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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, wet here now as I discovered on my walk for the papers, despite having a umbrella with me I got soaked in a downpour which was accompanied by strong wind which made using the umbrella impossible.


Well it wont happen again this year!


On that note I would like to wish all on here a great New Years Eve, if 2013 was a good year for you may it continue, if it wasn't hopefully 2014 will be better.  The range of topics on this thread goes wide and far and I look forward to furthering my education in 2014!


Have a great last day of 2013 folks

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  • RMweb Premium

Apologies for my crass posting; I intended the "It`d be rude not to!" sense.... :blush:


Just to make clear to anyone reading these posts, we haven't fallen out - far from it!  I should have put a smilie of some kind after my first line, it seems a bit late to edit it now!  Debs and I have chatted via PM to clarify things, we are singing from the same words and music. :friends:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


It's Friday New Year's Eve so we've been to Waitrose, earlyish start so we could actually get into the car park, and we are now duly stocked up for the coming few days although Mrs Stationmaster is taking me out (well I'm driving) to the nice 'dinner theatre' at Sonning later in the week as a little pressie for clickety-click.  Hope what seems to have started this a.m. as a sore-ish throat will be duly banished by then.


Not much else to report - the weather is currently grotty and verging on rain, the cats are sleeping apart from Dr Station Cat who is grazing on cold sausages for her breakfast.


Have a good day one all and a good New Year's Eve be it a quiet one or more on the wild or hydraulic side and trusting 2014 will be a much better year for all but especially those for whom 2013 has been such a difficult and demanding year.- 

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  • RMweb Premium

Dull and cold.


Soldering and stuff on the cards today, once I can find the workbench.


It's the area with all the stuff from the dining table on it .   ;)



 Morning all , damp and gloomy in Zumerset today , no big plans as per usual .


 I hope everyone has a good last day of the year and that next year is better for all

those that have had problems with this one .

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  • RMweb Gold

I think a walk round the garden centre is now being suggested. Aditi wants to look in the "mature plants" section. The fresh air will make me feel better or so I have been informed!



Avoid the Leylandii section

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  • RMweb Gold

Just to make clear to anyone reading these posts, we haven't fallen out - far from it!  I should have put a smilie of some kind after my first line, it seems a bit late to edit it now!  Debs and I have chatted via PM to clarify things, we are singing from the same words and music. :friends:


Good to hear you're both batting out of the same hymn sheet (I didn't even think it was otherwise actually - just part of ERs' rich pageant of jocularity)

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Getting duller and more dismal as the rain is arriving, but that's only the weather and not in the house, which is all sweetness and light since I've served two mugs of coffee. :) As I can't have caffeine at the moment all the sweetness and light juice has been well directed, so much so that the lounge has been threatened with an attack of the vacuum cleaner.


We've just been into the garden and cleared up what the wind has deposited from out neighbours' dustbins. Dogs took a look outside - trotted round then back inside sharpish as the rain started. They are now occupying their customary positions on the sofa and chair.


Will I get any real modelling done in 2013? Today will tell.

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  • RMweb Premium

Good to hear you're both batting out of the same hymn sheet (I didn't even think it was otherwise actually - just part of ERs' rich pageant of jocularity)



I was just worried that in the cold light of day it looked a little dodgy - I respect Debs far too much for that to happen!

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  • RMweb Gold


the lounge has been threatened with an attack of the vacuum cleaner



I've had to clean the cleaner before I can start the cleaning.



Is anyone else experiencing strange behaviour when replying to posts - different size text, underscore on or bullet points selected by default?

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


First of all a big thankyou to all those wishing us well for 2014. I have to say 2013 has been a much, much better year than 2012 was for me, for reasons that were well-rehearsed during that year. I certainly look forward to 2014 in a positive manner - although, without being morbid, at 65 any year might be my last! So I join in the wish that 2014 be a topping year for you all. May I thank you each for your generous and helpful postings when I have had problems. ERs remains a smashing environment.


My only further comment about Templot is that there are many ways to skin a cat, but Gordon's trackwork looks quite splendid to me, so if it's good enough for ET.......


Tony's tree issue sounds quite nasty. Letting Aditi loose on the idiots sounds a great solution - I adore ballsy women in full spate, having married one - but I do wonder whether a solicitor's letter sent now would be a stake in the ground (sorry) that no-one can dispute in future.


As far as teenagers on RMweb are concerned, I seem to have found several admirable youngsters  on here. I am delighted not to be a parent, but there are kids on here I would be proud to be father to.


Sadly the mother/daughter issue is not going away. Daughter has rattled mum's cage by email - having not mentioned it days ago when they were together - and my morning discussion with mother probably included black smoke emerging from each of my ears. I think 2014 will see a resolution, even if I have to discontinue relations for the sake of my sanity and blood pressure!


I am out for dinner tonight, Our hosts, English farmers, will provide the main course, while guests bring bits and pieces. I have a couple of selections of cheese, and 4 bottles of wine. I think 9 of us are dining.


Happy New Year!

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Morning all - just...


It is another nice sunny morning here, but the weather is set to detiorate later on.


I didn't realise Tony's tree was one of those leylandii. I cannot believe some people. It is bad enough that one of your trees falls in a neighbours garden, but then ignoring the problem is incredible! I would be mortified if that was one of my trees. (Not that I have many!)


I hope to get more modelling done in 2014!


Have a good day everyone...

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Morning all


First of all a big thankyou to all those wishing us well for 2014. I have to say 2013 has been a much, much better year than 2012 was for me, for reasons that were well-rehearsed during that year. I certainly look forward to 2014 in a positive manner - although, without being morbid, at 65 any year might be my last! So I join in the wish that 2014 be a topping year for you all. May I thank you each for your generous and helpful postings when I have had problems. ERs remains a smashing environment.


Sadly the mother/daughter issue is not going away. Daughter has rattled mum's cage by email - having not mentioned it days ago when they were together - and my morning discussion with mother probably included black smoke emerging from each of my ears. I think 2014 will see a resolution, even if I have to discontinue relations for the sake of my sanity and blood pressure!


IHappy New Year!


Ian - Don't let yourself be forced into a position where, for the sake of peace, your possible future happiness is compromised - faint heart never won over (un-)fair lady. Be gentle and reasonable - if there is one thing that upsets a bully ( which is what daughter is being!) it is reasonableness! They have no answer to it. All the best to ALL in 2014!

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all, I will be glad to see the back of 2013 but then again I have been glad to see the back of a number of years from 1996 onwards......  I do hope that everyone has a more enjoyable 2014 a little more pleasure in life won't hurt anyone. I intend to start 2014 by paying Sky very little and having more cash to pay the gas bill.... We have a new motability car due at the end of January and hopefully mpg will improve leaving a little bit of cash for modelling.

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  • RMweb Gold



As far as teenagers on RMweb are concerned, I seem to have found several admirable youngsters  on here. I am delighted not to be a parent, but there are kids on here I would be proud to be father to.




After being woken up by him behaving like an idiot at 2am, I have a teenager you can borrow for a test drive. Send him back when he's 30. 


Happy new year

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  • RMweb Premium



Ian - Don't let yourself be forced into a position where, for the sake of peace, your possible future happiness is compromised - faint heart never won over (un-)fair lady. Be gentle and reasonable - if there is one thing that upsets a bully ( which is what daughter is being!) it is reasonableness! They have no answer to it. All the best to ALL in 2014!


What he said. 

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