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  • RMweb Gold

I remember seeing a sink waste disposal unit demonstrated on television. It was probably live TV and what I do remember is my father muttering "idiot" about the presenter introducing a milk bottle into the device. I think Dad only watched DiY programmes to observe the bodgery.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Good job that diner Pete linked to is a lot nearer his house than ours or I'd weigh even more!


Talking of food the local Christmas fayre was quite a good event - the weather was kind for once, a lot more in the way of 'proper' fairground type things this time but all the various charities were still around with their money raising efforts, all the eateries seemed to be doing a roaring trade and quite a number of the shops looked busy.  The town's newest shop opened at 17.00 yesterday at the start of the fayre - after various previous and generally useless existences it has now become a tea shop - no, not what you thought but a shop selling tea complete with samples to sniff and taste, individual teabags packed to order (honest!!) plus tea available in several different size bags packed while you wait.  I don't know how long it's likely to survive in the local retail climate but it's great idea and they have some excellent teas on offer, and it makes a change from what seems to be the town's main business which is very expensive frock shops and ladies shoe shops.


Might do the Reading 0 gauge trade show today - it can be a good venue for tools etc as well as presenting some terrible temptation (and Dr Station Cat is still in Nuremburg so won't be there to restrain me, oops).


Have a good day folks.

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  • RMweb Gold



There was 66047 galloping past the steelworks on an eastbound working. (Lots of lumps of metal on bogie wagons is the best descriptor I can give in my ignorance of modern rolling stock and what they carry)


I only really know anything about modern trains from comments made on RMweb. I find the wishlist threads quite educational about British railways too as I can Google to see what people are talking about. Anyway I saw a funny train yesterday heading towards Southend. It appeared to have a class 66 (see I have learned something) on either end with a cylindrical tank and a couple of rectangular things in-between. Numbers unobservable as the whole train was filthy. It looked as if it had been done over by one of those eBay professional weatherers who spray the loco with Ready Brek. 

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  • RMweb Premium

"Diners" - are always the best places to have breakfast on the East Coast. We have a very good one near us which is open 24/7/365.  Breakfast is always available at any time of the day.  Huge servings too.

You can check out the menu here: http://www.scotchwooddiner.com/



Best, Pete.


That's a substantial menu by any standards. 

Looking at the map I'm always surprised how quickly cities, even ones as large as NY, soon become leafy suburbs and then countryside. Looks like a nice place.



"in between maid"? In between what, exactly?


Best, Pete.


Jobs by the sound of it. 

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DD - I have porridge every morning, made with water only and a generous spoonful of honey just prior to eating - lovely jubbly.

...I had it at teatime, yesterday - always add a little salt - it makes it much creamier. I usually use a cupfull of oats, a cupfull of water and a cupfull of milk - microwaved on full until it tries to climb out of the bowl
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Dark still but some cloud visible. Not too cold though.

I don't know what we are doing today, So far we have drunk tea and listened to the countryside and farming programmes on the wireless.




Wireless? ours mostly need to be plugged into a wall-socket!

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  • RMweb Gold

I only really know anything about modern trains from comments made on RMweb. I find the wishlist threads quite educational about British railways too as I can Google to see what people are talking about. Anyway I saw a funny train yesterday heading towards Southend. It appeared to have a class 66 (see I have learned something) on either end with a cylindrical tank and a couple of rectangular things in-between. Numbers unobservable as the whole train was filthy. It looked as if it had been done over by one of those eBay professional weatherers who spray the loco with Ready Brek. 

I believe from things I read on here that this may be the RHTT - RailHead Treatment Train. Sandite gunge to aid traction has been in use for at least 30 years, but I suspect these day the train clears the leafy goo before applying the Sandite. In previous eras, water-cannon and plasma torches have been used to overcome the same problem.


I remember seeing a sink waste disposal unit demonstrated on television. It was probably live TV and what I do remember is my father muttering "idiot" about the presenter introducing a milk bottle into the device. I think Dad only watched DiY programmes to observe the bodgery.

Auntie Evie was quite clear - glass must not be put down the Tweeny.

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A belated 'morning all' chums, hope all's well where you are, with all ailments soon to disperse ;).


