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  • RMweb Premium

I was very pleased that the Telegraph reported that a rat and a hamster were rescued and taken to a place of safety.


Sort of traditional to get ratted or plastered at this time of year!  :drink_mini:



...I'll get me coat.

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Here is the damage top the frontage of our home as a result of last night's accident:-




We have two builders coming to quote tomorrow but little chance of the work being completed very quickly; the policeman who interviewed me this morning thinks it will be necessary to have single line traffic with lights to enable the men to work safely. That entails applying to the Council!


Joy unbounded.


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Here is the damage top the frontage of our home as a result of last night's accident:-




We have two builders coming to quote tomorrow but little chance of the work being completed very quickly; the policeman who interviewed me this morning thinks it will be necessary to have single line traffic with lights to enable the men to work safely. That entails applying to the Council!


Joy unbounded.


Ouch! You will have to give us photographic updates when they start. Will you go for a brick or stone replacement?

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  • RMweb Gold

As I suspected then.  Either my hearing is kaput, or the correct figure is 100 sq m, which makes a whole lot more sense...


I couldn't work out how 70+ people were injured by 10 sq m.  I know they pack the punters into theatres, but that was ridiculous…;-)

Would probably be three people injured by falling plaster, 10 by being trampled in the rush to get out, 5 by looters and the rest of the injuries being invented by ambulancechasers.com to get them the unearned profits they deserve

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Ouch! You will have to give us photographic updates when they start. Will you go for a brick or stone replacement?


Probably rendered stone to match the wall on the other side of the gate, other walls in the garden and the house itself. Sadly, having trawled through the many photos I have taken since moving here in August, 2011, I cannot find a single one of the frontage as it once was!

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  • RMweb Gold

Here is the damage top the frontage of our home as a result of last night's accident:-




We have two builders coming to quote tomorrow but little chance of the work being completed very quickly; the policeman who interviewed me this morning thinks it will be necessary to have single line traffic with lights to enable the men to work safely. That entails applying to the Council!


Joy unbounded.

hate to add to the pain but you will probably need to liaise with the owners of that telegraph pole support wire.


still, glad you and yours were unharmed. We had a similar incident at a previous house, woken in the night by skid and impact noises followed by power failure. Our drunk driver had brought down the overhead power line carried by a similar pole to yours.

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  • RMweb Gold

Probably rendered stone to match the wall on the other side of the gate, other walls in the garden and the house itself. Sadly, having trawled through the many photos I have taken since moving here in August, 2011, I cannot find a single one of the frontage as it once was!

Hopefully if it's going to be rendered they can re-use most of the original stone

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Probably rendered stone to match the wall on the other side of the gate, other walls in the garden and the house itself. Sadly, having trawled through the many photos I have taken since moving here in August, 2011, I cannot find a single one of the frontage as it once was!

Have you tried Google Street view?

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  • RMweb Gold

People get very confused between sq metres and metres square and it is even worse with cubic metres and metres cube. As already stated 10metres squares is 100 squares metres. I don't expect that would have fallen as a single chunk and you certainly wouldn't want to be under it.

We were pleased about the rat and hamster but did wonder was the rat a tame one or just living there on the discarded food. I can imagine there might be good pickings in a theatre. The last time I was in a cimema there floor was covered in popcorn etc. by the end of the film. Personally I had my tea first so I could watch the film.


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  • RMweb Gold

As for observing of operations & the like, no ta! I consider myself to have a scientific mind but it's definitely more inclined towards physics than biology, or to put it another way when faced with too much of said biology I tend to turn a funny colour and have to leave the room :bad:


Many years ago I was developing an interface from our patient management system to a (operating) theatre management system - the file servers were located in a room, glass sided, between the 2 main theatres of a major hospital, not to far from DD, which dealt with a lot of RTAs, on (a lot ) more than one occasion we would be working on the servers whilst both theatres were working on patients - I'll spare the details but some were very gory, however the worst theatre I worked in (on the IT side, not the medical side although at the time I had clearance to enter the theatres and even had my own gown) was the maxillo-facial unit, that was grim and that did make me feel a bit squeamish. This was quite a few years ago now, can't see that happening today.

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Morning all, 


Found a model train shop today!  Sadly though all ready to run Lionel and some 0 scale R-T-R stuff. With a bit of H0 .  So no bits and pieces.  


My Mum has had several  car - v - garden wall issues (she lives opposite the local chippy and the planks who turn round use her wall rather than their brakes).  First time she phoned the local police they were more interested in her ethnic origin than the damage to the wall...........................


