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Weddings.  In the old days people got married and your input as a guest was to buy the requisite present, get dressed up, enjoy the ceremony and then drink a bit and socialise.  My niece is from London and her intended from Leeds.  He plays guitar and sings a bit and there has always been the usual banter about the 'posh' south and the 'working class' north.  Of course those stereotypes have long gone, but he's going to stir it up all over again…:-)


 Thankfully it's all in good fun, but to an outsider it could be the start of one great punch up….


My brother got married (3rd time) last year. Various members of Aditi's family enquired about the event had gone. My reply of "very nice, very respectable, no punch-ups" didn't seem to be understood.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, back to grey fogginess here, inside not much different.


Staff meeting hell day, going to have to deliver some news that won't go down too well, yet another inspection.  Yet again by people from the adjacent island who don't understand our legislation is different to theirs...#sigh#....  it's going to be a rough end to the month.  No doubt the report will be the same as the last one - 'you're doing OK but you need to do a,b,c....'  when in fact we don't because we don't work to the same parameters.....funnily enough there have been changes to UK in recent years systems that are more like ours!

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all,

Sounds like we're all experiencing the extremes of weather recently. 

A damp and dull start to the day here.

Another Italian lessons starts in a few minutes followed by more electronics swatting. 

Then yet more garage clearing. 


Day 5 of no sugar in coffee and it tastes ok, verging on good! Checked out my cereal which was full of nuts, oats and fruit. And, apparently about 33g / 100g of sugar. So, that's going in the bin. For any other potential dieters out there I have about 1.5 to 2 stone to shed before I'd class myself as mid range on BMI. Accepting that BMI is old hat and the better metric is a measurement straight round the waist at the belly button level. 


Anyway, ta-ta for now and I'll pop back in again later. Andy

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Don,t talk to me about weight.. Suffice it to say I have lost some and Ned to lose some more.. BMI says I need to be about 13 stone. That is less than I weighed when I was 13 and playing rugby 3 times a week...:-0


The exercise bike has its moments yesterday I cranked up the resistance a little bit and set myself the target of 10 kilometres in 20 mins which I managed with 0.8 of a km extra. I laid on the kitchen floor to cool down having go my pulse up to 145 Mrs B was most concerned about my bright red face....


Hi Barry, BMI has now been largely discredited as a measure precisely because it doesn't distinguish between weight, muscle mass, and fat levels and/or visceral fat.  Our cycling club has a body mass machine which gives just these readings, and several members (who are also rugby players) have about 4% fat levels, and 1 or 0 readings for visceral, though in BMI measurements they are theoretically clinically obese!!


Mick, it might help if you back off the resistance a little but try to up your 'spin-rate' to 80-100 rpm instead.  That should burn fat better than trying for a high resistance initially.  Once you are comfortably achieving the times you want then increase your rolling resistance.  I have mine set up so I can watch Tour de France dvd's while I'm doing it.  The only dispiriting thing is they go uphill faster than I can go down! 


Anyway time to get out on the bike.  MTB today I think as last night's rain has left it too muddy for one of the posher bikes!


Have a good one and enjoy yourselves if you can whatever you're doing!

Edited by Adams442T
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DD my wallet seems to have been empty, so very light since I foolishly suggested a joint bank account in the early days of marriage...... Neil if that is OFSTED make sure they understand that the government they are reporting to isn't based in whitehall. They are great at turning a snapshot into a judgement but their political agenda is out of place on your island.


Peter that was the speed I was aiming for around 90 revs to give me the target distance I was looking for. The resistance is no where near the top I knew when I started that I was very unfit.

Edited by skipepsi
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Today it seems to be just rain, rain and more rain!  Now I have to go out in it and get wet, but I recall a very apt saying "There is no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing"!  Now to get wrapped up in the waterproofs...... 

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A nice day yesterday has turned to damp grey again today - but still, as I'm always trumpeting - blessedly mild.


