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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all!


It's certainly sobering to be reading about some of our number suffering from health problems... Wishing you all the best and a quick recovery, or at least significant improvement!


It's been good to be able to sleep in a bit longer! Need to pick up a parcel after 10 as for some reason, the delivery person seemed to have preferred not to ring when they were here yesterday. This has happened before, so I figure I might need to write a complaint after all (though I figure it may come down to their shift planning being too tight rather than unwillingness).


Have a good one, everyone!

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Yes, Doctor's usually have a reason for issuing prescriptions - though I must say that I'm on Nadolol, a Beta Blocker which is marvelous and very cheap - it is also very useful if you suffer from "Stage Fright"! It has kept my mildly high BP under control, though that has been helped a little by my slow heart rate.



Delivery people all over the World seem to have developed a phobia of door bells............


Best, Pete.

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Morning all,  I cant add anything to the medical correspondence  as so far  I've managed to keep my distance from the medical profession!.


Although it's a bright sunny morning, I've got a load of forms to re-write to suit our operation. (The original is a world-wide Catch-all)...


Wishing those under the weather a speedy recovery, lets all try to find something to smile at today!.




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  • RMweb Gold

Apparently one of the stents they fitted last time has collapsed, effectively blocking the artery again. I had a procedure yesterday to fit a new one inside the collapsed one as a repair job. Clever stuff!


Are you in the in-stent-sive care unit?

Seriously though, hope that you recover well.


I know I am overweight but have a will power of cotton wool when it comes to losing weight. If I do get a wake up call it may be too late so I really should do something.

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  • RMweb Premium



Best wishes to Ed, you are certainly going through it.


BP - been a slave to it for 15 years, been on most available drugs.  Currently valsartan through the day and physiotens at night, which keeps things pretty much under control - work stress permitting.  I'm a touch over weight, 14st @ 5'10', but it's all around the middle which isn;t good!  Some BP drugs have some undesirable effects for gentlemen, if you get my meaning, especially beta blockers in my experience.  I have a top notch GP who has taken me through most of the available medications to get a good balance - the last GP was useless, 'here take a pill and go away' but our current one is very good.  After all the surgery we have both had this last year it's just as well!

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Morning. Some BP drugs have some undesirable effects for gentlemen, if you get my meaning, especially beta blockers in my experience. 

Not for me. Beta Blockers actually dilate blood vessels - which should make things of that nature a little easier.

Of course you may well have the same problem as "John Holmes" who was, apparently, er, so "tall" that he did not have enough blood pressure to, er, fill his tallness.


Beta Blockers are also very useful for those of us who suffer from "vascular headaches" - which is why I first started taking them on a regular basis.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all & wishing you all the best for a quick recovery Ed,


Dull & dreary, 14oC and threat of rain to come.

Another overweightish 60 something here with a bit of BP. I've been taking Amlodipine (a calcium channel blocker) for about 4 years with no noticeable side effects. Latest check by GP once again mentioned the weight & "suggested" I might like to lose a stone. That would take me down to 13st7lbs which is what I was in my twenties when I was fully fit, playing Rugby, training hard & doing a lot of swimming!

"Cloud cuckoo land" springs to mind.


Have a good one,


Edited by grandadbob
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Morning all!


Yep, dull here too!  Plus looking at the weather forecast it's rain, and more rain, and more rain, 'til at least Monday - the 28th of October!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fortunately Jane & I are off to Italy next week for a much needed holiday, no computers, no work emails, and Batphones only on when needed.  Bliss!!!  :sungum:

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all


breezy and grey clouds here in Leeds


I have been "called in" to the surgery for a health check.. should be good as my last one was 4 years ago and I have lost two and a half stone since then.


Her indoors is on beta blockers - seems like its a musical thing Pete(!) They have sorted out her migarines but do have side effects ( particularly weight gain) so I am putting her on a diet.. 


Have a great Saturday good people..

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Sorry Ed has had a relapse - glad they've identified a simple cause. I hope Mick finds his drugs do as required and with nothing worth complaining about on the side-effect front. At 11 stone and nearly 6', I appear healthy on the weight side, but who knows what else lurks? Still, at 65 next month I am lucky, I know, although I feel I've gone to seed since living here - not enough exercise, really.


OTOH, lucky again. Despite putting in my 2012 tax declaration very late, I yesterday received an advice that they've given me a refund! I make monthly payments in advance of the assessment, and one should have been made on 15th October - but they reversed that, and I'm in effect about £1k better off!


