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  • RMweb Gold

Anything more complicated than paying for a car with a debit card would confuse me. I can cope with all kinds of document but private leasing agreements and penalty charges make me reject them as a means of purchase.

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  • RMweb Gold

Anything more complicated than paying for a car with a debit card would confuse me. I can cope with all kinds of document but private leasing agreements and penalty charges make me reject them as a means of purchase.


I have tended to think that way myself - I never could be sure if a leasing type deal works out as a good thing or not?


And payment for outright purchase seem to have changed over the years with a preference nowadays - it seems - for payment by debit card as just about everything else, including a Banker's Draft (!!), is not regarded as secure while cash is treated as money laundering, even by the motor trade :O

Edited by The Stationmaster
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Not strictly leasing in terms of company cars, just a way of financing a vehicle on low or zero interest rates with a balloon at the end.  The big benefit is a known residual value, particularly where depreciation is concerned.  Normally the two values should be equal and I would have paid the balance and the car would have been mine.  In this case, there was such a big difference that it made no sense to keep the car.  Someone, somewhere got their sums wrong.  I doubt very much if they lost money, but they certainly will have to move it on at cost.  Once you take the loss of warranty and the costs of servicing and tyres beyond the three year period, the sums can look reasonable….but whichever way you look at it, motoring is expensive these days.  Sadly there is no real alternative unless you live in a city with good public transport.


Edit:  Not an ex customer as I bought the new car through the same finance deal just a few weeks back.  Even more reason to be miffed.  I know computer systems can be useful, but they are only as good as the human that programmed them.  In the old days common sense and checks to avoid such things prevailed in good companies.  Today you are at the mercy of the programmer and what takes nano seconds to create can take months to correct once you get a black mark on your credit rating.

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

 To be honest I may be more capable of understanding such documents now as I had to learn recently about international money transfers, Indian visa regulations and the totally arcane world of responsibility when someone's tree crashes into your house.

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.... while cash is treated as money laundering, even by the motor trade :O

Blimey, we still use cash in Switzerland. When I permanently moved to Switzerland in 1989 and sold my flat in the UK, I used some of the money I made on the sale to treat myself to a 1-year old Mercedes 190... For which I paid cash (an envelope full of 1000CHF notes), the garage thought it was normal and all they were concerned about was that the full sum was in the envelope (although to spoil the narrative, I have to say it was a white envelope, not a brown one...).


Bank transfer cards are quite popular here (i.e. you pay by immediately transferring funds from your account to theirs [similar to a debit card?]). It's convenient, but I do get annoyed with those thoughtless clowns who whip out the card to pay for just 10CHF of purchases....


Personally, I like the anonymity of cash purchases (although I do collect the receipt)


Have a splendid financially lubricated evening....

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  • RMweb Premium

Some years ago I spent quite a long time nogotiating with a garage for a citroen Xantia.   SWMBO called me a skinflint when we spent the last couple of minutes bargaining over the last £5.   I then proposed to pay them with a building society cheque but they told me that I'd have to wait ten days for that.  The bank wanted to charge me £30 for a bank cheque so I arranged to draw the whole lot in cash.  I returned to the garage and produced the cash as which point the saleman got a little excited and started talking abou thwir insurance cover.  needless to say I drove away in my nice , nearly new., car a few minutes later.  I quite enjoyed myself.  Nowadays it's all done on debit cards which has taken all the fun out of it.



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  • RMweb Premium

Sad to hear about the helicopter crash this morning. A friend of mine is the pathologist that deals with air accidents along with other former colleagues who get called in to give expert testimony in air fatalities. Strange way to keep tabs on friends by seeing them on local news channel feeds from around the country each time there's an inquest!  


But also the 25th anniversary of the Kegworth crash. The medic who was part of the air accident investigation gave a fascinating lecture on the various injuries and fatalities...from which the current brace position was developed. The one prior to Kegworth resulted in femurs breaking as they slammed down on the front spar of the seats and people who survived the crash dying as a result of them being unable to evacuate. So, next time they show you the pre-flight safety video take note, it works.  :rtfm:


Have a nice what remains of the day. Andy


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  • RMweb Gold

Isn't that what the Somerset Levels are for, flood plains, Don?

Lovely pics, though.


Best, Pete.

Indeed Pete  but people live there which which is the problem.


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Thanks for the flood pictures. Worth a 1000 words.


Rain forecast today though currently 50% white cloud and 50% clear blue sky.. Currently 16C but 25C promised.


Bacon, ham and macaroni bake for lunch today. Although tasty it is my least favourite menu item.

Weekend is approaching!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Inspection of dog after letting him run round the garden while I made a lemon and honey drink suggests that it isn't cold or wet here. I don't think I'll be venturing out but I am starting to feel better.


Edited by Tony_S
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Good morning all, 


Not sure what today will bring.apart from hotness (around 28c forecast)   and a lot of air-born dust, which tends to make the sun a red colour!   Here it is pretty much a "cash" society....and I for one would not be using any credit /debit cards here, so lots of bulky brown envelopes around!


Try and have a good day,  



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,
Windy & trying to rain again, very mild at 11oC, more showers, possibly heavy to come this morning but should be drier & brighter later. Possibly.
Took Chris to work at 5.30 & very nearly went back to bed. I've always managed on about 5-6 hours sleep but lately I get the feeling I now need more. Is it because I'm getting older or perhaps because I'm less active now?
Heard from the IT dept (Steve) last night. He's coming round after work to help me on my laptop quest. I've found a couple of possibilities but I bet he'll find something wrong with them better!
Did quite a lot of domestic stuff yesterday even though I'm still hobbling so I've got the morning off - a railway beckons! This will only last until lunchtime when replenishment of the commissariat is needed. Beer is in short supply!

Have a good one,




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