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  • RMweb Gold

I feel safe to ask on here as none of the people I'm about to mention frequent RM web, but does anyone else work in an office full of lookalikes? We have lookalikes of Mrs Doyle (Father Ted), Ken Livingstone , the lady sergeant from Heartbeat, Ricky Tomlinson ( Jim Royle ) and David Walliams (doing "I'm a lady" on Little Britain)


Beat that!

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  • RMweb Premium

Good Yawning.


Grateful for small mercies as ever I seem to be awake for another day.


Weddings?  Had one once.  A home-made affair with around 20 close friends and family.  Loved it.  Almost up to our 20th anniversary now.  Highly recommended.

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  • RMweb Premium

I feel safe to ask on here as none of the people I'm about to mention frequent RM web, but does anyone else work in an office full of lookalikes? We have lookalikes of Mrs Doyle (Father Ted), Ken Livingstone , the lady sergeant from Heartbeat, Ricky Tomlinson ( Jim Royle ) and David Walliams (doing "I'm a lady" on Little Britain)


Beat that!



Well, downstairs in social services there is a Mrs Doyle, there's a Ricky Tomlinson in IT, but our lady sergeant looks like, er, a bloke...... :O   Our old inspector is the copper from Hot Fuzz - not in looks but in actions! :triniti:

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I know it's called "Light Rail" but this is ridiculous :)




Shot in St. Paul today at lunch time - shows the progress on completion of the second light rail line in the area, due to "go live" sometime in 2014, there is no-one prepared to provide a date - "it's been under construction for bloody ever" I was heard to remark  :O


Shot taken from the "skyway system" that allows us to traverse the city in indoor clothing even though it's -12 still outside

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  • RMweb Gold

I used to tease my Brother in Law that he had the same expressions as Grommit and could have a career in panto. However he now suggests that if the medical career flops he could get a job as an Ed Milliband impersonator. We have had the official Ed (+ family) Christmas card here for a couple of years and quite a few people have asked who are those people with Rajan (Aditi's brother)?



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The coach tours in hotels thing is no fun on the other end of it. You go on a coach tour and they say "you will be staying at a 3 or 4 star hotel......." What they don't mention is you do not get the same meals or service as the rest of the guests, and you get the worst rooms too. Second class citizens doesn't cover it.


BMI is fine for me. I looked at the chart and found I'm just a bit under height for my weight, so I just stand on a box. (Edit to say I need to be 7'3")


Marriage, I have been married 24 years so you would think I've done OK, and would soon be due some nice presents. Sadly it's 24 years over three marriages :scratchhead: so perhaps i'm not so clever after all. Still, "practice makes perfect" or "third time lucky" or "will he NEVER learn?????" :jester:



OR ! !  you just like wedding cake . . . . . .

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  • RMweb Premium

I think the best thing I did was wait until 30 to get married MrsB to be was 21....


John I think you should upgrade your computer by teaching it to fly.... table to floor, top of stairs to bottom then finally multi storey top deck to ground after that pick up as much as you can and take back to IT and tell them the upgrade failed.

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  • RMweb Premium

Reading Max Hastings (well known right wing) journalist's book Catastrophe and I'm sorry MrGove but he has lions led by donkeys too complete with extensive diagrams revealing all the armies started the war as lions led by donkeys too.

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John I think you should upgrade your computer by teaching it to fly.... table to floor, top of stairs to bottom then finally multi storey top deck to ground after that pick up as much as you can and take back to IT and tell them the upgrade failed.

They keep the windows closed now when I visit - it's on the seventh floor.

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Reading Max Hastings (well known right wing) journalist's book Catastrophe and I'm sorry MrGove but he has lions led by donkeys too complete with extensive diagrams revealing all the armies started the war as lions led by donkeys too.

Morning All,

As an enthusiastic reader of military and political history, my readings confirm the "Lions Led By Donkeys" view of WWI, although the donkeys were the politicians and general staff. The "Officer Class" (mostly, but not always, ex-Public School) had a horrendous casualty rate (I read a book called, I think, "17 Days", which detailed how short the average life span of junior officers was [i can dig out title and author if anyone's interested]). Although a number of senior officers (Brigadier General and above) were captured, killed or wounded, the Blackadder caricature of the General Staff (Melchitt, Darling) has more than a grain of truth to it. (interestingly, because of the way the ANZAC troops were squandered by the British High Command in WWI, a condition of Australia's and New Zealand's participation in WWII was that they would be commanded by their own Generals [and I know I simplify])


Where Gove is right, is that the mentality of those going off to fight was very patriotic and what we'd call today "gung-ho"; in 1914, apart from a few pacifists, conscientious objectors and "politicals", men thought their noble and patriotic duty was to go off and fight for King and Empire against the "Boche". Furthermore, any reading of contemporary accounts of Pre-WWI Germany will dispel the notion of Germany being an unwilling victim, only drawn into the war by a network of alliances. Kaiser Wilhem and his politicians had "plans" and Britain in particular was in the way...


Anyway, off to have a second cup of coffee and then off to work.


Enjoy the day...

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  • RMweb Premium

The night was cooler here too.  A lot to do with the air-con being set to 21C and on turbo.  Not very Carbon-friendly but with a dozen decent trees on the block we repay a little to the planet.  Forecast top of 44C here today.  If the sand wasn't so hot it would make perfect beach weather!!!

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Good Morning all,  


Temperatures dropped here to, down to 29c,  at the moment rising to 32c  - real feel (wind chill in reverse) of 40c....


Married, yes I was for 37 years...until "the other half" decided that she didnt want to be any more...nuff said on that!  


Try to enjoy your day, 



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Married in a local small town.

Very impressive Town Hall was the planned location.

Actually married in a portacabin in the supermarket car park as the Town Hall was being refurbished.

Gales that day. Trees down.

Funniest wedding I've ever attended.

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DD My initial intention was to click on Funny but wanted both Funny & Supportive, but Friendly seemed the safest.

How many years now?


New plan now is to urge Andy Y to allow us to click on multiple responses.

Edited by DonBradley
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Funny would have been fine, Don.

Friends at a nearby stately home invited the wedding party for champagne on the way to the reception where MiL (who then bore a marked resemblance) was mistaken for the Queen Mother.

She toured the very windy gardens with aplomb - not puzzled at all by the deference shown to her.

At the actual wedding the back fell off my chair.

I have camcorder film of a lady photographer falling in a 'You've been Framed' manner into a bush.

... lots of comical memories.

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Just a quick "Good morning!" from me today as I should be finishing my packing. We're catching the 11.12 from Torquay to Gatwick via Reading, overnight at Travelodge then we shall fly out to Barbados tomorrow to join "Ventura" for a Caribbean cruise. As its our first cruise with P & O, there is no free Wifi so apologies in advance for potential absence from here.


Take care and see you next month!

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Morning all…It's dark out there…and it rained again most of the night.  A beautiful moon just above the treetops.  Sadly the pic didn't do it justice and by the time I had go downstairs to check on my PC, the moment had gone..






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  • RMweb Premium

Dark still but looks like a clear sky is awaiting day break, youngest

herbert has a day off so off to the PO,the bank then.. The Royal Armouries beckon.


Have a super day..Asher's you need to check your luggage in case any ERs have stowed away!:-)

Best regards

Barry o

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