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  • RMweb Premium

re the workbench photos....I'll post this now so I can cut and run in shame - it's fair to say the garage is full....and a touch - ahem - untidy.  It is a lot better now though, this is an old photo.



Edited by New Haven Neil
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  • RMweb Gold

Yes, I invented him this morning.

There was a back story if anyone was interested.

I was going to fib and say he invented the eyelets on your shoes.

Wasn't that W.H Rodgers (or did he just make the  first eyelet making machine)?



Straw pallaise tonight for you then Stationmaster. Just make sure alternative arrangements are in place for the return of Mrs Stationmaster.   :good: 

We have another one - which we was shifted onto our bed the other week after the inspecting man moved the new one out to the woodshed (his choice of 'suitable place for it')




Putting together a shopping list or posting on RMWeb is about the limit of my literary ambition.  One relative (by marriage not genetic) has written (and had published) an autobiographical tome. I suggested it for the Booker Prize.

I used to do quite a lot of magazine articles and even did a chapter for a David & Charles 'coffee table' type (railway) book; a distant relative has written a very impressive tome about potatoes.

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Evening All.


Just back from the holiday hovel in the mountains, sorting out the "dog friendly" aspects.


Stopped off at a pet supply shop to get some basics (bed/basket, safety collar [it is full of LEDs which blink and make the dog visible at night], dog food, toys, blanket, etc) and pretty much blew the model railway budget for the next few months. Still it will be worth it, I'm really looking forward to bringing Schotty home from the animal shelter tomorrow..


I have been reading up on animal (specifically dog) nutrition and I like the idea of making my own dog food. I can control what goes into it and ensure Schotty gets little salt, not too much cereal and the right balance of meat, fat and bone (actually bone meal, but apparently dogs need a certain amount of that stuff). It may not turn out cheaper, but will certainly turn out healthier for the hairy monster.


Now, one of my hobbies is cooking (and I pride myself on aiming for Masterchef standards, even if not quite getting there) and I see no reason why I can't employ my culinary skills for the dog. I can just imagine the scene at the Hundeschule (obedience school)...


Rudy (a Schnauzer): So lads, what did you have for lunch? I had some leftover meat pie.

Rusty (a Labrador): The usual: a tin of Pedigree Chum and a bone.

Spike (a Bulldog): Nice. I had the usual Supa-Sava dog-meal-in-a-box

Omnes: You poor bu99er.

Leo (a Boxer): Well, I didn't do too badly, two tins of Whiskas.

Spike: That's CAT food

Leo:    Yeah, I know, my owner still has to master joined-up-thinking... What about you, Schotty?

Schotty (a bit embarrassed): For lunch I started with a Beef Consomme Royale, followed by Slow Roast Pork Belly, Pommes Anna, Buttered Baby Carrots and for pudding, I got to lick the Crème brûlée pots clean...

Omnes: SIGH!

Rusty: You lucky, jammy s*d!


Anyway, have a good night. Dog photos tomorrow evening (I hope)



Edited by iL Dottore
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Morning all from Schipol airport,  been netless in Ng for the last couple of days!   But managed to get some free Wi-fi here (I'm too tight to pay for it! ) Not been able to do much in the way of catching up on here.....try and do that later-- Grand Children permitting!! ....Of to the shop now for some liquerice ....(sorry spell checker dont seem to be working this morning..


More tales of woe from me later --(child managers - would have em?)



Be good 



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Good morning all from a misty corner of Devon!


Hope it brightens up as we're off to a Vintage Bus Run Event at Kingsbridge. Two of our TOADS friends are involved - one as driver, the other as a clippie.


There's a threat of photos......!


Have a good one!

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Hello, Hello, There's some, a little, sun, some, a little, blue sky. Temp is currently 7C and 14C promised by noon.

Is that Spring in the air?


I had to Google that Peabody oke, with no result, but couldn't believe that our friend DD would tease us with an imaginary inventor then I realised that he was the guy who taught DD to use Lego pieces in his dioramas.


News item on the radio right NOW reports that 2300 people needed assistance arising from the freezing flooding storm which occurred overnight last night. There you are DD. You were right. Hot food, blankets and shelter were provided


Happy modelling over the weekend all.

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Morning All.  Light cloud, about 10 degrees here in Spalding, though it might get up to 17 degrees by mid afternoon.  Winter cycling kit on today methinks and mudguards back on the Trek.


Off to Model Rail, Newark, tomorrow when it promises to be a bit warmer. :sungum:

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Dry, dull & 12oC - should brighten up later.


Our friend the kitchen fitter popped in last night just to confirm details for next week's partial refit starting Wed PM. It must be finished by Friday PM as we have have a hectic weekend for Chris's birthday. He's confident & we trust him!


Today "we" will be doing various domestic things but I have served notice there is Rugby to watch. As I also watched a game last night & there's more tomorrow I feel a chilly atmosphere coming on. If anything is said I shall just reply "Soaps to you!"


