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  • RMweb Premium

Well not in the same league as Pollys  Euston tree,  here's  the one at "Port Harcourt International Airport" ....and I nearly got arrested for getting my camera out!


and yes it is in a tent......the main building is being rebuilt. 


More later





Well Heathrow started in a series of tents. 

I'd be more worried about their idea of a Christmas tree.It looks so sad it's almost as if Norwegian pine trees aren't native to Nigeria!  

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Dear Customer,
Just a little note to let you know we understand your anger in the recent price hike.
But it should be noted that you have no choice.
We are a big company and you will pay what we tell you.
We have the power, you need the power. So sad...too bad.
We have enclosed a little picture to help outline our response.
Have a nice day and keep those cheques coming!


Your Electricity Supplier



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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all. Dreichness abounds and there is a storm warning for the North and Baltic Sea coasts. Supposedly, we're to get our first traces of snow by Friday, too.


Now on my way to a parents' evening at our school. Meanwhile, the Engelsdorf yard looks like this tonight:



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As some of you know, I am taking part in "The Railway Children" which opens this Friday. Here are some photos taken during last night's rehearsal:-


attachicon.gifBefore Father was arrested.jpg (I'm the domestic in the background)


attachicon.gifMother and children.jpg


attachicon.gifMeeting Perks.jpg


attachicon.gifThe foreigner arrives.jpg (I'm in the grey coat and fancy hat on the left of the picture)


attachicon.gifThe children entertain the Russian.jpg


attachicon.gifStopping the Train!.jpg The smoke conceals the loco approaching from the rear of the stage, but this is very effective.


''Daddy.... my Daddy...!!!"


Weepiest moment of any classic British film, ever...!


Almosty had a tear in my eye last night passing through Wellingborough when I saw D1015 bathed in the yard lights... proper eye candy and no mistake... :yes:

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Magic!  My Mac has returned along with a new graphics card, replaced under warranty.  For someone who was very reticent in giving up my Windows PC and going to the dark side, the last couple of days have shown me what I've missed.  OK it's an old Windows PC with XP, a small screen and a clunky keyboard, so an unfair comparison, but I'm very happy to have my Mac back.



Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Premium

Magic!  My Mac has returned along with a new graphics card, replaced under warranty.  For someone who was very reticent in giving up my Windows PC and going to the dark side, the last couple of days have shown me what I've missed.  OK it's an old Windows PC with XP, a small screen and a clunky keyboard, so an unfair comparison, but I'm very happy to have my Mac back.




Gordon, can these Apple machines run Windows programs like Word, Excel and Powerpoint? Or is there some Apple version that you have to get used to?

I've heard the Apple Mac is far more intuitive but am wedded to my old suite of Microsoft progs!


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  • RMweb Premium

You do need to get the specific Mac version, Andy, but yes, you can stick with MS Office if you like. I'm using Pages, Numbers and Keynote myself, which do require a bit of re-orientation for newcomers.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've been sitting on the floor sorting out audio and video cabling today. My DVD recorder failed  at the weekend and extracting it from its location revealed a lot of cables that needed tidying. Some didn't seem to be connected to anything at either end. It is clearly my week to be nerdy, posting about Win8.1 and Sprog drivers in the DCC bit of the forum and helping neighbours with their new iPad yesterday. The people in the Apple Store couldn't get it to connect to their email account but I did. The new IPad Air is like a big version of my iPod Touch so it wasn't too difficult.


I'm off on the train tomorrow to chat to the doctors at Barts. I've also got routine blood tests booked for Friday so hopefully Barts won't want to puncture me too. 



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Evening all,


Home office day, today. So spent 8 hours hunched over my work laptop, interspersed with taking the HM for his perambulations, and it's freezing cold here. The HM must have triple insulated nadgers, there's nothing he likes more than to chase a ball or stick, catch it, then he plonks himself down in the snow up to his withers and starts chewing both oblivious and impervious to the cold... Brrrrr.


