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Early Risers.


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.......no doubt leading to a chorus of Snickers


Boom-tish!  Who said the Music Hall was dead!  But you did restrain yourself from saying, "A small titter ran round the audience." a la Frankie Howard..........................

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Ha! - the last time I tried to post some beer online it made a mess of my keyboard!

Also I would add that as part of my attempt to lose some weight I haven't had a beer since Friday. Not sure how long that's going to last so I may decide to go without something else to compensate!


Yes, it's a bu**er this dieting.  No2 daughter said over the holidays, "'Course you realise Dad that wine is just like liquid cake................"  Nearly spoiled the New Year for me( but didn't quite) .

Edited by Adams442T
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Liquid cake... I spot a marketing opportunity there!


Quick up date on the old Min, which is looking more and more like a new one...!






Was having a discussion with the owner of a Jensen Interceptor over on Pistonheads earlier about the colour... between us we've decided it would be the done thing to have one in the same shade to match the Mini! I shan't sleep much tonight... :maninlove:


Keep safe all ;)







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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


Stormy skies between bits of rising sun here.  Bleary eyed after a night when the temperature only dropped below 35C for a couple of hours (and then mostly stayed above 30C) so there's going to be a lot of grumpy folk about the place today.  

Edited by Gwiwer
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There are two ways to deal with this dieting lark. The gain in weight is due to more going in in the form of food that goes out in energy, replacement tissue and waste. So you increase your  exercise to use it up as energy which gives you a bigger appetite so you eat more food - hang on that means more input more exercise etcetera etcetera. I am one of those whose appetite does not control the input sufficiently so I always feel a bit hungry between meals despite being a little overweight. I do have to watch the size of portions the temptation to add an extra potato or more rice is always there.

Eyes bigger than my belly as I was always told.


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  • RMweb Gold

Robert's comment about hotels catering for the coach party trade reminded me of one we stayed in in Carcassonne in the 1980s. The guests either seemed to be Spanish coach parties or people renting rooms by the hour. Our room didn't have a lavatory and the one down the corridor didn't seem to be able to accommodate someone of my height sitting or standing without leaving the door open.

As the next hotel was in Arles and it was the Assumption of Mary holiday we had carefully prebooked only to find that the hotelier had decided to shut the hotel the morning after we arrived. There was no room at any inn anywhere. Aditi was very very cross with the hotel owner. I didn't know she could be cross in French. I did like her one English sentence which was to insist that the hotelier spoke French and not continue to garble English. We then decided as it had been one of those 45C day and night summers that heading for the hills was a good idea. Unfortunately so had everyone else and there was nowhere to stay either. A kindly lady suggested driving to Switzerland as she thought they were all Protestants and we could probably find somewhere there. People were even sleeping under hedges in the Swiss motorway services so no rooms there. I was starting to lose it a bit a this stage and stated I'd had enough and that we were going somewhere efficient and friendly and decided to head for Austria. We did sleep in a rest area near Lac Gruyere. The funny thing was that ice formed on the windscreen and we had to use our beach towels as blankets to keep warm!

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There are two ways to deal with this dieting lark. The gain in weight is due to more going in in the form of food that goes out in energy, replacement tissue and waste. So you increase your  exercise to use it up as energy which gives you a bigger appetite so you eat more food - hang on that means more input more exercise etcetera etcetera. I am one of those whose appetite does not control the input sufficiently so I always feel a bit hungry between meals despite being a little overweight. I do have to watch the size of portions the temptation to add an extra potato or more rice is always there.

Eyes bigger than my belly as I was always told.


That deserves an agree vote and a supportive vote Don, can't do both so just a line!

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Re hotels - only a couple of years ago, I booked into a Premier in northern Kent using my smartphone's on-line facility. About 2 hours later I arrived at said hotel and they didn't have my reservation, even though I had my electronic confirmation. No problem I thought and they duly gave me a keycard. I went up to my room, washed and changed, went town to the restaurant and had a meal, An hour or so later, I went back to my room, did a little more work then turned in around 11pm and, although it wasn't the quietest of locations, it wasn't long before I was asleep.


At 00:30, I awoke with a start and switched on the light to find a very merry couple about to start ripping off each others' clothes - I'm not sure which of us was more embarrassed or startled! I duly got a full refund for my night's room. 

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  • RMweb Gold

That deserves an agree vote and a supportive vote Don, can't do both so just a line!

Thanks Gruff. It is not a huge problem I am usually about 0.5-1 stone overweight. Its is just that if I eat what I want it creeps up. When working as a Project Manager I got to 2-3stone overweight which equates to 20-30% overweight and into health risk area. I manged to lose it by taking early retirement. I find keeping it level is much easier than trying to lose it. I have sympathy for those who are several stone overweight it often creeps up on you and then it can be a real fight. As it is I still probably (actually definitely) eat too much cake and other sweet stuff but I try to balance it with plenty of vegatables.


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At 00:30, I awoke with a start and switched on the light to find a very merry couple about to start ripping off each others' clothes.....


Dear Lord!!!! :O ..............Lenny Henry doesn`t show you that hospitality-bonus in their adverts! :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi guys... 


I'll be here for good this time, I promise! When was I last on? June?

But anyway, speaking of hotels, my family went on a trip to Italy back in October (which was beautiful!). The second week saw me and my sister go backpacking around Rome and Sorrento. We booked a room in Sorrento at a hotel and found that, actually, there was no breakfast, no internet, and the owners asked us what time we'd be going out/coming back so they could unlock the hotel for us! I guess it was off-season, but even so - we weren't expecting to have to be let in and out everytime!


