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  • RMweb Gold

I know grumbles about Royal Mail are the stuff of life these days - but are they as bad as they could be? I ordered a package of wood from Iowa nearly 2 weeks ago. It is being sent via USPS, which noted the item in its system on the 16th, although it didn't actually show it as accepted until the 18th, in Iowa. On the 19th it was in Nebraska, and it didn't get to Chicago until the 23rd. Now, my limited knowledge of US geography suggests that Iowa to Chicago via Nebraska isn't quite a straight line - but what do I know? Yesterday it was noted in France, and is now apparently out for delivery.


Other US parcels have arrived in far fewer days, that is certain, despite being heavier by a margin. Unimpressed.

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  • RMweb Gold

Against my better judgement (in view of the senseless-madness that is "The Sales"), I`m off to buy a new lavatory seat; how can a lady as petite as my 86 year old Mother, manage to break the lid/cover and seat, when they`re cast from a high-grade resin?!?!? :scratchhead:

.......perhaps I should consider making myself a Carbon/Aramid laminated version. :mosking:



Go and find a fallen down tree, chop out a goodly chunk and then hand craft a good old fashioned bespoke bog seat: Much better than resin, and they do have a certain 'warmth' about them.


Mind you, such strenuous exercise might leave you looking a little flushed!


Very windy here too with fence panels being evacuated from between their concrete posts;  The wind is actually cracking the top or bottom cross braces and then the panels bends under the wind pressure and pops out.  Fortunately due to the prevailing wind, it is taking them into next doors garden, and not mine!


However, it will be me that has to repair/replace and refit:  Minefields as boundaries are far more fun. :angel:






Edit: spellin'

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

Still here.....getting even windier though.


Another vote for Stihl equipment, having a chainsaw (and protective clothing...) and a blower/vacuum which seems to spend more time at Groudle than here!  They are faultless, always start even after being ignored for months, and survive the rough and tumble of gardens and narrow gauge railways well!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Well we've not yet left for Reading Don - not sure if we will go today as the trains are all over the place with masses of late running despite a quite good planned service for us and parking might be a bit difficult of course.  Alright for the lad as his office has a, small, private car park round the back (top of Greyfriars Road.  Also there's a lot of scaffolding with plastic sheetng over it in Reading at present and that doesn't seem to like strong winds although the wind has dropped a lot (fortunately).


Some interesting trains on their Gordon, I wonder why Alstom need all those test paths (and I wonder how often they actually use any of them)?


Hope weather damage is minimal for all - we seem to have been lucky but getting the trees trimmed seems to have been helpful.


Have a good day folks.

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Against my better judgement (in view of the senseless-madness that is "The Sales"), I`m off to buy a new lavatory seat; how can a lady as petite as my 86 year old Mother, manage to break the lid/cover and seat, when they`re cast from a high-grade resin?!?!? :scratchhead:

.......perhaps I should consider making myself a Carbon/Aramid laminated version. :mosking:


Never underestimate little old ladies.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, youngest out overnight and the two older ones still sleeping means I  didn't get up until 10.15. I was woken in the early hours by noises but after a quick prowl decided it was the rain blowing in the wind. At the moment the young eucalyptus tree is doing a good impression of a fishing rod.It isn't strong enough to stop MrsB wanting to shop though... 

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Against my better judgement (in view of the senseless-madness that is "The Sales"), I`m off to buy a new lavatory seat; how can a lady as petite as my 86 year old Mother, manage to break the lid/cover and seat, when they`re cast from a high-grade resin?!?!? :scratchhead:

.......perhaps I should consider making myself a Carbon/Aramid laminated version. :mosking:


Do I foresee some Gurning on the way.

Stay safe, Debs - horrendous here.

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  • RMweb Premium

Fascinated by your stories and pics, Beast.  Just out of interest, where do you get all the running info?  Is there a website open to all or are you getting inside info on train running plans?


I was bought 'Pointless' last year as a Christmas present, Polly.  I think we played it on Boxing Day, but it hasn't been out of the box since.   Maybe it was the wine consumed, but I seem to recall, the TV game didn't transfer itself well to a board game.  Perhaps we need to try again this year based on your experience…:-)


Heck of a wind last night, but chuckled at the BBC News team at Byfleet in Surrey.  They must have been driving round for ages looking for a big enough puddle to film their news report.  Cars going past were in no more than four inches or water.  Certainly looked a bit more blowy oop north.


Neice and boyfriend arrive this morning, so it's full at the inn.  Rumours are that all guests will depart on Saturday, so the weekend will see all the decorations and tree down and that's Christmas dealt with for another year.  Jeez, I'm a miserable git…:-)


Hope all is well wherever you are.



Polly & Gordon S: I bought the game of 'Pointless' last year as O/H sits glued to the TV version but we never got further than the rules which didn't make sense to other members of the family either. Well impressed that you managed to play it!


Windy night here in Crewe, added to which we're in a 3/4 bed, so not a brilliant sleep. Looking forward to seeing the children open the gifts we've brought.


Have a good day, at work or play!


