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  • RMweb Premium

So, net achievements of the day now include persuading a bank that an account was not dormant and that the funds were not eligible for distribution to the community.

This came as a great surprise to the bank clerk whose first reaction was that the account was fine and interest was being paid into it. 

I asked what about the bit in her bank's recent letter saying that the account had been dormant and the funds were eligible for distribution. 

"Let me see that letter" says she, followed by "Yoinks! I'll get this sorted right away."  


Suggest that each year we all put 1p into each of our savings accounts! 

Who knows, after a few years we all might have, well, a few pence to our names!!  


Also had occasion today to speak to another bank's call centre. 

"Could you put the account holder on please?"

"Yes, but she is very deaf and you are whispering."

"I can't hear a word he's saying", says deaf account holder.

"I guess you heard that - she can't hear a word you're saying."

"I can't speak any louder as my colleagues are also on the phone and it will disturb them."

"Now you've heard she can't hear you can you speak to me?"

"No. I need to take her through a security process with multiple-choice questions."

"Seriously you don't stand a chance."

"You'll need to take her and her passport / driving licence in to a branch."

"She doesn't drive or have a passport."

"Well, a utility bill would do then."

"?" since when did a utility bill have the customer's photo on it.... 


I'm warming to the type of banker that has a jolly good flutter on stocks and shares and blows the whole caboodle. But deep down I suspect they are twins in parallel universes and job share! 

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Also had occasion today to speak to another bank's call centre. 

"Could you put the account holder on please?"

"Yes, but she is very deaf and you are whispering."

"I can't hear a word he's saying", says deaf account holder.

"I guess you heard that - she can't hear a word you're saying."

"I can't speak any louder as my colleagues are also on the phone and it will disturb them."

"Now you've heard she can't hear you can you speak to me?"

"No. I need to take her through a security process with multiple-choice questions."

"Seriously you don't stand a chance."

"You'll need to take her and her passport / driving licence in to a branch."

"She doesn't drive or have a passport."

"Well, a utility bill would do then."

"?" since when did a utility bill have the customer's photo on it.... 


I'm warming to the type of banker that has a jolly good flutter on stocks and shares and blows the whole caboodle. But deep down I suspect they are twins in parallel universes and job share!

One of the more sensible answers to the question, "Why should ALL UK citizens carry photo ID cards?" Not that it would be any use when dealing with a call centre!


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  • RMweb Premium

been a busy day - finishing the Western (spotted a finger squidge on one end) , weathering some coal hoppers of an On3 variety, washing, tidying up etc 


Her indoors is back at schools (4 today) so far the little urchins have expressed displeasure that she has turned up to teach them(!) 


Have a great rest of midweek madness day folks!

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Late start, and then some, due to keyboard hogging by she who shall not be named and then need to get an email off to someone re their future model programme (my lips are sealed) then she was back on the 'puter again (yes, she has got a  laptop, and a  Kindle which enables email to be read).


In the meanwhile the weather has improved a bit, not that it could have got much worse but at least it isn't freezing - and bad news for Pete as the BBC says the freezing weather in the US is heading east - wonder if they're any better at casting US weather than ours?


And a nice little tale about insanity.  There used to be a Secondman at Newport who took fiendish delight in picking on any strangers in the traincrew cabin and accusing them of being mad while explaining that he was absolutely sane.  His performance gradually built up to a crescendo of accusation before he finally asked his target to prove that he was sane - which is of course rather difficult.  However the Secondman would then explain that he was sane, and he could prove it even if the target couldn't - at which point he would pull out of his pocket his discharge letter from psychiatric hospital, clear written proof that he was sane.  In later years I often wonder if he had ever been passed out for driving?


Ah well - trust the weather is brightening up for all of you and I'm now off to Tesco I'm told (then the chiropractor)

That's funny. I used to have a furnaceman on my shift who did that as well. Early eighties....

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Very well, thanks. I didn't want to get tedious about issues over here.

A bit warmer this am at -16C.

The "Polar Vortex" has started to move...


Anyway Dave seems to wear more clothes than me - I know how cold it gets in East Anglia.


Best, Pete.

Thought I'd add my 2 cents as a newer member...


I have the "luxury" of generally working from home, but venture in to our office usually once a week, on Wednesdays, BINGO, today it is, and the car even started, whoopeee :)


In jolly downtown St. Paul, Minnesota it's a balmy -23C right now (9:15AM US Central time), which is excellent since it's been about 10 degrees colder the past 2-3 days!


