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One of the "benefits" of being unwell while Matthew was growing up was the amount of time I spent with him. I became quite knowledgeable about Pokemon and various other cartoon series, 


Every cloud as they say. And from hearing of how well Matthew has done in college I reckon you must have done a grand job. 

:blush: I read that as "bang and splatter"..........but with Scotch Bonnets; that`s possible too! :mosking:

I shoulda known that Debs would have been lurking ready to follow through on that one.  :stinker:

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  • RMweb Gold

Every cloud as they say. And from hearing of how well Matthew has done in college I reckon you must have done a grand job. 


He did remark that it was a good thing that he got on well with us as being an only child he pointed out he'll probably be choosing the "home" for us when we are older. He has a very dark sense of humour.

I have made a lot of progress recovering from my cold/cough today so I'll probably be OK for taking Matthew back to Leicester tomorrow. I have managed 3 meals at proper times today and realised I could walk up the stairs without needing to stop halfway which hasn't happened for a few days. Aditi will probably continue her sleep therapy to deal with her cold. I think she has slept for 40 of the last 48 hour. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.


At least I think it's morning.  There's something resembling daylight coming in the windows and the cat is jumping all over me in a way which says "Feed me - now".  


It's Sunday - what's the rush???

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Big storm on East Coast today. Parts of Florida received 20" of rain in past 24 hours. 80 mph winds in North Carolina.

You just know where it will be heading off to tomorrow........


Best, Pete.

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Timothy is back from the States and picked up a bug in the 14 hour transit in the aircraft.

He did not get frozen in anywhere and has largely recovered from the bug.

I have had a very brief summary of the highlights and am looking forward to a more detailed account.


Weather here is fine, dry,  clear and warm.


Happy Sunday all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Nice and sunny with clear blue sky here. Shed roof and cars look a bit frosty.

I intend to take Matthew back to Leicester this morning. He has already packed. He wants to spend the trip to Leicester telling me about the presentation he wants to make in Kaliningrad later this year. As it is still Russian he will need a visa but someone in an EU office dealing with student exchanges will arrange that for him. 

It doesn't seem long ago the that the in car entertainment when travelling with Matthew was Pingu or Fireman Sam.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry & frosty start with clear skies & now 3oC. Forecast says it will cloud over later with slight chance of some drizzle.

Very quiet again here at the moment - even for Sunday.

Cooked breakfast has been offered & will be accepted although this is rather at odds with the intention of trying to lose some weight.(I don't care - breakfast wins & I've been cutting down on other stuff. I didn't even have a beer last night - unthinkable!))  However the exercise bike was set up & tested yesterday so I feel a calorie burning session coming on.

There will also be a (probable) finger burning session later as I didn't get any soldering done yesterday.

Have a good one,



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Morning all, 


Just had a major surprise email from GF , she went to a "Train Show" yesterday (from what i can make of it an American version of a swap meet & exhibition) .   Nor only that got me some 1:24th figures.....she did take a lot of photos, but not many of layouts.....mostly stock on the traders tables. This is with out me even having to prompt her!  Last nights phone call had her regaling me of all that she'd seen.....seemed quite impressed with some N gauge layouts the were there. 


Oh well lets see what other "delights" Sunday has in store for us, 


Enjoy the day,



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning form a lovely blue skied frosty Leeds.


Recovering from the sight of Sunderland a0 winning and b) scoring 4 goals ... 4 GOALS!!!


Early music group here this pm so an afternoon of modelling awaits...


HAve a good day good people..


Barry O

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A hard frost here overnight with clear skies earlier although light cloud is now drifting in from the SW as the breeze quickens.


Yesterday I laid out the two key baseboards of my last great project (until the next one, that is) and measured out the positions of all the turnout switch tie bars so I could see where the sub-deck bracing could be located according to the AnyRail computer generated design. Luckily, I also had most of the necessary turnouts and found the real thing doesn't match the computer image. It sadly seems that I may lose a little platform length.


As for dieting, two wheatibangs at breakfast, a small portion of cheese and a few biscuits at lunch and Gruff's own take on Nasi Goreng, the Indonesian rice dish with one glass of wine should be less intake than I expend so why is the weight stuck at the same poundage for the past few years? Today I shall mainly be slow roasting part of a shoulder of local pig, I would be happy with steamed vegetables (red cabbage, potatoes and leeks) but the natives would get restless if there are no roast potatoes and Madam Gruff also failed to resist an offer in Waitrose of a lemming sponge for pud.

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Bright and frosty at first, but now high cloud from the west but still frosty. Yesterday we succeeded in spending out on waterproof jackets - that fit and are long enough - and so we're now kitted out for our forays.