The feeble excuse for my severe ER tardiness is down to spending the last three and a bit hours perusing Alfa Romeo Giuliettas on Autotrader.... and boy am I getting sucked in and seduced big time! I was hoping I'd have off loaded the Fiesta by now (aka 'The Purple P**f Wagon' as it's been called by mates with much nicer and larger steeds) and bought a sexy little Italian number but other priorities have nudged it further down the 'to do' list, still, at least I know what's about for the alloted budget. Stone me, they are so nice in the right colour..!


Being fairly central and cosseted we seem to have escaped the dreaded winds round our way, so my heart goes out to anyone affected by it all. We watched the TV coverage of the east coast batterings last night and looked on aghast, it must be heartbreaking for those affected.


(Commiserations also to my other half on a much lighter note - the knock at the front door earlier resulted in us both racing to grab a stealthily wrapped brown parcel from the postie's grubby mitts, only for it to be mine and not hers, and we almost collided in the rush! Alas it seems Hobbycraft were a tad slower at despatching her contraband than Amazon were with mine, they kindly sent my 'Pioneer Diesels Around London' book in double quick time... the cover shot of D1000 'Western Enterprise' at Old Oak in maroon is worth the entry price on it's own!)


Have a good weekend folks :D

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That's a substantial menu by any standards. 

Indeed it is, which makes me suspect that most of the food makes a short journey between the deep freeze and the deep fat fryer... But I could be wrong (I'm always suspicious of small places with very long menus, especially if the menu has out of season items on it)


Currently, I'm going through an "eat local and eat it all" phase. It never ceases to annoy me that the local supermarkets are full of exotic Asian fruits whilst the humble European Swedish Turnip (rutabaga) can't be found for love nor money. And it really annoys the hell outta me that all I can get from the butcher is chops, filet and cutlet. I'm not even looking for something obscure like Onglet or Beef Cheeks, but things that take slow cooking - like shin or Oxtail...


Anyway, offal on the menu tonight. Haggis, creamed "tatties and neeps", buttered peas and a Whiskey saffron sauce. Must dash, gotta hit the pots and pans.


En Guete



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A belated 'morning all' chums, hope all's well where you are, with all ailments soon to disperse ;).


The feeble excuse for my severe ER tardiness is down to spending the last three and a bit hours perusing Alfa Romeo Giuliettas on Autotrader.... and boy am I getting sucked in and seduced big time! I was hoping I'd have off loaded the Fiesta by now (aka 'The Purple P**f Wagon' as it's been called by mates with much nicer and larger steeds) and bought a sexy little Italian number but other priorities have nudged it further down the 'to do' list, still, at least I know what's about for the alloted budget. Stone me, they are so nice in the right colour..!


Being fairly central and cosseted we seem to have escaped the dreaded winds round our way, so my heart goes out to anyone affected by it all. We watched the TV coverage of the east coast batterings last night and looked on aghast, it must be heartbreaking for those affected.


(Commiserations also to my other half on a much lighter note - the knock at the front door earlier resulted in us both racing to grab a stealthily wrapped brown parcel from the postie's grubby mitts, only for it to be mine and not hers, and we almost collided in the rush! Alas it seems Hobbycraft were a tad slower at despatching her contraband than Amazon were with mine, they kindly sent my 'Pioneer Diesels Around London' book in double quick time... the cover shot of D1000 'Western Enterprise' at Old Oak in maroon is worth the entry price on it's own!)


Have a good weekend folks :D

And I thought you were going for the V6 Brera! White Guilliettas look better than black IMHO. I am sure they would be beaten by one in Alfa Red but I have never seen one so coloured. I am still happy with my blue 159 and don't think SWMBO will allow me to get another Alfa - too nippy, steering and suspension too responsive and too pretty!

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And I thought you were going for the V6 Brera! White Guilliettas look better than black IMHO. I am sure they would be beaten by one in Alfa Red but I have never seen one so coloured. I am still happy with my blue 159 and don't think SWMBO will allow me to get another Alfa - too nippy, steering and suspension too responsive and too pretty!


So did I Gruff, so did I! The near £500 a year road tax put paid to that grand plan I'm afraid (deosn't stop me looking mind...). If we're going for an Alfa the Giulietta suits our needs just fine, although I've entertained the idea of a 159 Sportwagon in recent weeks. There's a red one that lives not far from us which always grabs my atention, especially in the rear view mirror - that sharklike front end is sublime! The three shades of red available on the Giulietta are very nice in the flesh, I'm looking at the brochure as I type this, drooling like a fool....

