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First training session went moderately well. Schotty responds better to me than Mrs iD. He pretty much comes when called and will sit upon command AND a treat (command alone not yet working). I think in a few weeks he'll be a most amenable animal


Anyway, to amuse, some more pictures:

What Have We Done (Mrs iD and Mutt)


What I think he needs, being loved...


Mind you when he lets it all hangout, it certainly does:



Now back to the Sunday tabloid "news".....



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First training session went moderately well. Schotty responds better to me than Mrs iD. He pretty much comes when called and will sit upon command AND a treat (command alone not yet working). I think in a few weeks he'll be a most amenable animal


Anyway, to amuse, some more pictures:

What Have We Done (Mrs iD and Mutt)

attachicon.gifDog Days.jpg

What I think he needs, being loved...

attachicon.gifBeing Loved.jpg

Mind you when he lets it all hangout, it certainly does:

attachicon.gifLetting It ALL Hang Out.jpg


Now back to the Sunday tabloid "news".....

I hope you all have a happy time - those photographed seem to be doing so.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.


Schotty looks to have found himself a good billet - so far, hope he's as happy once he finds out that ball games are off the programme.  And as for offspring and uni trips be thankful for laptop computers, just imagine adding a PC and printer to the load (one several occasions although we only carted one offspring at a time (variously Exeter, York & Sheffield the student had to go by train as there wasn't enough room in the car for driver, student, and student's 'stuff'.


And not to worry DD - I'm firmly part of the tea making establishment in this household, I know the meaning of those gently spoken words 'a cup of tea would be nice'.


Ah and seeing Polly's Presflo reminds me I need to dig out the wet/congealed/dried out cement powder pics for Barry - something to do after test track day.


Have a good day one & all

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Good morning all,


Dry, dull, 16oC but sunny periods forecast.

Late start for me today but in no rush. Agree about the Rugby result &  Austin getting a bit excited Tony - but then he always has!

We're awaiting the arrival of 1 or possibly 2 grandchildren who apparently don't want to go shopping with their Mum so "if you're not doing anything could you possibly have them for an hour or two?" From past experience that could be for the rest of the day but we don't mind.


Have a good one,


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Morning  afternoon all,   seemed to have had a looooong sleep!  Anyway good news, off to the grandchildrens for "Tea" this afternoon....that I guess will be fun! (I've not seen them since Christmas) .


Then it looks like I've managed to sell a loco that I've been trying to shift  for a few years, and also managed to get a little bit more done on the Emmett style loco I started at Christmas.


Now to have a trawl around the rest of the site, catch up on some You-tube stuff I cant watch in Ng....then who knows???


Try to enjoy something today,



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 One in Carlisle and one in Winchester I hope they don't both want to come home on the same day at Christmas.

Just refer them here: http://www.nationalrail.co.uk/

It's how I got to and from Uni most of the time - mainly on the Glasgow-Leeds Class 45 hauled "express".  Mind you, I was able to leave most of my stuff behind over the breaks as the hall of residence was permanently manned and secure.


Afternoon All


Great to see that Schotti is settling in so quickly - a rehome is always a difficult time, and there will be blips and behaviour problems, but first impressions are saying that this pairing will be favourable.  I think that a first night like iD has described bodes well.  I have done some rehomes in my time, and the first night has usually been a lot more difficult than what I've read.  I do agree, though, with separation of the male dangly bits - we had two males who calmed down considerably after that operation, and it didn't do them any harm at all.  In fact, castration was one of a number of approaches that we had to take with our first Sussex, Basil, who had a problem with humping, jumping, and general boistrous behaviour.


Odd sort of a day here - I opted for a lie-in this morning (well 08.30 is a lie in chez 45156) and there's been a raft of little jobs round the house, culminating in me winding up doing some hoovering and managing to break the belt on the machine somehow.  When this happened the last time, I moaned that you could only buy the belts in packs of two for a fiver when I only needed one.  I even remembered where I'd put the other one - sadly, as it meant I had to mend the machine then finish off what I'd started. 


Oil recovery/correction is still ongoing over the road in various houses, and it looks as if it's going to be quite a long haul. 


I'm on curry duty today, and the timer is peeping now to say it's time for the bhajees to go in so

Regards to All


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That sort of behaviour is unforgivable, he won't find he has many defenders


I wonder what kind of thoughts this incident may have evoqued with the officers registering the incident...


Afternoon all!


A friend of ours visited us yesterday and stayed overnight. Just got my second lesson script written down and will be talking it over with my mentor tomorrow. I certainly hope there won't be too many rough spots to sand smooth, to adopt typical modelling terminology!

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Afternoon all, just decided to give up DIY for the day after drawing blood for the third time and creating a massive blister on my hammer-wilding hand. I've been trying to remove some brickwork from above the top cellar step, to get the levels back to the height they were before the cellar was sealed. At the moment as a certain Bugs Bunny might say, "watch that first step, it's a doozy!" This of course is part of the preliminaries for the long awaited layout. I had hoped that with the soft local bricks a couple of hours with a club hammer and cold chisels would be job done. WRONG!. I fear I may need to hire some big boys toys to get it done. Hey ho, it has at least given me time to write the next chapter of my layout building thread, and watch a double header of premier league football. It's a tough life.

