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Early Risers.


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I am also under the impression that when patients report side effects these are often not recorded by the doctors. Don

This can be the case once a drug is on the market, but during a clinical trial run by a pharmaceutical company, certainly not. There are too many layers of oversight. Furthermore, should an investigator report ZERO adverse events whilst other investigators in the same trial ARE reporting AEs, that investigator would soon find himself under serious scrutiny. Reputable research driven pharma companies take conducting clinical studies VERY seriously. In addition to adhering to very strict ethicals standards (GCP [deriving from The Declaration of Helsinki - which is regularly amended/updated]), there is also a significant investment to curate. Sloppy investigators soon find themselves severely leaned on (and in severe cases of investigator - shall we say - "misbehaviour", the regulatory authorities can, and do, send in the "heavy mob",..)


Post-marketing surveillance (following a drug once it's being used in routine clinical practice) is frequently challenging

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Not sure if arriving here at almost 1pm (or 13.00 railway time) counts as "early risers" but what the heck?


Smoke descended upon us last night from distant grass fires.  Temperature stayed above 30C all night and with the house filling up with the smell of fresh burning sleep was distinctly intermittent.   Fans on full bore cleared the air slightly.  Woke to find severe pain in the starboard foot - the occasional interruption to comfortable life caused by gouty arthritis.  Barely able to walk until the pills kicked in but taking them means I'm unable to drive for four hours ....... 


Smoke clearing as the wind picks up.  Across the state the temperature is forecast to reach 44C in many places.  There is a large number of grass and bush fires burning with several towns advised to evacuate to safer places, many more on emergency watch and act alerts.  That will get worse as the day progresses before it gets better; cooler blustery weather is forecast for late tonight.

Edited by Gwiwer
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Hello all,

        A warm, clear morning at 18C.  I slept well.

        For those working, especially Dominic TGIF.

        Max expected today 25C which is fine by me.

30kph SE wind expected this afternoon which suits me as it will cool things down.

The late afternoon/evening Sun shining directly into my room can be rather oven like..

Have a GREAT day!

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TGIF!  Morning all, had a day yesterday when I was seemingly surrounded by fools & idiots......we'res me escape plan!  


But after longer than normal chat with GF (who's shivering in Florida) and a slightly cooler nights sleep, so far this morning seem to be in a better frame of mind. But then this morning I have to attend the first "Safety Action Group" meeting of the year....


What ever the world throws at you today,  try to grin and bare it!



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a distinctly dark Leeds -which, according to the New York Times no less, is in the 14th best place to visit in the world..Yorkshire... One of the reasons is its diversity of beer and pubs. So after visiting the Armouries yesterday I took youngest Herbert to White locks the oldest pub in Leeds. Polished copper topped bar and tables impressed him as did the BlackBerry beer from Saltaire Brewer. Me I stuck with a half of porter and came home to build a chili con carne.

Have a great POETS day folks!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. TGIF! (Didn't we have this last Friday, too?)



My son is now into his third year as a second grade teacher, he absolutely LOVES it and I'm very proud of him, BUT, you are all to be admired for what you do for the childern of the world and are NUTS for doing so much work for "relatively" so little reward (moniteraly that is)...


The world needs to wake up and realise that we need to pay a LOT more to the teachers of this world and a LOT less to the bandits that purport to "work" on Wall Street (no offense to those employed there) but it IS topsy turvey, and we can add Nurses into the mix too along with teachers...


It's outrageous indeed how little too many people working in jobs which are about caring for others are rewarded for what they do. Aside from nurses, I would like to name the large crowd of resident doctors as another example, given what I have been hearing about too many of them pulling tortuous multiple shifts with next to no time for regeneration at all – all the while having to witness the most tragic things imaginable.

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From what you have told us Dominik, it seems that your easing into teaching is somewhat gentler in Germany than the "in at the deep end" approach, which can only be a good thing.

As for trainee doctors, there is no alternative to putting in the hours to get the experience. If they don't do these horrendous weekly hours then it seems to me that the training period will have to be extended.

Good morning all by the way!



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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning, having taken the little guy to school.  There was also a rather large traffic jam because an accident had closed the motorway.  Fortunately, I was able to divert off the motorway which saved sitting in the jam for too long.


I have a morning of software testing ahead of me - and it is not one of the most exciting tests, so I think more coffee is in order!


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Raining all night (heavily) & still is, 7oC. Sunny periods forecast today with showers becoming prolonged later in the day. It's a pity we can't share some of it with Rick in Oz.

Today I'm a free agent as Chris is going to our daughter's house to assist with preparations for a birthday bash tomorrow for SiL. 

Hopefully this will mean I get to do something to the layout.

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, getting lighter outside but still the electric to see the keyboard. Friday will mainly consist of filing it is a little strange that some files I write in won't be shredded for 75 years after they are closed. Hopefully no one will be looking because that will mean someones life has gone awry. Have a good day if you can't be careful.

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Oh dear, just when you think the next couple of weeks are sorted, someone throws a curved ball into the mix! I thought I was set for some decent modelling time in between familial duties but now I have another brewery job to deal with. The last one dragged on whilst waiting for parts and services, I just hope this one is better.


