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  • RMweb Gold

Waitrose was duly successfully visited but there were a surprising number of spaces available in the car park for a Friday - I counted at least six empty spaces which might just have been a time of day thing but could also be down to folk not able to get out of riverside etc properties.  In the town the main A4130  now has a covering of water for about half its width north of the bridge but is still driveable on that side although the road is partially closed on the town side to the south of the bridge and the water is now up to the edge of the road on the section which isn't flooded.  As there's still plenty to come downstream I suspect the water level could continue to rise which will probably lead to a bit of traffic chaos if nothing else.  


All the other 'usual spots' near the town which are near to the river and tend to get inundated when the river rises are now underwater so the flooding is probably now at just about at its usual 'high flood' level which tends to occur at roughly 8-10 year intervals - sometimes a little less frequently.   Anything much higher will amount to 'unusually high flooding' in my book which will put it on probably the 50 year scale (although the last one of those here was in 1947).

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  • RMweb Premium


Shouldn't be, Debs - they're going to use the 'Arrow', which they have on bare-boat charter anyway from April.




As a result of a prolonged period of use in very heavy weather, it has become apparent one of the stabilising fins of Ben-my-Chree has suffered some damage.

As these items are underwater, it is not possible to ascertain the full extent of the damage without dry-docking the vessel. The vessel has effective stabilising efficiency with only one fin operational but clearly, for passenger comfort, two operational stabilising fins are preferred.

This does not impact on the vessel's ability to sail nor to berth safely, but for the reasons above it may have a limited impact on marginal weather sailings. The repair time, if the fin is removed, repaired and replaced in the same period, is estimated at a week and the vessel would need to go into dry-dock.

Steam Packet Company Chief Executive Mark Woodward said: ‘After assessing the practical implications and options, which range from simply not using the second stabilising fin until the next scheduled dry-docking of Ben-my-Chree to looking for an earlier window in which to dock her, we have concluded that an early repair is the preferred option.

‘However, no freighter charter cover is available to allow us to take the Ben out of service for a week. Instead we are looking to take the Ben out of service for two consecutive periods of between 72 and 96 hours each. Provisional dates have been identified. The first of these (17th-20th January) will be to remove the damaged stabilising fin so that it can be sent away for repair. The second (8th-10th February) will be to reinstate the repaired fin.

‘We have arranged for a chartered freighter to provide one return service on both the 19th January and 9th February to assist with freight needs.

‘Manannan will be brought into service for both of these periods in order to cover our passenger commitments and will also provide a limited freight service. Passengers should note that the scheduled weekend Birkenhead sailings will instead operate to and from Pier Head in Liverpool.

‘We recognise the inconvenience this may cause to passengers and freight customers and apologise for this necessary disruption to normal services. However, we believe that with prior notice and the ability to forward plan any difficulties should be minimised. Any additional changes to our schedules will be announced as soon as they are known.

‘In the meantime Ben-my-Chree will continue to operate as scheduled.’





Island life - kept in the dark and....   Our local news releases yesterday read much like that - without your bold section!  Probably left out as it will cause howls of anguish - the Manannan can only sail up to force 6.  As per my post earlier, there have been 22 days with winds of 8 or higher....

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  • RMweb Gold

Island life - kept in the dark and....   Our local news releases yesterday read much like that - without your bold section!  Probably left out as it will cause howls of anguish - the Manannan can only sail up to force 6.  As per my post earlier, there have been 22 days with winds of 8 or higher....


So yet again the local 'paper will presumably be running the headline 'England cut off by severe weather'

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You really, REALLY couldn't make it up, could you???









The crusty old judge read through the plaintiff's complaint and the

defendant's reply, and at the opening hearing he commented,

"I don't know how the hell I'm going to decide this case, but it appears

from the paperwork, that we now have a whorehouse owner who

staunchly believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church

congregation that thinks it's all bull$hit”.

I'm already writing the music for the blockbuster movie......


Best, Pete.

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I'm already writing the music for the blockbuster movie......


Best, Pete.


I'm desperately and unsuccessfully!) trying not to ask "Who is going to play the Madam?"  :sungum:  


EDIT  to add - I do hope that Boris is NOT reading this!

Edited by shortliner
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  • RMweb Premium


I'm desperately and unsuccessfully!) trying not to ask "Who is going to play the Madam?"  :sungum:  


EDIT  to add - I do hope that Boris is NOT reading this!

It reminds me of a slightly similar story that my father was involved in.   In the 60's the first Emley Moor mast caused problems with icicles dropping off it's guy ropes.  Several of these went through the roof of a small Methodist chapel that the local area was trying to close.   My father was on the relevant committee.   In due course the mast collapsed one icy night and demolished the chapel in what the insurance company classed as an act of God.    My father was rather amused when the congregation decided to rebuild rather than close and became an independent chapel.



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I am going to try this 5 -2 diet as it seems to aid the diabetics of the world ... so lets get this right - 5 days of eating normally then 2 days of 6000 calories - lummy thats lots of bags of crisps, nuts, doughnuts etc...


That should be two days of six hundred calories, not six thousand. Not sure about aiding diabetics, everything I have read about it suggests diabetics should avoid it. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Oddly enough I do have a suitable black/red outfit for that role.  Would you prefer the version with or without the knee high boots and handcuffs?


I can provide a picture of me doing this to the casting couch on request.

