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  • RMweb Gold


Dark, chilly but probably just above freezing. I won't put the bin bag out until it is a bit lighter. My brother reported yesterday that his wheelie bin had been recycled by the bin lorry. 

Not sure what else I'll do today though I think a shopping list is evolving.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. 

So, no sooner was I decrying the lack of manners in the world at large than my son's teacher calls me over in the playground. 

With a sense of gloom I trudge over..."What's he done now...."

Actually that's something of a fib as he's generally as good as gold and I was really just wondering what had befallen him at school that day.

"Just to let you know he's up for a special politeness award at assembly on Friday.", says she. 

Well, that's the best Christmas present I'm likely to receive so I'm happy to now move on to New Year. :) 

But just before we do there was a letter from Santa on the doormat when the children got home yesterday. Apparently he'd checked his records and hadn't found a letter from them, hoped they were well and that he liked the mince pie they left for him last year.

Two letters to Santa are now being urgently written and any doubts by the older child withered in an instant!  :mail: 

Have a very nice day everyone. Andy

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  • RMweb Premium


It looks like it is going to be another busy day, and I am going to have to contact my electricity supplier yet again.  They still haven't sorted out the mess they managed to create.  This seems to be one of the problems with changing suppliers - when it works out Ok, then it's fine.  However, if something goes wrong, it takes ages to sort out.


Have a good day everyone...

so Germany isn't any better at this than the UK? Mind you as they do own some of the UK Power supplies..


enough  of the rant..  Dark here and very cloudy in Leeds. Yet more painting to do .. ceilings anyone...  


cricket last night was freezing but 3 good games so I didn't mind.


Look after yourselves today and if you need help ... SHOUT!


best regards




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  • RMweb Gold

My sister lives in Crete and normally delivers enough top quality Cretan Olive Oil for my year's consumption. This year's harvest looks to be less than a quarter of the norm so Essex and Crete have something in common it seems.

Thanks Gruffers,


You have just given me some new terminology for when my son's car next leaks oil onto the block paving of our driveway:


I'll  call it Cretin Oil!





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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Once again a dull and overcast start to the day, at least I won't be sweltering on my walk.


66718 - the black TfL one - was at Ipswich earlier, and there has been a loco move for the tanks to North Walsham, fingers crossed it is it and I am able to get out later this morning to capture it on pixels.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, the day looks very reasonable for the time of year, no rain sleet or snow..... I am begining to wish I didn't have a moustache at present work that one out for yourselves I don't want to put anyone off their breakfast. Have a good day and I hope your bank cards work!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Grey, overcast and rather cold when I went to feed the goats at 7 GMT, but we all survived. Fed the horses at 9, before breakfast, as I am due a white-van delivery. Parcel from the US was scanned out at Roissy, near Charles de Gaulle, at 1652 last night, into Le Mans depot at 0626 today, back out on the van at 0705, so could be here at any time. The tracking systems are really quite useful.


Lots of hilarity with cleaner Alison yesterday, but she still put in some good work. Very apologetic when crying with laughter, such that mascara was dripping onto the handkerchief she was ironing! She took the ghastly Fairisle sweater that MiL had sent me for my birthday - I might have worn it 30 years ago, perhaps, but not these days, so glad to see it appreciated.


I like coconut, and as a bloke I certainly like t......


Hope midweek suits you.

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  • RMweb Gold

Weather update : heavy rain at the moment.


Net update : the spider has left home and the net is falling into disarray


Avian update : the rain is keeping everything under cover


Outrageous livery on a loco update : it is working the Walsham tanks, fingers crossed I will be out for it.

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  • RMweb Gold


66718 - the black TfL one - was at Ipswich earlier, and there has been a loco move for the tanks to North Walsham, fingers crossed it is it and I am able to get out later this morning to capture it on pixels.



I forgot to mention that Robbie and I saw a locomotive yesterday. It is quite an event even to see anything that isn't a C2C class 357 but we spotted a class 66 making its way westwards without even a single wagon behind. Probably returning from Qinetic at Shoeburyness. The last eastward one I saw had only a single wagon, they used to be much longer trains.

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As some of you know, I am taking part in "The Railway Children" which opens this Friday. Here are some photos taken during last night's rehearsal:-


post-10142-0-13861800-1386150525_thumb.jpg (I'm the domestic in the background)






post-10142-0-64822200-1386150519_thumb.jpg (I'm in the grey coat and fancy hat on the left of the picture)




post-10142-0-81053800-1386150541_thumb.jpg The smoke conceals the loco approaching from the rear of the stage, but this is very effective.

Edited by Ashcombe
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And you appear to have a very effective looking handbag ready for use!

This is a family heirloom of sorts, having belonged to my Great Aunt Lily, who was from Northern Ireland but lived for most of her life in New York. I have used it on stage for various period

dramas and musicals.

Edited by Ashcombe
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning world, just out of staff meeting, which was a cinch after last week's hell.  Tasks accepted with good grace by all - something must be wrong somewhere.


Ashers, that looks well cast and the costumes are great too - looks like it's going to be a good production.  I'd buy a ticket but it's a bit far to come.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, the day looks very reasonable for the time of year, no rain sleet or snow..... I am begining to wish I didn't have a moustache at present work that one out for yourselves I don't want to put anyone off their breakfast. Have a good day and I hope your bank cards work!


Is there also a red costume and a beard involved? Just don't ask any of us ERers to sit on your knee and tell you what that we've been good all year.  :O


Very apologetic when crying with laughter, such that mascara was dripping onto the handkerchief she was ironing! 


Ian, I'm sure one of the ladies can recommend a mascara that doesn't run when you cry.  :jester:


More than likely. Did manage the Express & Star once when six of us were assaulted by an irate Mother. She got 90 days.


Well I'm guessing no mum is a saint and with 6 kids to cope with....    :superman: 




Anyway, having interpreted the most recent posts to the best of my ability I'm back in from the garden having removed cat poo from my new raised borders (sounds like a anti-EU gardening term!) I whacked in some metal edging, planted up about 50 bluebells and covered the lot in a mulch of bark. I was going to take Barry O's earlier offer up when he said "If you need help, SHOUT", but figured I could manage. :)


Asherer's production looks a lot of fun.  Hope it goes well.  :declare:  


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A handbag?

"The Importance of Being Earnest" is in fact on our schedule for the forthcoming year (June, 2014) but I wasn't successful in my audition for the governess, partly because the only actor wanting the part of the clergyman on whom she is sweet is over 80 so Miss Prism will be played by a lady in her late 70's.


After "The Railway Children", my next role is in "She Stoops to Conquer" for which I shall be the landlady (normally a landlord!) and that is on in April, 2014.

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  • RMweb Premium

Nice and sunny but a bit on the chilly side up here in the far north west corner of Wales.


That looks like a superlative (couldn't spell supercali................) production there, Sherry.

Hope it all goes well and everyone enjoys it.


Yesterday I took the t**** down to London for a day with the family.

On the way back I passed the Christmas tree at Euston.

It obviously didn't impress the iphone - the resolution is dreadful.



Are there any trees out there with a bit more p'zazzzzz, I wonder?



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Well not in the same league as Pollys  Euston tree,  here's  the one at "Port Harcourt International Airport" ....and I nearly got arrested for getting my camera out!


and yes it is in a tent......the main building is being rebuilt. 


More later





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