We've finally sent the Polar Vortex east some (therefore towards Paul - sorry mate) and are expecting even milder (YA RIGHT!!) temperatures by the weekend, it might even make it to just below freezing - that still doesn't make the last day or so any nicer to have experienced, we had wind chills around -45C - -50C the last couple of days :O


Surprisingly, this far into the north and central part of the country, it's no significant issue in the grandest scheme of things as temperatures around -10C with lashings of snow are common in the early part of January. So whilst you MUST be cautious and dress accordingly when venturing out, it's mostly business as usually, with the exception that the state govenor DID close all the schools Monday as it topped out at about -29C for the high and even THAT was more harsh than we usually experience...


EDIT: Oh, and I will post some Model Railway/layout related stuff once I can (minimum posts etc., blah blah). Been back "at it" for almost a year now, and regular on another forum, but just started here...

Edited by Ian Abel
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  • RMweb Gold

That's funny. I used to have a furnaceman on my shift who did that as well. Early eighties....


Interesting - he was at Ebbw Jcn in 1974 - wonder if he left the railway?



I know how you feel!


Interestingly enough, I had a conversation with my Girlfriend this morning about hoovering ash.  She has ordered a special hoover for cleaning the log burner.


I am told, that the filters in normal vacuum cleaners cannot filter out the ash dust and consequently the ash can enter the motor and eventually burn it out.


Now she tells us - about 5 years too late in our case ... oops!

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  • RMweb Premium

One of the more sensible answers to the question, "Why should ALL UK citizens carry photo ID cards?" Not that it would be any use when dealing with a call centre!


Well, it would help if they did Skype and used the camera on the laptop! Not a bad idea, perhaps. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Well, it would help if they did Skype and used the camera on the laptop! Not a bad idea, perhaps. 

When my brother was helping our mother to settle in Droitwich getting a bank account was a problem  for a person in her 80's who had never had a driving licence or passport. All the local branches of former building societies that pretend to be banks were not interested.

However the NatWest were very helpful and she had an account organised quite quickly. The NatWest branch was close to a lot of retirement homes so I suppose they knew what to do. 

I don't have a photo driving licence so when I go to collect Aditi's John Lewis "Click and Collect"  shopping at the local Waitrose I have to take my passport. Though the last couple of times I haven't been asked, perhaps my passport photo is a bit on the scary side!

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So, net achievements of the day now include persuading a bank that an account was not dormant and that the funds were not eligible for distribution to the community.

This came as a great surprise to the bank clerk whose first reaction was that the account was fine and interest was being paid into it. 

I asked what about the bit in her bank's recent letter saying that the account had been dormant and the funds were eligible for distribution. 

"Let me see that letter" says she, followed by "Yoinks! I'll get this sorted right away."  


Suggest that each year we all put 1p into each of our savings accounts! 

Who knows, after a few years we all might have, well, a few pence to our names!!  


Also had occasion today to speak to another bank's call centre. 

"Could you put the account holder on please?"

"Yes, but she is very deaf and you are whispering."

"I can't hear a word he's saying", says deaf account holder.

"I guess you heard that - she can't hear a word you're saying."

"I can't speak any louder as my colleagues are also on the phone and it will disturb them."

"Now you've heard she can't hear you can you speak to me?"

"No. I need to take her through a security process with multiple-choice questions."

"Seriously you don't stand a chance."

"You'll need to take her and her passport / driving licence in to a branch."

"She doesn't drive or have a passport."

"Well, a utility bill would do then."

"?" since when did a utility bill have the customer's photo on it.... 


I'm warming to the type of banker that has a jolly good flutter on stocks and shares and blows the whole caboodle. But deep down I suspect they are twins in parallel universes and job share! 


I recall having a similarly stupid conversation in a bank-branch when my debit-card had been retained by a cash machine outside the door:


Me: Can I have my card back please?.....your machine has just eaten it!


Teller: Sorry, No...you`ll have to go to your own branch.


Me: That`s good: I`m here!


Teller: Can you prove your ID?


Me: Sure can, which would you like: Driver`s licence?, Cheque-book?, Credit card (issued by this bank/branch)?


Teller: We`ll need to see a Current Passport, your Birth Certificate AND two different Utility Bills please, Madam!.....and you`ll have to ring the security team to make a branch-appointment to review your ID-status.........and please be advised that your account is now locked until you can prove your identity.