A dull, overcast day, with a threat of rain, but very mild, and a good chance of a steam train ride this afternoon!


Hope your day goes well - and let's hope Peterborough and RMweb's BCB project are a success.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, dull and dry here, all this talk about health and medicine reminds me of the words of wisdom by the country singer Willie Nelson on his 80th birthday


"I have outlived my ."
A Poem  -  by Willie Nelson.

My nookie days are over, 
My pilot light is out.
What used to be my pride and joy, 
Is now my water spout.
Time was when, on its own accord, 
From my trousers it would spring.
But now I've got a full time job, 
To find the friggin thing.
It used to be embarrassing, 
The way it would behave.
For every single morning, 
It would stand and watch me shave.
Now as old age approaches, 
It sure gives me the blues.
To see it hang its little head,

And watch me tie my shoes!


Food for thought, enjoy your day all.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


A bit dull here and I'm not going to the show at near Peterborough as I couldn't get there in time to get back home until very late tonight, I'm not going to the show at Cardiff Llandaff because it's a bit too much of a walk from the station, but I have had a sudden burst of operational memory and will probably be going to the little show at Didcot (honest!) which means Dr Station Cat can also come along and we get to see Missy's latest doings and miniature creations (as long as I take a magnifying lens plus it usually has at least a couple of really good little layouts and there's often a shunting puzzle with which to confound its 'you set the puzzle, I'll solve it' owner.


All of which is of course subject to any shopping instructions..  Sorry to hear about Ed's problems and trusting the rebore is a success.


Have a good day one and all and don't forget that at least one hour a day standing up will - so it said on telly the other night - help lower your blood pressure (alas mine probably went the other way yesterday in the light of some twit at Notwork Rail deciding what had been agreed with a private siding operator by another NR bloke was not to the taste of his minions 'so you have to alter things' (because he's an ineffective manager presumably?).

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  • RMweb Premium

Not for me. Beta Blockers actually dilate blood vessels - which should make things of that nature a little easier.

Of course you may well have the same problem as "John Holmes" who was, apparently, er, so "tall" that he did not have enough blood pressure to, er, fill his tallness.


Beta Blockers are also very useful for those of us who suffer from "vascular headaches" - which is why I first started taking them on a regular basis.


Best, Pete.

HaHa I wish!  No, decidely average middle of the queue ....  I found beta blockers and diuretics to be my, er, downfall, thankfully resolved with alternative medication.  what I did find with beta blockers was they made the world a very serene place for me, but my work colleagues at the time didn't think much of my resultant work rate!  They basically switched off any ability to do anything or think in a remotely quick way.  NHS management didn't allow for that, it was a mad house.  Not that young offenders are much easier, but at least I can cope on valsartan!

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  • RMweb Gold

I suppose I am fortunate in that, so far, touch wood, I have mostly avoided medication. The most I have had were some painkillers when I cracked a rib a few years ago and I took them only for a week or so. The side effects were psychedelic rather that physical.

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Should have mentioned I 'speak' from the lounge of the MV Ben-my-Chree, isn't modern technology wonderful!

I seem to recall the name Ben-my-Cree was the subject of some humour when it had an unplanned contact with a harbour wall and was renamed Bent my Cree!

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Morning all


Sorry Ed has had a relapse - glad they've identified a simple cause. I hope Mick finds his drugs do as required and with nothing worth complaining about on the side-effect front. At 11 stone and nearly 6', I appear healthy on the weight side, but who knows what else lurks? Still, at 65 next month I am lucky, I know, although I feel I've gone to seed since living here - not enough exercise, really.


OTOH, lucky again. Despite putting in my 2012 tax declaration very late, I yesterday received an advice that they've given me a refund! I make monthly payments in advance of the assessment, and one should have been made on 15th October - but they reversed that, and I'm in effect about £1k better off!


A dull, overcast day, with a threat of rain, but very mild, and a good chance of a steam train ride this afternoon!


Hope your day goes well - and let's hope Peterborough and RMweb's BCB project are a success.

I have a feeling that many ERs practitioners would agree with me that you are underweight Ian. I am sure that they will also be willing to offer - as I do - the odd few kilogrammes to remedy your situation.    :butcher: 


Just like you, I do wish every success to that enterprise that goes by the initials of BCB, it has been very interesting to follow - even though I have a greater affinity towards modelling steam.

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