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Evening all.....


.......Jill and I are musing about getting married at our zoo - Banham - a friend works there and we might get staff discount -  we could also get some witnesses locally - Mr G.Raffe and Miss C.Lion are free apparently.

And I've heard that Ellie Funt would be willing to lend her trunk for your honeymoon packing!

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  • RMweb Gold

Could someone please move the caring/supportive 'button' away from the funny 'button'?


I have on more than one occasion hit 'funny ', when such would be most inappropriate.


Fortunately, I believe that I have been able to undo the rating, thereby avoiding any permanent faux pas.


With all the animals allegedly attending the beast/Jill nuptuals, a friend of mine is an expert confetti thrower......................at least I think that was what he said!






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Good morning all, 


Lost the net yesterday (careless of me I know!) evening. So work for the day being completed i decided to watch some of the set of Fred Dibnah's Railway collection DVD's ......That was until the power went off, came back , went off.....till I got fed up and went to bed with my Kindle....


Hope the storming heading for the UK  doesn't cause any untoward damage for you guys.


Try and enjoy the day, 



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Wet & windy night, 12oC, bright & breezy this morning so far but dire warnings of storm approaching. We are all doomed.


Yesterday restarted my new extension board for the layout. "Measure twice & cut once" is the rule is it not?..Doesn't work if you make the same mistake twice when you measure it!   :banghead: However I eventually got most of the board done - just need to sort some legs out now.

Today we have the pleasure of a visit from daughter,SiL & the grandkids so that means there will be lots noise & laughter here later. :yes:  :danced:  :yahoo:

I believe breakfast is being cooked so I better see if any of my expertise  interference in the kitchen is required.


Have a good one,


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all

The link to  earths place in the order did work for me. Although that is perhaps the truth it matters so little. It amusses me that some people gets worked up about a god who is obviously bothered by such things as if you work on a sunday, eat pork, or women have their face uncovered on one little planet. IF what we do here is so important what about the rest of the universe.Having a little care and compassion for each other as shown on here does seem important.


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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


A pleasant evening of dinner and cards at the other end of the village. Sheena drove so I could drink!


Blustery and rainy overnight, but the sun is out now. Our weather forecast is somewhat less extreme than may be the case in UK.


Sherry got there before me with the Kipling link. I really can't recall who pointed out many years ago that much older poetry is on the web somewhere.


GP coming up quite soon. Must feed the horses now.


Enjoy your day of rest.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I'm somewhat upset to hear about the Robbie-ist situation in relation to motor vehicles over in Essex but alas it's a long way to drive to help things out, I hope the poor lad's paws don't get worn out.  And an odd thing about poetry on the 'net but not so long back I found Dr Station Cat's teenage efforts were still there on someone or others website.


Anyway after a very windy night (it is presumably only a prelude) we're now a lot quieter but still quite breezy - trust everyone, especially in the south, is 'prepared' in accordance with Met Office instruction.  Might get some more scanning done today - followers will be interested/disappointed to hear that the Western tank engines are almost finished but there are quite a few tender engines to come plus a few oddments from lesser companies mind you it is a bit of a task trying to identify some of the Western stuff especially a few of the Welsh ones but all good fun and better than being on the streets.


Have a good day one & all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I'd like to publically thank my Jill this morning, she went to Germany yesterday, leaving me on my own for a week, knowing I'd miss her she thoughtfully left her alarm set at 06:00 - or 05:00 in real money - so I could wake up early and miss her more !


The links to the earth still don't work for me but I guess we are looking at how small we are ? - we need a Total Perspective Vortex "When you are put into the Vortex you are given just one momentary glimpse of the entire unimaginable infinity of creation, and somewhere in it a tiny little mark, a microscopic dot on a microscopic dot, which says, "You are here."" (Thanks to Douglas Adams for the Hitchhikers Guide for that)


Ashers talk of Elly Funt and her trunks reminds me of a doctors visit a couple of weeks back - he asked "Can I ask you a personal question ?" "Sure" "Are you having any trouble having sex ?" "Well now you ask, yes I am, I've had to cut down to 4 times per day and only 6 times on Sundays" - his face didn't even twitch, he held his professional look perfectly.


I've got to go shopping for myself (!) later, sort out all the photos I took yesterday and I've promised a mate I will post some photos of Warrington in the early 2000s to give him prototype inspiration for his Dallam model.


Have a good day all.

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The Oldies are always the best, Dave.