Plenty to do today, so just procrastinating about what I decide not to do first.

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Morning all, hope all's well,


Weather here in our little corner of Warwickshire is pretty much as it is for that young Gruffalo fella over the border in Northants, frosty but bright just now, and all the food my other half left out for the birds last night is still frozen solid. Might nip out with the camera later, as there's an old 1950s / 60s garage not far away which closed down a while ago and is about to be demolished, the poor thing is all but hemmed in now by the ever expanding D.I.R.F.T. operation, and looking at the area now you'd hardly know that Kisby & Crick station once stood very close by where the old A5 spans the railway.


Have a good day all, and stay warm ;)

Edited by Rugd1022
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright sunshine and a proper job frost out there this morning - decent sort of winter weather at last but the rain is supposed to be coming back tonight.   Also a proper job breakfast on the go in the catering dept so the day is starting well.  I've decided to give St Albans a miss as I don't fancy the hour long drive to get there and some of yesterday's reports don't speak too well of teh venue although the show itself sounds very good - instead I shall save my small quota of brownie points for Stafford in a couple of weeks time plus Basingstoke in early March which has some top notch layouts lined up for this year including Pempoul.


Today will be concentrated on indoor tasks I think - such as reading the 'papers (once I've bought them) and I've got a good book on the go as well.  Have a good day one & all and may your weather be as pleasant as ours.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Cold but pleasantly bright, with the wind being a bit pernicious/vicious.


When I gave away some of Deb's scooter accessories - including a full length blanket/bag for a wheelchair-user to keep warm, feet and all - I failed to note there was a small video camera in a pocket. A Flip, to be precise, which Deb had enjoyed. This was identified by a recipient and has now come back to me, but despite putting in fresh batteries it doesn't work. Apparently Cisco Systems pulled the plug on Flip a few years back, citing Smartphones as stealing their market, so I can't even get it fixed. I have video in 2 DSLRs, at least one compact camera and a couple of Smartphones, but somehow the Flip seemed a better choice for modelling, being rather more compact - and only doing the one thing, so simple to use. Bummer, having waited so long for it to return! But have just plugged it into the PC, and am now downloading 4 GB of stuff Deb had filmed, so at least I can look at what the quality might have been!


I had put in a bid for a lens on ebay a couple of days ago - and it finished earlier today. I lost by 1 euro! Of course the other bidder might have gone on for another 100. Pity I wasn't attending, though.


Hope your Sunday is a day of some sort of rest.

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Morning all, hope all's well,


Weather here in our little corner of Warwickshire is pretty much as it is for that young Gruffalo fella over the border in Northants, frosty but bright just now, and all the food my other half left out for the birds last night is still frozen solid. Might nip out with the camera later, as there's an old 1950s / 60s garage not far away which closed down a while ago and is about to be demolished, the poor thing is all but hemmed in now by the ever expanding D.I.R.F.T. operation, and looking at the area now you'd hardly know that Kisby & Crick station once stood very close by where the old A5 spans the railway.


Have a good day all, and stay warm ;)

Knowing well the area you describe but only since mid 80's, I was unaware of the Crick / Kilsby station. Is that where the present DIRFT rail link into the western Tesco sheds is located? Not far away from me is a goods shed at Watford which has been neglected for at least 30 years, perhaps that should be recorded for posterity too?

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, cold and frosty out there so winter has turned up for a while it is sunny though so melting is in progress. Mrs B's leg is painful and she is trying to give up smoking so she is not full of joy and scared to go out in case she slips.I still have plenty of jobs to do inside and out so I had better get on, have a good rest of the day.

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Knowing well the area you describe but only since mid 80's, I was unaware of the Crick / Kilsby station. Is that where the present DIRFT rail link into the western Tesco sheds is located? Not far away from me is a goods shed at Watford which has been neglected for at least 30 years, perhaps that should be recorded for posterity too?


Yes Gruff, the station itself was just to the south of the A5 overbridge, almost where the facing point is which leads into the reception sidings off the Up Slow at D.I.R.F.T, just to the north of the bridge is where the old goods loading dock is (or was), behind which is the siding leading into the new Tesco bit. In the manager's office below the signal panel room there was a plan on the wall showing the entire site as it would look when finished, roughly four times the size of the origianl 1997 bit! Also inside the office is a framed colur photo taken at Crick & Kilsby station of a green EE Type 4 on an up express in the '60s.


The goods shed you mention still has it's internal lifting job intact, I was on the Drain Train near there a few weeks ago and noticed it inside as I crawled past.

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