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Early Risers.


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Morning all.  A heavy frost last night and a sporting day ahead.  Golf this morning followed by England v NZ and then the darts QF's tonight.  Might even fit in a pizza and beer as Mrs S is away in Scotland...


Had the responsibility of looking after our two dogs last night and one started barking in the early hours.  Normally it's a fox or hedgehog making a noise that sets him off, but I let him get on with it as it stops after a minute or two.  Not this time, it went on for a good 10 minutes and eventually I pulled myself out of bed to find out what the problem was.  Took a while to find him as he had shut himself inside the downstairs loo…:-)


Got a filthy look to say 'where the hell have you been' and peace was restored.


Have a good day whatever you're up to and here's hoping your troubles will ease and things improve.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry, clear & definitely cooler at 1oC, should be some sunny spells this morning getting cloudier later.

Today I'm "assisting" SiL with more preparatory work for decorating Joe's bedroom. I'm not sure assisting is quite the right word because I'm on my own as he has to go to work.

Even though it's a little room it will take longer than I thought because there are one or two problems to sort out.

Have a good one,


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Noted that DD and BoD both posted consecutively just after 6:00.

Just missing Gordon(who has since posted) , Steve Jones, Moo and Dseagul) to be back to how things were back in the mid 2000s

Edited by DonBradley
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Good moaning.... oops, morning!


As to the state of the nation's manners, attitudes, etc., I think inadequate parenting, especially being unwilling to refuse children what they want so they grow up with an entitlement outlook, is at the root of the problem. Respect no longer exists for those in authority but adulation in buckets for celebs and footballers! Oh, I do sound old!


The latest bulletin from the palace that is Leighton Hospital in Crewe is that there is little change. "Princess" Alice (surname Prince, BTW!) is having two hourly milk feeds (she's just had her first birthday) and on oxygen still.


We are in Devizes for my late uncle's Memorial Service this afternoon for which I shall deliver a tribute.


Enjoy the weekend and keep warm!

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  • RMweb Gold

Nope - he's "assisting" his Dad who is a sports coach. One of his Dad's many duties is Head Childrens Football Coach at a local club. Joe is very good with the little ones.,

Edited by grandadbob
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I'm still around Don, so no need to be concerned.  Just had a raft of family health issues to come to terms with.  


We all recognise that ER's is a haven of caring people with a very supportive mindset and there are times you don't want to drag others down with your own issues, particularly when the posts are very upbeat and humorous.  The humour often brings its own relief when the times are hard.


I'm glad to say that both in laws survived their surgery and are making progress although their lives will be changed forever in different ways.  It can be hard to face those changes for all concerned as you know it will never be the same again.  Of course there will be more happy memories, but they will be considerably different...


On the upside, I have started work on ET again with another load of pointwork completed in the past few weeks.

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Sympathies to all who still have worries amongst the brethren that comprise ERs. Dull outside and like GrandadBob, the rugby beckons this afternoon and then possibly quali for the GP from Austin. I do hope this is not another procession led by a team sponsored by a drink that contains many of the ingredients that could cause some of the social problems mentioned before!


Our supper party last night became a little fraught when one of the more extreme champagne socialists argued that making pupils at our village primary school wear a uniform including a (free issue) blazer was infringing the kids' freedom to develop. This then degenerated into something along the lines of "The Guardian is the only balanced newspaper and the BBC is far too right wing". It is a shame that political views spoilt an otherwise pleasant evening and will ultimately lead to splintering of a group that has been good and supportive friends for more than a generation. The joys of getting old!


Have a nice day everyone, whatever you are doing.

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  • RMweb Gold



I've got myself settled nicely - I'm sorting out yet more YouTube videos - I enjoy watching my movies so it's not too much extra to convert them to YouTube clips and it makes them visible for all to see - it amuses me that I can post a rare 37 working through xyz station and get 3 hits, but I post a pacer at aaa station (a booked working, happening several times every day) and get 30 or more ! I'm now approaching 1 million views. I have my (powerful) laptop rendering videos and I'm also watching a cab ride from Drax - Tyne Dock, through several of my favourite photographic locations, "we" are currently just passing Ferrybridge so Milford approaches ! - and I'm also eating porridge with some lovely German honey on it - perhaps today won't be too bad and sad after all, on the video at least, everything is green and the road is clear!


