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I've always thought that to live in France requires one to be a masochist...


Of course Academie francaise is the prime example of a people both insecure yet at the same time full of pomposity. Hollande is another fine example, little tw@t full of sh$t.


Lovely countryside, though. :mail:


Best, Pete.


C' mon Pete. . . . don't beat about the bush . . . . . Say what you really think ! ! ! ! 

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  • RMweb Gold

G'day all,


Well the weather looked promising so didn't bother with a coat for the stroll down to the town and the surgery - however the promise changed so it was into a charity shop to buy an umbrella.  But we missed the worst of it as my appointment was delayed by 15 minutes and herself made an emergency appointment which was delayed by 30 minutes 'because the receptionist forgot she was sitting there waiting'.  Without going into technicalities my cholesterol is down ('I think giving up the daily pork pie helped' said the doctor), blood sugar was slightly up but well inside the acceptable zone, red & white cells are apparently happy, kidneys are allegedly nothing to worry about and the prostate was found to be (ouch) quite normal, statin changed for one less likely to reduce me to a quivering wreck - so all in all not a bad visit.


No parcel from Cornwall so no Dukedog pic from me yet.  And may Ash's passage of Reading station be blessed with a lack of rain, operating escalators (the lifts are much better if you have heavy luggage - just keep on going past the escalators, I'm assuming you're travelling in the posh end of the train and it will be the right way round).


Enjoy the rest of your day one & all.

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Bit of a positive today.


But going back to yesterday. Did any of you listen to the Mahler on Radio 3? I was there, right above the tuba. The Mahler was wonderful, less sure about the racket in the first half.


But I got soaked cycling home afterwards. So a new pair of jeans today, and I'm now wearing 34" waist (albeit Marks & Sparks with their "comfortable" fitting). Two years ago I was struggling to fit into a 38" waist. Result!


I agree with Barry O on the subject of BMI. Fifteen years in the front row of a rugby scrum has left me with a build conducive with an "obese" outcome. The fact is that much of it is thighs, arse, chest and neck.


Have a good one, Bill

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  • RMweb Gold


I wonder what sort of food Ashers will get on her Carribean cruise? Probably bland "international cuisine" instead of the interesting and sometime fiery local specialities.


I've been on Ventura and the cooking theme was "Best of British". We were told don't go on P&O if you don't like British food, and don't expect to meet any passenger who isn't British. The food was fine. There was always a choice at dinner "influenced" by the local cuisine of the last port of call. I don't recall a bad meal in the restaurants and for those who prefer fast food there were cafeteria style places instead. We did have a meal at Marco Pierre White's restaurant on board but were not impressed enough to repeat the event, and the service there wasn't as good as the usual restaurant. The Pan Asian-Pacific restaurant was interesting but we liked that when they did Indian lunches. We did try the sit down formal full English breakfast but usually went with Matthew to the self service breakfast as he liked a small bucket of fresh fruit to start the day rather than something served more daintily.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all.


The sun has appeared here now and the birds are merrily snacking on the table (no, not the kitchen table, the one outside).


We have "egg war" locally with two groups of hens producing (lovely) eggs and their owners selling them at the roadside, supply has just out stripped demand so the price is now 6 for £1 - and they really do taste a lot better than the supermarket stuff (imho)


Enjoy your cruise Ashers - using my super powers* I see you are just leaving Thatcham running dead on time.


Have a good day all




* also known as http://www.realtimetrains.co.uk/train/P70111/2014/01/16/advanced

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....my cholesterol is down ('I think giving up the daily pork pie helped' said the doctor), blood sugar was slightly up but well inside the acceptable zone, red & white cells are apparently happy, kidneys are allegedly nothing to worry about and the prostate was found to be (ouch) quite normal,l.

...should we then conclude that the rest of you is falling apart, falling off or malfunctioning???

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

...should we then conclude that the rest of you is falling apart, falling off or malfunctioning???

Whenever they find something OK with me the medics always now qualify the good news with "for a man of your age"

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,

Was hoping to pop in this morning, but I couldn't muster up the energy to roll out of bed quick enough!

Surprisingly I actually did a bit of model-making yesterday...admittedly VERY slowly, but it's a start at least.