Have good one,




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Good morning all,

Dry, dull & 12oC - should brighten up later.


Our friend the kitchen fitter popped in last night just to confirm details for next week's partial refit starting Wed PM. It must be finished by Friday PM as we have have a hectic weekend for Chris's birthday. He's confident & we trust him!


Today "we" will be doing various domestic things but I have served notice there is Rugby to watch. As I also watched a game last night & there's more tomorrow I feel a chilly atmosphere coming on. If anything is said I shall just reply "Soaps to you!"


Have good one,



Obviously I have smaller cojones than you Bob. Is that the result of a week of no beer?


I will try to view some rugby and a little of after-dark Singapore.

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The village's annual Safari Dinner is this evening, four courses (starter, fish, main & sweet) and each eaten at a different location. Bread is in one of its proving stages, I have filleted the sardines and stuffed them ready for baking and now can leave the glamorous bits like table decoration to the artistic one. As I get older, it becomes harder to last out the evening which has been known to finish at 4am. I suspect Madame Gruffalo and I will be gently snoring shortly after midnight and needing to starve / exercise from tomorrow.


I will share the dishes with you tomorrow, food poisoning permitting!

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather dull here.

I won't be going to the model railway exhibition in Shenfield today although I will be fairly near (probably parked at Brentwood station waiting for Aditi). We need to be in Enfield for lunch and as Aditi's appointment is for 12 o'clock the timing is quite "tight". It would be easier if we could take Robbie. He can't go to MiL's as pets are not permitted in her apartment building, and this lunch is at Aditi's sister's and she banned Robbie ever from visiting. I don't think Robbie minds too much as our neighbour pops round to see him every couple of hours. He likes dogs and isn't "allowed" one.

Aditi's brother and his wife will be there too and I can demonstrate my skills at piling up plastic buckets for my niece Maya to knock down. It won't be long before she is ready for Brio trains!


We don't watch TV soaps or rugby here so no conflict of interest. 



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Neil - those pics are really great, TVM. I read that 3 C-liners never did get painted in McGinnis. NH seems to have had a near-monopoly on New England F-Ms.


Lovely morning again - so it will be hot later. Must see if Singapore is on the Beeb at any time.


Enjoy your weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Obviously I have smaller cojones than you Bob. Is that the result of a week of no beer?



Nope - nothing to do with beer or lack of it Tony.  I often refer to her as The Boss, Management, SWMBO etc etc & I do more often than not defer to her (reasonable) requests. However some things are sacrosanct & Rugby is one of them :yes:

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  • RMweb Premium

morning all, shopping done, breakfast (at Morrisons) eaten.. about to mow lawns as its a nice day in Leeds.


Paint bought to finish first coat of colour in railways room. Unfortunately her indoors has decided "we" need to do a car boot sale tomorrow to get rid of some of "my" junk(!) So that's no beer tonight and a 6:00 start tomorrow...


Have a great Saturday and after last nights performance . Go Rhinos!!

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all.

Grey sweep across the nor'western skies.  At least, it would be nice if someone would come and sweep the clouds away - it was so nice when the sun shone. 

I'll get someone on it....   :telephone:  :keeporder:


A shopping trip planned for some electrics for the ......  :secret:   Ssssshhhhhhhhhh............. layout ** some time to day.  D'ya think she'll notice?  Who's gonna tell? Not me.  :no: :senile:


Well, that's my exciting day covered.


Take care all.




**  If that was too small to read - secrecy and all that - here it is in large print:  layout

Ooops!  Not sure I should have done that.   :nono: :nono: :nono:



Quick exit   :bye:

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


I'm not going to Newark - ECML trains today are 'buses north of Peterborough from early afternoon onwards and the last time I went to Newark all the pubs seemed to be closed (or had closed  down), the place didn't impress me one bit.  I am presuming that Mrs Stationmaster and Dr Station Cat have managed to make their way from Malmo to Copenhagen this morning as we established that they caught the right train from Stockholm last night.  Weather's a bit dull so no gardening but I might have a sort out in 'the room', or I might not although I really need to get the worst bits of my variously acquired timber converted from potential layout building use into firewood (I'm not proud and none of it cost anything).


Have a good day one and all. 

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George Smiley stuff on railways in ERs! Your secret's safe with us, Polly!


Just been to Peter & Ivy to return their key. Evidently the fjords of Norway were lovely and tranquil - but the tub they were in did not respond too well to force 8 going and force 11 coming back! Evidently a former ferry, with a flat bottom. Here is their property advert http://www.frenchestateagents.com/french-property-for-sale/view/33981DM72/house-for-sale-in-nogent-le-bernard-sarthe-pays-de-la-loire-france and the pictures under-sell its charms if anything. More than 5 acres, on a very, very quiet road, too, but less then 5 miles from a reasonable supermarket.

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