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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not as brave as Debs so I tended to cover my arms but once when doing some brazing with carbon arc thingies I thought it was getting a bit hot but couldn't see any problem, well not until I flipped up the darkened face mask and realised I'd set the gloves alight.


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  • RMweb Premium

Hi Sasquatch,

          You are probably already fast asleep, but when you get into 'tomorrow', enjoy the dry wall erection in the train room!

I trust you will be providing suitable liquid and solid refreshment for your workers. Dry walling can be thirst inducing.

Plenty of coffee, and some Total Domination india pale ale, which is an Oregon brew that we all go nuts over! Also some turkey sandwiches made with hickory smoked turkey, dijon mustard, lettuce, red onion and avacardo for lunch!


Regards Shaun.  

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Just recvd. a call from the Practice Manager; explaining that my mistake was not to attend "at least yearly"......."because if that is not the case; the client-record database is programmed to assume one has moved away and your registration becomes inactive and your records passed to the PCT for storage or transfer".

Evidently this is the case, because "clients frequently leave/relocate without advising the practice they have done-so".


I was assured that I remain eligible to re-register at any time.........That`s nice of them!?!?! :blink:


Anyhoo, hopefully these odd-spells will subside and I can simply resume my well-woman-ness. :yes:



That just shows how stupid their protocols are. Does it not ever dawn on these clowns that if you had moved away, it is almost inevitable that you would register elsewhere, which would result in a request from your new practice, that the old practice forward your medical records. 

Edited by Steve Williams
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  • RMweb Premium

Plenty of coffee, and some Total Domination india pale ale, which is an Oregon brew that we all go nuts over! Also some turkey sandwiches made with hickory smoked turkey, dijon mustard, lettuce, red onion and avacardo for lunch!


Regards Shaun.  

Can I come and work for you?

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  • RMweb Premium

Me and welding don't mix but over the years I have been amazed by seeing weld armoured plate steel, aluminium armour, the vacuum vessel on the Joint European Torus (niCroFer) as well as some other exotics used in the Defence Industry. I can only say how amazing these welders are..

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A bit after the events but hope my comments add to these two recent topics:



Sorry to hear of your problems Andy. We had a bad Gp in the Sandown practice. Fortunately we got suddenly moved onto another doctors list after the eye specialist got annoyed with the mess he made of the referral (took my wife almost a year to get him to refer her to an eye clinic he seemed to think it was her job to arrange it!) We then found other people were always trying to avoid seeing him.



Debs' and Andy's experiences sound incredible! We tolerated poor GP service for most of the 37 years in which we lived within the catchment of a Staffordshire village surgery but I guess we decided "better the devil you know"! Moving to Torquay has been something of a revelation in terms of the GP practice because:-


  • I've been taken off tablets that I'd been taking for arthritis for more than eight years which are meant to be taken for a few weeks maximum!
  • If we want an appointment, it's possible to book online late at night and be seen by one of the GP's the following day; so far they've all been good so we never mind which one we see
  • We are contacted annually for a complete check up, involving blood tests, BP, height, weight and a general chat about lifestyle, exercise, diets and drinking (always a tricky one!)

I don't remember that at the last church wedding I attended.


I do (appropriate phrase!!) as it was yesterday! A chap at our church was marrying for the third time, having been widowed twice (both times due to cancer). His new wife had also been widowed due to cancer so it was suggested that guests should donate to our local Hospice, in lieu of gifts. So far over £2,000 has been raised. And a good time was had by all ,even though my joints weren't happy this morning!!


Enjoy your weekend, folks. It's been a sunny day here which was welcome.

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  • RMweb Gold

I know how ERs like to stay up to date with all the latest jargon so I thought you might like to know that the process Debs had been subjected to (the NHS one not welding) is called "list cleansing".  Sounds rather sinister. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all!


Sure is good that it's weekend. Dinner was just had and I guess it'll be back to STTNG in a few!


All this talk about GPs reminds me that I still need to find one here. Elise says the one whom she had already consulted when she had been living in Leipzig originally is good, so I figure that's where I'd be going then.

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  • RMweb Gold

I know how ERs like to stay up to date with all the latest jargon so I thought you might like to know that the process Debs had been subjected to (the NHS one not welding) is called "list cleansing".  Sounds rather sinister. 

