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Early Risers.


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Awake stupidly early again. In the bad old days of work, I would regularly awake early to complete the marking of books for which I was too tired the previous evening. Now, sleep eludes me after about 0500.


Our granddaughter, Alice, is in hospital with breathing difficulties due to a chest infection. Her GP was concerned about her oxygen levels so she's had a nebuliser and is now on oxygen. Regular ER folk may remember she was one at the end of last month. It must be frightening for her, although her Mum is with her.


How times have changed! When I was in hospital for surgery at the age of two, no family visits were allowed. My sister tells me I was quite odd afterwards! Explains a lot!!


Have a good day!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


My best wishes for the little one, Sherry!


It's become quite chilly outside, so I guess it's a good thing that we'll be getting those winter tyres fitted this week. As we needed to get acquainted with the local Suzuki dealership in any case, I figure it can't hurt to do this in time since the car will be up for inspection next spring.


Have a good one, everyone!

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Good morning all,   Suns not yet risen here (about another 40 minutes to go).   Not much modelling making by me neither.......thats got to wait till next month,  my GF has put my modeling "gear" and a couple of unmade 1:24 scale kits in her car...('cause I'm off to Florida for xmas -new year!)  


What ever you're up to today, try and find something to smile at.


Trev.. .  ,  . 

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Morning All,


It is a rather chilly morning here - The temperature was almost down to freezing and we have the first frost of the year.


Hopefully little Alice will recover soon.  Despite their best efforts, hospitals can be quite daunting for children - and it isn't easy on the parents either!  If Alice is sufficiently young, I hope that her parents are allowed to stay with her.  When Thomas broke his leg, at age three, we were allowed to stay too - which certainly made it easier for him.


The two minute shutdown yesterday was a nice touch.  Unfortunately, I missed it - while the UK is remembering those who lost their lives, Germany is celebrating the start of Carnival.  The Carnival fans will tell you that this is a tradition that goes back long before both of the World Wars, but I still find it grates a little.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Hope he little one is ok, Ashers.

Some 25 years ago now, I was called from school as my one year old daughter had a problem with one of her lungs. She had been rushed in under blues and twos they were that worried. A harrowing experience but you should see her now! The NHS gets a bad press but 'yet another life saved' or 'another baby makes full recovery' doesn't make headlines.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, struggling to get moving this morning. I hope little Alice recovers quickly the little ones are so full of life it feels bad when they are ill. My newest neice is called Alys she has a naming ceremony in December,If I am her great uncle how would she be described?



Happy Birthday Ian carry on misbehaving!

Edited by skipepsi
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning everyone.

Sherry, I hope Alice makes rapid progress now she is in hospital. 

Ian. Happy Birthday. My phone has been warning me about your celebration since yesterday morning!

When I put the dog out this morning he returned with wet paws but otherwise dry. It is now raining quite heavily.


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Stepped back in time last night, went to the MK Theatre where the tribute band Brit Floyd were playing. It was a very clever show, excellent lights and effects and the musical reproduction was pretty good. Audience was "getting on a bit", hardly anyone born after 1975 and a good few before 1945 from the looks of it. If they had their hearing aids on, it might have been a little too much.


Hope the suffering members and their various offspring are soon and successfully mended and a very happy birthday to our French correspondent.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


best wishes for birthday people and those who are not so well.


Waiting for gas fitter as boiler has sprung a leak overnight....


sunny morning here..


best regards


Barry O

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Morning all, struggling to get moving this morning. I hope little Alice recovers quickly the little ones are so full of life it feels bad when they are ill. My newest neice is called Alys she has a naming ceremony in December,If I am her great uncle how would she be described?



Happy Birthday Ian carry on misbehaving!

Don't encourage him!


I think Alys is your great niece and I'm sure she is too!!

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Stepped back in time last night, went to the MK Theatre where the tribute band Brit Floyd were playing. It was a very clever show, excellent lights and effects and the musical reproduction was pretty good. Audience was "getting on a bit", hardly anyone born after 1975 and a good few before 1945 from the looks of it. If they had their hearing aids on, it might have been a little too much.