Don't forget with this Storm thing, the tendency to overstate the issue. It may not be so bad.

I did find useful, last year, to put all loose items that may take off and pile them in the garage - just in case they became airborne and break something else. The winds in and of themselves really don't sound enough to cause structural damage inland - unless they pick up something and hurl it at your windows. Watch out for tree limbs and falling trees - don't go walking the dog at the height of the wind.


It will be worse for those lucky souls who live right on the coast.


Best, Pete.


PS Remarkable is it  not for "disinformation" to be portrayed as hard facts by the media. The guys in Europe's East must be giggling.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

The Oldies are always the best, Dave.


Don't forget with this Storm thing, the tendency to overstate the issue. It may not be so bad.

I did find useful, last year, to put all loose item that may take off and pile them in the garage - just in case they became airborne and brake something else. The winds in and of themselves really don't sound enough to cause structural damage inland - unless they pick up something and hurl it at your windows. Watch out for tree limbs and falling trees - don't go walking the dog at the height of the wind.


It will be worse for those lucky souls who live right on the coast.


Best, Pete.


PS Remarkable is it  not for "disinformation" to be portrayed as hard facts by the media. The guys in Europe's East must be giggling.


40+mph winds are forecast for my journey to work tomorrow, could make it "interesting".


The wind was whipping up on the fens yesterday and that was just the pressure changing, it will be "fun" for them overnight tonight when the big winds hit.


Sorry for the pause in typing, I was watching the Indian F1 kick off.

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Morning all


Wonder if DD has reached Spain yet.

I hope so!


This description of the Beaufort Scale may help. Don't forget the first figure is "Knots" the third figure is "MPH", so far as I'm aware people like the BBC are using MPH:





The speed figures are for "sustained wind" not gusts.


Best, Pete.

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Morning All,


It is not a particularly inspiring day, weather wise.  Quite blustery and currently raining steadily.  Still, that gives me a good excuse to stay inside!


I have just come back from our local model railway exhibition.  I usually put in an appearance to support the local club (of which I am not a member) and to see what is about layout wise.  Unfortunately, exhibitions are very different here to what they are in the UK - at least ours is.  We usually see the same layouts year on year.


Still, it will probably inspire me to go in the cellar and do a bit more on my layout!


Have a good day everyone...

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GP was quite entertaining, with the funny tyres doing pretty much as we expected to make the race interesting, plus the inevitable triers who pushed the tyre life beyond Pirelli's recommendations. Worth watching, really.

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  • RMweb Gold

Earlier this morning I mentioned going to the kitchen to "assist" with breakfast. I was asked to leave with the comments "when have I ever needed help to cook a breakfast" & "would you like to eat it or wear it?" It fitted tasted very nice as always.

A phone call after breakfast from Nicki informed us that the grandchildren would like to stay tonight & tomorrow (half term hols) so that means I get to sleep under platform 1!

Not being put off by the earlier rebuff I've offered to help with the Sunday roast & have been given one or two trivial tasks to deal with.

Doorbell ringing & lots of noise which means visitors have arrived.

Time for a pint or several!

Cheers  :drinks:


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  • RMweb Gold

There I was in Morrisons (other places full of NfNs are available) and I was putting salad bowls (for lunches) and vegetables (for tea) in my trolley when a nice old lady said

"Shopping on your own ?"

"Yes, she's away with the kids"

"First time ?"

"No, I've been shopping on my own before"

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  • RMweb Gold

Earlier this morning I mentioned going to the kitchen to "assist" with breakfast. I was asked to leave with the comments "when have I ever needed help to cook a breakfast" & "would you like to eat it or wear it?" It fitted tasted very nice as always.

A phone call after breakfast from Nicki informed us that the grandchildren would like to stay tonight & tomorrow (half term hols) so that means I get to sleep under platform 1!

Not being put off by the earlier rebuff I've offered to help with the Sunday roast & have been given one or two trivial tasks to deal with.

Doorbell ringing & lots of noise which means visitors have arrived.

Time for a pint or several!

Cheers  :drinks:


The way you're heading I reckon you'll be ordered out of the kitchen (giving you much more time to concentrate on the railway ;) ).

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We set out on our dog walk on the beach, very-early doors this morning before the forecast winds arrive (we got up an hour early; for some reason!) :blush:


A trip to the Friends Meeting House followed, then home for a cheese and apple sandwich luncheon (with gorgeous apples from a F/friend`s orchard).


Perhaps a bit of modelling will fit into this afternoon.

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