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Evening All,


Ian, best of luck to you on resolving your FB dilemma. Apart from LinkedIn (which is for professional reasons, and even then my LinkedIn activity is minimal) I have resolutely avoided TwitFace and other "social media". I am well aware how a minor indiscretion or a momentary lapse of judgement can have unintended and/or unpleasant consequences. Knowing my propensity for eating shoe-leather, I am staying well clear... Furthermore, quite frankly, who am I to inflict my puerile meanderings world-wide on t'interweb?


Quite a productive Christmas, the "refurbished boozer" is finally nearing completion. I have just to weather roof and chimneys/chimney stacks, add gold lining, finish the simple 3/4 terrace house and add street furniture and pub signs. So I am hoping it will be completed by January 1st, 2014.


Mrs iD is back to work tomorrow, so normal routine with the HM, including the 6 a.m. walk... The joys of dog ownership...


Have a good one, Y'all

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks Gordon.


The damaged disc situation has been resolved -  a new SSD for operating system and a new HDD for work files etc.  If the required files aren't on my external HDD I might have to resort to trying to salvage stuff from the damaged drive.


Either that or a fresh start. I'm beginning to fancy a West Highland passing station - something  to give me a roundy-roundy but not too complicated. Crianlarich is looking good as it would include a bit shunting. It would be nice if I could incorporate some of the trackwork already constructed.


Have you any experience in changing layouts in mid flow Gordon?

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  • RMweb Premium

She wacked her forehead on a large plant pot, unfortunately. Dr. is concerned as to why she got dizzy inthe first place...

If you re going to hit your head the center of the forehead is probably safer than anywhere else, like the temples, for example.



Best, Pete.

Fingers crossed that your MiL will feel better soon, Pete! I fully sympathise with your worries...

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  • RMweb Gold

She wacked her forehead on a large plant pot, unfortunately. Dr. is concerned as to why she got dizzy inthe first place...

If you re going to hit your head the center of the forehead is probably safer than anywhere else, like the temples, for example.



Best, Pete.


I hit my forehead on the side of the house when I was very small, I was running away from mum but looking the wrong way, turn to face the right way and BANG ! - nee nah nee nah off to hospital with blood gushing everywhere - apart from my scar it hasn't affected me .... I'm still calm and easy going.

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  • RMweb Premium

Rather a late hello from me tonight.


Up early and out before 9am onto the A5 and into sunshine.





Then a ride on the Mince Pie Special at Llangollen...



...in the decorated coach





After lunch in the station cafe, I couldn't resist a wander through Santa's Grotto.



On the left hand side, looking through the windows.






Now that was winter wonderland, and no mistake.  Really nicely done.


Back home to wind and rain...



...a cup of tea and a slice of Christmas cake.






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Morning all, 


Dull rainy day here today,  but that did give me chance to get a bit more done on the truck.  Final fit out and weathering is going to have to wait until after retirement.  


I may have  similar problem to Ian's on the horizon.....my offspring don't yet know about my GF, or my retirement plans in just over a year....I suspect some "fireworks"  ...!  


I'm not quite sure how I'm going to handle that problem. 


However it's surprising what is available here in the way of modeling bits and pieces, found a craft store that had loads of stuff for scratch building, especially in larger scales.


Whatever you're up to today, try and find something to smile at. 






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Some low cloud cover at present but that's forecast to clear to 'clear' with a nice 25C max.

It's Monday, the last one of 2013.

Everwwhere still on holiday mode with many businesses still closed.

Have a great day wherever you are and whatever you are doing..

Some low cloud cover at present but that's forecast to clear to 'clear' with a nice 25C max.

It's Monday, the last one of 2013.

Everwwhere still on holiday mode with many businesses still closed.

Have a great day wherever you are and whatever you are doing..

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Watching the news about Schumacher and once again they fall into the trap of wheeling out anyone who can pad out a story.  Of course we wish him all the best, but keep to the facts and stop straying into 'expert' opinion.  The only guys that can really comment are the medical team that are looking after him.  The rest is just froth….


Morning all.  I must remember to get out of the bed the right side on Mondays….

Edited by gordon s
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I will watch your video in full, Dom, but am fascinated by the pointwork just 33 secs in.  It would appear these are no longer used as the main running line goes straight through.  Either that or they have some form of closed frog that ensures a continual running line.  Any ideas?


Edit:  They must be disused as later in the video (13.08) the pointwork has normal crossings..

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Very wet & windy night & still "raining with pour," 9oC, looks like it's going to be wet for most of the day. The good thing is we haven't sprung any leaks this time.

Great time had last night with friends visiting for dinner. I've not been up long & the little man pounding my brain with a lump hammer suggests to me that I might possibly have ever so slightly overindulged (a little bit) in partaking of liquid refreshment. I think I'll start reducing my intake of all things nice from today. Possibly. Maybe.


Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Gordon, I understand there are several locations on the Yamanote Line where trains begin and end their turns as they are taken into and out of service at different times of day. However, the line does have a dedicated pair of tracks at all stations along its path, so except in case of major disruptions, I figure it is rare for Yamanote Line services to stray from their tracks.


I keep being fascinated by how well-disciplined Japanese passengers would appear to be as I'm certain I did not see as much as a single person proceeding beyond the marker line along the platform edge. Over here, everyone would stick their heads inside the loading gauge as every single person would want to be the first aboard...

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  • RMweb Premium

A good morning to you all as I look out onto a dark, dismal, wet and windy day.  What a contrast to this time yesterday.

Still, mustn't complain as I had a cup of tea brought up to me, this morning and, hopefully, I'll get to try out my new loco.


Have a good day.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Thanks very much for all the helpful suggestions and entreaties for restraint in my dealings with the silly girl. Having sent her a robust response - sans profanities, mind, and even without threats - at lunchtime, I have heard no more. She read my reply 2 mins after I sent it. She has still not mentioned the matter to her mother......


Very sorry to hear Pete's anguish - hope the lady pulls round and there are no further events.


Templot terrifies me - it is very clever, and those who have cracked its use clearly reap huge benefits, but the complexity and time/effort consumed in learning it seem daunting. So losing all the data is a real blow. I hope it pops up again in a location so far unexplored.


Sherry won't have seen it yet, but an RMwebber has just changed his layout name to Ashcombe!


Hope your day pleases.

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