Light grey outside today with a light breeze. Report to customer on yesterday's job to complete and see if the Saintly bunch can put Castres to the sword tonight so it is a bit of a POETS day for me too. I might just squeeze in buying a large piece of PIR insulation in advance of a September event!

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Light grey here. POETS day even though working from home. Currently trying, on one machine, to sort out a marking spreadsheet, and on the other machine, to configure the disks to get them to do that I want and not what they want.


Have a great day and a great weekend, everyone.

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold


but now I have another brewery job to deal with



Yeah me too, will involve a couple of pints of chewy cider at a hostelry in town....


Hope all are well and enjoying life, catch up later.

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Morning all...


Just had a decent experience from an insurance company.  We had our cars insured with E Sure and when they came up for renewal, I had a shop around.  LV Insurance got a good rating from Which, so first went through Compare the Market to get a quote.  Not only was the policy good value, LV had a UK call centre that dealt with me very quickly and professionally.  Had my new plate details through this morning, so had to change the reg no on the policy.  Once again, they were very efficient and at the end of the call I was surprised to hear there was no charge for the change.  E Sure charged me £25 for the same change before.


No connection other than really satisfied with their service.


One other thing that I should have said up front, I originally got a quote via the Meerkat guys, but found it was even cheaper going to L & V direct…:-)


Back to Mum's today.  Central heating packed up again.  Seems the new pump was faulty, so it will be changed under warranty, but back through the whole process again.  British Gas Homecare is getting more attractive by the minute..

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Morning All,


I misread Gruf's post as "I have another brewery job to deal with. The last one dragged on whilst waiting for pints and service" and I thought, can't be too bad - to be paid to drink ale... I then re-read the post...


Just back from taking the Hairy Monster to the dog-sitter. We don't have to, but as he suffers from separation anxiety (much better now than when we first had him), we are slowly acclimatising him to us being away for differing amounts of time, and we make a small fuss of him upon of returning (so that he learns that no matter what we will always come back for him). Not that I can rest easy, Mrs iD HAS A LIST! and I must dash around, recycling and shopping.


On a different note, have/do any ERs lived in/live in Hull? Yesterday, I was approached by a headhunter about a senior position in a company in Hull and noises were made about "matching my present salary, terms and conditions" and I was wondering what Hull (and surrounding areas) is (are) like to live and work in.


Mind you Hull is a right pig to get to. I would either have to fly into London and take the train to Hull or fly into Leeds/Bradford (via LHR) and take the train to Hull (so no work week in Hull, weekends in Basel - at least not easily or worthwhile financially or by time time at home allowed). Out of curiosity I looked at how much a first class return London-Hull return railway ticket would be. It was obscenely high (north of £350 - for that amount I can fly BSL - LCY  with SWISS and spend 1 night in a hotel and still have money left over for shopping....) whilst on the SBB I can get a 1st Class 1 day Travelpass for CHF 121 (£82). No wonder no one sets up shop in many of the cities in the North East of England, hard to get to directly and prohibitively expensive to travel to from London (although the railfare for Leeds - Hull is a more reasonable £54 open ended 1st Class return). 


It's all academic really, I now have both a Mrs iD and a HM to maintain and take care, only one of which I can put on autopilot.


Have a good one

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Overcast, dull, but dry-ish and yes - mild.


Awaiting a UPS delivery, as I have been for a couple of days. From near Frankfurt, which is hardly the back of beyond. For some reason it lost a day at Chilly Mazarin (I think that's Paris to you and me) and that was acknowledged on the website, but then seemed to get stuck again in Le Mans, where they didn't recognise the address. As it's an ebay sale by a commercial seller, the address must have been printed, so I'm at a loss to know the problem. The last item on the itinerary is Le Mans yesterday morning, after they'd apparently sorted out the delivery address issue. I would have expected it to be signed out from LM early today, but no data so far. Hmmmm. Hope it hasn't been kicked about when it arrives.


Was starting work on the Rio Grande Southern trestle bents last night. Had found some small and neat cheap wood-glue bottles with long thin spouts, just right for smaller joints. First attempts at gluing bore no fruit. Far from being white glue that turns clear and sets in 5 mins as promised, this was very thin and clear and unset after an hour! So I shook the bottle - result a better product altogether. Read the instrucciones in French and English - not a mention of shaking before use, just don't let it freeze or it's ruined. Looking good this morning.


Hope your week winds down well, and weekend is relaxing.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, dry now after a very wet start.  Outside that is.


Barry, the Royal Armouries...always known as the Royal Ovaries to us......look at the brown road signs for it.....you will never see it in the same light again!  An ex-work colleague used to work there (his first degree was archaeology) and tells tales of play fighting with the weapons when setting up displays - out of sight of the CCTV!  I presume this would not have been with rare and highly valuable artefacts - hopefully.  He's a big lad (6'4'' and 24 stone) so I didn't ever push the point.  Think Hagrid, which is what the kids used to call him, he was a probation officer with us, a top bloke.

