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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


One of my favourite days. The annual silly season is over, and the world gets back into some sort of order. And of course I don't have to go back to work, so can feel smug about those that do. Well - the season of goodwill is truly over!


After wet and windy weather, calm and clear is the keynote outside, but not expected to be too cold for a few days. Nice of trisonic Pete to keep us advised of the sh1tty weather his side and his evident glee that it's ours next! Share and share alike, eh? 


Debs's approach is from a modeller who does seriously good things with card, hasn't been about as much for a couple of years, and lives a very long way from her. No alternative agenda here, I think!


Hope your head is clear for the new start, that if work intervenes it proves easier than you'd hoped, and that the year is a good 'un for you.

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  • RMweb Premium

morning all from a Blue Skied Leeds...


Hope all is well in your particular part of the world .. off to take decorations down and finish off some weathering


Have a great date good people!


Barry O

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, back at work, Ian will be pleased to know!


A dull grey morning, to be followed by a windy, wet and sh1tty night forecast. Joy.


Polly, yes the water surrounding us acts as a moderator, more like a reactor mod than an RMWeb one though......it keeps us 'relatively' warm in winter, and cool in the summer.  The highest temperature here last summer was 25c, on the same day when we were in Ambleside with 32c!  Last winter's snow was exceptional, it is only the second significant snowfall we have seen here in the 12 years we have lived on the rock.  Usually it is half an inch that is gone by lunchtime!

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  • RMweb Gold

Sherry forwarded a link to the local paper in our former area, noting the River Mole had burst its banks at Mickleham and Leatherhead, 35 people had needed rescuing from the smart Burford Bridge Hotel and with a pic of flooding in Cannon Grove, Fetcham. 49 years ago today, I had my first date with one Deirdre Jane Hancock - who lived at 10 Cannon Grove! Currently lives in LA, I think.

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Morning All,


I am not back at work yet, as I needed to reduce my overtime account - so I am not back until Monday.


I have just spent ages on the phone though.  First to book a service for the gas boiler (which took all of three minutes, complete with small talk) and then half an hour with various different energy suppliers who are eager to know what's on the gas and electric meters.  However, I think I now have things sorted.  I am waiting for the first energy supplier that rewards for loyalty.  They will make a fortune with people who are fed up with having to jump through hoops every year.


The sun is shining on and off here - but rain is forecast.


Have a good day everyone...

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Sherry forwarded a link to the local paper in our former area, noting the River Mole had burst its banks at Mickleham and Leatherhead, 35 people had needed rescuing from the smart Burford Bridge Hotel and with a pic of flooding in Cannon Grove, Fetcham. 49 years ago today, I had my first date with one Deirdre Jane Hancock - who lived at 10 Cannon Grove! Currently lives in LA, I think.







Nowt wrong with the long term memory then! ! !

Edited by Two_sugars
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  • RMweb Gold

I suffer from elephant's memory for a lot of life's trivia, and forget what I was supposed to buy in the supermarket today. I can recite a late friend's company car registration numbers from the late 60s/early 70s. How pointless is that? The school photograph was taken in March 1964 - effectively 50 years ago. I can name at least half of the 650 people on it, probably two-thirds.


Said young lady - she was 13 - was in the year below Sherry at school. She had one brown eye, one blue eye, but was certainly pretty. My mother said she was a madam.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, back at work, Ian will be pleased to know!


A dull grey morning, to be followed by a windy, wet and sh1tty night forecast. Joy.


Polly, yes the water surrounding us acts as a moderator, more like a reactor mod than an RMWeb one though......it keeps us 'relatively' warm in winter, and cool in the summer.  The highest temperature here last summer was 25c, on the same day when we were in Ambleside with 32c!  Last winter's snow was exceptional, it is only the second significant snowfall we have seen here in the 12 years we have lived on the rock.  Usually it is half an inch that is gone by lunchtime!


We live at about 500ft which in a really hot summer keeps it bearable and in winter is usually warmer than down in the valleys where the cold air sinks.  Caernarfon always seems colder on the water front but in the town, where it is sheltered from the wind, it can be quite pleasant in the sun most of the year.  And, with the mountains in the way, there can be some interesting weather combinations.  Porthmadog and Llanfairfechan can both be in glorious sunshine when everywhere else is under rain clouds.  Handy to know when you want to go out for the day. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Bright sunny morning out there (well it would be) but more rain forecast for late evening/tonight (well it would be as Mrs Stationmaster is taking me out) but there should be time to replenish the ready use log stack before the weather turns.


Debs if you do start manufacture of said items my steel ones tend to rust if not kept lubricated so a brass  version could be useful.


Have a nice day one and all.

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So I'm sitting here trying to work. Got loads to do and the enthusiasm to do it. No time pressure, so I can do it well to a good conclusion. And it's a course in Excel, all mapped out and structured.


So why is it that the University comms systems have taken it into their minds to have today off? Talking 5-10 minutes for a response sometimes.



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  • RMweb Premium

Polly, the valley thing was apparent on Boxing Day, at Groudle Glen - only a small valley maybe 120 feet at that point, but steep sided, the cold air just stuck at Lhen Coan station (where I was on crowd control - grumble) but out at the headland it was quite warm in the sun.  The coldest day of December as it turned out.  I had to take to the bath when I got home, Mrs H had more sense and was in the ticket office with a heater!

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  • RMweb Gold

My dipped headlight went yesterday - I was photographing the local units as I do every New Years day just to kick things off, it was so dull the car wanted the headlights on at 13:00 ! - the dreaded "Fault with dipped headlight" appeared on the dashboard - great.


Today Jill has taken the car to Norwich Halfords and has been listening to the technicians tale of woe and managed to negotiate £10 discount on the £70 total price (2 headlights fitted, still working lamp in a box for the "come in handy" spares and new wipers, also fitted) - she's a good 'un.


The birds are happily munching - I'm about to top up their supplies as the sun is almost round ...

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My dipped headlight went yesterday - I was photographing the local units as I do every New Years day just to kick things off, it was so dull the car wanted the headlights on at 13:00 ! - the dreaded "Fault with dipped headlight" appeared on the dashboard - great.


Today Jill has taken the car to Norwich Halfords and has been listening to the technicians tale of woe and managed to negotiate £10 discount on the £70 total price (2 headlights fitted, still working lamp in a box for the "come in handy" spares and new wipers, also fitted) - she's a good 'un.


The birds are happily munching - I'm about to top up their supplies as the sun is almost round ...


She did well. In these days of high-tech bulbs, and some cars where bits of bodywork have to be removed to change bulbs, I'm surprised it needs new wipers already.



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