Much simpler if they called it 'cooking the books' or 'fiddling the figures'.


On a brighter note we have this afternoon been to see Sammy & Simba - they are fluffy ginger long haired cats who are 12 years old and are currently in the care of Thames Valley Animal Welfare following the death of their human.  Sammy has an extra toe on his paws and a nick out of one ear but is a very affection soul, Simba is just a normal, very friendly, long haired ginger cat.  Apart from their age they also have kidney problems which can be dealt with mainly by diet although it means they need a bit of careful care hence, we suspect, a lack of interest in taking them on.  We are now awaiting a medical report via our vet and the TVAW lady will also be talking to our vet to no doubt check us out but if all works out they might have moved in by this time next week, our fingers are crossed.

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Had a good day at the Spalding MRC Exhibition. Got some new Xuron's (no they don't cut piano wire well do they............. :no2:  ) plus a neat small palm pin vice and a 'T' hammer with 6 interchangeable heads, Nylon, Brass and Steel, flat, wedge and ball-pein.  Didn't need it of course, but I couldn't resist it!


Worth going just to see 'County Gate', a lovely take on the Lynton and Barnstaple which really is a 'railway in a landscape' and not just track plonked down with a few houses scattered about.  Operated well too, there were a few too many Almighty Nudges on several of the other layouts! 


Also really too much 'N' gauge there for me, (about 11 out of 30 layouts) but each to his own.  Some beautiful stock on the 'O' gauge Kirkby Stephen layout, but the FY operators at each end seemed intent on crashing and bashing them about in order to keep things running to schedule.  I wouldn't have been happy if it had been my stock!  :nono:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


The loco I'm after is heading for Felixstowe, so I'm heading there too.


The weather is not good but needs must.


Have a good day all.


I went to Trimley and captured 66718 on pixels and video pixels, it was running late and it was touch and go if it or the rain would arrive first, as it turned out the train arrived and the rain didn't (well not much) so I waited for it to come out of Felixstowe again, and then chased it to Kennett for another go - although it was raining very heavily whilst I was moving and I arrived in the rain too - fortunately it only stayed on for a few minutes more as 718 turned up five minutes after I'd arrived.


Jill and I had a curry for tea from our favourite curry house - they do a lot for the local schools so we like to support them in return !


Now relaxing with my good lady - she's watching strictly, and I'm not.


All in all a good day - enjoy your evening folks.

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Tony I confirm it is the BBC "Strictly" that I detest

It is aired all too frequently on BBC Entertainment on our TV.


il Dottore, You are right, I am not a fan.

My idea of hell would be  to have to sit through any of it but ESPECIALLY that voice lisping "To see you, to see you, to see you"! makes my skin crawl.

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  • RMweb Premium

Was just thinking about hitting the sack early as I'm "cream crackered" and my favouite brother in law rings up all exited about a heavy metal band playing tonight in town.

Some people just have too much energy!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Funnily enough Don it's quite windy in our house too - but then my post from last night might have the explanation


Don't know what the weather is doing as it's still pitch black outside, no light pollution out here in the wilds, whilst typing this and making the boss a cup of tea the dawn chorus has started, it's lovely listening to the wildlife waking up from a nights slumber, or in some cases going off to sleep after a nights plunder.


We are off to a Winter fayre today - like a summer one only freezing - where Jill is selling her glass objects, hopefully she'll do well although it's her hobby so sales are not mandatory except for the morale boost.


Have a good day all - and if you can, take a few moments to remember the fallen.

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Jill is selling her glass objects, hopefully she'll do well although it's her hobby so sales are not mandatory except for the morale boost.


She`s blooming good at it too; the most recent stained-glass production run that I saw, were gorgeous! :yes:


Have fun, but don`t eat all the profits! :friends:

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Morning all,  


Well the wedding, dont really know how to describe it......sort of   different,  Catholic religious service "Africanised"....cracking gospel choir,  then everyone (including a couple of old white geezers) goes dancing conger style round the church...but all seemed to enjoy, which I guess is the main idea of the day? 


Back to the mundane, having spent yesterday evening designing a gas pipe work reticulation for  a new plant,  now got to do the set installation drawings.  


By-the-bye Debs if you ever fancy coming to do some pipe work welding I'm sure I could find some work for you here!  


Whatever you're  up to today try and enjoy, 



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