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 I read this and noted that the study was conducted using a number of (London based?) civil servants. Now, as a very large generalisation (for which I will don flak jacket and tin helmet), civil servants get promoted throughout their lives so the older they are, the more senior they become - ergo, the more senior they become and having had the opportunity / been forced to drink 2 pints a day every day from the age of 40, the more their brains have become addled.


MOMENT OF PROFOUND ENLIGHTENMENT - this is why Westminster civil servants seem to think they and only they know what to do - they have forgotten anyone else exists!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Very wet here. Robbie won't need to go to the park to splash through puddles, the lawn is collecting rainwater nicely. Last winter was wet, (wettest for 37 years), I'm sure this one could be wetter.

Side effects: I'm sure pharmacies like Lloyds have a scheme where you can report side effects. Though side effects can be useful, I have in the past been prescribed codeine not for analgesic effect but for its effect on the colon. My mother used to read the patient information leaflets that came with medication. I don't know how many times I said they were possibilities not compulsory.


Drinking: I wonder how closely these people were monitored. Alcohol consumption and time spent watching TV for some reason seem to attract answers that are economical with the truth.


Leeds: I think I mentioned that Aditi said when she went to Leeds earlier this year she just felt so happy at being surrounded by Yorkshire voices! She lived in Knaresborough and Huddersfield from the age of 6 until 11. I think it was a very happy time for her.



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Morning all!  Dull and overcast here in Spalding, but dry, so could be worse!  Accounts almost done, and abandoned for now as I'm off to Jane's later for the start of my 'Mystery Birthday Weekend'.


Steam engines, biplanes and cinema have all been floated past me, I suspect for reactions, but as I was enthusiastic about all of 'em either I've got a hell of a treat coming up, or it's going to be The Titfield Thunderbolt followed by Aces High!


Hope you have a good one whatever your plans!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


I misread Gruf's post as "I have another brewery job to deal with. The last one dragged on whilst waiting for pints and service" and I thought, can't be too bad - to be paid to drink ale... I then re-read the post...


Just back from taking the Hairy Monster to the dog-sitter. We don't have to, but as he suffers from separation anxiety (much better now than when we first had him), we are slowly acclimatising him to us being away for differing amounts of time, and we make a small fuss of him upon of returning (so that he learns that no matter what we will always come back for him). Not that I can rest easy, Mrs iD HAS A LIST! and I must dash around, recycling and shopping.


On a different note, have/do any ERs lived in/live in Hull? Yesterday, I was approached by a headhunter about a senior position in a company in Hull and noises were made about "matching my present salary, terms and conditions" and I was wondering what Hull (and surrounding areas) is (are) like to live and work in.


Mind you Hull is a right pig to get to. I would either have to fly into London and take the train to Hull or fly into Leeds/Bradford (via LHR) and take the train to Hull (so no work week in Hull, weekends in Basel - at least not easily or worthwhile financially or by time time at home allowed). Out of curiosity I looked at how much a first class return London-Hull return railway ticket would be. It was obscenely high (north of £350 - for that amount I can fly BSL - LCY  with SWISS and spend 1 night in a hotel and still have money left over for shopping....) whilst on the SBB I can get a 1st Class 1 day Travelpass for CHF 121 (£82). No wonder no one sets up shop in many of the cities in the North East of England, hard to get to directly and prohibitively expensive to travel to from London (although the railfare for Leeds - Hull is a more reasonable £54 open ended 1st Class return). 


It's all academic really, I now have both a Mrs iD and a HM to maintain and take care, only one of which I can put on autopilot.


Have a good one

Hull... well if you live in parts of it its not bad - you could also fly to Schipol then to Kirmington (humberside) which is the south bank of the Humber. Depending on where in hull you were to work then you could stay in Beverley or up the coast.


It does have a model shop - and a couple of decent Model Railway groups.


- my eldest Herbert has survived there 6 years at the University so it can't be too bad ...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Clearly iD has not learnt to think entirely outside the box regarding air travel to/from the north of England ;)   First point, the airport with, usually, the best range of flights is Manchester and secondly the airport with the best range of rail services (apart from the fact that it has actually got some) is - you guessed - Manchester (hourly train service to Hull, one change).  So try that combination (I believe Swiss fly to Manchester) and you might find it more amenable?


As for Hull - well in this age of climate change it all boils down to deciding whether or not you want to spend time in the lowest city in England where parts flood at the drop of a wave, but some places inland from there aren't too bad and Yorkshire - as previously advertised this morning by Barry O - does have an awful lot going for it  (although, notwithstanding my heritage, it might not have quite so much as Switzerland).


That apart the weather here is reasonably miserable although quite bright - but more showers expected and definitely POETS day for me as come lunch time I shall be shoving off to see another sort of 'ologist - this time at the RBH in Reading with its atrocious car park.  This time its the audiologist, about my tinnitus, and they sound like quite a competent bunch as they 'phoned yesterday to remind me about my appointment, a first in our experience  for anything to do with the RBH.


Have a good day one & all and I dunno about Ground Hog Day but I'm wondering if today might be Dukedog day!

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