are the most helpful with survey requests. Single young people are "sorry busy mate" and I'm afraid the older generation don't come out very well (replace "quite rude" with something stronger) at all. If Matthew does get to Leicester University I believe they do their first year field-work in Corby., second year New York, and third year is probably Kenya. By then he should have questionnaire technique sorted!



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Morning All,


It is another nice morning here. I feel quite good, having been for a 50km cycle last night, followed by a beer on the terrace. Very civilised!


There are some very interesting comments on here on demographics. I would agree with many of them too - when I was studying for my exams at school (many moons ago) I ended up doing various questionnaires and surveys which was pretty horrendous. Some people are just downright rude and some couldn't be more helpful if they tried. I guess that's just life!


Have a good day everyone!

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Good morning all.

Got a funeral this afternoon of a lady who was a friend of both my Mother and sister. She kind of slotted in between. Must have been in her eighties, so had a good run, but still sad for her family.


Wellie wearing Jam! Has the cabinet been delivered to school and what was the reaction?

Poor Gordon. Not our one but the other one. Still number one item on the news!

Two more days till the weekend! :(

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Two oktas in the sky and it looks like another pleasant day. However, it's supposed to be cooler and rainier over the weekend - I doubt this'll be good for the bike race which will be going on here on Saturday!


Have a good day all! :)

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It wasn't Gordon's fault, Don.

It was Liz's fault.

I heard him say so.


Only one okta here but it covers the whole sky. biggrin.gif




He can't blame the Queen, DD.....but I thought he said it was Sue's fault.


Let's see how the Kings of Spin deal with this one. Oops, bordering on political, better stop now..cool.gif


My desk is now littered with a stack of wheels, castings and screws that used to be an Ivatt 4. Will it ever go back together and what do I do with that one screw that is bound to be left over at the end?


Keep the updates coming on your puss, Mick. Fingers crossed for a full recovery..

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  • RMweb Gold
Wellie wearing Jam! Has the cabinet been delivered to school and what was the reaction?

laugh.gif Yep, the cabinet has been delivered safely! I was a bit worried at first when there were no comments at all from the teacher for about 5 days. Eventually he said he was very pleased with it. Just a coat of wax to go on it and then it's finished!

Today is my third driving lesson - this time I'll be driving straight from college (let's hope none of my friends are watching!)

Right, best get ready for the day ahead.

Have a great one all. smile.gif

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Huh! I put Sue and then convinced myself it was Liz.


I expect it was two other people I heard.




Some good news for a change:


My FiL has the big C.

After kidney removal and various other treatment, a worrying growth appeared on his main private part.

Yesterday it was confirmed as a boil!


Not a comfortable place to have one but infinitely better than everyones' first thoughts.


(and yes, I've heard the jokes about removing the pain but leaving the swelling).

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  • RMweb Gold


Very nice morning here at the moment but the forecast is not good. Perhaps the rain-clouds will go elsewhere!

Dd, I'm glad the FiL's lump wasn't as bad as feared. Once upon a time the treatment would have probably been a bread poultice which would have not been too easy to apply I suspect.

Gordon, I seem to have a number of dismantled locomotives. Other people have an unmade kit collection. I turn my RTR models into kits!




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Guest Max Stafford

My employers are introducing regular driver assessments. I'm hatching a plan in my head in the hope that the system will still be functioning in the lead-up to my retirement. Since the new trend is to stifle initiative and independent thought, if conditions on the road are quiet, I may have a little fun with 'Straight ahead at the roundabout'...! :wacko: :P



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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all! 8 oktas here in Glasgow today. Looking after the munchkin as Paula has an important meeting today but needed someone to wait in for kitchen sink and worktops to be delivered.


I'm sure Jamie will tell you how to fit the kitchen stuff before her mummy returns from the meeting!




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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon All


Cloudy but bright here, and chez 45156 is still not a builder free zone - his nail gun broke down last night, and he had to go and get a new one this morning before continuing - but whatever happened to putting nails in the traditional way - ie with a hammer - the time he took going to get a new gun (25 miles each way) would have been more that the time it would have taken to get the skirting boards up "manually"!


It's a bit like the youngsters who can't add up two numbers without a calculator - a builder who has lost the ability to use a hammer!

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