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  • RMweb Gold

Colin, I would be interested in a thread following the progress of planning a layout.

When you start  please tell us where to find it.


Thanks Don and everyone else on here who has been supportive of the idea. I shall make a start later. My day today is going to be spent on moving heavy things from one place to another. There will be method in it as I have a plumber coming next week to make the necessary alterations to the central heating to enable a permanent doorway to the cellar, and to put a rad down there so I'm all nice and cosy!


Anyhow, once we have sat down for the evening and the lovely wife is watching X Factor I will write the first proper post of the Layout Planning Case Study proper. I will keep it on the thread I have already started  http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/76149-layout-design-case-study


Have a good day everyone

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all


As Sherry said, a wet night here in West France, and it's still drizzling now. In fact it's just what we need - gentle rain seeps into the soil, instead of ponding and running off. We have had an exceptionally long dry spell - not much rain since June - and everywhere is a bit parched. I see trees already turning their leaves, and I'm sure that is the cause. And most lawns are as much brown as green.


Colin - I won't be doing much on your thread, although I expect it to be a popular success. Layout planning just isn't me, or at least not on a sensible and measured level. Perhaps it's due to the number of meetings I attended or chaired where we discussed revising 12":1' layouts!


Weekly chat with MiL later - wot fun.


Enjoy your weekend.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning, it's the occasional dipping of the toe in the ER's pond.


How are we all? Hope there aren't too many dramas, traumas and otherwise upsetting stuff going on, although I suppose that the aforementioned can be an increasing part of life as we age.


Nothing much to report here, 40 working (?) days left till retirement. As others have noted though I could be busier than ever as I have been setting up various things to do when it happens. Being involved with the MHR you can make some very useful contacts, and I have made full use of these.


One of the highlights could well be an involvement with main line running of steam locos, but I will post more on this as the saga unfolds.


Anyway, till next time, stay happy and healthy.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


And after a confusing start with the Hippogram above (no, the e**in diesel is 143.9 per litre here, at the moment, and rising!) and my malt whisky stocks (Glenmorangie and Speyside First Cask - 20 years in the cask :O) and fully secured.  But it must be a bad start to the reading day as I then read that Mr Beast is frying today so I thought I'd better go round it all again.  Anyway after a hopefully positive call to Kernow we shall shortly be heading in a sort of westerly direction to the hallowed halls of Gooch and his illustrious successors - where's me badge?


Have a good day one and all, and Sherry can take solace in the fact that the Channel is a lot smoother today that it will be tomorrow.

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  • RMweb Gold

Well it is a grand start here with pleasant sunshine. The met office warnings seem to be for more northerly parts tomorrow so fingers crossed we escape the worse but batten the hatches you northerners.

I prefer the slang names Debs I am a Cockney (Londoners includes non Cockneys) are you a Scouser? The Islanders were known as Caulkheads and seemed quite proud of it.


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  • RMweb Gold

I'm not aware of a generic name for people from Essex. I sometimes get the impression that residents of Essex north of the A12 don't think the Thames Estuary shore is really proper Essex though. :)

Not for the best of reasons, Essex seems to be more famous for its girls, while in Kent male residents are classified by which side of the River Medway they were born. To the east they are Men of Kent, to the west Kentish Men.


I'm from Surrey.

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Not for the best of reasons, Essex seems to be more famous for its girls, while in Kent male residents are classified by which side of the River Medway they were born. To the east they are Men of Kent, to the west Kentish Men.


I'm from Surrey.

Moi aussi! (if moving there aged five counts? Otherwise, I'm a Wiltshire Moonraker - completely raving!) Edited by Ashcombe
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Cool, "Essex Man" must have left when I did!

My maternal side (which I know far more about) all came from Bredgar and Sittingborne in Kent and were what was described somewhat quaintly years ago as "Yeoman Farmers"    - I stlll do not know that that means, exactly. My Fathers side (which I know almost nothing about) seem to have resided in either Ludlow or Cirencester.  

As I was born in Highbury strictly speaking I'm a Londoner, which I'm quite proud of as I really do love London and it's history, particularly the actual City area.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

There was a young girl from Devizes



Oh, well, never mind, family site.


This morning's gentle rain developed into something rather more steady, and is only now abating a bit. "Nice weather for ducks" people say, but I couldn't get a straight answer out of the three I've just fed.


New washing machine ordered, with 50 euros back on the old one - exactly as the advert had promised - and delivery on Tuesday morning. Just like supporting your local model shop, using the local supplier pays dividends here and there, and the lady knew my address because of the chap opposite, whose house, as I've mentioned before, has the same name.

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 Pete Yeomen were freemen and not serfs.


I looked it up on in the OED (after all this time). Yeoman Farmers also owned their own land which meant two things, they could grow and sell whatever they wanted and allowed them to be Jurists (with certain other rights which this implied)...

Somewhat interesting but not much.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Gold

Greetings from the sunny Lake District


I've been on a very enjoyable walk today and am now just relaxing, looking forward to the evening meal and perhaps a malt later.