It was over 10 days before I got things sorted. :ireful:

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I recall having a similarly stupid conversation in a bank-branch when my debit-card had been retained by a cash machine outside the door:


Me: Can I have my card back please?.....your machine has just eaten it!


Teller: Sorry, No...you`ll have to go to your own branch.


Me: That`s good: I`m here!


Teller: Can you prove your ID?


Me: Sure can, which would you like: Driver`s licence?, Cheque-book?, Credit card (issued by this bank/branch)?


Teller: We`ll need to see a Current Passport, your Birth Certificate AND two different Utility Bills please, Madam!.....and you`ll have to ring the security team to make a branch-appointment to review your ID-status.........and please be advised that your account is now locked until you can prove your identity.


It was over 10 days before I got things sorted. :ireful:

Ah, yes. The triumph of formalised stupidity over common sense and pragmatism. I am really torn between feeling sorry for these people for having to implement stupidities dreamed up by some clueless "manager" in head-office and despising them for being the worst kind of Jobsworth.


Furthermore, all these procedures designed to prevent criminal activities can be easily circumvented by a savvy criminal (want to launder large amounts of cash? then set up a [dummy?] business that routinely and very legitimately handles large amounts of cash and just "top up" the daily take by a modest amount on each day of business - you will be able to shift a lot of dosh quite efficiently....).


An amusing story to conclude with (probably apocryphal) someone modified their Photo ID with a photograph that somewhat resembled the ID holder, but was clearly was not that person. The modified photo ID was used for years without any challenge...



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  • RMweb Premium

It's genuinely quite tricky, in my experience, to get a credit card for an elderly person whose main income is from a pension. Banks are not obliged to offer a credit card even if you have savings.

In my case I've been trying to get one for mum so that she can do online shopping. Online shopping being an great way for her to retain her independence. 

Anyone know of a bank that looks on the elderly with sympathy? 

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  • RMweb Gold

 , your Birth Certificate  ...

Aditi doesn't have a birth certificate. They were not issued in early 1950s India. Her parents didn't have any marriage certificates either.

When we got married, we were married by licence which requires proof of identity (to replace your name being posted on the Southend Civic Centre noticeboard for three weeks). The receptionist was going through the checklist and started to explain that Aditi could get a copy from the registrars until we explained that she hadn't become a British Citizen until age 17. That certificate wasn't acceptable for some reason. I then asked if a passport would do and they said what sort and Aditi showed her British passport and conditions were satisfied.

Edited by Tony_S
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Ah, yes. The triumph of formalised stupidity over common sense and pragmatism

An amusing story to conclude with (probably apocryphal) someone modified their Photo ID with a photograph that somewhat resembled the ID holder, but was clearly was not that person. The modified photo ID was used for years without any challenge...




I may have told this before, but my father was officially the tallest man in the RAF - he walked around for two years during WW2, in and out of VERY secure establishments with an RAF Form F1250 (Identity Card), inspected frequently on entry by hundreds of Military Police and sentries, that stated very clearly that he was 10 feet 5 inches tall - it was eventually spotted by my mother! Which simply proves that we see what we expect to see!

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  • RMweb Premium


An amusing story to conclude with (probably apocryphal) someone modified their Photo ID with a photograph that somewhat resembled the ID holder, but was clearly was not that person. The modified photo ID was used for years without any challenge...




Possibly an urban legend, but quite possibly not. The visiting RAF pilots at our base used to offset the boredom by seeing who could access the site with the most stupid form of identity. I believe a piece of toast was the winner. Having said that the guards were probably more bored and, in fairness, if quizzed may have said "But sir, the resemblance was uncanny!" :) 

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  • RMweb Premium

I once had to try and cash some travellers cheques in Germany after I had lost my passport in France whilst on holiday.  I didn't speak German but managed to assemble the phrase 'I've lost my passport' from a phrase book.    I then went to the bank and used my one sentence and produced a form stamped by the British Consulate in nice, my West Yorkshire Police warrant card and my driving licence.  None of this satisfied the bank clerk who repeated something on the lines of "rules are rules".  I then tried my once sentence again but added 'in English'  that I hd lost the passport in France.   At once a look of sincere Sympathy came over his face and he said something along the lines of "Ach in Francreich" in a very understanding voice and I got my cheques cashed and the wife and kids could east that night.  It was obvious that he thought that France was a terrible place where there was no order of any sort and that I was worthy of compassion having survived a visit there.