Try and have a good day, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Would probably be three people injured by falling plaster, 10 by being trampled in the rush to get out, 5 by looters and the rest of the injuries being invented by ambulancechasers.com to get them the unearned profits they deserve



Judging by one picture of the interior of the building post event there were some substantial pieces of timber involved and what look like some bricks (?) as well plus reported massive amounts of dust.  The tv pics show lots of people with head injuries although apparently dust inhalation was the cause of the majority of those taken to hospital.




Here is the damage top the frontage of our home as a result of last night's accident:-



We have two builders coming to quote tomorrow but little chance of the work being completed very quickly; the policeman who interviewed me this morning thinks it will be necessary to have single line traffic with lights to enable the men to work safely. That entails applying to the Council!


Joy unbounded.



What one earth was he driving to do that much damage to a wall or was the rendering hiding a multitude of whatever material had been to hand when the wall was built?  Definitely going to cost the insurers a few quid - have you had a loss adjuster round yet?


Meanwhile on a brighter note todays attention to the cherry tree produced about three wheelbarrow loads of usable firewood after doing the splitting - which equates to about £15-20 worth of firewood at the current rates for split logs round here.  And if it is anything like the 2 year old cherry we have started to burn this week it will make excellent firewood.

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.........What on earth was he driving to do that much damage to a wall or was the rendering hiding a multitude of whatever material had been to hand when the wall was built? Definitely going to cost the insurers a few quid - have you had a loss adjuster round yet?..............

It was a Vauxhall Vectra (51 reg) and I'm guessing he hit it at speed. We are on a blind bend but the road is lit; the speed limit is 30mph but many do not adhere to it. Had our wall not slowed him down, he would probably have been killed as there is a steep drop just beyond where the car came to rest.


The wall is/was made from blocks of stone. I have found a picture of it on Google Steet View which I will post when using the PC as can't seem to do it from my iPhone. Our Ins Co has been notified so I imagine they'll sort it out with the motorist's insurers, although it's possible that we'll have to pay the excess which will be paid back eventually.


Have a good weekend, everyone!

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Very wet round here, winds around Beaufort 3. The nonagenarian is now panicking about the weather - will it be too bad to get here? I watched the BBC forecast last night and saw why old people get worried, what a real doom-monger they got to give that one! They certainly don't care about who they scare. Still, on the positive side, she won't be astride her broomstick for too long.


No sign of the light overcoming the darkness - guess the hints that I would like Lode Star have fallen on stony ground! Not too manic today but tomorrow brings a deluge of baby Gruffs so need to pack little parcels of home-made tablet fudge for them.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,.

After a very wet & windy night the rain has abated for a while but there's more to come. Very mild for this time of year at 10oC.

The main news of the day is that after a ridiculously long time for the actual work involved Joe's room is now finished after I re-sized & refitted his built in bed. After him saying "Wow Grandad, thank you, that's fantastic" he disappeared into it & only came out once briefly last night for some food. 


Today I may be doing some railway related stuff so that's why I'm now whispering.  A new decoder needs to be plugged in to my latest E-bay aquisition to hopefully improve the slow running.


Apart from that some domestic stuff needs doing as apparently "the house needs a major tidy up" before our Christmas visitors arrive in a couple of days. Actually I think what she's referring to is the spare bedroom/railway room which needs to be utilised for its original use.


Have a good one,





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My SiL had a cesarian under local anesthetic and could see what was happening. More guts than me I think.



Don't remind me.  My daughter was born by Caesarian and my wife wanted ME there.  Had to sit through the whole thing dressed in all the theatre gear and I'm one like Doc Martin….


Still it made for a great story at my daughters wedding... :D

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all! Good to be able to sleep in for a bit...


Some food purchases will need to be done today while Elise and her sister will be off for their last bits of Christmas shopping. That will leave me with the task of tidying up some, but I do need a bit of change from all the cerebral work of the last weeks...

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Shortest Day of the Year: Sunrise: 7:18am;  Sunset: 4:33pm. The advantage of being way south of London.........


Big storm in rest of country - it will be sliding by here to the North West of us, so only a few showers if anything. Tomorrow we may get to 70f, which'll be something... but I'm expecting only 63f.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Quite blustery and not raining at the moment.

I think we have obtained enough supplies for the festive season but I will need to get some broccoli as it is our niece Maya's favourite vegetable. I don't need to do that today though. 

I'll tidy up my space on the landing where I have my PC and lots of train stuff in anticipation of visitors arrival. Having my stuff on the landing isn't a hardship, the space is bigger than the so called third bedroom at our previous house.

We are going to see the latest Hobbit film tomorrow so watched the first episode last night.



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