There was also an incident with an old man and his "taxi" service... but that's another short story!


Hope you are all well and good, I honestly hope I can stick around properly this time... (fingers crossed eh?!)

Jam :)

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Bright and sunny here in Hutton. The gas boiler has just passed the annual inspection; hopefully I will get the same verdict when I have my annual MOT/medication check with the GP this afternoon!

Former pupil of St. Martin's here. I hated the joint and always refuse to go back - am nothing to do with Vampires either........


Been away from ER for a bit working on finance...


Later, Pete.

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Good morning all,  tiz Hump day again, and we're halfway through the first month of the year!   


I have many horror stories about hotels / guest houses as you might guess. I think the scariest one was in Dhakar,  came down early for taxi to the air port...(had to use the stairs as the lift was "off")  to find the place was locked up solid.. taxi driver out side trying to week the night watchman, me inside trying to wake the same individual.....when I eventually got in the taxi I thought how would we have gotten out if there'd been a fire?  


Had a play with my new camera yesterday and got a shot of a couple of the birds over the road...


Try and be good today.....






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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Happy Hump Day, indeed!


Good to hear from you, Jam! That does like a trip to remember for a long time to come...


In fact, this reminds me of a holiday my parents had been on before I was born. It involved a car trip to the Spanish side of the Pyrenees back in the 1970s, starting from San Sebastián; a rear-ending by a local who was so embarrassed that he insisted on towing their car to his remote village up in the mountains which had "ETA stronghold" written all over it; and his elderly mother who subsequently gave her son an earful.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Not raining at the moment & 8oC. Will probably be cloudy all day & more rain promised for this evening.

Here I am trying to diet & Jam returns - welcome back!

My initial target is to lose a stone which will take me down to what I was when I was pretty fit twenty years ago. My food intake to energy expended ratio has been rather lopsided since I retired so I'm reducing the former & increasing the latter. The grandchildren were here last night & seemed to find the idea of Chris & myself on an exercise bike hilarious although Joe & Gemma had a great time on it!

I got round to finishing my little bit of soldering at last & for once no fingers were harmed in the process.

Have a good one,


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Light rain here but I think it is forecast to be dry for the rest of the day.

I'll be taking Aditi to see the doctor today. I think I'll wait outside in the car, I don't really want to catch another infection!


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Fatchy pog here at the moment.
Don,t talk to me about weight.. Suffice it to say I have lost some and need to lose some more.. BMI says I need to be about 13 stone. That is less than I weighed when I was 13 and playing rugby 3 times a week...:-0
Have a great hump day..this club night at the Leeds Mrs so off there tonight.

Edited by Barry O
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Hi. I'm late posting, but I was reading up yesterday's missed posts at 6:30 (my time)

The weather started out rather cloudy and dull but it's cleared now and I have a blue sky

and a cooler promise of 26C

Yesterday was HOT all day and still HOT at 10:00pm.

I slept in shorty pyjamas on top of the bed instead of in it,.

I hope you all have a grand hump day with plenty of modelling.

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Morning All,


Weather wise, today doesn't look like it is going to be up to much.  I think it will be the same wall-to-wall grey we have had for the past few weeks.


Oh - Early Risers does make me laugh!  Where else can you find discussions about hotel horrors, see pictures of ostriches and discuss dieting all on one page!

Before I forget again, welcome to Ian, and welcome back to Jam.


Nidge's Mini is really starting to look great.  I can't wait to see pictures of the finished product. 



A kindly lady suggested driving to Switzerland as she thought they were all Protestants and we could probably find somewhere there.




Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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Morning all, dark out there still but I can't hear any rain or wind. Sat here eating marmite on toast not marmalade to avoid sugar rush cycle. I have stopped eating bananas too, small apples ,oranges and pears are the fruit part of my packup. I just need to get down to one sandwich per day instead of two.The exercise bike has its moments yesterday I cranked up the resistance a little bit and set myself the target of 10 kilometres in 20 mins which I managed with 0.8 of a km extra. I laid on the kitchen floor to cool down having go my pulse up to 145 Mrs B was most concerned about my bright red face....

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Morning all and welcome to Ian…:-)


Been bogged down with issues over the last few days, so am slowly trying to catch up.  My mothers central heating packed up and sadly it wasn't a case of a switch being turned off or the pilot going out.  This time it was the pump so been trying to secure the necessary parts and trades to sort it out.  Boiler guy on Monday, plumber today.  I'm told the pump will last at least 15 years.  Academic really as my mother is 91...


I won't bore you with the other two problems, but true to folklore, things always happen in threes.


Weddings.  In the old days people got married and your input as a guest was to buy the requisite present, get dressed up, enjoy the ceremony and then drink a bit and socialise.  My niece is from London and her intended from Leeds.  He plays guitar and sings a bit and there has always been the usual banter about the 'posh' south and the 'working class' north.  Of course those stereotypes have long gone, but he's going to stir it up all over again…:-)


Bless him, he's going to sing a version of Pulp's Common People with the lyrics changed to suit the occasion as a big surprise for his intended.  Only problem is that the 'flash mob' has been recruited from each side and we each have a chorus based on 'Northern' or 'Southern' people, depending on which end of the country you're from.  Thankfully it's all in good fun, but to an outsider it could be the start of one great punch up….


I now have the music going round my head incessantly and have my words to learn.


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