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  • RMweb Gold

I once had to try and cash some travellers cheques in Germany after I had lost my passport in France whilst on holiday.  I didn't speak German but managed to assemble the phrase 'I've lost my passport' from a phrase book.    I then went to the bank and used my one sentence and produced a form stamped by the British Consulate in nice, my West Yorkshire Police warrant card and my driving licence.  None of this satisfied the bank clerk who repeated something on the lines of "rules are rules".  I then tried my once sentence again but added 'in English'  that I hd lost the passport in France.   At once a look of sincere Sympathy came over his face and he said something along the lines of "Ach in Francreich" in a very understanding voice and I got my cheques cashed and the wife and kids could east that night.  It was obvious that he thought that France was a terrible place where there was no order of any sort and that I was worthy of compassion having survived a visit there.



Well the Germans did leave a bit of a mark on France not long before I was born.


I found a German item on ebay the other day which said "posts to Europe", and it did. Every country you've heard of, several you may not, but with one exclusion. France.

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Thanks for the wide range of stories today that made me chuckle.  I needed them as a few minutes ago, I had steam coming out of my ears.  I decided to return my car before Christmas as it was worth about £4,500 less than I was due to pay, so it made sense to return it and buy another.  They collected it on the 18th December and the engineer signed it off saying it was immaculate and there would be no charges.


I have now received three letters, the Jan 2nd yesterday and the Jan 4th and 6th today.


Jan 2nd.  Confirmation from the De Fleet centre saying car exceeded their standards and nothing to pay.

Jan 4th.  Default Notice saying I owed thousands and all sorts of threats if I didn't pay up.

Jan 6th.  Confirming agreement was paid in full and thanking me for being such a good customer.


Spent 25 minutes on the phone explaining how miffed I was to receive a default letter and wanting a guarantee that my credit record would be unaffected.  Stock answer was an 'issue with our system'. Perhaps they need to sort their system then as in these days of credit checks etc, I have no faith whatsoever that their 'system' won't get me blacklisted.


Eventually got through to manager who did apologise and will put something in writing confirming it was their error..


What a way to treat your customers... 

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

It's genuinely quite tricky, in my experience, to get a credit card for an elderly person whose main income is from a pension. Banks are not obliged to offer a credit card even if you have savings.

In my case I've been trying to get one for mum so that she can do online shopping. Online shopping being an great way for her to retain her independence. 

Anyone know of a bank that looks on the elderly with sympathy? 

It all depends on the level of savings. The trouble is money on credit cards is made from those who do not pay off the full amount each month. However if you have enough savings have a meeting with the local branch manager then suggest you will move all the accounts elsewhere in order to get a credit card it should do the trick.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I also had my old boiler serviced this morning, can't beat a bit of tinkering first thing in the morning.


Can anyone guess which one is me ?




Have a good day all.



Aaaah, a spot the beast competition!  I claim my prize!!!!



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  • RMweb Gold

It's genuinely quite tricky, in my experience, to get a credit card for an elderly person whose main income is from a pension. Banks are not obliged to offer a credit card even if you have savings.

In my case I've been trying to get one for mum so that she can do online shopping. Online shopping being an great way for her to retain her independence. 

Anyone know of a bank that looks on the elderly with sympathy? 


How about these new fangled pre-load credit cards where you put a positive balance on them prior to spending it?



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Following my earlier post, the thunder reasserted itself just before 0730 to give an epic storm with vivid lightning, deafening thunder and noisy hail on the conservatory roof! All calm now but for my usual headache in such conditions.


Thought you might enjoy this; Burgh Island is off the S. Devon coast, accessible at low tide but only by the use of this contraption when the tide is in. Amazing that it attempted the trip in this rough sea!




Absolutely amazed that it didn't get swept away. I'd need to be severely medicated before I would go on that contraption in such weather.

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...Stock answer was an 'issue with our system'. Perhaps they need to sort their system then as in these days of credit checks etc, I have no faith whatsoever that their 'system' won't get me blacklisted...

I always love this response, and my answer to that is "I've worked a lifetime and still work in IT developing billing systems ,I'd be happy to fix the problems with your crap for my standard rate of $200 and hour plus expenses - either put me through to your CIO so I can get started, or correct YOUR mistake, thank you!"


Often enough they can figure out a way to correct things :)

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  • RMweb Premium

Thought I'd add my 2 cents as a newer member...




By way of tradition welcome to RMweb and more locally, welcome to Early Risers! 

As Ian Olddudders might term it - closer to the hearth of the community.

Welcome aboard!


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