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  • RMweb Gold

That was a bit close.

Yes! My garden furniture and barbecue are under that lot! They seem OK. I've sawn a bit off so we can get out! 

Amazingly the dog didn't bark in the night, just at the paper delivery!

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That was close, Tony!  


Don't worry about it though.  Stick a on a few baubles, some strings of tinsel and a set of lights and no one will know any different.  


If someone asks why it's lying down, tell them you searched everywhere but couldn't find a pot big enough….

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

OO-LO calling!


No power since about 0100 - but as I type this it's just come back on! V windy night like everyone else, but no real damage. House is cold, but the woodburner has done its bit in the sejour, and now all should be well.


Typing this thanks to a laptop and the remarkably useful UPS which was part of Deb's stairlift, enabling me to energise the modem.


More when I've got all systems functioning again!

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Just having a snow shower to follow the sleet, hail and heavy rain and winds.

As long as the trees here stay upright we are secure.

Provision made for the stream/river to overflow and skirt the house, thence downhill (depending on volume!).

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All,


Tony when will you learn? A tree that big is never going to fit through the patio doors.


Today was going to be a quiet day but as SiL and family have had no power since midnight we will be having an early start to the visitors and festivities.


Have a good one all.




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  • RMweb Gold

Just having a snow shower to follow the sleet, hail and heavy rain and winds.

As long as the trees here stay upright we are secure.

Provision made for the stream/river to overflow and skirt the house, thence downhill (depending on volume!).

For goodness sake don't go trying to control it (or even for a swim for that matter) whilst it is in spate!!!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, bright skies about ten mins ago but now going very dark and rain imminent I think. Actually haven't been up long, I would like to say that I overslept due to the hard work I did yesterday ie hold this, move this, carry this etc however Mrs Shedman would just simply say I drank to much port which is probably close to the truth.


Catch up later off for breakfast.

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  • RMweb Premium

Howling gale here now, force 10 at times, 'sea state high'.  No ferry again obviously!


As many will know we don't actually celebrate Christmas (for personal rather than religious reasons) but we have a little feller that hangs around here that loves it - this is Donk, he's a bit naughty at times but he loves trains.....and he wanted to be on here.





Those of you who see me on other fora may have seen him before,  he gets to most preserved railways with us on our camping trips.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Very windy last night but apart from some relocated garden furniture there's no apparent damage (so far) and there are still apples on the tree!!  Our electricity supply survived the night but in an exhibition of careful advance planning Southern Distribution (new name every week it seems) arranged for it to fall over 4 times yesterday afternoon - must be down to all the work they did to 'improve things' a couple of years back as we now get more failures than we ever did before it was 'improved'.


Return visit to Tesco yesterday evening when herself remembered all the things she'd forgotten to put on her list for the morning trip - very nice time to go with car park near empty, everything she needed in stock, and no queues at the checkouts.  And talking of shopping late for Christmas I must be off soon to do my little bit to go with the sparkly bit of metalwork already stashed for her and I shall try Reading as son has just called offering me a lift home should I happen to go that way - and no doubt the sales will be on ;)


Have a good day of final preparation/start of Christmas for those who get down to it from today.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Now dried out after a bit of a leak from above our lounge bay window and also our porch. Two small Leylandii (8 footish) leaning over in drive, one on my car so I went into lumberjack mode & removed it. No damage to car. Not as bad as three of our immediate neighbours who have fared rather worse with tiles off & fences down.

Chris is now manufacturing sausage rolls & mince pies by the dozen. I have volunteered to test them once they've cooled down a bit.

Son has arrived & left his car etc here & I took him to Morden to get the Tube as the overground stuff was u/s. He's hoping to finish early but apparently there's a problem with flooding at his offices.

Daughter, son in law & kids arriving early tomorrow for a couple of days so this is the (relative) calm before the storm.

If I don't get the chance to visit tomorrow may I wish all of you a Very Happy Christmas!

