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Evening all,  

Glad to see that (so far) no one has apart from a bit of power outage ( I get them all the time two so far this evening).has suffered too much. Though there was a bit on BBC radio news about a chap who had a tree fall over in his garden that wrecked his model railway......!

Hopefully  this photo from Summer 1996 might cheer some up?   (Sorry Debs!) 


Stay safe, 




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BBC news finally went over the edge on their news reporting of the storm.  Sadly there have been some fatalities and my thoughts go out to those who have lost loved ones, but the bulk of the news coverage has been trying to report on something to fill the space.  The final straw was interviewing a guy who had a model railway in his shed and the only damage (apart from a fallen tree) appeared to have been some derailments on his layout….and no doubt that was posed by the reporter.


Give me strength!


Found it...




07.24 onwards.

Edited by gordon s
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Morning all


Seems quiet this morning

We can't all be on half term.

Been trying to open ER since 0530! Up early as we're spending a few days in Crewe with the family - granddaughter, Alice, will be one on Thursday.

While we're way our (only) neighbour plans to remove our fallen tree (from yesterday's storm) as he'd like the logs for his wood burner. Suits us!


A fine but chilly morn! Have a good day!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


Looks like the storm has blown itself out on this side of the Channel, too. Removing fallen leaves from the streets seems to be a major endeavour over here, though thankfully, the City of Leipzig are so wise to send out road sweepers for collecting the leaves by way of one guy handling the suction hose on the rear end of the vehicle – so that leaf blowers are only required for clearing the leaves off the pavements, rather than continuously returning for trying to keeping the leaves in one place till they rot.


Enjoy your day, everyone!

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Morning All,


I am slightly later on parade this morning.  I had a few things in the office that had to be done as a matter of priority.


The weather is quite nice after the storm.  We didn't catch more than just the edge of it - but it was pretty blustery nevertheless.


Have a good day everyone...

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Greetings from sunny South Essex. 

I will be off to Chelmsford later to collect my car. There will be a few errands as well including a trip to a garden centre in search of bare rooted wallflowers.


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RMWeb appeared to be off line when I tried before 7:00 this morning, then after breakfast my service provider was down.

Back to Wintery weather here after a hot day yesterday. Total cloud cover with a forecast max of 20C today and rain promised for tomorrow and Thursday.

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  • RMweb Premium

20C is summer here Don!


Blue Sky this am a bit of cloud and a smattering of rain.


Off for my 100,000 mile checkup at the doctors today - not looking forward to it!


Her indoors off to deepest Lincolnshire to go ancestor hunting  so I need to do the housework and unpack from the demo I did at our show...


Have a nice day everyone!

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Nice dry fresh start, sunshine, blue sky & 8oC. Slight chance of one or two showers later.

I couldn't log on to the forum earlier either - I ended up doing domestic stuff in the kitchen. It's not good enough! :nono:

Kids only stayed one night in the end as they are going to work with their Dad today. (He's a school sports coach & runs various clubs during school holidays)


Now then - today's conundrum - do I continue with domestic tasks? do I garden? or do I model finish off the layout extension board? 


Hmmmmmmmm :scratchhead:


Have a good one,



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Finish off the layout extension board! Definitely!


I'm waiting to see what it's about. More on-line storage I expect, but a branch line would improve playability.


A foaming glass of beer on the table next to where you are working would be quite acceptable.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Blue sky here and awaiting the delivery of our new tree. 

It's intended as a 12" : 1'  view blocker, namely the house at the bottom of the garden.

Anyone got any thoughts - is it better to block the mass of brickwork, or obscure the corner of the building which creates a vertical line (brick - distant view of sky)?


Tasked with cleaning the house before the in-laws turn up.


Glad we all seemed to weather the storm and obviously thoughts with those families who lost loved ones.


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  • RMweb Premium

Morning, a dry breezy one here but the sky is black to the North, suggesting weather about to become a squid of some kind.


Quiet again in the office, but not through lack of work......our office 'entertainer' is on holiday and his co-conspirator is covering two and a half jobs so she's quiet too!  Perhaps the missing half job person might be getting a shock soon, of the HR type.


Sherry, I would have made the same offer about the tree!

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  • RMweb Premium

This is an interesting comparison between the great storm of '87 and '13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-24708614

I see that not so many miles away we got the 5th fastest gust over at Odiham. In '87 it was near my old school in Shoeburyness. 

My conclusion is - don't live near me when a storm is forecast!


As an aside Michael Fish was an after-dinner speaker at an event I attended a few years ago. The question of "the infamous forecast" obviously came up in his talk. If memory serves, his claim is that he wasn't actually on duty to make the forecast, just to present (he blamed Bill Giles!) and the clip that is oft shown is somewhat curtailed to give it a different spin.  



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  • RMweb Gold

Never met a squid that wasn't damp, Pete

So there was Mr Shark, swimming round the bay one morning, when he met the local squid. "Morning, Mr Squid - how are you today?" "Not so good, really, got a bit of a thick head this morning." "Never mind, jump on my back and we'll have a quick trip round the bay - blow the cobwebs away!" So off they set. Quite soon they met a whale "Morning Mr Whale" said the shark "Here's that six quid I owe you!"


Normal service has been resumed.


Have a good day.

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An acquaintance noted that yesterday's storm ripped through Northampton and caused £1M of improvements! Sadly there have been no additional sources for next year's log supplies from yesterday. It looks like I may have to buy some wood, first time in 26 years.


Breeze blowing this morn, mainly cloudy but decidedly damp underfoot. Some business stuff to deal with as new Microwave that was delivered yesterday had to be integrated into Madam Gruff's little world. son left out my wood machine table so I now need a new deck which requires a bit of quality 15mm plywood doubled to get the right thickness. The off cuts will be used in the girder construction of the most complex of my new baseboards.


Must see what goodies I can pick up and order ahead of WycRail.

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  • RMweb Gold

Finish off the layout extension board! Definitely!


I'm waiting to see what it's about. More on-line storage I expect, but a branch line would improve playability.


A foaming glass of beer on the table next to where you are working would be quite acceptable.


Sounds like a plan to me Don although the beer will have to wait till this evening as I have to drive later this morning & possibly this afternoon.

It is intended mainly for storage for coaching stock but I'm trying to work in some sort of fuel depot/terminal/facility as well so the idea is part scenic/part fiddle yard & storage.

Oh - & the whole shebang has to be on wheels so that it can easily be detached & moved around the bedroom!

Piece of cake really! :scratchhead:  :help:  :banghead:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Looks like Bob had better send for Gordon as he seems to be the local woodworking wizard.  Quite bright and sunny here so the curtains are drawn to enable me to see the screen - I understand we will be going out in it as a Tesco expedition is planned and we have 'money offs'.


Just as well we didn't have any trees down as I haven't got anywhere left to store the logs - there is room in the woodhshed but the logs which are ageing/drying aren't old enough yet to go as firewood although it might be worth trying a few of them when th weather starts to get cold.


Have a good day one and all - and I have another four batches of scans to resize and add notes to/research with the end of the Western ones zooming up over the horizon.

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