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Ah yes Ian, if you're talking about who I think you're talking about he has been trying a certain someone's patience for quite a while and seemingly 'really did it' this time but he does seem a tad naive about what he puts on the 'net and has - so my spies inform me - already been 'pulled' once 'elsewhere' over his postings online.  And if someone there really had it in for him there's some excellent online fodder for them which could lead him to what used to be called the Labour Exchange.  Such is life and I wonder why folk don't realise that the internet is an open book for anyone who cares to look at it, especially if they're daft enough to use their own name?




Off to join ModellersUnitedinApathy?



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  • RMweb Gold

I'm back home now, even managed to photograph the local stone train - I left Yorkshire at 08:15 expecting bad traffic and had a clear run down the A1 and the A14, even the roadworks on the A11 were flowing smoothly so although it was 40mph for a while we were still moving, got back in just over 3 hours, having cruised at 69mph for most of the way - something about todays postings told me that was the speed to stick to.

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  • RMweb Gold

I think the only way I would know about someone being dismissed from the forum is if "Guest" appeared as part of the name in their former postings. Most people seem to get on well but I am quite surprised at what some (to me) minor topic about trains  incites such unrest. I did ask Andy Y if politics and religion sites banned model railways in case the discussions turned nasty. Matthew used to run a site about Sonic the Hedgehog. He got death threats or more commonly that he would suffer eternal damnation in hell. Fortunately the threats tended not to be local. He did think he hadn't received a threat of damnation from a US state with a coastline though.



Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

I'm admin on an on-line war gaming server - the tantrums thrown by some on here are nothing compared to them - death threats, what they would do to my girlfriend / mother / dog / etc. delete as appropriate, I know where you live etc. etc. etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

I'm admin on an on-line war gaming server - the tantrums thrown by some on here are nothing compared to them - death threats, what they would do to my girlfriend / mother / dog / etc. delete as appropriate, I know where you live etc. etc. etc.

Truly they are keyboard warriors!


You can't turn down the volume or hit reset in a real fire fight.  Neither can they get the smell of sweat, cordite, hot metal and oil and of course bodily fluids:  blood and the others...........





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Doesn't matter where you go online, you'll always get Trollls and keyboard warriors. Golden rules are never feed the troll and ignore best you can the keyboard warriors with nothing better to do.


No-one likes rules generally, but they help keep order and so on. Personally I've always found RMweb a very friendly place, so well done the Mod team.


Now for another cuppa and some quiet time in front of the telly... at least I managed to get some sleep in the end!

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Tunis to Brum - Part II


Now, where was I? Eventually, we boarded the "larger than expected" craft to take us to Birmingham, only to find that I had been moved from Business to Economy class and that the seat I was allocated had also been allocated to another passenger! The point at which this came to light initiated (in response to a heated discussion) an offer from the cabin staff "that we have upgraded you to Business" to which I said "NO, I had already paid for Business Class". A crafted letter will be wending its way to Luftwafferhansa headquarters in the very near future. 


We arrived around 15 minutes late at Brum and then I suffered a self-inflicted delay by forgetting to collect all my belongings. This in part I blame on the carrier and their decision to allocate me initially further down the plane. Luckily, I found an extremely helpful member of ground staff at Brum who did a good Jimmy Saville deed - she fixed it for me - without taking any interest in my anatomy (probably isn't in to Gruffalos)!


I fully expected to round off my journey with being pulled aside by HMRC's representatives but I managed to get away with that. All they would have discovered is dirty clothes and no liquor, tobacco or any other substances had they challenged me.


Just to round off the trip, as I travelled home from the airport I received a text from said airline asking me to review their service - you just can't make that up can you?


As for The Stationmaster's suggestion - stop rubbing it in Mike    :no:  :nono:   :triniti: we could fall out!

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  • RMweb Gold

So much to catch up on I forget half of the comments I was going to make.

Regarding your breakfast Don. When FiL had to go into a home because we could cope anymore the nurses were worried about his loss of body weight but found they could not arrest it either so if he asked for anything to eat they would make it specially for him hoping it would help. It didn't but he enjoyed being able to pick what he wanted fried egg being a favourite.


Regarding bad behaviour on-line I seem to miss most of it. I am prepared to state my views in response to a question but if others contradict me well so be it they are entitled to their opinion even if it is obviously stupid nonesense :nono:  sorry an alternative view :scratchhead:

Discussing matters with the builders today regarding ventilating the roof. It seems on new builds they have to block up the ventilation apply negative pressure to check leaks are within limits before uncovering the required ventilation.  The insulation required in the loft will be 70mm Celotex between the rafters then an air gap then a layer of multifoil insulation another air gap then plasterboard.. Its a train room not a sauna!


