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Good Morning all,  


Sort of day of rest(ish) here still playing catch-up with the paper work.  


Just to show what I'm up against at times, the client wants to put a set into the building in the left which would mean  getting a 200 tonne crane down here! 


He's now having a "re-think" !

Try and have a good day. 






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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


...so that it may please the Court! :laugh:

Could bring a whole new meaning to "Here comes the Judge!"


Ahem. Overnight rain has left everything damp, but there is some sunshine now, and it's still marvellously mild. I was awake early, but seem to have managed to fritter away any temporal advantage, so still have to feed the horses.


Delighted to note that Ed has been let out for good behaviour, and hope this is his last encounter with medics in those terms for the foreseeable.


Mick - I found that the one advantage to being in charge of cooking and shopping is that you can suit yourself, and now the signs are that this would be a good idea. Must admit I had inferred that you had been chief cook and bottlewasher Chez Skipepsi for some time anyway.


I may try to post a couple of pics from yesterday later - others seem to be struggling to get the system to work, so we'll see.


Enjoy your day, everyone.

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 I sneaked into a model shop and managed to grab the first lengths of Code 75 and a couple of electro frog curved points so I can prepare to do some running checks on my return from Tunis next week - real progress at last!

You wicked old Gruffalo!


Did you manage to hide it all in the boot of your chariot prior to the reappearance of the Madame G?





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Morning all!  Very blowy, but this is Lincolnshire after all, what can I expect!  Not raining, yet............ 


So off shortly to Peterborough to see the show and check the crowd behind BCB don't start drinking too early.  Hmmmm...........'too early', that's a difficult concept to get your head around.  I 'spose it means before breakfast..............

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Friends situation appears irretrievable unfortunately, a very sad situation.  Relatively amicable, as much as these things can be, but as always it tears me apart to see my Not-God-Daughter :wub:  (aetheists!) in the middle of it all.  She is being more grown up about it than her Father....at 13.  A good curry and many glasses of red (and coke...for said young lady) last night got it all talked through anyway.  Sad sad sad. :(  :(  :( :(  :(  


To brighter things, it's sunny!  Windy though.  I'd love to have gone to that garden railway exhibition yes, but Exeter is a touch too far for a day trip.  Leeds show next weekend too, I used to get taken there as a kid years ago when it was in the Corn Exchange.


As recompense we stopped off at Keighley yesterday, the LNWR Coal Tank was running a vintage train of L&Y carriages as a celebration of it's 125th birthday.  It looked and sounded splendid, the WD was on the service train that sounded like WD's do - broken!  They're meant to sound like that sir.....Tyne Dock enginemen used to call them Iron Lungs, they clanked so much.

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  • RMweb Gold

Friends situation appears irretrievable unfortunately, a very sad situation.  Relatively amicable, as much as these things can be, but as always it tears me apart to see my Not-God-Daughter :wub:  (aetheists!) in the middle of it all.  She is being more grown up about it than her Father....at 13.  A good curry and many glasses of red (and coke...for said young lady) last night got it all talked through anyway.  Sad sad sad. :(  :(  :( :(  :(  


Sad indeed - but none of us really can expect to see all that goes on in others' relationships, and hence to get to the bottom of the issues that may bedevil them. I always think that even those in the relationship can only see 50% each at best! Full marks for effort, whatever.

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Mick - you should initially be put on the minimum dose for Ramipril (5mg capsules?) to check for side effects. If that doesn't reduce your blood pressure sufficiently then the dose could be increased to 10mg. I had an increased tendency towards nocturnal perambulations to the loo, which have decreased over time, but no other side effects. I'm also on Amlodipine, my doctor opting for belt and braces; they work because my BP is circa 130:80.


Lady hookers - yes they do exist and tend to be the same shape as their male equivalents - short in the leg, broad in the beam and with thick necks. Speaking, of course, as an ex-hooker myself.



