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Morning All,


Unfortunately, we don't have a bank holiday tomorrow - but there isn't going to be much of a chance of snow either, so mustn't grumble!


The weather is a bit on the grey side, and not really that inspiring, but then I guess it is November.


I think it is time for a cup of coffee before the first meeting.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bit of light grey in the sky so not as dull as yesterday.The fight with Atos and the DWP continues which is ruining whats left of MrsB's health and peace of mind and isn't doing much for my blood pressure either. I could go on at length but I will leave it there. Have a good day.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry & clear, definitely getting colder at 2oC this morning but should stay dry with sunny periods.

Off to do some more decorating this morning. My knee can only take about 3 or 4 hours punishment max. & after a couple of days needs a day or two off so this is turning into a long job. Should be done by the end of the month though Christmas! :yes:

Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Premium

Good Morning from a decidedly frosty Leeds - clear blue sky no clouds and lots of frost everywhere!


More cleaning/decorating - plasterer back to continue his good work from yesterday - and pm today i am for a meeting with the Nurse to get a verdict on how well or otherwise I am...


Have a steady away day today - keep clear of ice and snow and - if you are in warmer areas of the world - don't stay out in the sun too long!!


Barry O

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Good Morning from a decidedly frosty Leeds - clear blue sky no clouds and lots of frost everywhere!


More cleaning/decorating - plasterer back to continue his good work from yesterday - and pm today i am for a meeting with the Nurse to get a verdict on how well or otherwise I am...


Have a steady away day today - keep clear of ice and snow and - if you are in warmer areas of the world - don't stay out in the sun too long!!


Barry O

"Nurse, the screens" "now you'll just feel a little prick" - enjoy your day Barry!

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Morning, Just put the bins out for collection, coldest morning so far but at least its blue skies and sunshine sadly not of the intensity that Don B will be enjoying.


Survived shopping yesterday just, only bright spot of the day was lunch ie Lobster Lasagne and a glass of merlot well 2 infact as I was not driving, still that's the main things sorted for Xmas my help not needed for the rest.


Other half off to see her parents today so its indoor tennis this morning then the shed for an hour or two of static grass application. In short not a bad day in prospect.


Enjoy whatever your doing today.

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Morning all.

Chilly here this morning.

For Pete  I didn't really know where it was either. I once worked for the London Borough of Havering. That caused amusement to people of Scottish origin and not  much amusement to the inhabitants of Havering atte Bower who had to redirect drivers looking for the Town Hall to Romford.


I have a shopping list but I don't mind. Aditi did some online shopping from John Lewis at the weekend and I said I'd rather collect it from the nearest Waitrose than wait in for couriers. I can buy some digestive biscuits while I am there.



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Morning. Am awake early for a change (woke about 7ish and couldn't get back to sleep). Going to let Richard have some sleep (he's not long finished a night shift and driving here) then head to the Dealer about the car exhaust, big stick in hand. Then hopefully I'll have enough spoons left to cope with my hospital (psychologist) appointment this afternoon.

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Morning all, bit of light grey in the sky so not as dull as yesterday.The fight with Atos and the DWP continues which is ruining whats left of MrsB's health and peace of mind and isn't doing much for my blood pressure either. I could go on at length but I will leave it there. Have a good day.

Sadly all too common an occurance :( I had a 2 year fight with the DWP over my DLA, which I won at tribunal, I was as you'd imagine, quite glad when I didn't have that level of trouble from ATOS/DWP over my ESA claim!


The stress they can put you under with the forms, medicals etc can get really horrendous. Keep fighting them, they want you to give up and not fight, but fight on and you'll eventually win as long as you document every aspect of the issues with supporting evidence from Doctors, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers and the like where applicable. If need be look for support from local agencies that help with benefits matters (CAB etc).


Hope it all gets resolved for you both soon.

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Morning All,


Grey and dismal here today. But this dull and depressing day will be certainly improved when I listen to episode 2 of series 60 of I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue on the BBC iPlayer.... And dream of Samantha.... sigh.....


Mrs iD and HM away on a workshop of some kind, so alone for a few days. I'm not really motivated to cook just for myself, but I must as the ready meals available in Switzerland are low in quality, small in selection and what IS available is either boring, tasteless or nasty (if not all three). Oh for a decent M&S Food nearby...


Have a better one...



Edited by iL Dottore
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Morning, half an inch of snow here so of course the mountain road is closed..... :butcher:  in case someone trips or something presumably.  So my 35 minute drive to work was 2 hours almost, as some drivers felt the need to travel at 10 mph if they saw a snow flake.  Words fail me.  The inconvenience to the travelling public this causes is huge, the weather was forecast, yet there's no salt down.  I'm off downstairs to swear at th department of infrastructure types.  Who all live within walking distance of course...... :triniti:

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Rant Mode:


I am unable to make any supportive comments for Mick B and Kelly that wouldn't be construed as political, solely to say that there are far too many jobsworths pervading the whole of the state system and its agencies. They want to ensure they remain in their nice little existence and b00ger anyone who might upset that; common sense is an attribute that is DEFINITELY not required in those roles.


Rant over!


When will us old curmudgeons have a chance to put things right? 



stay calm... the gritters where out in Leeds last night - particularly the one which sprayed salt all over me as I stood waiting to cross the (outer) ring road.... :triniti:

Did you have your six-penneth of chips open at the time Barry?



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Bright sunny day here. Sympathies to GrandadBob re decorating related injuries/pain. I know where you're coming from as I diagnosed myself with tennis gardener's elbow yesterday. Can't wait for 800kg of gravel to turn up tomorrow to be able to confirm my diagnosis! 


Off to the garden centre later to scout out plants for the nearly-finished patio project. I'd plant pampus grass but I don't have the energy for the consequences.  :jester:


Still trying to think of any railway-related item to put on my Christmas list. Perhaps it's a case of spoiled for choice so can't make up my mind!


Have a nice day everyone. Andy

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stay calm... the gritters where out in Leeds last night - particularly the one which sprayed salt all over me as I stood waiting to cross the (outer) ring road.... :triniti:

I have read about this weathering technique for 16 ton mineral wagons.


What colour undercoat did you use to simulate the rust when the salt washes off?





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