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Early Risers.


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Good morning, all!


I forgot to mention yesterday that on Friday evening, we enjoyed an excellent folk concert in Brixham Theatre, with the main act being Brooks Williams from Georgia. Last night in Paignton we watched an amdram production of "Pickwick" which was good, if a trifle long.


Tonight we have our first run through in costume of "The Railway Children" which will be interesting, not least working out quick costume changes without losing my wig!!


Have a good day of rest, those who do!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Is it true a  shy Welsh Ruby won't take her love to Towyn.


I've been awake since 06:15 monitoring ballast workings in the area, one real time site claims two were cancelled and I was about to have another couple of hours beauty sleep when a I decided to check realtimetrains - which showed them both as running, one had sensible times but the other had times which involved a Tardis or Superman flying around the world, but I decided it probably was running and something was upsetting the times. The first train passed Diss at 06:45, very dark of course so I didn't bother, the second suddenly reappeared in Stowmarket loop at 07:03, and then suddenly passed Haughley Junction at 07:30, I'd decided to get ready just in case this happened and so the race was on - I headed out to Gissing, fortunately the roads were empty and I could drive at 60mph were permitted and I got to Gissing, over the crossing and "nee naw nee naw" - made it by seconds, a minute later 66737 lumbered passed with a rake of ballast wagons behind it.


I'm back home for a short time, there's another train due off Wymondham at 09:00 this morning, ballasts are unreliable so no guarantee but there's an unusual empty stock move which I want to record and so I'm heading out in a few minutes anyway.


Very cold and dull here, after a few minutes of sun, at the moment.


Have a good day all.

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Good morning all,

Another dull start & 5oC and will be cloudy all day.

On a brighter note we all went out to a smashing Italian restaurant last night. The food was excellent & the staff superb so a great evening was had by all. This was a warm up for today's do and is all to celebrate me becoming an "old age pensioner".  :yes:

Judging by the noise & hilarity coming from various children already it's going to be a great day.  :dancing:  :drinks:

Sounds like breakfast is being organised so I may return later (or possibly not)

Have a good one,


Happy Birthday Bob! I do hope it is as good a day as you anticipate.

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  • RMweb Gold

Yesterday's highlights were getting the Christmas cards written and down to the post office:  since we are going on a short holiday prior to Christmas, even I realised that by the time we got back, i'd be pushing it to get them done and away in time.


After breakfast it will be off to the annual Steam and mince pies event in Telf Central. although to be honest the only steam likely to be generated is by the coffee machine.  By going I save money on postage, as some cards can be hand delivered.


Congratulations to Bob on getting his bus pass.


'Ruby Murray' sounds like the sort of unofficial name for a loco shedded at Stratford.  Often seen close coupled with 'Tom Tit'.





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I really don't know if you'd ever find all of it in a single place Pete - certainly not one I can think of offhand.  It's the sort of thing you gradually acquire as it seeps into your brain from looking at umpteen books and photos and from )in the past) visiting places.  Mind you when it comes to track layouts a lot of it is really very simple because you can only do certain things in a certain way whatever railway happened to own it X years in the past - the big problem I think is that either because real examples no longer exist or because folk are too lazy to think things through or do some prototype research they finish up copying modelling conventions instead of looking at the real thing.


Thanks, Mike. I'm going to get something that has track plans of the Taff Vale and take it from there. Will draw a line on it here!


Cheers, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Congratulations to Bob on getting his bus pass.


Thanks Richard but I've had my "freedom pass" for 5 years - one of the (few?) advantages of living in Greater London. It not only gives free travel on buses but also Underground & National Rail within the Metropolis. I must admit it has saved us quite a few quid.

Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Up really late this morning. I had a night disturbed by strange dreams, only really got back to sleep after Aditi got up to make tea and I'd probably still be asleep if a courier hadn't arrived (Amazon deliver on Sunday during Advent it would seem). 


Plans for today include walking with doggy, going out for lunch and then not a lot after that. We  will be going to the yacht club for lunch. Now we aren't members (walking the dog is as sporty/outdoor as I get) but our friend is. 


Under current regulations I will get a bus pass on my 63rd birthday.


Pete's mention of the Taff Vale Railway certainly revived memories for me. It featured prominently in the O level history syllabus when I was at school. 

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  • RMweb Gold

 Will draw a line on it here!


Broad or narrow gauge ?


Back from my second outing of the day, this time all systems were working and I captured 66712 on it's infrastructure train along with a 6-car 170 (woo hoo ! - excitement!)


Next outing is in approx. 45 minutes.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all blue sky to start now seeing the odd nack cloud in the sky.


Trev - if I send you my address can you send a parcel of heat here?

Grandadbob - have a great birthday..


all I can say is "WHITE RABBITS"     -- have a great Dec 1 folks..


off to do Christmas cards/removing doors (for carpet fitter) and cooking tea.....


