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Glad Princess Alice is on the level, if not the up. Sherry has given the game away a bit, though, revealing that when I called Alice a princess I knew the family name. You'd think we knew each other outside RMweb, now, wouldn't you? Hope the service today is fitting for the departed. As I believe his ordained daughter is leading it, that should be a given.


Hope your weekend goes smoothly.

Sherry's family name is Saxe-Coburg-Gotha?


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


iD mentioning his cakes has reminded me of today's Wycombe club visit.  After various episodes of cat herding type we didn't get on our way until about 12.30 and by the time we arrived the last visitor 'stick-on' badge had already been used up.  Far more distressingly just about all of the cakes had also been used up but the sausage rolls were very nice (oh and there were of course the club layouts with several working, plus the test track, working - almost a sort of mini-show but their main idea is to encourage folk to return on Wednesday evenings of course.

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Gordon S.


See the new 2014 Corvette "Stingray" (yep, the name is back)?

It beats the F-Type. Cheaper too.





Best, Pete.


You guys don't know how lucky you are!  $51,000 is just over £31,000 and your fuel costs are probably half ours…:-)


Looks a cracker, but right now I have a real urge to try out a GTR….

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Best, Pete.



You weren't an original Beatle  were you ?  Is that turquoise thingy a Fender??????

No and yes - a 58 Fender Strat in Sea Foam Green by the Fender Custom Shop.

I have spoken with Pete Best several times, a long time ago when he was on their local council (timewise) regarding a release of The Beatles  - Live in Hamburg.


Best, Pete.

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You guys don't know how lucky you are!  $51,000 is just over £31,000 and your fuel costs are probably half ours…:-)


Looks a cracker, but right now I have a real urge to try out a GTR….



Take a look at the SS Sedan, linked to from the Stingray site..........


Best, Pete.

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My man flu is following it's usual pattern for day three and has settled on my chest. It's a case of, lie trying to get to sleep for five minutes, spate of coughing, lie trying o sleep for two minutes, spate of coughing, lie trying ........ well you get the picture. I have removed myself to a reclining chair, sitting more upright seems to ease it and at least that way Mrs Bod can get some sleep.

It's going to be a long night. Perhaps a glass of whisky might anaesthetise it for a while.

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Well . . Had to ask. . .Just bought a second hand Squier strat.. .. .. bit frivolous at my age but. . . . what the hell.! ! ! ! ! !


That spelling don't look right but . . hey I've had my weekly bottle of blanc so what do I know???


For BoD . . . . Always find a little of southern comfort mixed with the whisky helps with the late night cough when feeling a bit throaty. . . . .

Edited by Two_sugars
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Jill and I went out for a meal and some beers last night so I'm currently having a "ward off any signs of a hang over" cup of tea.


More snoozing beckons.


Have a good day all.

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Greetings on a rather grey looking damp Sunday.

Max forecast for today is a mild 21C so not too chilly.


Sorry to read of BoD's ailment. I wish you a rapid recovery.

I echo DD's advice - drink plenty! (We all know you have a reserve supply of single malts)

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Get well soon, BoD!


Pleased to report that Alice spent part of her peaceful night out of the oxygen box. In the daytime, a mask is used and at times the staff have said it's OK if it hangs off her nose & mouth but close to her face so she'll have some benefit. Yesterday, whenever, her level dropped below 92, Alice pulled the mask towards her, apparently aware that it would ease her breathing.


What a clever girl! (Well, I would say that!!)


Many thanks for all the supportive, sympathetic responses and the innumerable hearts. You are a smashing bunch!

Edited by Ashcombe
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Great news that Alice is on the mend. Less good news is that the nice HP Chromebook I got for my birthday has a dangerous charger that should not be used. I shall have to try one of the several phone chargers the family has accumulated over the years. 


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather chilly here this morning. 

I suspect I may be going to the shops later. We seem to have run out of digestive biscuits. 

I would quite like to potter about in the garage with the model railway but I think I will be required to cut the grass. Grass grows all year round down here so there is no putting away the lawn mower for a winter break. At least the grass grows more slowly in winter.



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Thanks for the support. As is usual in cases like this I managed little sleep until about an hour or so ago when I fell into a deep sleep - just in time to be woken again when Mrs Bod started moving about. Still, I've nothing to do today except plan tomorrow's work so I expect I will keep falling asleep during

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Morning all, what a cluster **** yesterday turned out to be....some of these factory based "experts" should not be let out! What was supposed to "take a couple of hours max" ended up taking eight....and still didnt work as he'd brought the demonstration software chip...not the working one.


Still as way of recompense I'm been taken out for lunch. (Perhaps)



Good news about our favorite Princess, lets hope she keeps improving, and may BoD recover soon too.


Try and enjoy the day as best as circumstances allow.



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Be well soon, BoD! Doesn't sound too pleasant what you're going through right now...


Bit hazy outside, and chilly as well, so it's a good thing we got the winter tyres fitted. Another round of preparations to be done today, and in the afternoon we'll be off to FiL's for coffee.


Try to enjoy your day, people...

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hope everyone who is ill gets well soon - if its a cold I swear by:


1 Eat Hot currry

2 Drink lots of tea

3 Do some ironing in a closed room with the steam on on the iron...


It does work and to sleep - I drink a mix of whisky, honey and warm water... generally puts me out like a light.



Hoping to take some photos today and spray three coaches...


Have a calm and restive Sunday good people...



Barry O

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Just a quick look in before going to Groudle.


Sherry, geat news about your Princess :heart_mini:


Yes, Pete, I really enjoyed the ride, it's a hoot up those little lanes, and still nice on what passes for a main road over here.  The L model here is white with the knobbly tyres, not my kind of thing now as I'm banned from off-roading due to the dislocation risk.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Cold, overcast and generally November here.


Glad Princess Alice is still climbing back up her little ladder. Her Grandmama always paints her as a sunny child.


BoD's cold sounds dreadful. Swiftly may it evaporate. Inhalation of Friar's Balsam was part of the therapy when I was a kid. A steaming jug of the stuff, with a blanket over your head. It certainly got the sinuses a bit clear for a while. My last cold was mercifully swift, and I whiled away the worst day over the South Devon banks and then to Exmouth and back. Sitting in a train with nothing else to do is restful.


Hope your day goes peacefully.

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