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  • RMweb Gold

Very quiet in the park today. No excitement for Robbie just lots of bounding about. He wasn't interested in the chaps flying a model helicopter. 

Matthew rang to ask my advice about Indian cooking. I suggested perhaps he had the wrong parent but he just wanted to know how to convert the recipes from dried kidney beans and chick peas. He bought tinned ones. 

I have been in the garage messing with the layout again, applying a first coat of static grass to the cuttings. Much more fun than soldering wires to track and XLR connectors.


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  • RMweb Premium

Whenever someone takes his/her own life, it leaves family and friends wondering what they could have done to prevent that. The answer often is nothing but that doesn't assuage the guilt feelings. Depression is a malady that varies in intensity and can be brought to a heightened level by stress, the simplest of event or even a comment and sadly people who have not suffered from it don't recognise the symptoms nor understand it. The grief felt by the family will be huge and they have my sympathy (even though I do not know them).



For the conscientious employee work can become all consuming. Absolutely ghastly when it leads to such a needless loss of life. No words can express the devastation this leaves in the weeks that follow for those who loved the person.


I just felt like only voting "agree" on your two postings wasn't quite sufficient, so let me just express my agreement more fully... About six years ago, I, too, was going through a prolonged depressive episode, and thus can relate to how lack of understanding (or indeed deliberate ignorance) by other persons can play a role in perpetuating symptoms. I certainly was very lucky to have turned to whom I can only proclaim as having been the right experts at the right time, so when keeping this in mind, it's all the more sobering when you learn about somebody having fallen through the net, so to speak... :(

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 Shsss, I know posting pictures of  tr***s is frowned on by some!  but  heres a few I've been playing with on my photocopier scanner...the  B & W ones were taken Sept 1970 on  Fraggel Rock....the Colour are of my 0n3 ( not 0n30)  layout taken around 1990...


I'm not going to give any one nightmares of me in 1970 ...playing engine driver...


Sleep sound, 







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  • RMweb Gold

 Shsss, I know posting pictures of  tr***s is frowned on by some!  but  heres a few I've been playing with on my photocopier ###### scanner...the  B & W ones were taken Sept 1970 on  Fraggel Rock....the Colour are of my 0n3 ( not 0n30)  layout taken around 1990...



What part of a photocopier scanner could possibly upset  the censor?

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Good Morning All,


What part of a photocopier scanner could possibly upset  the censor?


I can't believe that it would be the photocopier slide scanner!  Very strange - perhaps Trev can enlighten us ;)



 I'm not going to give any one nightmares of me in 1970 ...playing engine driver...


Oh, go on!


I am at home this morning waiting for a delivery.  A new sofa is on its way.  Previously, we had two, two seater sofas from a certain Swedish furniture store - although they were both very comfortable, they look very "used" after five years of, well... use!  The added problem being, that having installed the wood burner there is no more space for one of the sofas.


A rather nice four seater corner sofa will replace them - I just have to wait for the delivery guys to appear.


The weather is totally revolting this morning.  I suppose that is to be expected, given that we are approaching the middle of October!


Have a good day everyone...

Edited by Robert
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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all! Dreich oot 'ere in the East, first snow forecast for Southern Bavaria this weekend. Note to self: Get tyres changed as soon as possible.


We'll be working on a joint project with the LVZ newspaper after the autumn break, the purpose if it being an introduction to journalism and "public writing" for our 9th classes. I'll be attending an information seminar for this project in the afternoon.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Windy and not forecast to be that warm here today (about 12C).

My car already has snow rated tyres but I'll have to investigate what is recommended for Aditi's Fiesta. It has alloy wheels and fairly low profile tyres so I suspect a set of steel wheels and new tyres would be best. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Snow tyres?

In just 10 weeks the nights start drawing out again.


p.s. in 11 weeks Christmas will be over.

Edited by BoD
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Hmm Morrning all,  I have two photo copiers (one A4 , one A3) both of which will scan. hence "photocopier-come-scanner" !   I dropped an envelope containing a number of sundry photos (prints) into my bag before I returned on Sunday, so thought I'd have a bit of a play last night.  ...I can only assume that the three letter word I used  upset the morality police! 


Oh well such is modern life I guess? 


Try whatever life throws at you today to try and find something to smile at?




(Second time of trying to post this morning!)


(Edit for spelling)

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My car already has snow rated tyres but I'll have to investigate what is recommended for Aditi's Fiesta. It has alloy wheels and fairly low profile tyres so I suspect a set of steel wheels and new tyres would be best

I'd say you have two options, Tony.


My Girlfriend has a Fiesta, and she has two seperate sets of tyres.  The low profile alloys for Summer, and a set of steel rims with slightly smaller Winter tyres.  Bearing in mind, the thinner the tyres the better where Winter tyres are concerned because they cut through the snow.


Your other option would be to do what my parents did with their Zafira.  Given that buying a new set of rims is pretty expensive in the UK - they went for all weather tyres.  They are a bit of a compromise, but certainly good enough for the sort of winters that the Southern UK usually has.

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Not holding my breath but we can actually see the sun shining on the opposite shore, for the first time since landing on Lopud! Makes a change from the rain and thunderstorms to which we'd become accustomed.


Hope weather reasonable for October wherever you are.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, The wind has gone and its blue sky and sunshine  here but cold.


Up early this morning to drop youngest off at the railway station indeed it was dark when I got out of my bed reminded me of my working days in winter months which are no more.


Enjoy whatever your doing today

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  • RMweb Gold

I'd say you have two options, Tony.


My Girlfriend has a Fiesta, and she has two seperate sets of tyres.  The low profile alloys for Summer, and a set of steel rims with slightly smaller Winter tyres.  Bearing in mind, the thinner the tyres the better where Winter tyres are concerned because they cut through the snow.


Your other option would be to do what my parents did with their Zafira.  Given that buying a new set of rims is pretty expensive in the UK - they went for all weather tyres.  They are a bit of a compromise, but certainly good enough for the sort of winters that the Southern UK usually has.

We had a set of Polish Michelin winter tyres (Kormoran?) for the Clio and just had them swapped onto the standard steel wheels. They made a huge difference in snow and ice. I'll pop into the very reputable local tyre emporium and see what they say about replacement wheelset availability.

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          I'm late on this morning.. I read up yesterday afternoon/evening posts before breakfast, then this morning's posts after breakfast. So I am now ready to face the day, well almost. I still have to read this morning's paper. (There is only one in English, so no decision to make as to which one).


Clear and sunny and a high of 24C predicted. There was a heavy fog when I awoke at 6:00 but that cleared as the sun rose.


I hope Thursday treats you well.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all from a beautiful, blue sky'd Leeds.


Getting better so off to see Charlie (dc kits) to get a sound chip today, hopefully this one won't self destruct.


Have an absolutely brilliant day  everyone.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


We also have clear skies this morning - somewhat against the forecast gloom and doom. I managed another mow yesterday, so the lawns look quite decent - not least because they've mainly lost the first-fall of leaves that were scattered everywhere. Bumper crop of apples this year.


Never had snow-tyres, but don't dissent that they may be more necessary in these days of wider wheels and lower profiles.


Facebook and other media have gone into hyperdrive over something on a site called mumsnet (or similar) about couples' post-coital personal hygiene. So much for civilisation!


Off shopping shortly.


Enjoy your day, and may any sunshine last!

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