I think it helped having a Quiz Master (the receiver of Pointless for Christmas) who thrashed us all at Monopoly from the age of 7 and who has acted in that capacity ever since.  HO HO HO.  :jester: :jester:  :jester:

I think his secret is to take each step of the game as it comes - not saying it would necessarily work for me though. :jester:


We played with 5 people playing in three teams (two teams of 2 and one team of 1) alternating who we played against in each round.  Lost, already?  It worked, anyway.  Ray and I didn't make it to the last round - no railway questions, that must be it.  :mosking:


Lesson learnt: it might be better with more players  :friends: :punish: :drink_mini: :protest: :offtopic:

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"Storm-force: Silly" winds here now: `just witnessed a full-sized bicycle being blown along the centre of the road................and it wasn`t on its wheels! :O


...........as yet, there`s been no sign of any owner in pursuit! :scratchhead:



I think the loo seat shop can wait until the wind abates; so for now, we`ll just have to 'hover', as the old one is already in the bin! :laugh:

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  • RMweb Premium

A late appearance from me today. 

Two reasons - children were playing contentedly so had a lie in! 

The other being that we put a crazy proposal in for some work and the customer emailed today asking us a couple of questions. Who knows, might even come to something! 


Was a tad windy and rainy in the night. The rain appeared exactly on cue according to the cue at 10:00 and the wind at 04:00 - I know this as number 2 child also appeared complaining about the noise and seeking shelter with me under the duvet. An hour later he was complaining the noise of snoring. Gee, you can't please some people! 

Hope all ERers and the wider RMcommunity are weathering the weather ok. 

Best, Andy

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Afternoon all,


We decided to brave the supermarket today, and it turned out not to be too bad. Sales straight after Christmas aren't big here, so you just have those with a siege mentality who have had to survive two whole days without shopping.


I also got a quote for the car bumper to be repaired and that will be done in the new year. Fortunately, it can be repaired and won't need replacing.


Final job for the day was to remove and re-cement a few loose tiles on the kitchen floor. Like many jobs in a 1930's house this has turned into a bigger job than we thought as a whole area of the floor was moving under the tiles! Fearing the worst, we set to work removing an area of the screed. Thankfully, the main floor is sound but I would really like to wish a merry Christmas to whoever thought it was a good idea to lay a screed on a layer of fibreglass!!!


The loose area is now replaced, but at some point (when I have won the lottery) will have to replace the whole floor.


Have a good afternoon everyone...

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Gold

Thanks very much.  Fascinating stuff.  The interesting trains are those that are marked as 'pass'.  Now you've whet my appetite, I want to know more about them...




Low tech answer - they pass without calling. (or rather without it being a booked calling point)

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  • RMweb Gold

Rather nervous on the dog walk this morning the paths through the woods were littlered with flallen branches and the odd fallen tree plus a carpet of leaves and twigs ripped off the trees. So with the wind roaring in the tree tops above us you couldn't help wondering which bit was coming down next. Needless to say it didn't bother the dogs one bit. Popped home to see if there was any post it looks as though the wind has been sucking cavity wall insulation out of the hole where the boiler flue used to be!



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I know grumbles about Royal Mail are the stuff of life these days - but are they as bad as they could be? I ordered a package of wood from Iowa nearly 2 weeks ago. It is being sent via USPS, which noted the item in its system on the 16th, although it didn't actually show it as accepted until the 18th, in Iowa. On the 19th it was in Nebraska, and it didn't get to Chicago until the 23rd. Now, my limited knowledge of US geography suggests that Iowa to Chicago via Nebraska isn't quite a straight line - but what do I know? Yesterday it was noted in France, and is now apparently out for delivery.


Other US parcels have arrived in far fewer days, that is certain, despite being heavier by a margin. Unimpressed.

It's that time of the year. Mike Stationmaster posted to me a book from Reading on 1st December this year. No sign of it at all as yet....

Unfortunately I'm used to this.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Well we did brave Reading - even went by car as the trains are still all over the place and we didn't fancy half an hour or more on a draughty platform 'waiting connection'.  No problem getting a parking place, just getting back to it when we returned as car was on Floor 13 and the lifts were o/o/o.  But that apart we did all we went to do (exchange her chrissie pressie for a different size - not my fault guv, M&S sizing ain't what it used to be), and buy a mattress (Heelas/John Lewis, not one of the bed sheds this time).  Main road blocked by the Police for some reason on return working so a pleasant trip round various by-roads.


Risotto for dinner tonight so I'm told - it will include chicken I'm led to believe

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  • RMweb Premium

Just posted something via the Post Office- before christmas they delivered all of my parcels sent 2nd within 3 days (and even ventured a couple to fraggle rock - so the gale hadn't got there yet)


They seem to be as good as mot - indeed the foreign competition seem to do well at finding me out when i am at home and being based the other side of Bradford most of them take an age to get to... so just for once lets have a hurrah for the Post office (never thought I would say that...)


Barry O

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  • RMweb Premium

Darkness has fallen (clunk) but the wind doesn't seem to have abated as yet.


I used to find USPS pretty good when I was buying a lot of train stuff from the states 5-6 years ago.  Our customs are good here too,  I don't often get charged. (read - never yet!).  I once had a chat with them at our country show, and asked how they identified DCC equipment and the likes as benign rather than electronic detonators or something - asked where I lived - oh you!  We know you get train stuff....small island.

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  • RMweb Premium

With International shipments it is often not the "Post Office" or "USPS" that cause delays but the various security agencies.


Best, Pete.

We used to send stuff out to customers in the US and things occasionally got held up in massive parcels' hubs in the mid-west. One time we were sending some stuff to the NAVY SEALS and it got stuck in transit. We had to hit a specific delivery schedule so it could get hand carried someplace else. Managed to track down the chap in charge of customs at the hub, explained it was urgent and in turn he went and spoke to his mate who was the parcel's company ops manager. Both had worn a different uniform at one time and very kindly expedited our package. :)  

Best, Andy

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