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  • RMweb Premium

And what about the expression "young man."


Is this someone in their teens?  A "young person?"  In other words, actually a child?  Or simply, someone not old enough to be called "old" (whatever that is these days)?

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I've never seen a bill for any of my colonoscopies, so I don't know what they cost. My brother, who lived in Wales,  died of colon cancer and one of the last things he said to me was: "I wished I'd listened to you and paid to have one done privately!" - he NEVER was offered one on the NHS and that effectively killed him.


I've had SIX to date and they cost me nothing (over and above my usual monthly contributions). Insurance companies over here are BIG on preventative medicine why? It saves them bigger money later....


The NHS is not "free" you pay for it in wage deductions.


Best, Pete.

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  • RMweb Premium


I've never seen a bill for any of my colonoscopies, so I don't know what they cost.


The NHS is not "free" you pay for it in wage deductions.


Best, Pete.

Agreed on that indeed Pete - Your NI contribution covers your NHS treatment, so I take your point that it's not actually free.  I guess over there you get used to paying your Health Insurance premiums each month, so it's just about the same in the long run.  I pay about £190 a month in NI, and that theoretically covers my contributions towards healthcare, State Pension, and so on - if I had a private medical plan, I'd probably be paying a similar amount (say half of the NI) to the insurer. 


Still, I've got to say that Elaine did get tip top treatment for this particular ailment.  I really don't know what to say about your brother not being able to have one on the NHS - though there is little doubt that there is a bit of a "postcode lottery" over who gets what and in what Health Authority regions - but your comment does make sobering reading insofar as a relatively simple investigation was not offered, and the cost was, in his case, very high.  I know that you feel strongly about cancer medicine, as you've been there yourself, and you've seen two people close to you lost to that dreadful condition (and you're not alone as Ian also lost Debs to cancer, and there have been a number of others here who also have had similar experiences). 


All I can say to anybody here is that if there is any suspicion of anything untoward, and this investigation is offered GO FOR IT as a few hours on the bog is a small price to pay for peace of mind, or the knowledge that cancer has been picked up at a stage where it is more likely to be treatable.

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  • RMweb Gold

Aditi decided that we should have a nice day out and we should go and see the sights in Coggeshall and have a pub lunch (the latter as a lure for Matthew to attend). The NT sights were interesting but pubs were either shut or not serving by the time we got there so drove down to Heybridge Basin and even though there seemed to be some sort of rowing event we managed to park and then find somewhere for lunch.

Car wouldn't start on return to the car park. Every attempt for 25 minutes just made a clicking sound. Phoned Land Rover recovery, who said they could only send AA to my location and they would be there in 45 minutes.

I put the phone down,tried again and it started. Rang Land Rover to cancel. I'll book it in to the dealer on Monday. It did this before we went on holiday. I thought it may be temperature related but it was really hot in France and always started!


Pete, there is a lot more awareness/publicity about bowel cancer now but apart from posters it only really kicks in when you are 60. 





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  • RMweb Gold

I think I had my first colonoscopy 30 years ago. The procedure is very sophisticated now. Then the instruction was that the nurse would hold your hand if it was painful and if it was very bad there was "gas and air". Now you can be awake, feel nothing and chat about the on screen results if you like.

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I tend to want to catch up on my sleep, Tony.....dreaming of a fried  breakfast...


I agree though, who would have dreamt of lasers zapping polyps deep in your rear end? Specially after watching "Goldfinger"!


60? 50 over here. I was really annoyed about the "Poop in the Post Deal" I mentioned it to my Doctor (I'm lucky to have the foremost colonoscopy guy on the East Coast) and he commented that if they found blood in the stools you'd be down to 50/50 chances given the UK's response rate. A huge killer of men!


Get some in all those in the age group that have not had it done.


Best, Pete.

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...........the "Poop in the Post Deal" I mentioned it to my Doctor (I'm lucky to have the foremost colonoscopy guy on the East Coast) and he commented that if they found blood in the stools...........


I remember when the postal-stool test was first introduced when I lived in California and it was 'sensitively' branded as the "Test for Occult Blood"......... :O


It had me more in mind of pentacle, sacrificial offerings and Lord Summerisle! :superstition:

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  • RMweb Gold

I remember when the postal-stool test was first introduced when I lived in California and it was 'sensitively' branded as the "Test for Occult Blood"......... :O


It had me more in mind of pentacle, sacrificial offerings and Lord Summerisle! :superstition:

It is called the occult blood test here too and I had the same sort of thoughts!

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Hello all from a rather dull overcast Cape Town. 10% chance of rain later but clear weather returning tomorrow.

Stewart. I don't know if it's just  the photo but in the picture of Lily at the ball she looks rather dull and disinterested. Was she OK?

Best wishes for the wife's tummy problem . I hope it clears quickly.


F1 later today. Any "training" activities where you are?


Have a good Sunday!

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Lovely clear sunny morning with little breeze in Gruffaloshire this morning. If I was depressed, I would add "just watch someone go and spoil it!".


A bit achy today as I had to mix a load of concrete by hand yesterday, someone reversed into the tall lamp post on our driveway and somehow split the concrete pad on which it was mounted so that had to be dug out and renewed. It will be Tuesday before I can drill the new pad and fix the replacement into it. Somehow today's trip to the grand kids, during which I have to fit another outside PIR controlled light, install a new PIR timer switch in their cloakroom and fix their all-in-one printer and repair their lawn mower will not be particularly restful. Hey-HO, it keeps Madam Gruff and the daughter happy.


Have a good day everyone, without dipping into the occult.

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One for Trisonic Pete and others with experiences from across the pond:


Whilst at that brewery on Friday, I started up a system for lubricating the conveyor tracks that are used to transport the individual bottles around the plant. The product that is applied was supplied in a 1,000 litre mini tank and was labelled:




We usually just use small tubes of KY Jelly over this side of the pond.


Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, say no more...

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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dry sunny start & 13oC with slight possibility of a shower or two this afternoon.

AWOL yesterday but nothing much to report except that I spent the afternoon watching a couple of games of Rugby. I may well watch another today along with some doses of Grand Prix which will probably go down like a lead balloon.(again)!


Have a good one,


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Happy Sunday Folks!


The nets  been-on-off-on-off- maybe here for a couple of days. But so far this morning seems to be OK....started the handover process yesterday of one of the projects.....and (on instructions from HQ)  did a start to finish photo  trail.....Green Field to running Power Plant....but how do you take a photo of electricity?  



Still whatever you're up to today, 


try and find something to enjoy,



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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all,


another bright start to the day and therefore more hammering of the water meter - yesterday's rain turned out to be about 4 drops per square yard for 10 minutes but we might get some proper rain this afternoon.  Our weather is truly perverse isn't it - nowadays it seems you can't even get rain when you need it :O   (crikey, I'm beginning to sound like a farmer).


Today we have the triathlon in our vicinity - an event run for commercial gain by its organisers which seem to be mainly aimed at creating mayhem and inconvenience for the locals, various roads are closed but which ones it is varies according to which website you look at although basically if you are south of the blocked roads you can't get north and vice versa.  Some friends of ours are departing the local Caravan Club site today and face a 20 mile detour although they're better off than people booked to reach the site today because it is inaccessible for arrivals for about 6 hours.  If some of the roads were closed for a good old fashioned hill climb (cars or even motorbikes)  it would be one thing but a load of cyclists dripping wet after their swim down the river is hardly my idea of 'sport' or entertainment.


Ah well plenty of things to do in the garden - so I'm told - and there's the F1 as well.


Have a good day one & all

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