Looking at tomorrow's forecast though, I am undecided as to whether I should leave early and fly before the storm or just find a coffee shop, try to sit if out and travel later.

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  • RMweb Premium

Delayed 'morning'.  I can see the lake district, so it mustn't be raining!   Actually been a lovely clear sunny day here, really pleasant, hard to believe it's going to be so horrid tomorrow - when I will be at Groudle Glen getting a soaking!  Trains to run so must be there.


Had a successful day, bit of shopping, lunch out, some bike maintenance and a little more work on baseboards for the cement terminal branch extension on the HO scale, while Mrs NHN soaked up some sun in the garden.


As for origin, I'm very much a Geordie by birth, (although I was almost born in Iraq, as dad worked in oil exploration back then), with not too strong an accent as I was brung up proper like.  Mrs NHN is Cornish, but has a stronger Geordie accent than me despite only being up north from her mid teens.  Dad was of Scots descent, Mum was Manx.

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


duly back from Swindon having. enroute refuelled with 53 litres of diesel at 6p less per litre than it costs here.  This massive saving will no doubt go towards my shopping at the show although some of that (with Kernow) was simply for convenience to save them posting it but it did help towards getting free car parking  (and before Mr Sidecar Racer or his mate say anything what you didn't know was that I got 10 quid off on that book ;) ).  Anyway a very good show with a number of long known RMweb faces present plus a few new ones (to us) including BarryO of this fair area of the forum who duly, and very patiently, instructed in us in his weathering techniques.


We didn't sample the free beer but the good Doctor found us some excellent cider, so real that you could barely see daylight through it and of 6% 'alcoholic impact'.

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  • RMweb Premium

Afternoon all, a bit gloomy on the weather front but no actual rain. My birthday today but no slacking as tomorrow DD1 is heading back to Carlisle to complete her BA hopefully.I intend getting the car loaded tonight except for the high value bits and getting off at eight hope it isn't a head wind. .

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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


Would've loved to go to Swindon today but a couple of things (medical niggles) have conspired against me so instead I've made a start on getting the kitchen ready for partial refit. It's not due for 10 days but as I tend to leave things to the last minute I thought I'd change the habit of a lifetime! I did manage to find time this afternoon to watch the Bath v Leicester match so that cheered me up a bit.


BNB of S

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Had a fun day... :no:


My dear lady asked for a shelf to be added to her workroom where she does sewing and bits of soft furnishing.  She wanted a shelf without brackets etc, so no problem thought I and off I went to cut up some mdf etc and emerged with a shelf 1600 x 150 x 35, complete with a hidden support that slid inside the shelf itself.  


Feeling pleased it had all gone to plan, I set about mounting the support.  Holes were drilled and plugs inserted.  In she came and said "that's not level".  "Of course it is, I set it up with a spirit level".  Little did I know the cupboards above had been hung out of true so comparing the edges made the shelf look crooked.  OK, I'll cheat a bit and measured 200mm below the cupboards, drilled more holes, and rehung the support. In she came.  


"That's not level either".  "I know it isn't because I set it up to run parallel to the underside of the cupboards".  "Give me the tape measure".  "How come its 198mm this end and 207mm that end then?"


"You've got me there".....


Finally with the wall looking like something from the Somme, the shelf is up.  Thankfully the shelf hides all the holes..... :D

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Gordon we had an old cottage which had sunk a bit in one corner with Iron bar and wall plates to hold it together no floor was level and no walls were plumb. I made two corner shelving units put them up took them down and rebuilt them unsqaure put them back up perfect. So I know exactly how you felt.


Happy birthday Mick. It is funny how other things can be more important than your birthday. I suspect DD1 would feel differently if it was hers.


Origins are funny My mother was a cockney and after having been bombed out met my Dad in Reading his parents were south londoners not far from where she had previously lived. When first married they ended up living in rooms in my dads uncle house (the family home) so I became a cockney.


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  • RMweb Gold

Although I have lived in Essex since 1975 and now consider it to be home, I was born in Birmingham, then moved to Solihull, then to Somerset and from the age of 6 to 18 back to Solihull. Matthew tells me that I sound as if I come from the Midlands.


Aditi arrived in Essex in 1959 (Tilbury P&O terminal) but quickly departed for Yorkshire for 5 years, then after a brief stay in Derbyshire lived in Nottingham until she was 21 before returning to Ilford and then Essex again. Matthew said his Mum sounds like a BBC newsreader but with a hint of Yorkshire!


We think Matthew sounds as if he comes from Romford.

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Evening all! One of my increasingly rare visits to ERs at the moment.  Combination of madly busy work, never seeming to have enough time anywhere else and you lot rabbitting too fast to keep up! :-)


My accent is hard to place, I'm told.  Could be anywhere from Manchester north... Durham's funny for accents, we don't have the Yorkshire accent, we don't have the Darlington accent, we don't have the Geordie accent.  We're somewhere in the middle with no real obvious accent at all...


Anyway, hope you're all well and enjoying life.  I will try to come back more regularly as time allows...

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