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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


A dull and foggy start to the day and it looks like a generally grey day is the best we will get.


Added another 8TB of storage to my PC last night, well 4TB with a hidden automatic copy - called RAID 1 or mirroring. That's 31 external drives I have now - one of my winter projects is to consolidate the older drives (only 320MB) onto some of the newer drives, the originals will stay as extra backups but the new drives mean all my collection is available quicker should I need it. Then  perhaps I can copy all the scanned (by Max Spielmann - remember them ?) CDs onto the same drives and then, if I'm still around, I can get to scanning my collection of 10-15,000 negatives which have no electronic version.


Have a good day all.

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  • RMweb Premium

That sounds like a rather major endeavour, Dave! In addition to optimising a few things about our IT suite at home, I think the autumn break will see me back at the workbench for a few bits of loco modding. Especially on the left half of this doubly LEWd pair of electrics:




That is to say, I paired up my Mitteldeutsche Eisenbahn class 156 with a 143, of which MEG have obtained six from their parent TOC, DB Schenker.

Edited by 1216 025
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  • RMweb Gold

Just researching the longish drive to Costa Brava.

Done some of it before but things change.

It seems the main considerations are

a) avoid Paris

B) have large bucket of euros to pay tolls

Will be taking the western route down to Perpignon and taking a chance on accommodation being available as needed.

An adventure.

(whose silly idea was it? Not mine).


Just researching the longish drive to Costa Brava.

Done some of it before but things change.

It seems the main considerations are

a) avoid Paris

B) have large bucket of euros to pay tolls

Will be taking the western route down to Perpignon and taking a chance on accommodation being available as needed.

An adventure.

(whose silly idea was it? Not mine).

Appreciate the need for the 'romance' (that the right word?) of travel.You COULD save a buclketload of hassle by flying and hiring a car from your airport of destination...which could ,of course,be either side of the Franco--Spanish border.Don't think driving that distance alone is something I would relish.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, it's raining and it's forecast to last all morning but I'm definitely an indoor bunny today as it's RMweb plus keyboard labour and transcribing all the OTW (One Train Working) Instructions that I've written on my memory cells, I hope.


Trev's picture challenge is interesting although I think the aerial objects might possibly be barrage balloons and not dirgibles however the thought crossed my mind before looking closely at the pic that if they were dirigibles they could only be R100 and R101 if the approximate date is correct  (R101 crashed in late 1930 and R100 was subsequently permanently grounded) and seeing both of them together even at a distance would prompt a photo.  So investigative course No.1 is to find any occasion when both were airborne - bearing in mind too that both were then based at Cardington although flights were made around various parts of England.   Course No.2 is that the objects are more likely barrage balloons and, if we are still pre-war, were either being tested or deployed on exercise - still an interesting subject when stomping disused railway infrastructure so need to trace bases where such things were exercised maybe?  (Course No.3 is taht I'm talking total nonsense and there was dust on the lens.  Definitely somethingt o keep Trev occupied when the power is working.


Meanwhile I ascertained yesterday that I have acquired 3 lots in last week's auction - one is a personal compilation of RN aircraft carrier pics and ephemera from the late war years to early 60s and mostly labelled or easily identified.  But the other two are lots of c.100 railway photos with a heavy Western emphasis and some with notes on the back - the others will be the fun part ;)


Have a good day one and all.

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Barrage Balloons were used extensively for parachute training, Mike.






Added another 8TB of storage to my PC last night, well 4TB with a hidden automatic copy - called RAID 1 or mirroring. That's 31 external drives I have now - one of my winter projects is to consolidate the older drives (only 320MB) onto some of the newer drives, the originals will stay as extra backups but the new drives mean all my collection is available quicker should I need it. Then  perhaps I can copy all the scanned (by Max Spielmann - remember them ?) CDs onto the same drives and then, if I'm still around, I can get to scanning my collection of 10-15,000 negatives which have no electronic version.


You should take up photography, Beastie.