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  • RMweb Premium

"Diners" - are always the best places to have breakfast on the East Coast. We have a very good one near us which is open 24/7/365.  Breakfast is always available at any time of the day.  Huge servings too.

You can check out the menu here: http://www.scotchwooddiner.com/



Best, Pete.



I'll just get my coat!!


... very nice.

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So did I Gruff, so did I! The near £500 a year road tax put paid to that grand plan I'm afraid (deosn't stop me looking mind...). If we're going for an Alfa the Giulietta suits our needs just fine, although I've entertained the idea of a 159 Sportwagon in recent weeks. There's a red one that lives not far from us which always grabs my atention, especially in the rear view mirror - that sharklike front end is sublime! The three shades of red available on the Giulietta are very nice in the flesh, I'm looking at the brochure as I type this, drooling like a fool....

Yes, the best bit of the 159 is undoubtedly the front. The rear is nothing to write home about.

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening All


Glad to see that the winds have now gone, and hope that no ERs are suffering any problems as a result of  those or the incredible high tides.  In this area there was minimal wind (probably peaked about 60/65 mph) but nearer the coast, it was apparently a lot worse, and a local gym was flooded and the cars parked in their car park were floating pretty well - the establishment is right on the sea front between Morecambe and Hest Bank hard by the WCML (well it is a railway forum at least outside of ERs it is) and I would have thought that with a warning of high tides, nobody would be daft enough to park there with high water approaching.


Ah porridge - a subject that I have dreadful memories of - enough to put me off for life.  My grandfather was a very thrifty person (in fact most people described him as a mean aul b*gger) and he cooked his porridge in bulk on a weekend, and made it thick.  As it cooled, he poured it into a drawer, and allowed it to set, then cut it into potions which he ate as his breakfast for the rest of the week. 


Today I had a choice of jobs, wash the dog, or make the dinner - so I decided I didn't need a secondary bath and out came the 45156 standbyof korma, rice, naan and bhajis.  There's a surprise.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

I would have thought that with a warning of high tides, nobody would be daft enough to park there with high water approaching.


I wonder if anyone was daft enough to use the car park at Arnside?

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  • RMweb Premium

A'noon all.


A busy little day, went out on the bike for a while this morning, did 50 miles, which over here is like circumnavigating the world - Charley Boorman eat your heart out.   Had a look at Laxey station on the Manx Electric, which is being re-laid.  Ruined, more like, they have cut down the palm trees that have been there for about 100 years (Vandalism, no less) to make the track sweep closer to the station building to make more space for the Mountain Railway sidings.  They have taken out the crossovers as running around is now to be done outside of the station for 'safety'.  How many people have been hurt in the past? None.  Folk will now be tempted to cross a busy road and get in the way around the corner where they are laying new crossovers.  #sigh#    To do this they have ripped up track laid only two years ago. Madness. 


Then spent the afternoon rebuilding fences damaged in the wind on Thursday, ours wasn't too bad, the planks/boards what ever they are called had been blown off the rails (just nailed on) so they are all screwed now, however an elderly neighbour's was totally blow over, posts had snapped clean off.  He is first in line to the northerly winds, nothing but fields past him, so we helped him sort it all out.  Northerlies are rare here, prevailing winds are westerly, in bucketsfull.

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Busy day here at Collie-Towers: dogs beach-walked (early doors), car hand-washed, engine oil and filter changed, diesel-fuel and air-filter renewed, two loads of laundry washed and a chicken pie and mash supper, prepared..........but sadly; plans for some loco-modelling time had to be put-aside..........There`s always tomorrow! :drag:


As they used to say: "A woman`s work is never done!" :nomention:

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  • RMweb Premium

Curry tonight here too, pathia I think.  After beer n poppadoms I reckon. Yum.


Had porridge/porage this morning, and had a laugh at myself, I have been eating Oats so Simple for two years and totally failed to notice it's made by Deb's 'Head Office' - some observant justice worker I am..... :no:

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  • RMweb Gold

Busy day here at Collie-Towers: dogs beach-walked (early doors), car hand-washed, engine oil and filter changed, diesel-fuel and air-filter renewed, two loads of laundry washed and a chicken pie and mash supper, prepared..........but sadly; plans for some loco-modelling time had to be put-aside..........There`s always tomorrow! :drag:


As they used to say: "A woman`s work is never done!" :nomention:




What did you do in the afternoon?

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