All this Yuletide nonsense has awakened my inner Scrooge* Why can't people just quietly celebrate with a modicum of good manners, good taste and consideration for others? Why make me suffer as well? With all the extremely bad so-called "christmas" music being forcibly piped 24/7 into the hapless sales personnel in the mercantile emporia and with all the enforced "good cheer", I'm surprised that no one has yet picked up an AK47 and gone totally postal... And as for these Christmas trees, what has the mighty pine or the noble spruce or the towering fir ever done to us that we should treat them so?


Ironically, we are celebrating a Roman festival (Saturnalia) that the early Church nicked from the Romans, turned it into a major part of the ecclesiastical year in order to get medieval bums-on-pews. Oh, Whoop-de-doo! And that Prince Albert has a lot to answer for as well...


If all goes well, I may be able to limit my exposure to the Yuletide toxins this year...




* when I was a boy, I cried with happiness when Ebeneezer swooped into save the Cratchits, as an adult I cry with incredulity at the same....

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Gordon, can these Apple machines run Windows programs like Word, Excel and Powerpoint? Or is there some Apple version that you have to get used to?

I've heard the Apple Mac is far more intuitive but am wedded to my old suite of Microsoft progs!



Download and install Libre Office it does everything that the MS Office suite does, is open-source and peer-reviewed, is stable and is free to use.


I have Libre Office on my iMac and see no reason to fork out a lot of money to Microsoft when the open-source software alternative is just as good (if not better in some things) and gets updated on a regular basis as well.



Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Gold



All this Yuletide nonsense has awakened my inner Scrooge


It used to be the 'most wonderful time of the year'* and (call me a sentimental old fool if you wish) but for me there is a certain point, usually on Christmas Eve, when the shops are all closed and the commercialisation is over, that it becomes that again.


*other quotes are available.

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  • RMweb Premium

Ironically, we are celebrating a Roman festival (Saturnalia) that the early Church nicked from the Romans, turned it into a major part of the ecclesiastical year in order to get medieval bums-on-pews. Oh, Whoop-de-doo! And that Prince Albert has a lot to answer for as well...





...and now Crimble!  :jester:
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Things To Do When I Am Dictator Of The World: No. 457


Ban, on pain of death, any use of "Xmas", "Chrimbo", "Chrimble", "Happy Holidays", "Festive Greetings" or similar.


"Merry Christmas / A Happy New Year" will be the official greetings to be used between Dec 21st and January 2nd.


"Happy Saturnalia" and "Have A Merry Winter Solstice" will also be acceptable, as will the full and correct name of any other religious festival that may occur between December 21st and January 2nd.


iD "The Mighty and All Merciful"

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all,


Home office day, today. So spent 8 hours hunched over my work laptop, interspersed with taking the HM for his perambulations, and it's freezing cold here. The HM must have triple insulated nadgers, there's nothing he likes more than to chase a ball or stick, catch it, then he plonks himself down in the snow up to his withers and starts chewing both oblivious and impervious to the cold... Brrrrr.


All this Yuletide nonsense has awakened my inner Scrooge* Why can't people just quietly celebrate with a modicum of good manners, good taste and consideration for others? Why make me suffer as well? With all the extremely bad so-called "christmas" music being forcibly piped 24/7 into the hapless sales personnel in the mercantile emporia and with all the enforced "good cheer", I'm surprised that no one has yet picked up an AK47 and gone totally postal... And as for these Christmas trees, what has the mighty pine or the noble spruce or the towering fir ever done to us that we should treat them so?


Ironically, we are celebrating a Roman festival (Saturnalia) that the early Church nicked from the Romans, turned it into a major part of the ecclesiastical year in order to get medieval bums-on-pews. Oh, Whoop-de-doo! And that Prince Albert has a lot to answer for as well...


If all goes well, I may be able to limit my exposure to the Yuletide toxins this year...




* when I was a boy, I cried with happiness when Ebeneezer swooped into save the Cratchits, as an adult I cry with incredulity at the same....


Edit - to get right quote. :mosking:


You won't be joining us for the annual Muppet Christmas Carol, then?  :mosking: :mosking:




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Edit - to get right quote. :mosking:


You won't be joining us for the annual Muppet Christmas Carol, then?  :mosking: :mosking:




Probably, no, certainly not. I may be aging, eccentric (if not completely bonkers), but I do have a shred of self-respect left....


By the way, Good Morning All - have a splendid day!

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