I'm afraid obviously I can't comment about marriage, but my grandparents have been married 50 years at least. And my parents I guess about half that. (I'm terrible with remembering events, birthdays, and anniversaries - does it show?!)

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon, recovering from tennis this morning which was played at a higher tempo than normal or so it seemed to me!


France and the French, hmm have to be careful when we are in sport combat as my sons girlfriend is French, she is very nice though.


My mum and dad were married 68 years which if I was to equal would see me around the 100 years of age mark!! not likely methinks

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  • RMweb Gold

...should we then conclude that the rest of you is falling apart, falling off or malfunctioning???


Sort of - but hopefully a change in statins will reduce the effects.  I even have a theme song (not, fortunately that things are this bad) and hopefully a change of statin will reverse the impact of the one I have been on.


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Whoops, late check in from me also... busy working (what!!!)


So it's "mostly sunny" here - never sure what the bloody difference between "mostly sunny" and "partly cloudy" is - but that's the official report!

We're presently at -6 headed for 2C as a high before the rollercoaster drop to -19 overnight and tomorrow a high of -13 then back to 0 by Sunday by all accounts!

Bigger news/issue is that the wind is picking up and we're expecting blizzard conditions to the west by overnight and tomorrow, not sure if it'll actually reach the metro area, i.e. my doorstep.

Wind chill right now -13, and I can't remember who's been using the term "real feel", but apparently Accuweather.com (US centric of course) do use that and they actually have RealFeel as a registered trademark! Not that that's any surprise, in the US here seems folks can trademark most anything, even everyday words - talk about stupid! (Sorry, I'm just strongly opinionated :) )


Last night did some minor repair to a Mainline Stanier 60', was missing a buffer, not anymore - and now await the one I scored on eBay to arrive, giving me a 6-coach rake of MINT (except for the buffer repaired one) coaches. Mostly a score because I've had 4 never out of box since I first bought them in the mid-80s and wanted two more to make a nice rake "because I can and like them somewhat". Odd really as I'm modelling BR/SR, but they caught my eye back then and I'd rather run them than part with them  :)

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

Ian I seem to remember the Sunny South Express ran from LMS metals (probably originally LNWR) and used to come through Reading GWR and take the link onto the SR.



The real 'Sunny South Express' ran via the West London Line Don.  I think all the booked WTT inter-regional passenger trains which ran via Reading station/New Jcn etc were GWR originators such as the [various places over the years] - Margate.

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  • RMweb Gold

I tend to be rather sceptical about Cholesterol levels scince two froends who have had heart attacks had level recorded at about 4 which is normally considered good. Last year Marions doctor advised her level was high but as the majority was the 'good' type it was best to leave it. One of the above friends has had a lot of trouble with statins after the chemists swapped to a generic form to which he proved intolerant (possible wheat content) so now has to use a particular chemist who will still stock the original.

As I will reach 65 this year I am expecting the doctors to recommend some of these things for me personally I would prefer to rely on exercise and change of diet if necessary rather than taking medication.


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Wonderful, I feel vindicated :)


I shall therefore run my Stanier rake without any qualms whatsoever - even though they are Mainline models :beee: I actually really like the Mainline stuff, and Lima too. I've lots of both as a result of originally purchasing in the mid-80s. It's all been sitting MIB for the past 30 years! :senile:

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  • RMweb Gold

The real 'Sunny South Express' ran via the West London Line Don.  I think all the booked WTT inter-regional passenger trains which ran via Reading station/New Jcn etc were GWR originators such as the [various places over the years] - Margate.

Your information may well be better than mine. I remember reading it but books arn't always right!


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Had a long running battle with my (last, male) GP who was always trying to get me on statins, 'just because a man of your age, etc., etc., ' 


At my annual MOT last week my (new) GP said, "Well, your cholesterol is OK, BP fine, blood sugars OK, weight OK, and you're obviously keeping yourself fit, so though normally for someone aged 56 I might recommend them, in your case I really don't think there's any point."


I smiled at (her) sweetly and said, "Thanks Doc, very nice of you to say so, but I'm actually 66!"

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I pumped the tyres up on my Mountain Bike today - thanks to you........


Probably means yet more snow, though.


Best, Pete.

Sounds like some good exercise Pete....













are you going to ride it too?? <rimshot>  :haha:  :sarcastic:

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