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  • RMweb Gold


Car wouldn't start on return to the car park. Every attempt for 25 minutes just made a clicking sound.


Could be the solenoid trying to kick a stuck starter motor, put it in gear, ignition off and rock backwards and forwards to try and free it - one of my old Capris used to do the same from time to time.


Morning all.


A lovely day here so we are off wandering down the lane to get some much needed exercise, perhaps we will come back via the "bull field" - if he's there and angry that will give us a lot of exercise, he's a big lad.


Perhaps I will get around to rendering some more videos, haven't done any for a long time now, time just seems to pass too quickly.


Have a good day all.

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Bad day today - I've joined an RMWeb group I've been dreading.


Had to have Holly our dog put to sleep this morning.


Holly was a blue roan Cocker Spaniel aged 13 - we bought her at six weeks old. She was as daft as a brush with a lovely temperament. She had gone blind but her kidneys have been failing over the past few months. Our vet has been brilliant throughout and agreed with us that the time had come.




Over the past two days I have been completely overwhelmed by the kindness and support offered by RMWebbers,


Many thanks and God bless you all,




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  • RMweb Premium



Wife fed and watered, cat (friend's whilst on holiday) fed and puss puss pussed, decks cleared for GP, watch someone go and spoil it all.....why is it people you haven't seen for ages decide to visit 'when there's only that boring racing on TV' ??  I'm not generally rude enough to go itno another room to watch it, but it is Monza!  Second favourite race, next to Spa.  This always happens to me, two hours every week or two is all I ask, but can I EVER get to watch a race live?  I missed ALL of Spa...../rant.


Plenty rain here for the garden, just showery today but yesterday was ark standard.

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  • RMweb Premium

Just been sent this by a friend - it brightened up my day considerably!




Saw that one a while back but it still made me smile. Very clever.


It appears to have started raining in these parts so it's just as well the dog has been walked already.


Have a good one all even if it involves cameras in strange places!




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  • RMweb Gold

Could be the solenoid trying to kick a stuck starter motor, put it in gear, ignition off and rock backwards and forwards to try and free it - one of my old Capris used to do the same from time to time.



I may have forgotten to mention that it is an automatic and was in park. I did try rocking it anyway but to no effect. The park setting on the Freelander is going to stop it going anywhere. It could be the starter motor though. Trouble is that there are many many sensors that if they aren't all happy will stop the car from starting. I thought I'd cured it before by cleaning all round the fuel filler but I think Land Rover can play with it for a few days.

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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, bright and sunny but not very warm yet. Tony move the selector lever up and down the box if you have a neutral put it there and try a start. If all else fails a two pound lump hammer can convince the motor to spin, if however you have any warranty left tell them to fix it they will probaly go through the sensors as you suggest and that can be a big bill when you are looking for an intermittent fault. Half dreading the GP if it is another Vettel look how far i can get in front jobby.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all, bright and sunny but not very warm yet. Tony move the selector lever up and down the box if you have a neutral put it there and try a start. If all else fails a two pound lump hammer can convince the motor to spin, if however you have any warranty left tell them to fix it they will probaly go through the sensors as you suggest and that can be a big bill when you are looking for an intermittent fault.  ...

I do have (extended) warranty left and will be contacting the dealer tomorrow. This is my first automatic and I don't know if this applies to others but if it is in "park" the lever is locked and won't move until the engine is started with the footbrake pedal pushed. I shall investigate!



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Just checked. The gear lever is locked when in "Park" until the engine is started (with foot on brake). Reverse, Neutral and Drive are then selectable. The engine can only be stopped when the car is in "Park".  Other features such as "Sports mode" (not very sporty though, in a  diesel 2.2 L, nearly 2 tonne vehicle) and manual gear selection are accessed by pushing the lever sideways when in "Drive".



Edited by Tony_S
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A small digression, if I may, from today's Topic Du Jour. Last year - as many of the Early Riser participants may recall - we lost our "Hairy Houseguest" (a Border Collie mix we frequently hosted) to Canine Cancer and the "usual suspects" on RMWeb Early Risers were most supportive (thanks again).


Well we do miss Jordi a lot and wondered if and when we'd have another "Hairy Houseguest".... Well, to make a long story short, we had a change of circumstances which would now permit us to have our own dog, so when Mrs iD was entranced by a Border Collie mix she met when she was at the Animal Shelter in Colmar, it was only a matter of time before I caved in and acquiesced to taking him on (dependent on the dog and us "clicking").


