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  • RMweb Gold


Now back in non sunny Essex. The collection of MiL went well. We parked at Terminal 3 at just about the same time the plane landed and didn't have long to wait. MiL had enjoyed her holiday and had some interesting stories. The first two days at sea were so rough that everyone was effectively stuck in their cabins. Not many people made it to the dining room for those days but it was fine after that.

SiL thanked Aditi for collecting her Mum and Aditi sweetly pointed out that she was her Mum too! 

Until yesterday I had never heard of Ramipril until Mick mentioned it but MiL was telling me her experiences with it during her cruise. She has recently been prescribed the medication to lower her blood pressure and the increased dose just before she went away generated some side effects. Half the passengers seemed to be retired medics so she had plenty of advice!

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


Didcot show duly visited and a nice chat with Missy of this parish with a chance to admire her latest handiwork (briliiant as usual); it's only a small show but some good quality and interesting layouts were on display plus a reasonable amount of trade representation - not that they relieved me of any money (a pleasant change) plus a pleasant drive there & back.  Met a few old acquaintances (non RMweb although one has written a bit in recent years for the 'Modeller') and were duly able to run through some of Notwork Rail's problems while an encounter with one of our former WR London Division Traction Inspectors enabled him and I to sort a couple of heritage Railways, one of which will be hearing from him very shortly ;)

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  • RMweb Premium

I would just like to say thanks for the information and support. I think the plan I had for the summer holidays was the right idea getting fitter and thinner but that went out the window when someone fell over.... It does need a change in approach from me, in as much as I will have to put me first and get done the things done I need to do, exercising cooking healthy food etc.

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  • RMweb Gold

........so it`ll be for the best if you put it into the hands of a lawyer! :laugh:

I did meet some lady lawyers, particularly during my BRIS Privatisation years, in whose hands I could certainly relish putting my - er - case!


Glad Tony's MiL trip was easy and she was grateful. I rang my MiL but got no response. She'd been away for a week, and I wonder if she decided to stay on a bit longer, as happened before.


Well our weather was a bit nicer than forecast, with bits of blue sky and occasional sun, and still very mild, 18 or more this afternoon. And I did indeed get a ride on the Transvap, and enjoyed my £10-ish worth. Not many others on the train, so I had half of the Swiss coach to myself. After a while a Transvap chap came through and stopped for a chat. People are always a bit puzzled to find an ex-BR bloke living around here. It was only as we finished our chat that he revealed he's the new President of Transvap! Today's special was about looking at the new turntable, and when I was waiting for the train I noted a leading local politician being shown round the workshops. Since most of the investment in the line seems to come from the Departement (= County in effect) that seemed fair enough. Sadly we didn't see the turntable in use, and the plethora of jacks in the bottom of the well suggested some fine-tuning is still taking place.

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Yes, but I have a more serious problem: despite being 5` 14" tall.....I still appear to be underheight for my weight! :laugh:


Blimey Debs, 5' 14"!  That makes you 6' 2" in my way of thinking, are you still prop forward for Wigan Ladies?

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  • RMweb Gold

I was up too early to be an ER today, as we (TRMG) were giving Frank (Dukedog) and co support at their Cradley Heath MRC exhibition.


The children visiting the show seemed to enjoy the more 'hands on' approach you can employ with 7/8ths (1:13.7) models as opposed to the 'Keep your theevin' mitts off my N gauge stuff', so many went away with grubby oily fingers and a smile on their faces.  They are, after all, the modellers of tomorrow, so we ignore them or exclude them at our peril.


I wore my RM Web badge, as provided by Andy Y at the last  RM Web day at Stafford.  Quite a few of the visitors said they recognised my HH web name, but I was able to avoid the flurry of blows that followed. (Obviously not BR(W) S Wales Valleys afficionadii  :jester:


Sorry to find out that Debs played prop for Wigan ladies:  At 5' 14" she was probably to tall to play in that position for Wigan men! 


I always too her for a flanker............blindside!





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When I was on the footplate in the mid-70`s: I went on loan to Springs Branch shed for a week (a sort of traincrew cultural exchange).........`couldn`t understand a Wigan-word! :no:

I was just getting an ear for the dialect when the week of 'road-learning' turns ended.


