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  • RMweb Gold

One bungalow we looked at had a track worn across the lawn and a hole in the fence either side. Badgers are not easily thwarted. Marion had a close encounter with one on the Isle of Wight when it brushed past her legs when startled by the dogs. No picture it was gone before I could even think camera.


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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


My legs are suffering this morning, my 4 mile walk yesterday seems to have had an effect, but I'll be out again walking off the strain soon.


Tony's train was the RHTT (as Ian says) - working off Broxbourne. He caught it just in time too, the leaf fall season has finished and only "as required" ones will run now.


Yesterday I went to see our Connie in Grease twice, unfortunately the licence didn't allow for any video recordings to be made. It's a pity no-one mounted a pair of video cameras on the walls and surreptitiously made some recordings  :whistle:  We had to watch the show, then rush home for a very quick bite to eat, almost as long as it would take to copy a recording of a 2 hour show off a memory card (if only) and then rush back to get the cameraschairs set up for another takesession. I would imagine the first recording would be disappointing as the microphone was set too high, almost as if there was no time to be able to test this and a guess was made, but the second, evening show, would be a lot more successful and result in a usable recording - if only  ;)


The kids performing were fantastic, the afternoon show was a bit staid, but in the interval they were messing around singing and dancing and got themselves relaxed so the evening show was far more natural and a superb performance resulted, the evening audience were far better too. It's all over now, quite sad as they all really enjoyed the production and now there's nothing - until the next time !!


There are two paths for ballast trains (local to me) today and only one loco - one path is during daylight, one path is in darkness - the loco is the black 66718 - I can guess which path will be taken  :cry:



Well I must get out of bed rather than spending all morning lazing around - have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

One bungalow we looked at had a track worn across the lawn and a hole in the fence either side. Badgers are not easily thwarted. Marion had a close encounter with one on the Isle of Wight when it brushed past her legs when startled by the dogs. No picture it was gone before I could even think camera.



I know of several badger setts around my house, I've not seen one yet but I've seen plenty of the tells. At Saxmundham we had an active sett in the office grounds, again no sightings of the animals, only the tells.


I used to go badger watching at a location south of Shrewsbury, we (me and my sons mother) used to sit in a hide and watch the badgers, they were on a disused railway line which was a nice connection, we went several times for a few days each but eventually the people running the watch couldn't run it anymore, for our last visit they asked if we would like to sit out, so we went out a good hour before the badgers were due, we had peanuts sprinkled around us and we waited, and waited, and waited, not able to move much lest we scare them, and we waited some more, then, a snuffling sound emanated from the sett, and a head appeared, then another and then the animals started coming out, eventually we were surrounded by them, around a dozen in all, they ate the peanuts, including the ones off our legs, after about 20 minutes the badgers headed further afield to forage and we returned to the hide. A fantastic memory.


I still haven't had TB - or been shot by a farmer.

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  • RMweb Gold

Benfleet has a lot of badgers, not so many in our area but on the next hill to the east. Earlier this year one was trying to bash its way through the fence from next door's garden. I blocked the hole with a big slab. I'm sure it could move it if it wanted but it decided to choose another route. I think the badgers have negotiated a dog free route through gardens now. If I didn't have a dog I'd be quite happy for the badgers to visit but I would prefer not to have to deal with any dog v badger interactions.


Dave, Thank you for the train info. Leaf fall has been quite late this year in our bit of Essex. It took the windiness last week to finally shift them off the trees.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


My 9th and last morning of being out and about at 0700 GMT to feed the goats - and it was a smasher. Frosty, but absolutely still and clear with the sun just starting to colour the sky. Less than a fortnight to Winter Solstice and it's a lovely day, so life still seems pleasing.


Beasts's mention of badgers south of Shrewsbury reminds me of our late friend Donald Pearse - anyone remember Pearse Locomotives, live steam and wooden rolling stock kits? - who had a number of badgers who would visit him at home in Church Stretton. ISTR he even managed to get a tv slot about them, with cameras recording them snuffling around him in the dark. A remarkable man who'd also built some of the props for Thomas on the tv. His son is still involved in large-scale commercial modelling.


Hope your Sunday is restful.

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Why would farming neighbours want to shoot cattle droppings


.......PULL ......



Does anyone know what the usual ER content actually is?