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Noticing the title of the "Soliciting Feedback" post elsewhere on the forum, put me in humorous mind of a dear old friend from long-ago in my university days in Davis, California: a dear-lady on faculty, whom was so kind to me  when I was but a young-teen; so-far from home and well-out of my experiential and cultural depth........She was so shocked when I mentioned our 'solicitors' and how they have to go to university before they`re licensed and allowed to practice, with some being so skilled and well practiced, that some went on to become attorneys and judges! :swoon: : "Gee Deb., you Brits. sure are tolerant?" :O ...........whilst mention of the School Masters and Mistresses Association almost had her in apoplexy: "Lordy-Lord, Deb.; they have a labor-association for them too?!" :laugh:

Edited by Debs.
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  • RMweb Gold

Hopefully the mysterious intermittent fault on my car that sometimes prevents it starting has presented itself thoroughly enough for it to be identified.

It wouldn't start when I wanted to go to the park this afternoon but did after a few minutes. Down at the park it chugged before starting but once home when I wanted to go out again it wouldn't start. I phoned Land Rover rescue who sent a man out and he identified an intermittent fault in the starter motor. So tomorrow he will return, get it started if it won't start (he did something to bypass something to get the motor to move a bit) so I can take it to Chelmsford where I swap it for a hire car until it is fixed. Perhaps I'll drop in to the model railway shop in Chelmsford on the way back!



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  • RMweb Premium

School students at the sixth form college where I last worked quite enjoyed teasing the exchange staff from the US with little linguistic variations!


I tried just that with my English troupe before the holidays, asking them what they might be given if they asked for a rubber at an American school  :mosking:  .

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  • RMweb Gold



Halo both day and night, but never into the sea. That was definitely a daytime activity


Jumping at dusk was most difficult as it was light above and pitch black below.  You needed some form of reference on the ground to plan your decent under the canopy






not edited for spelling: thank you Tony!

Edited by Happy Hippo
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  • RMweb Premium

just back from London - train only 45 minutes late due a passenger "incident" at New Barnet so all mainline trains were delayed/cancelled East Coast did eventually let us know why trains were delayed - but then didn't have time to clean the train and fit reservations - which ended up with a train full of people from the Hull (cancelled) and a slightly later Leeds train (cancelled) all trying to get on a already full HST...Chaos.. with a watered down apology .....


van hire for the show has been screwed up by the hire company so have to seek  out a different van for 9:30 tomorrow.


If I don't get chance to join in tomorrow have a great Friday...

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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all,

Well Mrs Stationmaster duly acquired a further six plants and I think the new flowerbed is now complete, she's even put in nice little plastic labels to help the squirrel find where the bulbs are buried.


My recent auction purchases were delivered this afternoon and are true box of delights of a mass of photos (I haven't bothered to count them) of which the Western ones are gradually going to get scanned - as some folk have seen they do enlarge quite well on the 'puter screen and I get the impression many of them are contact prints which were made with some care by various folk.  And of course I get all the fun & games of trying to establish/check the numbers noted on the back and guess the locations - or correct those which have been misidentified.  


The real mystery one (among several) is a picture of a broad gauge train which appears to have been taken from one heading in the opposite direct - must consult various albums to see if I can trace it being published anywhere in the past.

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O.K. So I was born an early riser! Although my window faces West, there's still enough pre-dawn light to wake me at 5:30, so here I am.


I think I must write a South African version of "Scottish Weather", entitled South African Weather of course. After yesterday's 27C it's back to 20 today so a second jersey is called for!


Last night's minimum temperature was forecast to be 14 so I slept in Summer pyjamas and under a sheet only last night but woke up during the night feeling cold, so changed into Winter wear.

I'd never survive in Scotland.


Happy Friday folks.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Dark outside but the furry explorer returned damp from his patrol so I expect it is either raining or has been overnight.

Today's task is to take the car to Chelmsford (assuming it starts). There will be a hire car waiting for me, I wonder what it will be.  Apparently I could have a Land Rover but rather than wait I said I'll have anything as I'm more interested in getting home than having a particular vehicle.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Not actually that good as it's chucking it down again. Currently 14oC & there may be some sunshine briefly later this morning.(with more rain of course)

Don't all hold your breath but there is faint chance that I may attack the layout today. I demolished a board a few weeks ago & have been half-heartedly trying to decide how to replace it & I think I now have the germ of an idea.  :scratchhead:  This attack of outright stupidity has resulted in some more timber being purchased and the Workmate & saw being fetched from the shed. They are currently residing in the conservatory (or workshop in inclement weather)

There was a muttering of "How long are they going to be there" & "I hope you're not going to make a mess" & various other comments to which I just replied by nodding & smiling. This elicited a response, part of which sounded like "village idiot". :senile:

Nothing new there then! :whistle:

Have a good one,



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Good morning all, it's Friday!   Don, your missing heats stuck here, the last few nights have been very hot..Not helped by some  A -H ringing me at 03:15....then hanging up as soon as I answered! 


Still worse things happen I guess?  


Try and have  good one folks, 



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