Please NOOOooooooooooo. :O  :fie:

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  • RMweb Gold

That should be two days of six hundred calories, not six thousand. Not sure about aiding diabetics, everything I have read about it suggests diabetics should avoid it. 


From the fast diet website:


If we were to distill the Fast Diet into a single sound-bite, it would all come down to 5:2. That’s five days of normal eating, with little thought to calorie control and a slice of pie for pudding if that’s what you want. Then, on the other two days, you just eat a quarter of your recommended daily calorie quota. That works out at 500 calories for women and 600 for men.

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  • RMweb Premium

Always knew all was weird in Leeds with some of our joe baxis... from the BBC  

"21 taxi drivers in Leeds 'have excess points'"

and it gets better..


"Twenty-one taxi drivers in Leeds are still operating despite having 12 or more points on their licences, Leeds City Council figures show."


"Statistics revealed one driver had 20 points for offences including driving without insurance."


- scary or what??

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  • RMweb Gold

Six hundred calories is only about 1.5 pints of decent cider:  I'd die of thirst!

Or only a small wedge of cake and not even an OAP portion of fish and chips.


Seriously my experience of a diabetic friend is that regular sized and regularly spaced meals are to be prefered to keep Insulins levels within limits. However those with borderline type 2 diabetes losing weight is usually enough to clear the condition.


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From the fast diet website:


If we were to distill the Fast Diet into a single sound-bite, it would all come down to 5:2. That’s five days of normal eating, with little thought to calorie control and a slice of pie for pudding if that’s what you want. Then, on the other two days, you just eat a quarter of your recommended daily calorie quota. That works out at 500 calories for women and 600 for men.


The two days of low calorie intake should not be consecutive. If you are thinking of starting any weight loss diet it is wise to consult your doctor beforehand. 

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  • RMweb Gold

The two days of low calorie intake should not be consecutive. If you are thinking of starting any weight loss diet it is wise to consult your doctor beforehand. 


agreed, there's lots of helpful info on the site http://thefastdiet.co.uk/ including that precise advice


It's not for everyone and I have heard extreme view in both support and opposition, but it worked for me

Edited by colin penfold
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Not to mention the crazyness that some sales people seem to be afflicted by... "I have to quote for a 10mw installation by Friday morning" , can you get all the installation costs and foundation drawings done by then? " (Sent to me early yesterday morning....) Grrrrrr! 



 I'm with Mick, Trev - "go forth and multiply" in fewer words would have been my response.


Or the slightly more couth "Lack of preparation and foresight on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part".


Alternatively - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zeXYi7FzlTY/T4RkPP8s3AI/AAAAAAAABBM/CAA8_cFRgdU/s1600/YouWantItWhen.jpg


I have actually seen that as a genuine, spontaneous reaction when someone realised that he was being asked to deliver what he (and most of the rest of us in the meeting) knew would be about a 12-month project in a timeframe of 2 months.

Edited by pH
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Sales people dont you just love 'em?   Bit more questioning....I can not do this with out more information....give us some clues?  Turns out to be another name for a job I surveyed a couple of years back that came to nowt at that time....now the Local Govt. has decided a new name for the project.  ............bit of digging on one in my old archives.....voila!  Let the sales director sweat, until just before the dead line then pressed "send"! 


Cant really be too cross with him.....as he's a Great Way Round fan......anyway my beds beckoning! 





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Must be the day for doctor/dentist appointments.  Just back from the gastroenterologoist and the follow up review after my November hospital stay.  Glad to say all was OK, but more importantly no digits or foreign objects were inserted, much to my relief….:-)

Certainly is the day for dentists/doctors.  Had some jaw bone drilled and implanted today, to replace a now gone troublesome tooth.  Given 'conscious sedation' so I couldn't drive home, which meant that the wife had to drive me from Kendal back to West Cumbria (85 miles or so) and she cant stand driving.  In her desire to stick to the left hand side of the M6 and A66, I think we ran over about 50% of the near side cats eyes!  At least the implant doesn't seem too painful!

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  • RMweb Gold

Or the slightly more couth "Lack of preparation and foresight on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part".


Alternatively - http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-zeXYi7FzlTY/T4RkPP8s3AI/AAAAAAAABBM/CAA8_cFRgdU/s1600/YouWantItWhen.jpg


I have actually seen that as a genuine, spontaneous reaction when someone realised that he was being asked to deliver what he (and most of the rest of us in the meeting) knew would be about a 12-month project in a timeframe of 2 months.

Asking for a blank cheque for resources works quite well too.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all



Fascinating history.  It turns out I know this creature!  As the "Devil Cat" (in a suitably devilish black livery) she used to sail right past the end of the pier here on her way to and from Melbourne.  To say she was unloved would put it mildly.  Of those few who bothered to take advantage most complained of a rougher crossing than on the much-preferred "Spirit of Tasmania" conventional ships.  Her tenure on the Trans-Tasman was very short lived.  The "Spirits" (1 and 2) still make a nightly crossing each way - and a day sailing as well in high summer.

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  • RMweb Premium

Quite fetching vessels on the Tasmania run (location I think is fairly obvious?)




She was, and it is.  That is (was) "Spirit of Tasmania 3" purchased for a speculative Sydney - Hobart run which was a commercial failure and the vessel was quickly sold on.


The Spirits 1 and 2 are still quite majestic ships and a distinctive sight as they make their way between Melbourne and Devonport.

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