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Having grown up in Surrey, I'm familiar with Cockney speak; although the accent isn't typical of the majority who live there, it was heard from a few. When, in the early months of teaching in a high school in Hednesford, Staffs., I remonstrated with a miscreant, the response was, "I hate these teachers who talk posh!"



My speaking voice (and accent) has been mistaken for Eric Clapton's since forever - which is odd considering (it is both slightly deeper and) I was born in Stoke Newington (not far from Clapton Station) but moved to Shenfield in Essex when I was 5.


Eric, so far as I know was born and brought up in Ripley, Surrey.


By the bye Eric's family name is Clapp but his Mother was Patricia Clapton (hence, presumably, also why his middle name is Patrick)...


Now you know far more than you want to.


Best, Pete.

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Been doing some research and now realize where "Little Ilford" is. It's in Manor Park. Little Ilford Park is also the real setting for "Itchycoo Park" by The Small Faces (which is how I found out where it was)....


Yes, I'm doing a project on London songs.


Best, Pete.


Ahh, Manor Park. 

My grandparents and mum lived in Manor Park for many years, also throughout the war. My grandparents moved to a flat on the Romford Road when their house was demolished to make way for a school in Browning Road. Funnily enough I took a look at it on Streetview the other day and it hasn't changed one bit.


My brother and I were often sent train spotting on a footpath by Alders brook between the City of London cemetery and the main line; if only we'd known it was a relatively short walk to Ripple Lane we might have seen more locos! I lived in Manor Park for a year or so whilst I went to polytechnic in the 80s. Fond memories. Other relatives were moved out of their homes adjacent to the river Roding in the 60s into tenement blocks to make way for the impending ring road - which must have taken another 30 years to actually build!

The layout I work on (occasionally) is called "Roding Reach" as a nod to family long departed. 


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Lately, our neighbourhood has been plagued by a teenage acne-cream addict, whom thinks he`s related to the late Mr. Sheene...........50cc`s of raw accoustic ("open-pipe") terrorism.........at all hours of the day and night! :ireful: 

He manages to get to the red-line in every gear and still only be interested in staying in the one road; regularly causing denizens and animals to leap for their lives with his on-road and on-pavement antics and despite many requests, police action has not been forthcoming. :resent:


:angel: I ask forgiveness; for I have just indulged in the sin of schadenfreude......The spotty-one came out to enjoy another crazed blat up and down; but in his fervid desire to wring every-last squirrel out the engine; he missed a gear and it all went horribly wonderfully quiet!......Soon after he was seen pushing the noiseless hulk homeward.......I did make a point of laughing 'loudly' and pointing! :laugh:

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Lately, our neighbourhood has been plagued by a teenage acne-cream addict, whom thinks he`s related to the late Mr. Sheene...........50cc`s of raw accoustic ("open-pipe") terrorism.........at all hours of the day and night! :ireful:

He manages to get to the red-line in every gear and still only be interested in staying in the one road; regularly causing denizens and animals to leap for their lives with his on-road and on-pavement antics and despite many requests, police action has not been forthcoming. :resent:


:angel: I ask forgiveness; for I have just indulged in the sin of schadenfreude......The spotty-one came out to enjoy another crazed blat up and down; but in his fervid desire to wring every-last squirrel out the engine; he missed a gear and it all went horribly wonderfully quiet!......Soon after he was seen pushing the noiseless hulk homeward.......I did make a point of laughing 'loudly' and pointing! :laugh:

Bless you my child, you are granted absolution.


There are always places where such actions would not affect residents and, to borrow a phrase from Digital Broadcasting adverts, "Share the Lurve" by using more than one street! That is unfortunately beyond the wit of many that you likably term "acne cream addict".

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The first song I was referring to (for the benefit of just about everyone else) was "Maybe it's because I'm a Londoner" ..............

..................I bet Gordon S. had it sung to him too.




I thought Gordon would have had a more  'I belong to Glasgow/Where's your trousers' sort of childhood.

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Lately, our neighbourhood has been plagued by a teenage acne-cream addict, whom thinks he`s related to the late Mr. Sheene...........50cc`s of raw accoustic ("open-pipe") terrorism.........at all hours of the day and night! :ireful:

He manages to get to the red-line in every gear and still only be interested in staying in the one road; regularly causing denizens and animals to leap for their lives with his on-road and on-pavement antics and despite many requests, police action has not been forthcoming. :resent:


I sympathise - we had a similar candidate who would push his "twist and rip" to the limit.


Mopeds here are speed governed - the youth start off with 30kph, and then graduate to 50kph later.  Of course, there is a minority who "tune" their mopeds and intend to get the maximum amount of speed out of them.  We had one such lad who used to roar up and down our road at all hours of the day and night and speeds I would guess to be in the 80-100kph range.  Given that our road is limited to 30kph, and there is a school and kindergarten within close proximity, this was incredibly dangerous - but the lad was riding without number plates, so he couldn't even be reported.


To cut a long story short, he was seen by a police patrol, who attempted to stop him, but he tried to out run them :O Obviously, this clown had seen too many cop shows on TV!  The "chase" ended when he drove down a dead end street, crashed the moped and tried to make a run for it over a wall.  This is something else that is much easier on TV - he was arrested, and they threw the book at him for rinding without a license, without registration, and without insurance :rtfm: .  The nights have been a lot quieter since 8)


Deb's story is even better - Missing a gear, and busting the engine - Brilliant!