I have a son born in 1976............................................................

But Ian is even older than me! Many Happy Returns! Ian!


(Did you celebrate with Sheena?)


All the best, Pete.

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Morning, a bright and sunny if brisk 6c start to the day.


We had IT disaster at work yesterday, some kind of server foomf or something, every IoM Government system bar e mail was down and took 24 hours to restore.  The supplier has folk in Ireland and the USA trying to work out what happened, whereas we have to do two days work in one day today to make up for their 'infallible' IT systems..... :butcher:


Babbage has a lot to answer for.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all and especially to the birthday boy! 

First of all hope that Ashers' little one is soon on the mend - been there, done that with mine and it is sad to read about another little one in a poorly way.


Thanks also to Mike and Ian for their info about cutting up sleepers, especially regarding the stone's that may lurk within. With the amount of rain and damp weather at the moment, electrocution may also be on the cards!


Interesting chat with one of the mum's on the way to school this morning. She was spitting tacks regarding the lack of Remembrance commemoration in reception year. She contrasted this with 6 separate events to learn about diwali, I'd not remark on it myself save for the fact it is a CoE school in rural Hampshire where the children are predominantly not Hindu, and the mother I was talking to was Polish! Do we, perhaps, become more defensive of the countries we move to than the indigenous people? Certainly not meant as a political point, more an observation really.     


Anyway, there's loads of windfalls around the village so I'm contemplating making an apple pie or two and perhaps a cheddar pastry apple pie, too. That's code for "No, dear, I was rushed off my feet and didn't start decorating the bathroom before your mother visits at Christmas."


Wherever you are and whatever life throws at you today, have a nice day! Andy

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  • RMweb Premium


Babbage has a lot to answer for.

Ah but he designed a calculating machine not programmed by people in Ireland, USA etc... Last big software installation I was involved in used a team in India to do changes and the communication from them was difficult to say the least... Bring back Algol and Fortran 4 I say(!)

Edited by Barry O
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well, it's nice to find so many acknowledging that I am now officially an Olde Ghytt! Thank-you all! As I posted on Facebook, the puzzle is that so many who were my contemporaries have already fallen by the wayside. Given that UK life expectancy is now into the late 70s even for men, that is a bit cruel for those that have gone. I'm not a great one for celebration - which is a different thing from saying I don't like a drink or many! - and I think Deb learnt a hard lesson from trying hard to set something up for my 40th. It worked fine, was entirely appropriate - but the anticipation of the unknown ruined the rest of the day for me, and she didn't go there again. So really today will be like every other - and that's comfortable for me.


In the meantime, little Alice is having a tough time in a Crewe hospital - let's hope the news from there gets better as the day proceeds.


Dull and drizzly but not too cold here.


Hope your day is brighter!

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Good morning all,

Drizzly start today & 12oC - may be some sunshine this afternoon.

Took Chris to work at 5.30, felt lazy so went back to bed & everybody's here before me!

Hope Alice recovers quickly Sherry.

Happy Birthday Ian - I'm about 19 days behind you.

What do you call a "modeller" who can't even fit a decoder - a Bobeller! What chance have I got if I can't even do that properly?   :scratchhead:    Mind you it didn't help that the very nice man who sold me my new Pannier tank & chip to go with it possibly gave me one that was a bit too big. (Well I've got to blame someone)

I eventually did it by swapping a different one from another loco & it runs as sweetly as anything.  :imsohappy:

Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Wishing a speedy recovery for little Alice. When I did myself some serious damage in the mid 1960s my parents were only allowed to visit for an hour a day and two on Saturday / Sunday, my big brother was only allowed to visit once during my two week stay - I was only a few hours away from dying (I had an operation which saved me) and was gravely ill for a few days but the matron would not relent ! (So my parents told me later, I don't remember much aside from a very unpleasant memory concerning waking up after the op when my eyelids had been stitched shut) - and of course it hasn't affected me :tease:

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