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Morning all, 


For my penultimate day in Florida went playing with my new camera,  with the way the UK's weather is going these guys might become more common? 

Then this evening we were treated to  a low-level Pelican formation flying display.


Try and have a dry Friday! 







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A cooler start to the day but it is forcast to be HOT at 28C with no breeze/wind to cool it down.

I don't remember if I have mentioned it before but my window faces due West so from 4:00 pm until approx 7:00 the Sun blazes directly through and into, At 7:00 the Sun goes behind the mountain, which provides some relief from the direct blaze but the air is still hot.

Remember me complaining about continual rain? :nono:

Edited by DonBradley
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning. I won't be doing anything today that requires any effort beyond keyboard skills or watching television. One did not have a good night's sleep.

Matthew's visitor won't be staying with us tonight as she has managed to find somewhere "downtown" in London to stay. Matthew will go and see her on Saturday before she departs for Toronto.

My faithful dog has completely transferred his allegiance to Aditi while I have been unwell. When I return to walking and feeding him I suspect he will reassign his priorities!



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despite predictions of rain, rain, wind and wind I have to go to Barroooow today to check the other house out and visit the useless Estate Agents. I should also be collecting some CovHops to alter/mangle/weather.


Stay calm and dry and have as good a Friday as you can..

Barry O

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry now & 9oC after a wet night but no leaks as I don't think it was windy enough. Still not sure where the water is getting through. :banghead:

Today's forecast is better for a while with chance of some sunshine but more rain getting heavier later with possible hail & thunder.

There has been a suggestion that "we need to go for a walk in the park as we need more exercise". I think "we" is referring to me because she probably walks at least a couple of miles a day at work.

I'll think about it!

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, not a good one over here.  Worst flooding since 2002 predicted, storm surge, southerly winds and one of the highest tides of the year too.  I'll be going back up to Sulby at 11ish as the house we are looking after last flooded in....2002. 


Hopefully the flood allleviation works they have done will work, the house is by a tidal river and is lower than the road that passes by.  Last time the river came down the road and through the house, but they have altered the walls and road to hopefully direct water to fields opposite now.  In '02 they knocked the wall down with a JCB to release the water, which went across the field in a surge and flooded other houses half a mile away across the fields.....#sigh#


Worried of Andreas

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, rained all night but has now stopped, sun is out and no wind at all , indeed very still not sure it will last though.


Trip to supermarket beckons but never mind one must eat, need to keep away from wine section though. Only 28 days to go.


Enjoy the day

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The BBC is making a big issue of the snow here - that's not the real problem which is the very low temperatures which are expected to go down to     -1f,  which if you remember your childhood schooling is 33f degrees of frost.....That is very arctic temperatures and add in wind chill will feel like 

-25f. Yep that's minus 25f not minus 25 C. 


Wearing today today:


Socks two pairs.


Lined nylon trousers (probably over pajama bottoms).


Thermal short sleeved T

Long sleeve waffle weave.

Then Fleece.


To clear snow add


tri-layer fleece jacket

Two piece waterproof shell suit.

Fleece hat underhood.


I took the dog out last night dressed like this and was warm but it will be colder at daybreak. Quite refreshing, in fact!


Our little road has already been plowed twice by council - no complaints there....


Later, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Not much to complain about on the weather front here - no doubt my turn will come. But red alert in Finistere and orange in neighbouring Morbihan, due to exceptional seas.


My bits of wood finally arrived from Iowa, and I seem to have ordered 33% more than I intended. It'll all get used, no doubt, when my trestle gets extended (ooh! is that boasting at my age?).


Large orange cat on lap about to be displaced as I set off for coffee Chez Sheena.


Hope your weekend goes well.

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  • RMweb Gold

Wearing today today:


Socks two pairs.


Lined nylon trousers (probably over pajama bottoms).


Thermal short sleeved T

Long sleeve waffle weave.

Then Fleece.


To clear snow add


tri-layer fleece jacket

Two piece waterproof shell suit.

Fleece hat underhood.


I took the dog out last night dressed like this 


Was the dog not hot in all that gear, after all he's already wearing a coat ?


Morning all,


The sun has now come up, very dark and miserable first thing and there's been a lot of rain overnight.