This brings an image to my mind of HRH The Duke of Edinburgh in the grounds of Balmoral with the serfs loading cow-pats into a clay pigeon launcher.


I was told that he had shot so much on the estate that the staff had to import animals for "sport". I am not against shooting (having done a bit over the years myself), I just feel that if you shoot an animal or a bird, it should end up in the pot and not be a count in some trophy war. Nothing like a bit of rabbit, pigeon or pheasant in a roast / stew / pie!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


We don't seem to have badgers here - muntjac and foxes yes, but no badgers.  Then we get to the daft bit - a neighbour asked on Friday if we'd heard the fox in our garden the previous night (no) and then went on to ask if we'd seen any rats.  I explained to him that one advantage of having foxes around is that they hunt and kill rats.


But on the other side of the coin all these animals leave scent trails and newly arrived cats let out for 'supervised' (haha) exploration of their immediate surroundings have got a habit of following said trails and vanishing - although this time round it was not for too long in Simba's case; I recovered Sammy from the garden next door after he'd scaled the fence.


On a rather different front Dr Station Cat is returning from Nuremburg today and in view of NATS' troubles yesterday it's probably just as well that she's coming by train!


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all, (just)

Dry & mild 9oC, a bit cloudy & some sunshine.

There was a noisy party at GB's abode last night. Luckily we had no complaints from neighbours as most of them were here making a racket!

Now all tidied up and a lazy afternoon in prospect,

Have a good one, (what's left of it)


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  • RMweb Gold



On a rather different front Dr Station Cat is returning from Nuremburg today and in view of NATS' troubles yesterday it's probably just as well that she's coming by train!


Have a good day one & all.

The next leg of Matthew's jaunt to Germany is by train or at least some of it. He is going to Tubingen next for a few days and then flying from Stuttgart. He did initially want to do all his travelling by train but it was too expensive. 

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Nothing like a bit of rabbit, pigeon or pheasant in a roast / stew / pie!


I did once see a hand-made road sign announcing "Please Drive Carefully: Peasant Beaters & Shooters On Road"........... :O


.............little more than they deserve; darned oiks! :laugh:

Edited by Debs.
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  • RMweb Gold

Patricia was 'up our end' a day or so ago.............when she left, she showed her destination as 'Red Dwarf Bay' (Red Wharf Bay) on AIS......their sense of fun nice to see! :jester:


I think that can be traced to a certain 2nd Officer - who on one of the daily 'news' sheets for passengers which talked about where the ship ought to be going and sundry other bits of information included a map of part of South Wales with the annotation 'Here be dragons' some miles north of Cardiff.  Now rather coincidentally when i worked in that neck of the woods we had a very naive young Signalman whose colleagues absolutely and very successfully convinced him that there really were dragons in a nearby forested area;  in the woods around this castell as it happens -



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PS Pete still waiting for your plane to collect me from LBIA!

Sorry we were still stunned by England's "performance" and Biggles refused to take off....you'd have had to sit in the back of my private one of these...



The only animal over here that really worried me brushing past my legs was a Skunk - when I was standing in my backyard having a fag. Actually they are delightful wild animals...


Mike, I used to pass Castell Koch a lot; my brother lived just up the road from it.


Best, Pete.

Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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It has been decided that I am turning into a grumpy old git.

I tend to agree.


Surely, if you really were turning into a grumpy old git, you would be objecting strongly to being called one?

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  • RMweb Premium

Patricia was 'up our end' a day or so ago.............when she left, she showed her destination as 'Red Dwarf Bay' (Red Wharf Bay) on AIS......their sense of fun nice to see! :jester:


Yes, she was in Douglas Bay on Thursday, hiding from the weather.  A friend at work is booking on her too as a result of my explaining the MO, he might meet Stationmaster!

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Another busy day at Groudle, ready now for Santa's visits over the next two weekends.  Fingers corssed for reasonable weather.


:friends: Santa`s arrival may be somewhat delayed; he`s been helping me out in the workshop for a few days and we haven`t finished broaching the steels yet! :mosking:



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  • RMweb Premium

Ah, that looks like a 'sticky drill' with an electro-magnetic base.  We have one of those for doing steelwork, one of the best inventions of the modern world IMHO!  An absolute boon.  edit - I suppose it's an end mill really, as opposed to a drill?


Will you let us have Santa next Sunday please?  He needs to put some weight on though..... :jester:

Edited by New Haven Neil
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