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  • RMweb Gold

:O ............

There are sometimes advantages in being a single child (mind you when Mrs Stationmaster arranged a Power of Attorney for her mother she made sure that the details were passed to her sister by the solicitor before things were signed & finalised ... families!!).


And in fact I don't think it's legal if all potential parties, such as siblings, are not given the opportunity to comment/object when the LPA is being drawn up?

Edited by The Stationmaster
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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi is convinced that some of her family think that she is a bit dim,eg when she was 9 she wasn't very good at maths or ran up an overdraft when she was 20 as she didn't like to ask her Dad for more money to live on as a student not in receipt of a grant.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi got "We didn't include you in the LPA arrangements for Mum, I'm sure you don't mind".

That speaks volumes. Fortunately the law is very clear as an Atourney you can only spend the same a the person would have do themselves allowing for inflation rising costs. If someone awards themselves big presents for doing it it is not allowed unless they are acting in a professional capacity (banks, solictors, accountants) when they can charge reasonable fees although a lot of us would consider their fees unreasonable.


Edited by Donw
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  • RMweb Gold

There are sometimes advantages in being a single child (mind you when Mrs Stationmaster arranged a Power of Attorney for her mother she made sure that the details were passed to her sister by the solicitor before things were signed & finalised ... families!!).


And in fact I don't think it's legal if all potential parties, such as siblings, are not given the opportunity to comment/object when the LPA is being drawn up?

This came in with the change from Power of Atourney to LPA around 2006. All declared family members will receive notification. M&FiL's grandson received notification.


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  • RMweb Gold

Sadly a lot of people think getting LPA is a licence to spend someones money as they see fit. Most families allow a bit of leeway if someone is doing the looking after bit. But if they overstep the mark the law or the threat of it can be invoked.


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  • RMweb Premium

Evening all, went along to the Doctors on Wednesday she extracted some blood and wanted to see me again today, the upshot is that I have high blood pressure and probably type two diabetes, to be confirmed by the next round of blood tests. She has prescribed Ramipril has anybody any information they are willing to share either by PM or on here?

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  • RMweb Gold

I can't imagine anyone in the in laws family doing anything naughty. It is just bossiness rather than an attempt at skullduggery. 

It can seen reasonable to someone who use their car to ferry elderly relatives around to use their money to pay for repairs road licence etc. There may be some justification but others also doing some of the ferrying around would get nothing and might not consider it fair. These things can split families apart which is always a shame.


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all, went along to the Doctors on Wednesday she extracted some blood and wanted to see me again today, the upshot is that I have high blood pressure and probably type two diabetes, to be confirmed by the next round of blood tests. She has prescribed Ramipril has anybody any information they are willing to share either by PM or on here?

Ramipril no experience of here, but if you do get the diabetes confirmed Aditi has progressed through the various tablet treatments over the last few years. 

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Evening all,  I've been having a play on the-machine-that-must-not-named,  this time of my 0n2 /0N3 (1/2" & 3/4" gauge) that I built & exhibited in the late 80's - mid 90's.  The stamp mill did work (and made a racket!!) hence the "missing" roof sections. 


Now 'spose I'd better get on with work I should be doing......tomorrow! 



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  • RMweb Gold

Mick MiL was on Rampril for years I was not aware of any side effects but as she developed dementia she may have had some after that started and we wouldn't have known. Best thing with any drug taken long term is to have a rest from taking it any pains or effects which suddenly clear then restart when you take it again indicate side effects.


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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all, went along to the Doctors on Wednesday she extracted some blood and wanted to see me again today, the upshot is that I have high blood pressure and probably type two diabetes, to be confirmed by the next round of blood tests. She has prescribed Ramipril has anybody any information they are willing to share either by PM or on here?

Hmm, you're catching me up Mick.  The Doctor diagnosed me with 'a touch of Type 2 diabetes' last November and I'm on Metabet for that - it can have some side effects according to the pharmacists in our local Tesco but the most likely is muscular, if any at all.  


The GP also decided my blood pressure was too high so put me on one level of Ramipiril and not long after changed he it to a higher strength.  The biggest potential problem with Ramipril is an effect on renal function so I've had several urine tests over the past 10 months to monitor that and actually delivered my latest sample to the surgery this morning.  The testing apart it doesn't seem to have done anything noticeably nasty to me - I already had tinnitus and it is a bit worse but I can still turn it off (usually) in one ear, but not the other and in fact my muscles are far better since I quit statins than they were before I did that (although no doubt the GP will be trying me with yet another one when he gets the chance).