Today we visited him at the shelter and after a rough beginning (the animal shelter had just changed premises in the last week and all the dogs were hyper-agitated and unsettled), he calmed down and after about 30 - 40 minutes in our company the dog relaxed and became a most congenial, calm and even tempered beast. But one that's full of energy (he is about 18 months old but very tractable: I got him to sit on the third attempt, not bad on our first encounter), so we have a full programme for him (and us): Hundeschule, Dog Sports, obedience training, etc.


Before we can collect him we have some paperwork to complete, we also have a vet visit to organise and someone from the animal shelter will visit us to see if we have a good environment for the dog (we have a small garden, a large house and we are right next door to a nature preserve, a river and a park - so we should get the nod).


The only drawback that we currently have to deal with is his name Hidalgo (a famous footballer, I am led to understand), we tried out some names on him during the test walk today and he best responded to Schötti (which in Mrs iD's family is a traditional dog's name - they have had 4 Schöttis to date). So, Schötti it will be (and once he realises that whenever I say "Dinner Schötti" he gets fed, he'll soon adopt the name...).


I am not underestimating the work and commitment we are signing up for, but we think that he will be worth it. I suspect that by this time next year Schötti and I will be a well-oiled, fit and well-trained team. Here is the link to the animal shelter's web page for Hidalgo (soon to be Schötti): http://www.grenzenlose-hundehilfe.de/hidalgo.htm




p.s. I may be bothering the assembled ranks of the Early Risers Dog owners for tips and hints (and maybe the occasional "I can't believe what Schötti just did...)

Edited by iL Dottore
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  • RMweb Premium

Afternon All


It's raining - what a surprise.


Went for a half hour walk with Lily which get extended and extended as we found more and more blackberries ripe for the picking, and now my hands are well scratched, and nettle stung as some of the most succulent examples fought back.  Got a good couple of pounds of berries and with a couple of Bramleys from the small tree in the garden, we're set for afters for about the next week.


Don - Lily was fine and was having a great time with her basketball - it just happens that 30747 pressed the button on the camera just too late as she was backing away from the ball for another charge at it.


Dinner's on the go, so I'd best get on.


Regards to All


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  • RMweb Gold

We occasionally dog sit for my son and really enjoy it. We would love to have a dog of our own but with us both spending so much time out of the house it just wouldn't be fair.


I hope your plan comes to fruition iD and you all have happy times together.

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  • RMweb Gold

Afternoon all,


slightly more rain today but not a vast amount and we're back to boring clouds and not much else, but at least I got to watch the race at Monza.


And Schotti looks like a good choice iD - we've never had any trouble renaming cats so I reckon dogs will be fairly easy in that department as they're always eager to please their 'pack leader' whereas cats, I think, translate being called by their name to mean there is food waiting for them.


PS correction - it is now raining properly, had to rush out to turn off the sprinkler!

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  • RMweb Gold

There was a radio programme a few years ago featuring a rehoming centre and one of the first things they did was give the dogs a  new name if the old one was likely to make the dog uninviting to potential owners. If a Staffy arrived with some vicious sounding name they would be renamed something like Rosie or Fred. The interviewer asked if was difficult to get a dog to accept a new name and the trainer said "About 20 minutes and a small packet of Schmakos usually". The  programme actually then stated "other dog treats are available".


Robbie had been called Robin as part of his "kennel name". When we first had him I think he may have thought his name was "No". I think it might have been simpler to call him Biscuit.

Edited by Tony_S
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  • RMweb Gold

I fear your idea might generate some resistance, some may re fuse and tell you to go ohm. You might end up with a re volt on your hands.

I think that, after all that, I need to go away faraday.

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  • RMweb Premium

Well, NHN got to watch the GP, but sort of wishes he hadn't, at least from the result.  Poor crowd response to the winner on the podium, though, even if he is far from my favourite driver.


So I went down to the garage and completed re-assembly of one of my live steamers, that has been lying on the bench in bits for three weeks, and then actually had an attack of modelling mojo and did some work on the baseboards of the rather neglected HO scale.  Solved a clearance issue by, er, ignoring it mostly, and lowering a section of board above.  HO scale diseasels can climb incredible gradients luckily.....ahem.  All to try to get  alittle more operations in my limited space, I am prepared to ignore a 1 in 33 gradient with a patch at 1 in 25 to allow addition of a branch to a cement silo.  No Peterborough or Eastwood size trains here to consider, 4 cars up the branch will be sufficient.  I can;t see either of my steamers going up there anyway, it's switchers only.

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