Hopefully little Alice will start making significant progress soon.

I spent a couple of days in St Mary's hospital (Paddington) a few years ago with breathing difficulties, on the morning I was commissioning some new software to link their A&E system to our patient management system - rather embarrassingly I was the first patient over the new interface - fortunately it worked !


Have a good day all - must dash, we've just got the single yellow for Milford and it's junctions.

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I spent a couple of days in St Mary's hospital (Paddington) a few years ago with breathing difficulties, on the morning I was commissioning some new software to link their A&E system to our patient management system - rather embarrassingly I was the first patient over the new interface - fortunately it worked !


I spent some time there getting my knee stitched up after a particularly bloody Rugby game some years back.

Unfortunately, while my leg was propped up for attention, staff were called to an emergency delivery in another cubicle complete with sound effects.

About 90 minutes later (I felt like I'd given birth myself) they returned to continue treatment.

My leg was paralysed for an hour or so where it had been propped up!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Well I've been to Guildford and back and it's still and as someone else remarked a while back I wouldn't fancy driving a  freight train via that new diveunder at Reading - most of it has now got sleeper anchors, presumably to stop them sliding down the hill :O


Anyway it was distinctly frosty outside at 06.00 and while it isn't too unpleasant to have an occasional reminder that such a time of day exists it isn't so clever after having most of the night disturbed by a couple of newly arrived cats setting off on yowling sessions although no doubt they will calm down at some time.


And just to add my St Mary's, Paddington, hospital story I went into A&E about 29 years ago for a few hours with a very serious nose bleed which showed no sign of stopping.  Odd how the world changes as I'm now on pills designed to stop my blood clotting.


Rest of today is partially dependent on cat herding requirements but with luck we might make to the Wycombe cake club open day.


Trusting all have a good day and that your news is better than of late.

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... Took a while to find him as he had shut himself inside the downstairs loo…:-)


Got a filthy look to say 'where the hell have you been' and peace was restored.....

For a non-primate species, it's amazing how expressive most Dog faces are. My own hairy monster has a wide range of expressions for a variety of situations. Two of which that both amuse and exasperate me, he uses on visitors (and both in anticipation of a treat from a gullible visitor to Schloss iD). The first is "I haven't been fed for days, I need food. Please help me" and the other is "Look at me, I am a poor, abused, whipped and starved (but adorable) little doggy, Take pity on me, I need someone to love me and treat me right..." The first he trots out when guests sit down to dinner in the anticipation of the odd scrap or two going his way (even though he is fed before I serve the guests), and the second is used if we tell him off in front of visitors....


Now, if we are telling medical "war stories", here's one that happened to me when I was, for once, a patient:


Anesthesiologist to a half-awake iD in post-op: "How are you feeling?"

Me "OK, I'm enjoying the serious drugs, thanks"

Anesthesiologist... sense of humour failure...


Well have a great day. I'm off to bake a cherry and walnut cake and a coffee-walnut cake (and mistreat, abuse, whip and starve the hairy monster*)


Dull and grey here, but a splendid day nonetheless.




*i.e. saying "no" to him in a firm voice when he comes snuffling around the kitchen whilst I'm baking.

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  • RMweb Gold

I've made a decision not to mention Deb's punctuation.

Or even Debs's?


Morning all. A little late today, having got caught up with the neighbour where the horses are. He's French but speaks very good English. He bought a large chunk of the paddock the horses use a few years back, has had it decently grassed with organic matter etc, but it really is huge and characterless. He seems to have found a lady - also Anglaise, I think - who is trained as a landscape gardener, and seems to be doing a sort of feng shui (?) job on how he should perk things up.


Glad Princess Alice is on the level, if not the up. Sherry has given the game away a bit, though, revealing that when I called Alice a princess I knew the family name. You'd think we knew each other outside RMweb, now, wouldn't you? Hope the service today is fitting for the departed. As I believe his ordained daughter is leading it, that should be a given.


I infer that we have been troll-free overnight - or the Mods have been on dawn patrol! Good news either way. I can't add anything of value to the discussion on manners, anti-social behaviour etc., except to note no-one has yet mentioned bringing back National Service!


GP practice may be on tv later, must look at the Skybox thingie.


Hope your weekend goes smoothly.

Edited by Oldddudders
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