Edited by Robert
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I can swing both ways…. :-)


On the subject of Eric Clapton, I played golf last week with a guy who really was his double.  I'm sure I wasn't the first to tell him and asked if they had ever met.  He told me that completely by accident he once walked into a pub near Guildford and there was the great man himself.  They stood next to each other at the bar, turned to look at each other and both burst out laughing.  Of course the landlord came up and did a double take and said which one of you is the real Eric Clapton.  They both pointed at each other and said 'he is' to the merriment of all concerned….

Edited by gordon s
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G'day all


Late on parade following a visit to the Doctor then the chemist (to which I must return to collect my latest version of statin) and we have Mrs Stationmaster off to the RBh for some more involved audiology examination etc this evening.


Trying to catch up on what I haven't forgotten from the last few pages I hope Don's Christmas Dinner Day goes well and the wine is sufficiently palatable for him to down it.  We havea  similar situation with various medications from the vet - the special food additive for the cats' kidney problems is £35 plus £6 for the prescription - the same stuff in the same quantity is £13 online.  


And thanks for the song line Pete - I recognised it immediately, got the tune into my head and now can't get shot of it!  I did wonder if it might have been Dear Noel at work until I checked on the 'net - which is now causing the tune of 'London Pride' to replace Gregg's work in my mind (and I'm not even musical)



Anyway I think we might be off out to lunch ion some country pub at some stage - unless herself has changed her mind.


Have a good day folks.

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Clock delivered, pretty lights (white, not twinkly) arranged across garage and bay window, doggy about to be walked and then shopping.

Must have some lunch too!

I don't recall having met anyone who looks like anyone famous, or having met anyone famous/celebrated/etc. I have of course met some well known model railway celebrities some of whom frequent ERs!

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visit to optician completed - HOW MUCH???? for a new frame and varifocals.......


haircut also completed together with about  an hour and a bits walk. Also managed to buy a new big bottle of Rotring black ink for weathering- the last one cost £12.99 this one was £30...mind you it was about 15 years ago....


Barry O

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As with The Learned Weatherer, I visited that place one should have gone to before shearing the sheepdog today and had a pleasant surprise for once - my sight has only changed very slightly over the past 27 months and that for the better too! Since I was also prepared to say How Much in a Stage Whisper (taking my cue from Ashers), I feel somewhat disappointed. Rushing back home, I made it for the annual service of the Alarm System (nothing to do with mounting Rottweilers) and the overhaul of our central heating boiler. Both passed muster with a clean bill of health (I hope) for the next 12 months. 


Of course it was too good to last - my electricity supply company has advise that they want another £60 per month off me - there I go HOW MUCH - because the meter readings I submitted indicate I have been underpaying and this contract only has a few more months to run.


By now I trust that the South African Christmas Day Dinner has been satisfactorily consumed and a gentle snooze has followed the post-repast brandy (even if it is just a small one).


Take it easy out there everyone!

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Motorbike noise? we have this at the moment :O  Not to often though but you know when its overhead!


A new version of a fighter jet built by thousands of Lancashire defence workers has taken to the skies for the first time.

The Tranche 3 version of the Typhoon, built at BAE Systems at Warton and Samlesbury, near Preston, has started flight tests ahead of entering frontline service with the RAF.

It made its first flight from the runway at the Warton site under the guidance of BAE test pilot, Nat Makepeace.

Mark Kane, managing director of its Combat Air division, said the aircraft was ‘future-proofed’ with hundreds of ‘under-the-skin changes’ which he said meant it would be prized by airforces across the globe.

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Motorbike noise? we have this at the moment :O  Not to often though but you know when its overhead!


A new version of a fighter jet built by thousands of Lancashire defence workers has taken to the skies for the first time.

The Tranche 3 version of the Typhoon, built at BAE Systems at Warton and Samlesbury, near Preston, has started flight tests ahead of entering frontline service with the RAF.

It made its first flight from the runway at the Warton site under the guidance of BAE test pilot, Nat Makepeace.

Mark Kane, managing director of its Combat Air division, said the aircraft was ‘future-proofed’ with hundreds of ‘under-the-skin changes’ which he said meant it would be prized by airforces across the globe.

For all those involved in this project, I hope Mr Kane (not a Citizen of Wharton or Samlesbury I guess) is correct. The Typhoon is a spectacular bit of kit when it has displayed its prowess near Silverstone.

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Lately, our neighbourhood has been plagued by a teenage acne-cream addict, whom thinks he`s related to the late Mr. Sheene...........50cc`s of raw accoustic ("open-pipe") terrorism.........at all hours of the day and night! :ireful:

He manages to get to the red-line in every gear and still only be interested in staying in the one road; regularly causing denizens and animals to leap for their lives with his on-road and on-pavement antics and despite many requests, police action has not been forthcoming. :resent:...

One could be incredibly cynical about this and most uncomplimentary about the Police desk-wallahs who set policy...


The hidden Walter Mitty in me has ideas about strewing caltrops or spike strips across the road shortly before the errant youth appears. (with big signs warning drivers of "temporary vehicle hazards" very visibly placed - he would be warned). Although that sort of action will result in a Police appearance.....


Things To Do When I Am Dictator Of The World: No. 357


Make protecting and serving law-abiding tax payers THE primary priority for the Police Service.




(I don't think that it's the poor beggars in the front line who are the source of most of the public's disatisfaction with the Police, but rather the politically correct desk wallahs who set  policy and priorities...)

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