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  • RMweb Premium

WORRava Startut lyke?????

Nivver mind a start wores the broon???  

Mind you I speak Yacker not Geordie.........


Al I wish for is a ham and pease pudding stotty... with home made red cabbage ......


So geordie is a scout with Colonel Custer .. the sound of drums come from teh hills..


Geordie are they War Drums?  asks Custer


WHy no! they're theirs!!


And I do have my Geordie Passport and a Record by Mike Neville and George House "Larn thasel Geordie"  


Barry O

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  • RMweb Premium

And of course there is real Consultant Speak...

We have developed ouCompany Strategy making use of our Gap Analysis while reviewing Best Practice  and keeping an eye on the Bottom Line so that Going Forward we can Touch Base with our Game Plan making sure that no one in the business is out of the Loop and aware of The Big Picture and how they can  be seen to be Adding Value by the Movers & Shakers in the business by being more Customer Focussed and by continuing to Benchmark our progress within our Business Case and by staying Cool  and being Proactive, not Reactive while allowing us to Think outside the box and to continue up our Learning Curve so that we can Streamline our operations to get away from a Me, Me, Me approach which can only provide Quick & Dirty solutions  which do not make best use of our Feedback from others held within our Knowledge Management system which breaks aways from our current approach to data of "A need to know basis"  because, at the end of the day our Balanced scorecard will reveal that we are improving Quality  of delivery without resourcing to the current " My little hero" approach which will require some Process mapping  employing the odd Change Agent so by this time next year we will have put this one to bed as we know this just isn't Rocket Science and we are already playing in the right Ball Park   using this Business Strategy  and the  Knock on effect  will be we will employ less of you and I will be richer by £1000 per day.....

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  • RMweb Gold

Many years ago.

Bob (a boss type person)."Bill is coming to our next team meeting as he wants to run his ideas for IT up the flagpole"

Me (a minion) "Can't we just run Bill up his flagpole"

Bob "You are being negative"

Me "No I'm not".

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And of course there is real Consultant Speak...

We have developed ouCompany Strategy making use of our Gap Analysis while reviewing Best Practice  and keeping an eye on the Bottom Line so that Going Forward we can Touch Base with our Game Plan making sure that no one in the business is out of the Loop and aware of The Big Picture and how they can  be seen to be Adding Value by the Movers & Shakers in the business by being more Customer Focussed and by continuing to Benchmark our progress within our Business Case and by staying Cool  and being Proactive, not Reactive while allowing us to Think outside the box and to continue up our Learning Curve so that we can Streamline our operations to get away from a Me, Me, Me approach which can only provide Quick & Dirty solutions  which do not make best use of our Feedback from others held within our Knowledge Management system which breaks aways from our current approach to data of "A need to know basis"  because, at the end of the day our Balanced scorecard will reveal that we are improving Quality  of delivery without resourcing to the current " My little hero" approach which will require some Process mapping  employing the odd Change Agent so by this time next year we will have put this one to bed as we know this just isn't Rocket Science and we are already playing in the right Ball Park   using this Business Strategy  and the  Knock on effect  will be we will employ less of you and I will be richer by £1000 per day.....

May I be contentious????


Sometimes this BS can come in very useful. When I don't believe that my boss's harebrained flight of fantasy will work (which has been frequent, as of late), then my reply (and if I have to, business case analysis) is simply crammed full of such magnificent verbiage that allows you to appear optimistic, "positive", a "credit to the company" and "motivated". In such a way, I can appear enthusiastic without actually saying anything much in three or four paragraphs (I must confess, however, my boss is not a native-English speaker, I might not get away with it with a native-English speaker).


Now I am off to sieze the low-hanging fruit and leverage them into an early deliverable to the stakeholders...



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  • RMweb Gold

Some of the organisational English phrases are just silly. When Aditi was doing her research she had interviewed lots of teaching staff. She used some analysis software to look at certain phrases used. One phrase that kept appearing among the more senior managers was "getting our ducks in a row". 



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  • RMweb Gold

One phrase that kept appearing among the more senior managers was "getting our ducks in a row". 

I believe it's heard a lot in the English cricket team's dressing room too.

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  • RMweb Premium

"I came here by parachute"


"My tank has demolished your wall, the Army will compensate you"


Do you remember the title of that one by any chance? Sounds like something I might well use as an icebreaker in my English lessons - with upper classes where I could expect students to be able to comprehend such things at least! :sarcastichand:


Likewise, I was just looking at that infamous phrasebook by the title, "English As She Is Spoke" ...

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  • RMweb Gold

The business term I hated more than any other was 'growing the business' (and all variants thereon) so if someone asked 'how do we grow the business' I would come put with useful ideas such as 'water it' or 'add manure' (which probably why I managed to avoid the 'company induction' course for six years, fortunately).

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  • RMweb Gold

We are sat in the boss's office having a meeting, when the direct line from Control rings, advising him that there is a major points failure at Factory Junction (Battersea) and that everything in and out of Victoria Eastern is stopped. This is not good, but we are powerless to add any value. Further calls interrupt our meeting, and things are still not on the move. Quoting a contemporary tv advert featuring the Cinderella story, I murmur "All it needs is a woolly sock!" "Shut up, Ian!" says colleague (equal status) Mike. Sad.

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  • RMweb Gold

It didn't go down well when I told my boss I had an insoluble opportunity. He loved all those buzzwords he was quite a good manager but didn't have the technical knowledge I think using all the buzzwords was a way of compensating.

DD  Micromanaging is something that can only be done by the small minded.


On another topic from The News Quiz on R4

A false arm was found to be on sale in a secondhand shop


well it amused me anyway.


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