Barry O

Edited by Barry O
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Must dig out four wire coat hangers and some tinsel and make up my Blue Peter advent crown. Nurse says I'm not allowed candles.


I'm off to watch Newcastle Falcons v Harlequins rugby this afternoon. It's the first time I've been to a live premiership rugby game and I'm really looking forward to it.

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Morning Gentles All!   


Light wind, clear blue sky and about 7/8 degrees, so off out on the Bianchi today for probably its last outing 'til Spring.  (Doesn't go out in the wet as I'm trying to fool it into thinking it's still in Italy!)


Jane's response to my suggested 'Weekend of Fun & Frolics' was a winning smile and two gifts.   A tin of Apple-White Emulsion and a Paintbrush.................  Kitchen here I come (later)!

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  • RMweb Premium

Wouldn't this be better having its own thread?  it's a bit "trainy" for ERs and I think that a lot of people who would be interested won't see it on here.



You could start one up for us, Ed. :D

Just a soft ball comment between Early Risers. :tomato:


Did I miss your birthday, Bob?

Apologies if so.

I understand there are clubs you can now join where they sit in circles and throw soft balls to each other.

Bit like ERs really.


Happy birthday and welcome to the Club Bob, though if you are in Arriva Territory you can get cheaper travel at an earlier age in the 55 Club.  Now they tell me. :mosking:

Senior Railcards come in at 60 whatever your pensionable age.  It also includes the London Underground - although I only found out that bit recently by an on the ball lady in the Ticket Office.  But it all helps.


Glad you got your train, Beast.  Nothing worse than wondering "how long should I wait?" when it doesn't appear when you expect it.


Have a good [insert] day. Hope December's good to you.  My favourite month - apart from the dark nights+mornings, wind, cold, rain...or is that what makes it?  But glorious starry nights with moon and snow on the ground - Oh, do shut up Polly.



Edit - left a word out!

Edited by southern42
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  • RMweb Gold


I understand there are clubs you can now join where they sit in circles and throw soft balls to each other.

Bit like ERs really.

Except that on ERs we tend to talk balls rather than throw them.


Another early (by my standards) start to feed the goats. Overcast and darker, therefore, but a tad milder, too. Doing this walk twice a day for 10 days will do me no harm whatever!


Congrats to Grandadbob on passing into the senior ranks. The heir to the throne has been entitled to his bus-pass for less than 3 weeks, and probably hasn't used it yet.


I think one or two French supermarkets are open today - unusually for a Sunday - but I will avoid like the plague, due to the whole family shopping together being a disaster in terms of clogging the aisles.


Enjoy your day of rest.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all it started bitterly cold last night so I was surprised no frost here this morning. I will be having a memory test today. We are writing Christmas cards (early to advise new address) and my address book of modelling friends is stored somewhere so if I can remember their address they will get a card. Postcodes you can usually look up. Fortunately Marion remember to put the family address book in the van. I had to phone my sister to ask about the latest addition. Sent off congratulations at birth but they took some time deciding a name. Can't really send a card without a name. Turns out it is Caiden which is a new one to me. Their surname starts with a G so it is a good job they didn't choose Desmond Oliver!

Have a good day especially Bob congratulations to you.


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Sorry about taking up space on ER talking of The Valleys. It's just that I know so little about the GWR and then Western that I'm a bit embarrassed to go to specialist areas....

Anyway I forgot to mention that Tonteg Junction /Tonteg Halt is the location I'm most interested in......


Enough from me on that, thanks to those that helped - you know who you are.


Dog woke me at 2:00am wanting to poop. Haven't been able to get back to sleep since. almost tropical here at 6:00am = 1C!


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, dry at the moment with the odd glimpse of blue sky, lots of odd jobs to do today including parceling up 4 railway  items that sold on a auction site yesterday for more than I expected so it will be a pleasure.


Enjoy your day Grandad Bob.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Happy birthday Bob.  I still haven't bothered with a 'bus pass - you have to fill in forms and things and I'm not really sure its worth it as it's quicker to get to Reading on the train at many times of day, and who wants to go to High Wycombe during the day?  I'm covered for the train on the entire nationall network plus privs on some of the 'heritage' etc lines and my Oystercard seems to faithfully automatically renew itself every year so why bother with 'buses elsewhere I wonder?  


Incidentally we have an 'Over 60s' club here but it always seems to be populated by old people so I presume it literally means you have to be over 69 to join.


Quieter day today after yesterday's excursion but we are off to 'Christmas market' in a couple of days time - two night in Bath, much simpler even than going to York.


Have a good day folks

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Just looked that up Ed - I didn't realise that they'd moved the goalposts.

Yes, it changed in 2010 when the phased delayed state pensionable age was instigated. Although I was 60 in May of that year, I had to wait until August for both pension and bus pass.

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