I then understood why the Springs Branch 'Cloggers' were called "Did you nots" by the Birkenhead men.......as I`d so frequently heard the rhetorical idiomatic phrase: "Aye, did you not know tha?" :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

I have had a smashing afternoon at the Garden Railway show in Exeter. Met a lot of friends from places as diverse as Bideford, Derby, Newport IOW, Swansea. I suspect Neil would have loved it. Wallet took a bit of damage. If you are interested in garden railways it is one of the nicest shows.


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I would just like to say thanks for the information and support. I think the plan I had for the summer holidays was the right idea getting fitter and thinner but that went out the window when someone fell over.... It does need a change in approach from me, in as much as I will have to put me first and get done the things done I need to do, exercising cooking healthy food etc.




I just cleaned up my Bicycle to use. Much better than being stationary.   I should fit a GoPro to it so you can all see me chatting up the local bevy of MILFs (Beta Blockers are OK)!


Just kidding, maybe......


Best, Pete.

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It seems I'm first up/on today. Do you all sleep in on a Sunday?

Lots and lots of SE wind cloud on the mountain though otherwise clear.

Only 19C forecast today with the wind gusting between 30 and 40kph..


Happy modelling or whatever you are doing today.

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Morning all. They let me out! Going to Cornwall with no. 2 son today to see no. 1 son and inter (?) Auntie Nancy's ashes in the same grave as her much loved husband Denis. She'll be very close to my Mum too.


According to the doc who discharged me I can drive again one week after the procedure, so that's Friday, maybe Saturday to be on the safe side.


Many thanks to all for the kind thoughts. Eat lettuce and think thin!



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  • RMweb Premium

Day of rest eh? Off to work in a bit to keep the people of north Wiltshire supplied with food, drink, Halloween supplies and Christmas stuff. Just starting to get used to these early starts despite Sunday trade meaning we don't open until 10!

And what lovely weather we have today, too!



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Likewise here yesterday! Lovely sunshine for taking our visitors to Brixham then for an invigorating walk over Berry Head. Rounded off day with an enjoyable evening at The Little Theatre for the final performance of "84, Charing Cross Road." Brilliant!


So, yes, Don, we are sleeping in a little!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,

Fortunately I woke up at 3 am and remembered to reset the alarm clock otherwise we both would have been woken at 4am which was the time we got up yesterday to go to Heathrow. Robbie had his morning walk yesterday in the dark. Today's walk will be at a more normal hour.

I'm not sure what else is happening today but we did stop at a garden centre on the way home yesterday to buy bulbs.



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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Don - we usually stay in bed later on a weekend  although we always wake up about 4.45 (habit of a lifetime I suppose)

Rather dull & slightly damp chucking it down here - 14oC & possible sunny spells with heavy thundery showers to look forward to. At least that will get me out of the gardening that "She" was hinting at. Taken her a cuppa so that may get me a point or two (Brownie not railway)

Have a good one,


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Dull outside, no chance that mower will make an appearance as quite wet on the ground. Managed to install new conservatory fan yesterday before being tasked with chauffeuring Madam Gruff to change some previous purchases from M&S and a Country wears shop. Whilst she was in the latter, I sneaked into a model shop and managed to grab the first lengths of Code 75 and a couple of electro frog curved points so I can prepare to do some running checks on my return from Tunis next week - real progress at last!

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  • RMweb Gold

Rain.....no rainbow this morning.....south westerly,heavy,driving against the front of the house on a strong gust.No leaf-sweeping today,then.

Spent yesterday afternoon with layout in loft....reacquainting with Hornby T9's & King Arthur.A reminder to me of just how good they are.....and how temperamental. My first T9 ......completely dead....failure 'on shed'......repair job there....bad start. Tried another.....romped effortlessly away with 7 Maunsells....sweetly as you like.A performer that punches above its weight.

The Arthur pulls away....not without a certain amount of wheelspin...but is soon into its stride with the same load.Until the first curve,where the pony truck derails. After close examination realise that the front steps have to be removed to make it a viable runner....a pity. Now it runs beautifully.

I then experience the annual autumnal pharaonic plague of flies,awakened from their slumbers by the neon lighting strips.The 'bombardment' increases. I have to spray copiously as their numbers are ever-increasing.A few tailspin to their end on the tracks in front of the oncoming 'Arthur' and 'Brighton Belle'.........decide on one last 'Agent Orange' type blast into the eaves....and call it a day.Happens every year.....clean up today,then.

Now stopped raining and the sun is shining on the raindrops on the easterly-facing windows,making for a surreal,crazed-crystal display.More rain to come,for sure....

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