People do - obviously - react in different ways to drugs so it is not at all easy to say what might or might not happen as a side-effect with any individual but the important thing seems to be for teh GP to monitor what's going on.  Quite honestly my impression has long been that the pharmacists know an awful lot more about the various effects of drugs than most Doctors are ever likely to so I would definitely talk it over with the pharmacist and go dashing back to the surgery if there is the slightest hint of anything being adrift.

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  • RMweb Premium

 She has prescribed Ramipril has anybody any information they are willing to share either by PM or on here?


I was put on this drug myself , I cant recall the doseage but after a month the Doc wanted to up the strength

but I was getting aching jonts to the extent that I could'nt crouch down to get stuff from a cupboard , bending

over was okay , I told the Doc the problems and was then put on something different , I cant remember the name

but it was a similar type of med , eg , an ACE inhibitor , this lasted two weeks , no aches but banging headaches

and shortness of breath . Another change was made to Losartan Potassium , I'm now on a 100mg a day with no

noticable side effects , the last set of home readings gave me an 8 day average of 132 over 82 . Still a bit high on

the lower number which I trying to get into the 70's . But a lot better than the 160 or 170 over 90's that started at .


 I would go along with Don's comment about resting from them if you think you have side effects to see if they

clear up , otherwise I think it is to easy to blame the meds because ' it says this can happen ' in the leaflet .


 Dont be afraid to go back if you do get problems , there are several alternative drugs for this problem .


 I hope you can get sorted out without to many problems .

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  • RMweb Gold

Ramipri , ace inhibitor, all the side effects mentioned by various contributors are a class effect of all ace inhibitors, it does not follow that one will experience any of the side effects, cough or aching joints can be different between drugs in this class.

These type of drugs have been taken by millions of people worldwide,for a number of years now thus the reporting and incidence of side effects will be greater due to patient numbers.


Suggest you chat with your gp or pharmacist, as always it a question of is the side effect if experienced bearable and one must not forget why it's been prescribed in the first place and what ailments it's trying to prevent occurring.


If ramipril doesn't seem to suit it can be changed, ace inhibitors are a safe and effective medicine..


I was involved with this class of drug for ten years, would I take one? Yes if and when the time comes

Edited by Shedman5
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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather dark but it seems quite warm for late October.

I'm off to Heathrow soon. MiL's plane seems to have an ETA 30 minutes ahead of schedule so we don't want to be late. Although the flight has a British Airways code it is actually operated by American Airlines so we have to go to Terminal 3.

Quick dog walk first however. Robbie already has that "what are they doing look this morning look". He should be happy while we are gone as one of our neighbours and her 3 daughters will pop in and see him, let him have a run in the garden and feed him biscuits.



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Unfortunately, and despite having bought a ticket, I can't get to the Peterborough show either. I had another "event" and have been in hospital for a few days where I am typing this on the little Apple.

Apparently one of the stents they fitted last time has collapsed, effectively blocking the artery again. I had a procedure yesterday to fit a new one inside the collapsed one as a repair job. Clever stuff!

Hopefully home later today, but no driving for a while. At least I've been able to keep up with ER's, so I feel like my friends are with me. Regards to all



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


I've taken Ramipril for nearly three years now. I get quite bad muscle pains but that could also be down to the statins so difficult to be precise as to the cause. I'm prepared to accept the current level of discomfort (the doctor changed my statins which more or less eliminated the cramps I was getting) for the benefits of the medication.


Regarding diabetes, if you can, lose weight, I was diagnosed as diabetic 6 months ago, I lost 2 stone and my sugars are now back into the normal range - by a long way. I've have delayed the need to take medication for several years.


Not planning to do much today, having a day lazing around with Jill - whilst she runs around getting ready for her trip to Germany.


Have a good day all.

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Ed: I hope you make a full recovery as soon as possible and it must help being able to keep in touch with the "gang".


A mild, dull morning; we have visitors who were neighbours (and friends) from where we lived in Staffs until 2011. It would be good for them to see our little corner of Devon in sunshine!


Have a good weekend!

Edited by Ashcombe
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Speaking as a "fatty", I have to agree with DaveBeast about losing weight. When I was young I was the only fat kid, it is now frightening how many obese people are about.

Believe me, Diabetes and heart attacks are no fun, and prevention is so much better than cure ( which may not be possible) and I've wasted eight quid on my Peterborough ticket!



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Take care Ed, looking forward to regular updates of your improvement. I too will sadly not make Peterborough even though it isn't that far from here due to preparations for work in Tunis next week. Do take care and try to do exercises as proposed by your cardiac advisors!

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