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The trip round some nearby fields with Robbie to avoid water didn't go well. He did a similar 100 metre dash to that which involved "Grand Theft Sandwich" but this time it was to roll in something horrible in the woods. He seemed very pleased at his achievement. I wasn't amused. At least he doesn't mind being hosed down. 

Matthew is on his way back to Warsaw after his week in Bialystok. I will be collecting him from Stansted tomorrow evening. I will take him and his stuff up to Leicester sometime in the middle of the week. We had to do some shopping as it turns out out that the beds in his new house are all double bed and all his bedding from previous houses was single size. 

He managed to survive in Canada for a year with just one suitcase, one laptop bag and a tiny rucksack. The bedding he bought there he donated to the homeless. Not sure if they rejected it though!


Edited by Tony_S
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Tomorrow is one of my "non-work" days (I was reduced to 60% in August...) So after sorting out Schotti and unemployment paperwork (gotta keep the unemployment offices types engaged in meaningful activity), I will GASP! SHOCK! HORROR!  attempt to finish the roof of the MBH pub - basically finishing cutting out the roof templates and the cutting the SEF embossed plastic to match. Heaven's knows how I'll deal with the curves, maybe I'll cut longitudinal strips and notch each tile so that the strip can be bent to the curve



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The trip round some nearby fields with Robbie to avoid water didn't go well. He did a similar 100 metre dash to that which involved "Grand Theft Sandwich" but this time it was to roll in something horrible in the woods. He seemed very pleased at his achievement. I wasn't amused. At least he doesn't mind being hosed down. 


:O Oh Robbie; how could you! :swoon:


Mercifully, my dogs aren`t interested in things noisome, malodorous and miasmatic :stinker: ........but, being Collies; they`d have the crime-scene taped off, the evidence tagged and bagged and a report on C.O.D ready for the Coroner by the time I caught up wth them! :mosking:

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  • RMweb Gold

:O Oh Robbie; how could you! :swoon:


Mercifully, my dogs aren`t interested in things noisome, malodorous and miasmatic :stinker: ........but, being Collies; they`d have the crime-scene taped off, the evidence tagged and bagged and a report on C.O.D ready for the Coroner by the time I caught up wth them! :mosking:

Allegedly the reason hunting type dogs do this is to disguise their scent. However this doesn't seem logical as smelling like a fox would probably disturb most prey animals. Robbie doesn't do this rolling in nasty stuff consistently just when it is inconvenient. I didn't threaten to trade him in for a collie though, I suggested a hamster! 

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Not quite Goodnight.


While Ray was buying the electrics, I got myself a bottle of white ink with a bit of weathering in mind though it wasn't as successful as I'd hoped but it gives me a start.


So here's one for BarryO though it might be more a case of O-dear O-dear...

attachicon.gifIMG_0217 presflo cement.JPG


Another day tomorrow....





its OK. I will post some of one or two of these I did with a hands on accomplice at  Swindon... No worries!! And keep weathering...

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Up at 5 to do a car boot sale.. that finished at 11:30 so home, a little catch up on the sleep then sunday dinner..


Been a cracking day so far in Leeds and beautiful blue skies, simpsons clouds and late afternoon sunlight...

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its OK. I will post some of one or two of these I did with a hands on accomplice at  Swindon... No worries!! And keep weathering...

If you want grungy looking concrete residue mix in talcum powder to the paint (the real thing, beware of corn starch).


Best, Pete.

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its OK. I will post some of one or two of these I did with a hands on accomplice at  Swindon... No worries!! And keep weathering...


There's an update on Great West Road [here:#333 ], Barry.  There's been plenty of support, and humour, too.


Thanks to all.



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Short men should not wear Long Shorts.


Their legs look like they have been cut off at the knees (see West Coast Customs - worth it for the laughs).


Best, Pete.

I'm not too sure about tall men wearing long shorts either! West Coast Customs (from a Google search) seems to be about cars though?

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Late visiting over the weekend - haven't done much except play my on-line game and finally get around to rendering more videos, on YouTube if anyone is interested, my username is not difficult to guess.


Hello and welcome to Schotty -  if my parents had dealt with my humping and jumping as a teenager then life would have been very boring.


Sympathies were appropriate, laughs were inappropriate and Happy Birthday to <insert name here> (just in case)


Enjoy your Sunday evening all, I'm stuffed after eating a lovely roast (chicken) dinner - yes, I was one of the chefs

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The last of the really silly o clock starts at Cheddleton MPD. The weather forecast looks nice for a day on N7 No 69621.


Cheddleton MPD at 6:15 this morning with the yard and pit lighting being put to good use as N7 69621 is prepped for the day duties which started at 8:00am with some footplate experience courses before the passenger services.


My alarm went off at 3:30am for booking on at 5:00am  :O







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