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Regardless of the issues about the support and deterrents offered by the state, I fear that we have, through so many ever more graphic films and video games, gradually devalued life and infected the minds of youngsters whilst still wringing our hands and claiming some of the practices followed in the Middle East and Africa are totally barbaric.


A radical re-think of what our society's values actually should be, and the absolute determination to enforce behaviour that maintains those standards, is probably the only way in which we can halt this terrible spiral. We should not be screaming about the civil or human rights of perpetrators and we equally must ensure that people released from detention are actually reformed and no longer any danger to the wider society. That may require different sentencing, a change in prison environment and culture and maybe more investment but it is clear our present systems offer no real deterrent to abusers. We seem to have lost sight of the impact upon the victims in so many areas until it is too late.


Whether our politicians would be prepared to stand and be counted on such a platform is another matter.


Rant over. 

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  • RMweb Gold

Whether our politicians would be prepared to stand and be counted on such a platform is another matter.


Rant over. 

 I have not researched this matter, which sounds quite hideous and inhuman from what I have read here, but there are certain quoted clues which may enable me to form an opinion. As far as politicians are concerned, it seems that more or less worldwide they are hell-bent on staying in power. After all, the central team in the Watergate saga 40 years ago was the Committee for the Re-election of the President. Thus principles and beliefs are secondary to the main event - which is generally lucrative and enables a lifestyle and future to be envied.


As far as social services are concerned, anyone entering these difficult and largely un-remunerative jobs is unlikely to be right wing, but will almost certainly have a social conscience. Great. Unfortunately that also pre-disposes these key people to be the least inclined to intrude, to trample upon cultural boundaries, or to want to be accused of racism - a card that is readily played where the people in doubt may not be Caucasian Brits, not least by ambulance-chasing lawyers.


Sorting that little lot out requires considerably more wisdom than I pretend to hold.

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  • RMweb Premium

I agree Ian - bar the un-remunerative bit.  Qualified social workers are well paid.  Mostly deservedly so, it's an awful job.  Over here we're quite lucky in that whilst predominantly left wing as you say, they aren't loony left or wildly PC.  Must keep off politics oops.


As for managing them in the office.....aaaaiiiieeeeeee!!!!! :butcher:  :jester:  :jester:

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Power back. Broadband appears b*ggered.


Don in S Africa.

A couple are celebrating their first Wedding Anniversary at a restaurant near you on Saturday.

Something about seeing the start of the Whale season from the restaurant.

Some years ago now, she was a very close friend!

We've always remained in (now) virtual contact.

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  • RMweb Premium

Had a look at the construction site currently in place on Wurzner Straße. The entire road surface and water supply are being renewed till late 2014, as are the tram tracks and OHLE.





Eastbound workings on the 7 line need to use the left track through the construction site. To that end, off-railers have been put in place on either end of it.






Here, 1306 "Lindenau" and company are running east on the left track.





Drilling operations were in progress as I was observing tram operations.





Here, the next working on the 7 line was nearing the cityside off-railer...





...and crossing over to the left track with 1344 "Schönau" in the lead.

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Morning All,


My cold is better today - which is good - although that is more than can be said for the weather.  It is a truly foul morning here abouts!  Grey, damp and heavy rain.


Still, mustn't grumble.


I've got quite a busy day ahead of me, so time for a coffee!


Have a good day everyone...

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Hi DD,

           Nearest to me would be the Brass Bell restaurant on the seafront at Kalk Bay. 21.5 km

    a lot further at Hermanus 115 km, possibly the Misty Waves Hotel, although a year on, it is a honeymoon hotel

    Both venues, and many others along the same coast of False Bay, are good whale watching spots.


Still miserable weather and set to continue without a break into next week. I despair,.-

My foot is playing up again.

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,

Well almost good, dampish start but rain now stopped, 11oC & should be a warmer & brighter day - Hooray.

We had the usual noisy hectic time with the kids here yesterday evening but no grandads were harmed in the process . :no:

Have a good one,



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


Well, after nine pretty intense months of sorting, de-cluttering and packing, I finally moved out of my home of 34 years yesterday and headed south. I pick up the keys to my new abode later this morning and can't wait to move in. All I have to do now is unpack and find a home for everything...


Quality of life goals have driven my relocation plans and at long last I will have the space to do some serious modelling. After the new gaff is sorted, of course. 

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, yesterdays news was not good of all the possible outcomes the bone moving on the pins was not mentioned. As her leg hurts more we are now looking at waiting 4 weeks while they decide what to do next. Hopefully a quick operation with a full hip replacement will be offered but for now we are in limbo.

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Morning All,


Sorry to hear the bad news, Mick. But why on earth wait 4 weeks? Surely they are not waiting for the situation to "stabilise itself"?


Anyway, on a cheerier note, I'm counting down to hairy monster collection (2 days) and over the past days Mrs iD and I have had our noses stuck into dog training books. Whilst I'm taking getting a dog seriously, I'm also enjoying dipping in to the comic absurdities of How To Raise A Jewish Dog. Yesterday I learnt how to praise with attached (implied) criticism - as in Fetch!... Good Boy, Schotty (and to think I only had to ask you three times...).


Weather is cold and grey and I must stop procrastinating and head to work.


Have a good one



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Debs, there no answer to that!  ....


Morning all the rest of you, no 'net in the apartment this morning my internet dongle wouldn't connect..... so now in the office, trying to play catch-up and get stuff in place for when I'm away.


Try and be good today!



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