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  • RMweb Premium

Appreciate the need for the 'romance' (that the right word?) of travel.You COULD save a buclketload of hassle by flying and hiring a car from your airport of destination...which could ,of course,be either side of the Franco--Spanish border.Don't think driving that distance alone is something I would relish.


A friend of mine went on holiday a week or so ago visiting both Spain and Portugal. They flew into one country, hired a car and asked to drop off at the other country. I believe the service charge quoted for doing so would have propped up the faltering economies of many EU countries. They ended up using the train, I believe.


Of course, Ian, your suggestion would end up with the hire car being returned to the same place it was hired from. But hire cars crossing borders it did just remind me of what happened to my friends if others ever think of doing this. 


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I hear, from listening to the BBC today, that the glottal stop in England is still spreading inexorably. This most ugly of vocalizations is not so common over here but the English accent seems to be made for it.


We would have been beaten at my school if a teacher heard it in  a pupils' speech.


I also note draconian measures are being considered for new drivers - too many to list here. I don't mind that - but what makes it so typically British is that the proponents of these additional  restrictions admit that they have absolutely no facts to prove that such restrictions would have any effect on accidents - they just want to introduce further restrictions! Further they suggested that it would make Insurance cheaper - er, yeah, right......

I'm sure that the Police would love having to check different speed limits for different grades of drivers or having to check that the passengers are all over 30 years of age.


Best, Pete.

Edited by trisonic
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  • RMweb Gold

I hear, from listening to the BBC today, that the glottal stop in England is still spreading inexorably. This most ugly of vocalizations is not so common over here but the English accent seems to be made for it.


We would have been beaten at my school if a teacher heard it in  a pupils' speech.



Best, Pete.

Such a shame that the Birmingham accent wasn't the one to spread across the country. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Horrendous weather here now, blowing a hoolie and bucketing down.


Ian, we have an 'R' plate (Recent New Driver - d'oh) system here for new drivers, speed restricted to 50mph for the year they have to display these plates (or anyone driving a car displaying the plates). I have prosecuted one for speeding in 7 years....the police just can't be bothered.  So I agree, total waste of time.


I'd love to tell the tale of the one we did take to Court, but can't I'm afraid - Juvenile.

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  • RMweb Premium


we have "P" plates here for just passed drivers but these ideas are from some of our inconsultant colleagues. ( remember if there's nothing to do just shout out some ideas... bit like froth for new locos, stock etc) 


as for the Queens' English.. well being from Gods county of Durham we speak the Queens' English ... now haddaway and have a cup of char.... 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all. Raining here but sunny above the clouds. 


Youngest child was invested last night into Beavers - a very proud moment. Afterwards on the way home he said "Dad, I saw you had tears in your eyes." Can't deny it. One minute he is nappies and I'm sitting up with him doing night time feeds...This morning it was "Dad, I've only got one question for you. Can you sew. I've got a load of badges that have to be on my uniform!" :)


Hope all are well out there in ER-land. 

Best, Andy


Perhaps you can persuade the young man to get his sewing badge next and then he can sew all the rest on by himself. :mosking:

Yoou never know, you might have a budding tailor.


And you make the most of his growing years.  That's what we were told and, by gum, ours are now grown up and the years are flying past - at top speed.... :help:


Weather. Earlier, it went black with the rain bucketing down.  Now the sun's shining so I think a little walk might be called for.

Enjoy your day.




So much for the walk. Went out and was back in again within 10 minutes.  More heavy rain.

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Re Trevs photo - Remember also that the RAF (RN?) had airships at Cranwell - in fact there is still Lighter than Air Road and Airship Road in existance there.  I dont think it is that part of Lincolnshire - although there is a ridgeline to the west of Cranwell out towards Newark and south towards Barkston Heath. The piece between the fences looks like lifted track, and I wondered if it might be one of Col. Stevens motely collection, mainly further south. There were also some "potato railways" not far from Cranwell around Nocton Hall

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon. Weather dire, rain and wind, hence a load of those "indoor" jobs have been done amongst which was sorting out a door that was sticking and had been for ages.