I've moved the birds nearer to the window, they are taking their time to get used to the new position and fly off at the slightest movement from me.




Apart from Mrs Bullfinch who didn't seem to care !




Whilst typing this a muntjac doe has wandered across the lawn, unfortunately the camera was out of reach when she passed but no doubt she will be back.


Have a good day all.

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Morning All,


The weather seems to have returned to grey again - plus, it is much too warm for the time of year.


Todays agenda sees taking down the Christmas decorations, and maybe a cycle ride later if the rain holds off.


Seeing Beasts birds reminded me that yesterday morning, two crows were mobbing a buzzard.  I don't think I have ever seen that before.  Unfortunately, I didn't have a camera to hand.


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Very bright and sunny outside - makes the puddles look very shiny and they are apparently due a further restocking today.


The play was good, very good.  Fairly small audience and it showed first on the list of dinner tables which we have never seen looking so sparse but then one table did consisted of about 16 people so that helped fill the centre of the auditorium.  Sausages (from a good local butcher) had been added to the dinner menu and there was some very nice red cabbage although it wasn't quite as spicy as the portion I had in a pub lunch a few weeks back.


The farce was typical of its sort - 4 sets of doors leading off stage so plenty of people hiding in cupboards and that kind of thing plus one set leading to a balcony off which various items of female apparel were thrown at regular intervals plus lots of confusion and mayhem about who was doing what with whom - all acted by a good cast who were clearly really well into the spirit of the thing; definitely a good night out even if it cost almost six quid a glass for champers.


Now back down to earth, another year older but life still goes on in the same way - it's Friday and that means Waitrose, we won't even bother to try here so we're off to the Tilehurst branch at some stage so I might get to see a few trains and might even take the big camera as the light isn't bad and I need to update my Tilehurst station pics.


Have a good day folks.

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Hopefully a rugby match to attend this evening.


I saw them when they played us (Newcastle). They were good, as their march up the table shows. Northampton are having a good season too. I'm just happy that we are holding our own back in the premiership and can start, hopefully, building on that.



Pete: once dressed I wouldn't take too much fluid on board if I were you.

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Update: Snow almost ending, most of the snow in the air seems to be spindrift.

Btw I don't want to make too much of this - despite that fact that what we have here would grind England to a halt - it is much worse to the north. Boston is far worse. Canada, not so much snow but dangerously cold. Yesterday the high temperature in Montreal was -25C. It'll only be colder today. Montreal is roughly the same latitude as London, so be thankful for the Gulfstream..


NYC was trying to get the homeless into shelters but the hardcore still refused, this is where the fatalities will be clustered around. Most of the railroads in New York State are running a Sunday service but New Jersey Transit appear to be running OK still - they don't really need to since the Governor has posted a State of Emergency - mostly to ensure people are off the roads to allow clearance to continue.


The wind is not so bad here as it is in Connecticut and on Long Island where a Blizzard Warning is in effect. There are always people worse off. It has been difficult to get any official snowfall levels due to the wind. Luckily because it is so cold the snow is a light, fluffy, powder. Easy to move.


More anon.


Best, Pete.

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Now back down to earth, another year older but life still goes on in the same way - it's Friday and that means Waitrose, we won't even bother to try here so we're off to the Tilehurst branch at some stage so I might get to see a few trains and might even take the big camera as the light isn't bad and I need to update my Tilehurst station pics.


Have a good day folks.


Do you have the Waitrose loyalty card Mike? I heard on the radio over the holiday that you could get a free coffee with one, went into Waitrose yesterday and, sure enough, the customers were all standing around chatting over cups of coffee! I applied for my card there and then!



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Flood warning over with no damage to our friend's house - Ramsey and Castletown have a lot of flooding damage though.  I was going to post the Ramsey webcam but it is off line - no power.  Water came right over the quayside, and reached two streets back.  Main shopping area was inundated.

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Morning All,


Just had a little trip down to Soton docks to drop off friends who are sailing on Oriana. Back home now in the warm and dry and have had a phone call to say that can't yet board the ship as the wind keeps moving the ship too much to keep the gangplank in place! Sounds like they are really going to enjoy their trip across the bay of Biscay when they eventually sail!


Have a good one all.




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