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Early Risers.


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Currently, I believe, known as "The Osborne Syndrome!"

I believe that to be simply a renaming of the Balls syndrome, the Darling syndrome, the Brown syndrome and previous names under which it was to be found include the Major syndrome, the Lawson syndrome and the Brittan syndrome! I believe it starts with a belief that one has a right to squander money one robs from society in the form of general taxation to spend on projects and whims aimed at improving the lot of those who will offer you fabulous riches as soon as you leave public office (definitely NOT public service). 


Grumpy old cynical f@rt moi???

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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks for the lovely welcome back everyone!

I've really got to start getting up earlier, but I don't think I'll ever be a true Early Riser, my routine doesn't allow it. Most nights I go to bed at 2 or 3am (so I guess that's technically morning when I go to bed!). It's my day off today, so I'm really hoping my huge package will arrive, although the most annoying part is I have no tracking number. I treated myself to a rather nice music keyboard that I can link up with the computer, hopefully it will improve the music I've been making recently for a game.


As for London buses, I don't think I've ever been on one, nor have I been on the underground, and I haven't even been on a mainline train in the UK! Ironically, my first experience on a mainline train was on that holiday to Italy - when I went on about 4 of them! I wonder if you would like a few photos from my trip, I can't think you'd want to hear me rabbit on for half an hour about it.


Talking about diets, I'm lucky that I've never had to go on one. I don't eat enough - if I dieted I don't think there'd be much left of me! Although the stuff I do eat isn't always that healthy, I just can't stand the texture of vegetables. The only reason I can fathom is that of my operation, and the hole in the roof of my mouth. Stuff always used to get stuck in there (Sorry if you are eating right now!), so I can only assume it has something to do with that.


Right, time to make more music and drink plenty of cuppas!

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  • RMweb Premium

Weddings?  I grew up going to family, friend's, neighbour's church weddings with reception in the church hall or similar hall with sit down meal followed by (free) bar and dancing the evening away to a live band.  Things like the Conga, doing the Hokey Cokey and singing Auld Lang Syne spring to mind.  Those were the days, my friend...





I might have a wedding myself this year - finally after 40 odd years of being chased, someone has caught me.


Saving the best till last, then?

Hope it all works out great for you both, Dave.

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  • RMweb Premium

They're going to a Premier Inn?


Sounds like they may have done already! :jester: 


Raining again here. The rain has even got into the boot of my car leaving a damp smell. And, because it's raining, I can't leave the boot open to air and dry out. Mi dispiace! 

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Not OFSTED Mick - the last one was HM Inspectorate of Probation (who 'didn't get it' fully, but got some of it....), this one is a management consultant from the UK - CV looks good, but it remains to be seen if he can get his head around how things work over here, and in this team in particular as we don't exist in legislation!


The terms of reference make it look like we are being set up to fail....not impressed.

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I have noted all the earlier postings about exercise bikes. I don't think I'll be getting one. I decommissioned (unplugged) the Christmas Tree on 12th Night but have only felt fit enough to dismantle it today. Walking up and down the stairs with bags of tree components has been my exercise (Robbie will get a walk but he can do all the running about, not me).


Aditi has been diagnosed with tonsillitis so I suppose she must be one of those people with regenerative tonsils as she had them removed over 50 years ago! 



Edited by Tony_S
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My Nephew got married in Sept. For a venue he persuaded someone to let him use their field, Hired a big Yurt which with the help of friends they erected.The food was bought

made up into portions and put into a bag. So in my bag was a good cheese, smoked salmon, rolls, butter pats salad, delicious and not so expensive. Very imaginative with costs well under control.


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Weather - Into the office today and a balmy -17C for the drive, no more snow overnight but expecting some tonight (avoiding Paul apparently, lucky you :) ) We're going for the roller-coaster effect this week, -2 tomorrow, -12 Friday, +1 by Sunday. All the result of "Alberta Clippers" that bash down on us form Canada this time of year...


Marriage - I strongly recommend it, with the right person. Mrs and I enjoying 32+ years now. Not without it's own roller-coaster effect but wodnerful for us - "affordable" wedding with small group back then. Enjoyable for all without any punch ups :locomotive:


Weddings - people have gone NUTS it seems. All we hear over here (generalization) is huge expenses, for young folks that shouldn't be wasting their money on the even to the extent they do, PUHLEASE, exercise some sanity!


Olddudders (Ian #1) - I'm with you (seems alot of us in the same age group are) - out of step with many of the current societal values - yay for us  :danced:


Exercise - we've an "elliptical" that Mrs uses to great effect, I can't get to grips with it, even being fairly fit the stupid thing hurts my knees when I use it :nono:

Instead, we're "power walking", 3 miles at about 3+ mph most days when we can fit it in. Of course in WINTER that means we can't walk outside, not the cold as much as fear of slipping on the icy sidewalks, so we join the ranks of what are known here at least as "Mall walkers". The enclosed large shopping malls are the perfect place for a brisk walk, especially around the dinner hour, everyone who'd be shopping is home eating :stinker: and you only bump into other "walkers"...


