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  • RMweb Gold

(Almost) Afternoon all


I'm currently packing my bags ready for relocation to home next week - to say this is a party in a brewery is an understatement, so far I have not been supplied with the userids / passwords / details about how I access all the systems I need to do my job, I've taken the decision that this is such a basic requirement I expect the team doing the work to know I need it, and if they don't supply it to me by close today then come Monday I will be a down system in my own right - reminds me of something I used to say a lot "Never let your feeling of self importance stop you asking those who actually know the answer" - nowadays I just think "Your mess, you clear it up"


Ashers - Glad to see the little lady is on the mend, they are very resilient, when my lad was about 1 I bounced him off the bed and he slipped out of my hands, flew several feet through the air and hit the wall, upside down, with a sickening "TWACK" - he then slid to the floor (like a scene from a cartoon), his mum and I looked at each other fearing serious injury, he merely got up and held his arms in the air, meaning "again" and got quite irate when he was told "No chance" - my heart stopped for what seemed an eternity as he flew like a bird, and dropped like a stone.


DD - we are all giving you moral support as best we can.


Trolls - Gordon gave me some of his sage advice a while ago when I had my own trolls to deal with (and still do but I know I've forgotten more about railways and modelling them than they will ever know, jealousy is such a bitter emotion) and although I can't claim I've followed it 100%, I'm in the upper 90s. Let's move on from them - they thrive on attention and at least one will even be reading this thread.


Tony_S - "CAT" - that was the word I needed yesterday, "feline animal (3)" -  C _ T, I just couldn't see it.



Have a good day all - my last journey home from Saxmundham is just under 5 hours away.

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  • RMweb Gold

Another cold but sunny day so off for a spin on the MTB.   

I should imagine the sight of  four  18" torpedo tubes being propelled at high speed would give the jet ski riders a bit of a surprise too.

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  • RMweb Gold


  my heart stopped for what seemed an eternity as he flew like a bird, and dropped like a stone.


The one time I didn't fix the safety gate at the top of the stairs Matthew ( must have been about two ) tumbled from top to bottom. He also wanted to do it again.

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Happy Birthday Geoff


Adams requirements for tomorrow -"jerseys, flasks and beanies will be called for"

I recommend brandy laced coffee for the flask!



 Hoping for good news of Alice tomorrow


and better news from DD.

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  • RMweb Gold

Beast, we have an office notice:-


'Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine' !!

That goes with the one in the mail-room/repro in the days before we all had affordable photocopiers "Of course I want it today. If I'd wanted it tomorrow, I'd have brought it tomorrow!"


Afternoon all. Late on parade due to early visit to Le Mans to order tickets for next year's race. I should have been able to order them online. On clicking the "Members" ticket button, up comes a note saying "you haven't bought tickets this way before - a password will be generated by the system" which I take to mean they can't find a cookie. So I enter in the boxes name, forename and membership number, and press Valider. Whereupon a password box appears, but also a pop-up saying "You haven't entered a password!" Testing of software? Not necessary, of course - it'll all be alright on the night. Even the staff in the museum shop/ticket office were struggling to get things to work, being unable to print invoices/receipts etc. And so far, only members have access - next week the world and his wife and their idiot child get a chance, too. Anyway, ticket booked, car park space booked, grandstand seat identified and booked - end of row so handy for extra loo trips!


Thanks to Gordon for the update on trolling. Very sad to note Andy Y finds the same IP Address for all three participants. Any sympathy is now drained away. NH Neil's point about OCD mirrors my remark yesterday. Fortunately it isn't common, and there is some marvellous modelling on here by many other who show no such disturbance.


DD has a funeral to look forward to, Sherry is at a memorial service tomorrow, as well as visiting an ailing in-law today. At least her little princess may be on the up.


Hope your week winds down well.

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  • RMweb Premium


carpets ordered - a WARM railway room with fitted carpets and underlay..... bliss....


yep its got two radiators .... toasty!


and remember P**S poor planning = P**S poor delivery!

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  • RMweb Gold

I find that shouting "CAT" produces good results.


Whilst walking home via Birkenhead docks one night, many years ago, I saw one of the dockyard monster cats and shouted "Here pussy, pussy, pussy" - I had several offers, all for £5 or less.

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  • RMweb Gold

Whilst walking home via Birkenhead docks one night, many years ago, I saw one of the dockyard monster cats and shouted "Here ######, ######, ######" - I had several offers, all for £5 or less.


Yep, you've got to be really careful with your #s....

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  • RMweb Gold

My apologies if my last post made no sense. A post came in calling us all cowards. If he had known a little about ERs we are anything but that. Moreover if someone had a genuine greivance we would usually offer support. Calling people names is never the best way to gain support. Personally I would have left his post in here so we would all know who is the idiot.


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  • RMweb Premium

Aftenoon all,

No worries Donw. And good luck to AndyY in kicking the troll into touch. 


Clear sky ahead of tonight's bonfire; 10 days late feel more like 10 weeks! 


Got most of my chores done and looking forward to wheel barrowing 600 litres of bark from the front driveway to the end of the garden tomorrow. Tried flagging down a Chinook earlier to see if they wanted to practice their low flying and load slinging but they may have mistaken my hand signals for "Divert to the pub", which actually doesn't sound a bad idea on reflection.  


Being summoned for tea now, so ttfn.


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