Thus  I'm in the good books and intend to make the most of it!


Tree production near completion in the shed but a quick trip to the model shop is required first.


Enjoy whats left of the day

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Well thanks for the thoughts folks,  it might be near Cardington, Grandad was stationed there with the RFC during WWI, and I believe the family building firm  might have done some work there in the 20s /30's .  It does look like recently lifted light or narrow gauge track bed.  Maybe a temporary contractors line?  I dont think any of the Col Stephens lines had been lifted before the '39 war?  

Funny thing is the balloons / airships / W.H.Y aren't visible on the original  2,5" x 4" print!  


This location may of course remain one of life's unsolved mysteries?



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  • RMweb Gold

Well thanks for the thoughts folks,  it might be near Cardington, Grandad was stationed there with the RFC during WWI, and I believe the family building firm  might have done some work there in the 20s /30's .  It does look like recently lifted light or narrow gauge track bed.  Maybe a temporary contractors line?  I dont think any of the Col Stephens lines had been lifted before the '39 war?  

Funny thing is the balloons / airships / W.H.Y aren't visible on the original  2,5" x 4" print!  


This location may of course remain one of life's unsolved mysteries?



If it was industrial it could well be connected with the brickmaking industry around Stewartby (and extraction of clay for that industry)?

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Quite frankly, I find that some of the people that speak the best English (pronunciation, sentence construction, grammar, etc.) are [GASP! SHOCK! HORROR!] foreigners. I like most regional accents (from the right lips, a Belfast accent is quite sexy [and the story of me and the nurse from Belfast shall save for another day]), but I cannot stand sloppy, badly thought-through, semi-incoherent, inarticulate, cliché and trendy-speak ridden English.



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  • RMweb Gold


I hear, from listening to the BBC today, that the glottal stop in England is still spreading inexorably. This most ugly of vocalizations is not so common over here but the English accent seems to be made for it.


We would have been beaten at my school if a teacher heard it in  a pupils' speech.


I also note draconian measures are being considered for new drivers - too many to list here. I don't mind that - but what makes it so typically British is that the proponents of these additional  restrictions admit that they have absolutely no facts to prove that such restrictions would have any effect on accidents - they just want to introduce further restrictions! Further they suggested that it would make Insurance cheaper - er, yeah, right......

I'm sure that the Police would love having to check different speed limits for different grades of drivers or having to check that the passengers are all over 30 years of age.


Best, Pete.


Quite right Pete and as if it's not enforceable by camera it doesn't get enforced, the whole thing is totally pointless. Just proves yet again that those who introduce these regulations have no idea about the reality of Policing or society in general

Edited by colin penfold
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Re Trev's photo, his later input and building on The Stationmaster's input too, enter Shortstown in Google Maps and look to the north and slightly east to where the present A600/A421 junction appears. Imagine no post 30's development and the fact that land to the south dips down to the Cardington Hangers before it rises gently and you could be looking at the picture's setting?

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  • RMweb Premium

Hmm, I like accents (having a fairly strong one myself), I love to try to identify where people are from, but agree about 'sloppy' speech being annoying.  The young ones here seem to be in two camps with no mid ground, with either quite good annunciation or a total mumble.  I'm sure they try to speak without moving their lips at all!

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  • RMweb Gold


we have "P" plates here for just passed drivers


Funny they have  a similar system in Canada and  some of my family who live out there have just been remarking on facebook about seeing Lamborghinis, Porsches etc wearing new driver plates.

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Funny they have  a similar system in Canada and  some of my family who live out there have just been remarking on facebook about seeing Lamborghinis, Porsches etc wearing new driver plates.


Colin - see this story - http://www.vancouversun.com/cars/sports+cars+valued+million+impounded+after+Surrey+highway+race/5341141/story.html



(Edited to change link to more complete account)

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