Mini - LOVE IT, the new ones aren't exactly mini are they :nono: if I can fit easily (6' 3") they aren't what they used to be, besides they're really a BMW now or worse!!! 


OK - off to do some work before lunch calls - part of the reason for coming in to the office one day a week is to have lunch with a long time buddy, Z-scale currrently.

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About 5 or 6 years ago my mate rang to ask if I could give him a hand on the thursday -his girlfriends birthday- with the promise of a free lunch afterwards.


Nowt too flash, shirt and tie, trousers instead of denim.


They picked me up on the morning and asked me to be a witness for them and that was it. Them, her mate and me.


No fuss and a pub lunch. . . . shame about the mate but.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think Aditi quite likes the theatricality of weddings but I know even after nearly 37 years she still feels sadness that her mother put social standing in the community ahead of her daughter and made sure none of her family attended. Some of her more liberal, Californian based family didn't object to her marrying out of "culture", "faith" etc but couldn't understand how she could marry someone from the working class.

My parents, brother and an aunt were going to be be the only wedding guests but somehow colleagues at the school I taught at found out and insisted on coming, so Aditi ordered a giant Black Forest Gateau as an emergency wedding cake. The night before the wedding some friends from university who lived in Liverpool rang up to ask when we were getting wed and and on being informed, rushed out, hired a car and arrived in time at the registry office the next morning. They looked so tired they stayed with us and took us to Burnham and Maldon the following afternoon. We always tell people it was our honeymoon.

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Another small wedding couple here too, 30 years ago come March. Immediate family and a handful of close friends, best man was a fellow officer from sea, pub reception, different pub disco in the evening (we were young then!).  Didn't want to waste our house deposit money.


Oddly Debs family thought I was 'after her money' which is a bit rich considering for most of our married life I have been the major wage earner!  Nowadays we earn almost the same as I have stepped back from more senior roles - NHS management stress did that!

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I think Aditi quite likes the theatricality of weddings but I know even after nearly 37 years she still feels sadness that her mother put social standing in the community ahead of her daughter and made sure none of her family attended. Some of her more liberal, Californian based family didn't object to her marrying out of "culture", "faith" etc but couldn't understand how she could marry someone from the working class.

My parents, brother and an aunt were going to be be the only wedding guests but somehow colleagues at the school I taught at found out and insisted on coming, so Aditi ordered a giant Black Forest Gateau as an emergency wedding cake. The night before the wedding some friends from university who lived in Liverpool rang up to ask when we were getting wed and and on being informed, rushed out, hired a car and arrived in time at the registry office the next morning. They looked so tired they stayed with us and took us to Burnham and Maldon the following afternoon. We always tell people it was our honeymoon.



And they said it wouldn't last ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

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  • RMweb Gold

About 5 or 6 years ago my mate rang to ask if I could give him a hand on the thursday -his girlfriends birthday- with the promise of a free lunch afterwards.


Nowt too flash, shirt and tie, trousers instead of denim.


They picked me up on the morning and asked me to be a witness for them and that was it. Them, her mate and me.


No fuss and a pub lunch. . . . shame about the mate but.


bet that's what she said LOL

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The coach tours in hotels thing is no fun on the other end of it. You go on a coach tour and they say "you will be staying at a 3 or 4 star hotel......." What they don't mention is you do not get the same meals or service as the rest of the guests, and you get the worst rooms too. Second class citizens doesn't cover it.


BMI is fine for me. I looked at the chart and found I'm just a bit under height for my weight, so I just stand on a box. (Edit to say I need to be 7'3")


Marriage, I have been married 24 years so you would think I've done OK, and would soon be due some nice presents. Sadly it's 24 years over three marriages :scratchhead: so perhaps i'm not so clever after all. Still, "practice makes perfect" or "third time lucky" or "will he NEVER learn?????" :jester:

Edited by colin penfold
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My wedding was very much a DIY affair. We did it all (except the cooking and even then I made sure it was my menu at the Wedding dinner that was tabled), Mrs iD's assorted relatives hosted my assorted friends and relatives (who were grossly outnumbered, I think only 9 guests were from my side [friends/family], the remaining 30+ came from Mrs iD's side [friends/family]). What rankled (and still does, a bit) was that a number of Mrs iD's relatives turned up who I had never seen before and have never seen since (but which had to be invited). It was a small wedding ceremony (civil), followed by a small lunch at a very nice restaurant. The evening was dedicated to the various relatives, friends and assorted hangers on at a nice wine merchants cellar function room (for want of a better description). Whilst it was mufti at the civil ceremony (lounge suit) it was "smart casual" for the evening, though immediate family (FiL, BiL, myself), wore evening dress (and for the ladies smart frocks). Honeymoon was an indulgence: first class flight to Cairo and a 5 day cruise on the Nile....


