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  • RMweb Gold


To distract casual viewers and crack a few screens....one of the below is NHN....make your choice!



We know you don't wear a uniform, and you have a lady wife, so the pretty one isn't you. Of the bearded men, the one on the left is too young and bohemian, ergo you are next to the lady.

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  • RMweb Gold

Today isn't the day, Andy!  To be fair, it is very seldom we that that solid grey overcast here, whereas back in the North-east it would stick for weeks.


As for James May - well I met him while he was over here for the Manx Grand Prix, nice bloke, but the programme about the Meccano bike didn't pay much attention to the reality of the event!  Especially time scales.....  There will be another item from here by him at some point, as when I met him they were preparing another bike belonging to someone I know for recording footage.  I won't give any more away as a spoiler.


To distract casual viewers and crack a few screens....one of the below is NHN....make your choice!


attachicon.gifYJT 4.jpg


It's a trick question, you are the chap in the white collar behind the leaf, extreme right!!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

He didn't transmogrify into dear old 'Mad' Bill Sarney did he Mike...? ;)



No Nidge - not at all like Bill and definitely looking a lot less than someone who had just finished a shift down a coalmine  (and not like 'young Sarney' either - who always came over a rather serious chap).


The were showing a bit of news about Henley flooding last night, Mike.  Had to laugh as they interviewed a rather posh couple from Wargrave who were gathering up bits and bobs.  The only thing the husband was concerned about was taking his 'drinky poos'…..You couldn't make it up. :-)


Crrikey Gordon I think they'll be even more concerned now as I reckon the river must here must have risen between 1 & 2 inches since yesterday judging by the size of the flooddle at the bottom end of Station Road this afternoon.  And it's still hardly what I'd call 'flooding' - in the town area the water is only over the top of the side wall and covering the adjacent car parking spaces and in all honesty that's nothing at all unusual by the way things were before we had a succession of dry winters.

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  • RMweb Gold

The drinkie-poos resident would have normally stayed put but the wife needed to get out everyday to have a foot dressed and the nurse couldn't get through.


When my mother used to visit I used to change her foot dressing on the "we've never seen one like that before" wound. The nurse had been very concerned about whether I would be able to follow the instructions for the multi layer dressing. Mum said that I wasn't an idiot. The instructions were printed in lots of languages and accompanied by pictures.


Just had a text from Leylandii Woman, whining that her contractor said he could have reused the fence panel but that I had damaged it lifting it back upright. I sent back a jolly response that the panel was rotten at the base, had been assaulted by badgers and by the way I have photographic evidence that the 30 foot tree on top of the panel had caused the damage. I sent a sample photo too!

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  • RMweb Premium

That gave a good laugh anyway!  2nd from the right, tapping the Chief Constable so he thinks it's June getting fresh....he did as it happens, and returned the compliment and things got highly amusing from that point.  OK so we had had a few....


taken at the leaving do of the Inspector, he's the pee'd off looking one, hates having his photo taken.  Ex-marine, best boss I ever had.


'Little' bloke on the left is 6'5'', 23stone, judo expert, and a probation officer....he didn't get much cheek from the kids..... :no:  shame he left and went back to teaching - he still doesn't get cheek from kids!

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Hello, It's totally overcast and grey but there's enough light to see colour..

Forecast says rain today and Friday but clearing tomorrow,

25C max today which is comfortable,

I'm Happy.

I was going to guess which one is NHN but now he's given it away and I was wrong.

Have a happy day folks.

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Morning one & all, 


Well I guessed right which one was NHN......and reckon Mikes hanging out the window of the first coach?  Is this the start of a new ER "game"? 


Well tiz hump day...so best get on. 


Try and stay dry, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Now dry after loads of rain last night but as it was coming straight down rather than horizontally we didn't suffer any more leaks. Now 8oC and have just been shocked by the forecast that claims we're going to have a fine bright sunny day!

Yesterday I attempted some soldering underneath the layout to add a connection to the the new board. Not very successful as my own (knee) joint couldn't take the strain so will have to try again. (in a couple of days).

I shall now hobble off to make some more tea,

Have a good one,


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Morning All,

I am a little later on parade this morning, having a few bits and pieces to do, and then catching up on two pages of posts from yesterday afternoon.
The little guy goes back to school this morning, and the boiler is working again.  Thanks to everyone who offered suggestions - the solution turned out to be more complicated than I thought.
Here she is with her cladding off, she is getting on a bit and needs a gentle touch.  It's all a bit steam punk really!

When the boiler locked out yesterday morning, I thought it was air in the system by the noises we heard upstairs. However, my poor parents in the guest bedroom thought it was coming through the wall! It turns out, when the boiler was serviced, the plumber forgot to reconnect the wire to the temperature sensor. Therefore, the temperature kept rising until the water boiled, and the over-temperature safety trip went. Keeping a close eye on the machinery while it was running allowed me to diagnose the fault - as the temperature kept rising, and the boiler didn't switch off - it was then just a two minute job to reconnect the wire.

This morning, everything worked correctly and we had warmth and hot water! :)


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, dark and chilly at the moment but brighter later hopefully. Glad you have your boiler fixed Robert the world is a better place when you are warm. Having said that if you upgraded the boiler you could save a lot of money on gas. Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all  .

Still coughing but not so much. Aditi didn't get a disturbed night's sleep as she went off to the guest bedroom which was a sensible choice.

The eye infection isn't painful just itchy now and some of the red bits look white again.


I won't be going anywhere but it is forecast to be a nice day, sunny and 10C later today.



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