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Thanks DD, but it was the moon out of focus and over exposed that was bugging me.  


Of course by the time I realised it, the moon had dropped behind the horizon.  The wonders of modern cameras, poor eyesight and insufficient light to see what you're doing…


Have a good holiday Ashers.  I suspect the Caribbean will be a tad better than the best of what Reading has to offer..:-)

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Morning all, I like that Gordon 'moon held up by wires shock' you might be able to sell it to a red top.It is a bit lighter here and the sky is a uniform light grey but not raining at present. Tonight I am going to check the boa for shed skin last time I lifted her hide up she was perfectly positioned to bite me she didn't even open her mouth but I put the hide back smartly.It is good DD that you remember your wedding with affection despite the mishaps.

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Just a quick "Good morning!" from me today as I should be finishing my packing. We're catching the 11.12 from Torquay to Gatwick via Reading, overnight at Travelodge then we shall fly out to Barbados tomorrow to join "Ventura" for a Caribbean cruise. As its our first cruise with P & O, there is no free Wifi so apologies in advance for potential absence from here.


Take care and see you next month!

Even the paid for wifi is a bit limited. Matthew paid for a few hours so he could get some exam results and said it was very slow, just about OK for email! 

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Even the paid for wifi is a bit limited. Matthew paid for a few hours so he could get some exam results and said it was very slow, just about OK for email! 

Yes the wifi on P & O is poor.   The log in process on our cruise was very slow and you wasted a large proportion of your minutes logging on every time you wanted access and that all got charged for.   The only funny thing was that mobile phone reception was excellent at sea and one morning in a force 8 gale somewhere in the Carribean we were just waking up when my mobile went off with a call from an estate agent asking if i could take some potential purchasers round our sons house later that morning.  I had to explain that it would be a tad difficult.  




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Good morning all,

Another very wet night but it's not raining at the moment, 8oC with sunny periods this morning then lots more showers promised for later.

Nothing much planned today except visit to supermarket later.

Bit of good news is that after Abbie was very worried about her Spanish oral exam she has got an A!

Now into my sixth day of dieting & exercising. I'm getting rather worried that I'm beginning to enjoy it - that can't be right!

Have a good one,


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[quote name="gordon s" post="1305036" timestamp="


........Have a good holiday Ashers.  I suspect the Caribbean will be a tad better than the best of what Reading has to offer..:-)


Thanks, Gordon. I think my initial posting was slightly ambiguous - we shall stay at the Gatwick Central Travelodge tonight so we shall only experience the station at Reading.

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Morning All!


"Ah, Reading, gateway to the Caribbean"  Don't think I've ever heard that said before........................ Have a good break Ashers, and sandy beaches are very good for planning layouts on...........


Sunny, not too cold or windy here in Slapding, so out on the bike after the 'Looney Parent Run' to schools finishes at about 9.30.  Rain forecast from later today and seemingly all day tomorrow too so I might just be forced to do some modelling................................. :locomotive:

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Yes the wifi on P & O is poor.   The log in process on our cruise was very slow and you wasted a large proportion of your minutes logging on every time you wanted access and that all got charged for.   The only funny thing was that mobile phone reception was excellent at sea and one morning in a force 8 gale somewhere in the Carribean we were just waking up when my mobile went off with a call from an estate agent asking if i could take some potential purchasers round our sons house later that morning.  I had to explain that it would be a tad difficult.  




It got better.  a force 8 gale when it's hot enough to sunbathe is a bit different.  Also on the Sunday morning we went to the morning service held in the theater in the bows of the ship.   We were rolling and pitching a bit and the speaker assemblies were swaying above our heads.  as we looked around everyone else was also swaying in time to the ship. The Captain then announced the hymn and said it ws the sailors Hymn.  What else did we start with but:-


'Eternal Father Strong to save'


of which each verse ends:-


'Lord hear us when we cry to thee,

for those in peril on the sea.'


Which seemed rather appropriate in the circumstances.




Edited by jamie92208
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Morning, a very mixed bag of weather so far, rain/wind/sun/showers/still/fresh  delete as appropriate.


Team all down in the dumps after yesterdays news, hard to motivate people in these circumstances - ie when people from 'outside' want to fiddle with what we do/how we do it, without any real knowledge of local conditions.  I have this T shirt already, it achieved nothing last time either.....just upset and argument.  It has already resulted in our two major partners (therefore funders...) CEO's having a total fallout.  Oh joy. :butcher:


NHN is thinking he can retire in 8 weeks or so if he really wants, but he can't afford to, unfortunately.  Actuarial reductions too great. :nono:

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Morning all


The last time I changed at Reading, a couple of years ago I suppose, it was pretty chaotic. I am aware that there is an ongoing thread about the major rebuilding works there, but haven't dipped in in a while. Hope Sherry's interchange proves hassle-free. Presumably the Gatwick Travelodge is quadruple-glazed.


As I've lived here for nearly 10 years, you might think I'd speak rather good French, but not really so. Nevertheless, anyone who just did a bit of French at skool might enjoy this link. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/francois-hollande/10573002/Sketch-Francois-Hollande-et-son-alleged-bit-sur-le-side.html?fb which I found on Facebook. The French media is entirely in the pocket of Government, in a country where the Nazis may have left 70 years ago, but Gestapo-type methods are still a way of life. Buy a PAYG SIMcard for your phone - and you must register your name and address with proof at the time of purchase. Control, control, control.


A wet night has given way to a more promising day, with blue sky here and there. Though there is little breeze, the clouds are doing a fair old scud across the sky, so there must be breeze at altitude all right.