Edited by bbishop
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It is a tangled web indeed Ian, they had asked that we help talk it through as their best friends.  I'm not saying our marriage hasn't had the odd bump over 29 years, but it has always survived after some talking and calm post-strop changes.   This one has brewed away too long without the openess needed to have resolved things.  Making the best of a bad job now, we'll still be friends with both but it's going to be a tough year for them, and our 'NGD'.  As she's 13 going on 30 I'm sure she'll be OK, but as we are both from broken (edit - parents!) marriages we understand and are able to support, if and when she needs.

Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


Not long  arisen after a seomwhat disturbed night - first off heavy rain for a good 20 minutes or so then around 7ish back again but this time with overhead thunder and a flash of lightning I could actually see with my eyes shut!  So all electronic thingy stuff rapidly disconnected and back to be after a cuppa but now is all brightness and light with just some high cloud to filter the sun.  Now I really must try to (yet again) adjust the gutter on the garage as a gap had again opened up in it, all most peculiar it is.


No exhibitions today for me but there is swapmeet over in Reading so I might venture that far although today's important shopping has already taken place over the 'phone with the NRM outpost at Shildon.


Have a good day one and all.

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  • RMweb Premium

Breezy, whitish cloud, thunder no longer predicted - a nice day in Leeds..


The Herbert (no 2 son) is coming round for tea after finishing his work.. so Yorkshire Pudding batter made and being cooled, roast tatties, parsnips and runner beans to go with the beef and puds.... yum yum!


Neil I hope the day goes well for all of you - in over 50 years of marriage my in laws never had an argument but always discussed any potential problems.. if only I knew how they managed it.

A bit more tram repairing to do today before our show next weekend...then tea then .. pub!!

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...........some high cloud to filter the sun.  Now I really must try to (yet again) adjust the gutter on the garage as a gap had again opened up in it......

Might it be thermal 'creep', Mike?

uPVC plastic can be simply factored to expand at 5.4 mm of length variation for every 10 meters of run, for

each 10ºC change in temperature......sitting in full sun during the day and then the chill of an Autumn night etc. :scratchhead:
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Mick - you should initially be put on the minimum dose for Ramipril (5mg capsules?) to check for side effects. If that doesn't reduce your blood pressure sufficiently then the dose could be increased to 10mg. I had an increased tendency towards nocturnal perambulations to the loo, which have decreased over time, but no other side effects. I'm also on Amlodipine, my doctor opting for belt and braces; they work because my BP is circa 130:80.


Lady hookers - yes they do exist and tend to be the same shape as their male equivalents - short in the leg, broad in the beam and with thick necks. Speaking, of course, as an ex-hooker myself.



Just a comment on Ramipril, I know it is available in 1.25mg (yellow ends) and 2.5mg (orange ends) as I have experience of both. The former when I was on beta blockers and the latter now I have stopped them due to a pulse that got as low as 40 bpm!

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You wicked old Gruffalo!


Did you manage to hide it all in the boot of your chariot prior to the reappearance of the Madame G?





No Richard, she saw it as I made no attempt to hide it because I would only face a "gestapo like" grilling on later discovery. As SWMBO had come out of the shop with a new pair of "countrified" strides (and I know they cost more than my track expenditure) I was only scowled at.


I do find it difficult to park a chariot in the streets of Northampton, its the Traffic Wardens who hate my wheel mounted scythes and the "recently arrived" citizens who want to steal them for their own internal societal nefarious means! Besides that, my stallions don't take kindly to men in black uniforms with yellow caps and tend to get a little aggressive towards them.

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Friends situation appears irretrievable unfortunately, a very sad situation.  Relatively amicable, as much as these things can be, but as always it tears me apart to see my Not-God-Daughter :wub:  (aetheists!) in the middle of it all.  She is being more grown up about it than her Father....at 13.  A good curry and many glasses of red (and coke...for said young lady) last night got it all talked through anyway.  Sad sad sad. :(  :(  :( :(  :(  


To brighter things, it's sunny!  Windy though.  I'd love to have gone to that garden railway exhibition yes, but Exeter is a touch too far for a day trip.  Leeds show next weekend too, I used to get taken there as a kid years ago when it was in the Corn Exchange.