Weddings? Biggest conspicuous consumption, waste of money, showing-off exercise known to Man. A total of 6 young people attended our ceremony in 1974, including us. And 3 of those 6 are now gone. Part of the art is not inviting the bride's mum - indeed, we didn't meet 'til after Deb and I were married, which makes my weekly phone-call to the woman a bit bizarre now. In the event of me re-marrying - ladies, form an orderly queue and no pushing, please - the deal will be much the same. It's quite simple, really - if she wants something more lavish, we aren't suited!


Switzerland protestant? I always thought the place was divided into three communities, each leaning towards the adjacent country, Germany, France, Italy. My very limited understanding of religion suggests two of those three look to Rome a bit. Flavio will set me right, I'm sure.


Yes, putting weight on over the holiday afflicted many of us. I went up to 70.3 kg, about 11 stone 1! Now safely back to 69.5, TVM. Smug what, did you say?


Alison here this afternoon, and probably full of good news for once, judging by her recent email. Aka silly grin on face - and we all know what induces that!


Hope Wednesday is good for you. Those with exercise regimes - don't overdo it!

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Today the weather hasn't got past page 1 of THAT book.


With a local farmer trying to rape and pillage our community by pushing for planning permission to dump almost twice as many houses as we presently have in the village so he can pocket some £8,000,000 is only introducing another darker shade from said book.


Got on the scales this morning - which had remained at the same figure +/- 1Kg over Christmas to find it indicated an increase of 3Kg in last 10 days (and that is with hardly any alcohol, bread and 30 minutes walking every day) so the view out is certainly not sweetness and light.


Madam Gruff's nephew getting married in July is seen by her as a reason to buy yet another outfit that will be worn once and she anticipates I will get a new suit - like bl**dy hell I will!


There you are, my personal four shades of grey this morning and not a single one gives a fleeting sense of pleasure. I know how Monsieur le President must feel with his (grey) elephant in the room!


P.s. - this is not an appeal for sympathy, just an explanation of why I shall be extremely rude to any cold caller today.

Edited by Gruffalo
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.......Weddings? Biggest conspicuous consumption, waste of money, showing-off exercise known to Man. A total of 6 young people attended our ceremony in 1974, including us. And 3 of those 6 are now gone. Part of the art is not inviting the bride's mum - indeed, we didn't meet 'til after Deb and I were married, which makes my weekly phone-call to the woman a bit bizarre now. In the event of me re-marrying - ladies, form an orderly queue and no pushing, please - the deal will be much the same. It's quite simple, really - if she wants something more lavish, we aren't suited. ....,,quote]


Our wedding was not lavish - borrowed dress, party at our apartment (in Flint, Michigan) afterwards for about 40 friends and no family.

It's not the level of spending that indicates the commitment.


Wet and dreary here as I relax at my hairdresser's, interestingly named "Scruples"!!


Have a good day, whatever comes your way.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


We have an exercise bike which can be programmed as the brake is electronic (magnet), so it starts easy and then has a tough section and then ends easy - or any permutation, I try and do at least 100 calories a day (not that it's an exact science but it's ball park) - I've managed to lose my Christmas excess again, so onwards and downwards ..


Dull day at the moment, which suits me as I want to photograph a tank train shortly and if the sun is out the shot is not very good due to the sun being low in the sky.


I might have a wedding myself this year - finally after 40 odd years of being chased, someone has caught me.

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Morning, extra weight through Christmas, yep gained 6 lbs but but soon got rid of that via tennis and walking and back to my normal ( has been for years) weight.


Grey but no rain here, off out for a pub lunch but sadly its my turn to drive not that it matters really as off the booze till Feb 1st. Have to admit missing my glass of red but normal service will be resumed shortly.


Weddings hmm again have to agree with Ian (France) re the cost etc, we had people at ours from the in law side that Ive never seen since and we have been married 26 years!


Enjoy the day

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Finally arrived here (after dealing with an inquiry about the BR General Appendix - of 30 years ago and reading about Rapido in China)  The sky here is quite a bright sort of grey and the rain has stopped - for now.  All this talk about dieting and exercise bikes is a bit worrying so it will be interesting (or alarming) to see what treatment I get from the GP tomorrow, apart from me asking to switch statins (again) due to side effects and then I'm off to the tinnitus unit of Friday, at last!