Good to see so many ERs relating how long they've been married. Whatever my views on weddings, I thoroughly approve of marriage for all the right, romantic reasons. It's called commitment.


Have a good day!

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Morning, some fairly heavy rain in the night perhaps more showers today.

Mentions of Reading and Wokingham bring back memories. The telephone exchange was still manual the first time I went there. Switchboard ladies on mass were quite adept at making young engineers blush.

Have a good day


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Good to see so many ERs relating how long they've been married. Whatever my views on weddings, I thoroughly approve of marriage for all the right, romantic reasons. It's called commitment.


Have a good day!





Yep - I've been committed for 43 years & 7 months! :senile:

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Morning All,


Hailstones currently battering the kitchen windows so a Caribbean cruise sounds a rather nice idea. Supposed to go and play a golf match shortly!


I'm wondering whether there are ever weddings without disasters. At our wedding nearly 32 years ago the majority of the guests were musicians as herself and I were both into brass bands rather seriously. An electrical fault took out all the power from the church so the organist sat there looking rather forlorn unable to play. We had decided to have the organ so that we didn't have to choose which of the folks would play so nobody had brought their instruments. The a capella singing was quite impressive though!


Half way through the reception we were intrigued as to why one of the guests was jumping up and down waving her arms in the air. She's a bit of a character so we just accepted it for a while until another person closer to the top table pointed out that the cake was doing an impression of the leaning tower of Pisa and about to collapse.


Have a good one all.




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Good to see so many ERs relating how long they've been married. Whatever my views on weddings, I thoroughly approve of marriage for all the right, romantic reasons. It's called commitment.


Have a good day!

We were attending the wedding of Aditi's brother and his soon to be wife Emma. On the morning Rajan mentioned to Aditi that they would like her to deliver one of the readings which was an apparently popular poem about commitment. This was rather a surprise to Aditi so having been given the words she started practising in front of myself and Matthew. Unfortunately we tried hard but collapsed with hysterical laughter. She went out saying she was going out to find somewhere where there weren't "silly" people. We felt bad (eventually) and found her in the hotel garden by a pond with an audience of ducks who seemed to be paying attention. 

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Logged on this morning expecting to see a huge array of 'Dukedog' pictures:  Still nothing!


Apart from that it is a nice pleasant morning, but since the Obergrumpenfuhrer is away, I'm not sure whether I should spend some quality time raking up leaves, or trying out a recipe for cinnammon rolls.


There again there is always the drudge of going through RM Web.


It's a strain on my valuable time, but someone's got to do it!



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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning, because I had to pop over to our local registry office first to pick up some paperwork.  Unfortunately, the registrar is off sick - so I didn't get very far with that one.


Despite the politicians telling us otherwise, Europe is far from unified and paperwork from one country (the UK) isn't necessarily satisfactory for another (Germany).


I am getting married for the second time in June, and I rather hope that we don't have any disasters!  I also sincerely hope that we can reach Bobs very impressive 43 years - and even longer for that matter.  Although, given that I am 40 the chances of it lasting much longer are relatively slim :whistle:


The weather is grey once again - with still no sign of Winter.


Have a good day everyone...

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Apart from that it is a nice pleasant morning, but since the Obergrumpenfuhrer is away, I'm not sure whether I should spend some quality time raking up leaves, or trying out a recipe for cinnammon rolls.



Raking up leaves - cinnamon rolls - rolls leaves - leaves rolls....................................... Got to be rolls then, just leave some for us!

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. The French media is entirely in the pocket of Government, in a country where the Nazis may have left 70 years ago, but Gestapo-type methods are still a way of life. Buy a PAYG SIMcard for your phone - and you must register your name and address with proof at the time of purchase. Control, control, control.


I've always thought that to live in France requires one to be a masochist...


Of course Academie francaise is the prime example of a people both insecure yet at the same time full of pomposity. Hollande is another fine example, little tw@t full of sh$t.


Lovely countryside, though. :mail:


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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Lovely countryside, though. :mail:.

And great food (for the most part).


Although I think that, overall, the average quality of food in Italy in restaurants and trattorias (outside those patronised by tourists) is higher. The Italians remain passionate about locally sourced, seasonal, food, which is seen in what ends up on the table (interestingly, at a greengrocer's in Bologna, I saw a sign saying "foreign vegtables here" [or similar wording] over some produce which had come from the foreign shores of...... Sicily).


British food (and I mean native, traditional, British dishes) can vary from the utterly sublime to the utterly vile. All dependent on the quality of the ingredients and the skill and (dare I say it) passion of the cook. I've had Roast Beef and the trimmings for which I would walk over broken glass in bare feet (or even model post-privatisation UK railways) just for another helping and I've had Roast Beef and the trimmings prepared and cooked to such a poor standard that even the HM would turn his nose up at it (and he's a dog, for goodness sake, they're not really known for their gastronomic dscrimination...).


I wonder what sort of food Ashers will get on her Carribean cruise? Probably bland "international cuisine" instead of the interesting and sometime fiery local specialities.




p.s. I think that you can tell that I haven't had lunch yet...

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Yes, Flavio, I can't imagine that goat is anywhere onboard Sherry's ship.


I confess to being a big Italophile (sic) for just about everything except it's politics - which are risible. I believe that Italian wines have suffered outside the country due to the perceived lack of control, compared to France. A good Italian wine is really, very good!


I cannot agree with you more on the subject of British food.


Best, Pete.

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