Have a good one, :drinks: In fact have several!





PS. First sausage roll tested & has passed with flying colours.

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Tree delivered overnight.






Oh my`! :O


Half expect to Robbie come flying out from within that foliage, chasing a pheasant; although I bet after seeing that windfall, there`ll already be a 'grouse' there!

Edited by Debs.
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning All, went last night to Tesco aquaplaned on the river across the road but otherwise quiet trip. Which reminds me do you have to be immortal or invincible to buy a white Audi Q7? or does owning one make you invincible and or immortal? travelling back from Carlisle I was at about 60-70 mph because of the water on the M6 and the reduced visibility only to be passed not by one white Audi Q7 but three all travelling at 90 to 100 mph! Unless it was the same guy three times as we do use the M6 for 120 miles and he kept stopping to change his trousers. I am assuming the driver was male but couldn't see obviously due to the spray....

Anyway apart from a trip out to buy some flowers for Mrs B I have no reason to venture far so Happy Christmas to one and all if you don't or can't celebrate best wishes.

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Been out with the dogs for walkies on the beach........chilly, windy but quite sunny.


Saw the fabled 'three ships' go sailing by (albeit a day early) an 'oiler', a coaster and a tug.

`Noticed on the way home, the roads were very busy with panic-ridden last minuters all travelling 'well in excess' and 'close-coupled' :O


Having a bit of a do with a little diorama this afternoon (perhaps it`s last night`s rich food!) :jester: .....I`m making a little ballasted track-bed scene, upon which to 'close-up' photograph my range of 7mm. scale track gauges.



Somnolent canines now litter my floor......

`soon be lunch.

Have fun.

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Just back from Cemetery - Sandy's daughter and a load of other rellies, mums, grands, aunts, uncles. Then it was Sainsbury's for more spuds (where did the last lots go? Ah yes, just noticed my waistline). Then to a country store for coal and a new scuttle, the last one having succumbed to the ravages of rust. Back home and the rivers are up and overtopping, but not onto the roads. Then put all my work books in the back of the car as "You won't be needing them over Christmas, WILL YOU!!!?"


And now it's the dining table again. And the floor, and my desk, and the workbench, and ... and ... and ...


Dogs are wandering and hoping for pickings from the tables.


[EDIT] P.S. The dogs won!

Edited by Coombe Barton
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  • RMweb Premium

Ray out early for last shop BC (before Christmas) while I iced the Christmas cake.  Dared to do a different theme this year.  Photo when the "decorations" are on.


In the meantime  we had rain, hail, sleet, snow flakes and eventually some sunshine.  :sungum:


Happy Christmas Eve.



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  • RMweb Gold

All these new words I'm learning...amazing though I find it hard enough sorting the male /female definitions of simple words ie


COMMUNICATION (ko-myoo-ni-kay-shon) n.
Female... The open sharing of thoughts and feelings with one's partner.
Male... Leaving a note before taking off on a fishing trip with the boys.

 COMMITMENT (ko- mit-ment) n.
Female..... A desire to get married and raise a family.
Male...... Trying not to hit on other women while out with this one.

 ENTERTAINMENT (en-ter-tayn-ment) n.
Female.... A good movie, concert, play or book.
Male...... Anything that can be done while drinking beer.

 REMOTE CONTROL (ri-moht kon-trohl) n.
Female.... A device for changing from one TV channel to another.
Male... A device for scanning through all 375 channels every 5 minutes

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi's normally cheerful disposition has returned. She was rather upset about what the treefall had possibly done to her border plants but I think they will be OK. The furniture and barbecue seem OK. I think the Weber grill could probably survive a nuclear strike anyway. If Robbie does escape, the garden where the tree used to live isn't open to the road.

I've had all the the jokes from other neighbours about did I confuse feet and metres for my Christmas tree, will it go through the patio doors etc.

Matthew posted a photo with a comment like " OK yah, Mummy and Daddy always have the tree delivered by air on Christmas Eve".



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