As recompense we stopped off at Keighley yesterday, the LNWR Coal Tank was running a vintage train of L&Y carriages as a celebration of it's 125th birthday.  It looked and sounded splendid, the WD was on the service train that sounded like WD's do - broken!  They're meant to sound like that sir.....Tyne Dock enginemen used to call them Iron Lungs, they clanked so much.

Separation and divorce is difficult at the best of times with one or other party often bearing a grudge which can be taken out upon the child(ren). SWMBO was previously hitched and her first husband departed the relationship for someone younger leaving her with an 18-month old babe. She still holds a very deep seated loathing (almost hate) for him which evidences itself in some strange ways viz we can't have a red car because HE had a red car!


My (step) daughter has turned out generally to be pretty well balanced although we had difficulty deciding when to expose the past to her and our new friends when we moved away from the old stomping grounds where things were common knowledge where we felt our daughter was perhaps viewed less favourably by some who had not gone through such trauma. Maybe we made too much of the situation, I don't know but fractured relationships seem to be much more common now so the situation of children involved is less rare today.


I do hope all works out well without blame and recriminations.

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Unhappy Hippo just stepped back into the house!


Last week I was contacted by the local Boots (Opticians) about my hearing test.


An appointment was arranged for 1200 hrs today.


When I arrived, the usual shop was closed, with a note stuck to the door saying....Hearing tests at the other Boots branch around the corner.


Tried to book in....no record of any appointment :O


This is not the first time that comms between the two branches has been, let us say, less than satisfactory.  The last time was for an eye test, the documentation  for which they managed to lose, and since they then had to give me another one, they were very condescending about it and made out that the free test was a big favour to me, although it was they who had made the error in the first place.


I am always prepared to give the benefit of the doubt, but it cost time and money (fuel and parking) so they can take a hike and I'll take my eyes and ears elsewhere.


Of course the knock on effect is that my veto will be supported by the rest of the herd.


Still, on the way home I did manage to get a new A3 cutting mat from Aldi for £3.99.       ( £13.00 at Hobbycraft!)







Edited by Happy Hippo
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Crime is still alive and well in Cape Town. I stopped driving almost three years ago and the lady who has since then given me a lift to and from Church was last Sunday night deprived of her car at gun point as she stopped in front of her residence.

It was not a very new car so I think it was probably stolen to be used in the commission of another crime.and not for resale.

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  • RMweb Gold

Just a comment on Ramipril, I know it is available in 1.25mg (yellow ends) and 2.5mg (orange ends) as I have experience of both. The former when I was on beta blockers and the latter now I have stopped them due to a pulse that got as low as 40 bpm!


Hmm, minor doses - I'm on the ones with the end in LMS crimson (dunno why they don't have GW green?) which are 5mg, I had the ones with orange ends to practice on before graduating.




Might it be thermal 'creep', Mike?

uPVC plastic can be simply factored to expand at 5.4 mm of length variation for every 10 meters of run, for

each 10ºC change in temperature......sitting in full sun during the day and then the chill of an Autumn night etc. :scratchhead:



I think you're probably right Debs.  This section of gutter has been a right nuisance since Day 1 and has been replaced twice (that I can remember) - I can see through the rain (it's back) - that it has now closed right up at one end riding over the spacer in the joint and getting flush up against the next section.  So I suspect what has happened is that it expanded in the summer heat and has duly jammed at one end so when the temperature dropped it contracted and pulled apart, as it always does, at the joint at the other end.  I suspect the cure is now going to involve some measuring, maths, a saw or big knife and possibly a nut & bolt to make sure a certain end stays in the same place all the time.  


Mind you it's moved a ruddy sight more than 5.4mm in the width of a double garage which is somewhat less than 10m!


On the other hand I might just have to renew the two joint shoes as it has now been put up and set to length by 3 different people only to pull apart in exactly the same place subsequently.

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Can't help with plastic gutters Mike, my house has the original 1960s cast iron gutters and down spouts. Occasionally we get a quote for replacing the slightly rotten soffits and weather boards, but they all want to replace the cast iron with plastic. No thanks. Besides, if I need to work on the roof the CI gutters take the weight of the ladder and me, something I think the plastic gutters will not do. Not that I've tried mind. 

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