Regular readers of my inanities know I enjoy the occasional frisson of schadefreude, well a number of Mrs iD's so-called-friends said (and to my face) that it wouldn't last. They're now divorced, Mrs iD and I have been happily tolerating each other for nearly a quarter of a century now... :imsohappy:

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Just to close the circle, our own wedding was in the local church with around 30 guests and the receptions was at home, so no fancy stuff at all.


Edit:  Just back after spending 5 hours 'assisting' the plumber.  The new pump went in, but not without the usual failed and jammed valves, all of which meant draining the system.  Not an issue normally, but a whole new ball game in a second floor flat...


Then the tank was completely furred up, so the water had to be syphoned out.  Once all that was done, failed bottle valves (the auto bleed valves on the boiler) meant there was a huge air lock and the system wouldn't fill, causing the boiler to keep shutting down with insufficient water.  Took an hour or so to diagnose that the bleed valves were the problem.  Once we had new ones from Screwfix fitted, there was a lot of hissing and gurgling but slowly the rads heated up..Success!

Edited by gordon s
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Her indoors and myself have now got to the stage of life where we attend the weddings of the most junior relatives - this means we get to go to places like Hogwarts Hall (Alnwick Castle) and the mess at HMS Nelson ( the ceiling is an upside down replica of the hull of HMS Victory) as well as a fine view of Great Langdale...



We still see our Best man occasionally - so even after 34 years and 7 months of hard labour wedded bliss we can still remember the day we were married - England in the Cricket World cup final with Boycs and Brearley batting so slowly...

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A lot of the pre-marriage unpleasantness was due to Aditi basically disobeying her parents about introductions/arranged marriages. Until her late teens whenever the question of marriage came up her mother assured her she could choose who she liked and they only wished her to be happy. This wasn't quite true. What her mother meant was she could marry anyone her mother had chosen. When she was in her final undergraduate year lots of elderly ladies came round for tea and occasionally some young chap would accompany his "Aunty".

One of the things was that these ladies were really more interested in Aditi's sister ("the medical student") rather than Aditi ("the nice one!"). There was much disappointment that Aditi wasn't getting any offers from members of the medical profession and her mother was going to have to make do with lawyers or accountants.The timing of this must have been unfortunate as Aditi got stressed and only got a 2:2 degree instead of a more likely first. Her sister ran away from home. Now Aditi hadn't been allowed to study at university unless she lived at home but somehow managed to get on a PGCE course at Keele as Nottingham didn't do FE PGCEs. We met in a carpark at the end of the first week! That was 1974.

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Twenty nine years in a couple of months time. And it don't seem a day too long!


Ours was a small affair - six of us (seven if you include our son at minus five months) - honeymoon a weekend in York. We've actually been together thirty years this year. And yes, we got the comments about it'll never last.

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Collected my 'new laptop from work today. I say 'new' with tongue in as:


  • It was bought to replace the laptop in July 2012 because the Dean said my laptop, being then at least three years old, was looking tatty.
  • BTW this is the laptop I'm using to write this, and have been since about 2008.
  • It first went back for repair in about September 2012.
  • Then again in January 2013.
  • It was repaired under warranty, but took a long time
  • And again in February, March, April, May, June 2013.
  • It had most things replaced. Case of 'jack up keyboard, fit new computer'.
  • Took it away on hols - and then back to repair
  • And got it back
  • And returned it again
  • And got it back
  • And returned it again
  • This time I sat with them when the fault appeared.
  • I've had new disks this time.
  • It's just back with me. Installing updates (600+Mb)
  • See how it goes.
  • If it fails this time I WANNA MAC!!!

[EDIT] the original cost of this machine was fifteen hundred quid - so it's supposed to be a good one.


[FURTHER EDIT] It's now installing another 500Mb of updates!

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Gold

Her indoors and myself have now got to the stage of life where we attend the weddings of the most junior relatives - this means we get to go to places like Hogwarts Hall (Alnwick Castle) and the mess at HMS Nelson ( the ceiling is an upside down replica of the hull of HMS Victory) as well as a fine view of Great Langdale...



We still see our Best man occasionally - so even after 34 years and 7 months of hard labour wedded bliss we can still remember the day we were married - England in the Cricket World cup final with Boycs and Brearley batting so slowly...

I remember the day of my second wedding, as it was that night Diana had her fatal car crash. Quite a surreal sunday breakfast with our overnight guests with the breaking news, followed by the funeral occupying a lot of TV time in Greece during the honeymoon.

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