On a more serious note I believe my latest toy should be arriving in Alton very soon so that will lead to a trip southwards to pay & collect it and some other things.  On an equally serious note we went out for a pub meal last night complete with a 'money'off' voucher from before Christmas - only problem was Mrs Stationmaster took the wrong voucher, so we'll have to go again.  That will not be a hardship as the steak was delectable and herself's beef & onion suet pudding looked superb and apparently tasted that good - only problem was the halfwits from what I think was some sort of PTA for the local public school who parked in a row across the middle of the car park instead of round the edges plus listening to their meeting at which they discovered they had 40p in their bank account but then proceeded to talk about spending £1500 on some oars for the school rowing club.  Clearly their stupidity in parking extends to other areas!


Have a good day one & all.

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Only problem was the halfwits from what I think was some sort of PTA for the local public school who parked in a row across the middle of the car park instead of round the edges plus listening to their meeting at which they discovered they had 40p in their bank account but then proceeded to talk about spending £1500 on some oars for the school rowing club.  Clearly their stupidity in parking extends to other areas!



Yes Mike,


Their offspring will be off to Oxbridge, followed by a move into politics.


Then, having been educated far in excess of their own ability, and with their grasp on real economics passed down from their parents, will ensure our country will remain on the brink of financial ruin for many more years to come!

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only problem was the halfwits from what I think was some sort of PTA for the local public school who parked in a row across the middle of the car park instead of round the edges plus listening to their meeting at which they discovered they had 40p in their bank account but then proceeded to talk about spending £1500 on some oars for the school rowing club.  Clearly their stupidity in parking extends to other areas!



Currently, I believe, known as "The Osborne Syndrome!"

Edited by shortliner
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Apologies, it's not an big expensive wedding, far from it.  A relatively small do in a Registry Office, a trip to the reception on an old London bus they have hired and then pie and mash in a London pub.  It sounds great and the opposite to some of the do's we've been to.  Looking forward to the bus trip across London.  Haven't been on an RT, RTL or RM since I was at school….and a bus spotter.


It's just the 'production' that makes me chuckle….

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Not needed. I am the first to recognise that I am out of step with many of Society's values. This one is just part of my own version of "Bah! Humbug!" Any daring lady taking me on will be well aware of that early in our relationship....

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Sounds alright to me, Gordon! I used to visit the old Pie and Mash place on Lambeth Walk when I was with Decca Records in the '60's (their address was 9, Albert Embankment, surprising what a few hundred yards makes). I got married (first) at the Registry Office on the Marylebone Road (opposite the turning for the Station).

Unfortunately the Reception was different - overlooking Lords was the best part - her father was Mayor...


9C today, Sunny mostly, Tropical!


Sunrise 7:20am


Sunset 4:55pm.

Looking better. Snow that Ian will be getting will miss us (just for a change).


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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The Crane Company that hit the car have been chased and courted and ...

Success! They've agreed to pay up a few days before they were due in said Court.

What a waste of time and their money.

Something to relieve the current shades of murky grey.

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  • RMweb Premium

Not needed. I am the first to recognise that I am out of step with many of Society's values. This one is just part of my own version of "Bah! Humbug!" Any daring lady taking me on will be well aware of that early in our relationship....


Out of step or, in some respects like myself, do we simply step to the beat of a different drummer?  

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  • RMweb Gold

Apologies, it's not an big expensive wedding, far from it.  A relatively small do in a Registry Office, a trip to the reception on an old London bus they have hired and then pie and mash in a London pub.  It sounds great and the opposite to some of the do's we've been to.  Looking forward to the bus trip across London.  Haven't been on an RT, RTL or RM since I was at school….and a bus spotter.


It's just the 'production' that makes me chuckle….


Don't forget to show us the photos Gordon (of the 'bus - what else did you think I meant?)

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