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  • RMweb Gold

Evening all


This building lark here isn't half dragging on.  We are sick and tired of living out of boxes and crates but keep telling ourselves it will be worth it in the end.

Can't complain about the builders though, they have been really good. They have kept disruption to a reasonable level and have made sure that we have always had 'the necessaries' and some part of house habitable.


When you see the circumstances in which some have to live we can only count our blessings.

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  • RMweb Gold

I thought my DiY this evening was going to be limited to turning a few burgers and vegetables on the barbecue but ended up with my arm down a drain after noticing detergent foam puthering out of an access point. Lesson for the future, suggest that other people do not turn on the hot tap in the kitchen and allow the water to drain down while my  arm is inserted in drain. All sorted now.

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  • RMweb Premium

You may not be old enough! It was something I had to endure as a small child. It probably ensured I'd never willingly listen / watch such programmes. At least The Archers had some animal noises to amuse me. I don't think Captain the cat  uttered a sound in Mrs Dale's Diary.




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  • RMweb Premium

Some bees I caught in action, yesterday. You may remember me mentioning the gorgeous weather.  The bees obviously thought so.


I saw this bee while waiting for the bus home keeping one eye on the bee and the other on the road.  It was 20 minutes between buses so I didn't want to miss it.




The next bee was in the garden or, rather, on the steps down to the garden.  It looks like nextdoor's shrub has seeded itself in the stone riser...a job for the man-about-the-house before it gets any bigger, methinks...






No bees on this flower taken this evening in the shade but I found the detail amazing - is that a spider's delicate work I see?  Now, this plant appeared early in the year, got strimmed down by Ray when it came into bud, then regrew to produce a fantastic display of flower heads.






Since I've not a clue as to what these flowers are, please feel free to tell me.



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  • RMweb Gold

Evenin' all,


I'm thoroughly cream crackered this evening although I don't think I've done as much (not that it was much) as yesterday but on reflection I did dig the area for the new bed behind my little wall which was 100% pickaxe work in very hard ground.  then backfill with first a bed of shingle for drainage (one barrowload) then a few loads of compost then 3 barrowloads of shingle top it off.  But well worth it as instant planting of lavender followed and that bed is complete.  Plus quite a lot of grass seeding on areas that won't be turfed.


Anyway all is now ready for turfing tomorrow although I do need to sweep off some of their late brickwork first - then it really will be a watching day for me, once the 'usual Friday' business is out of the way.

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  • RMweb Gold


That would probably put you into "The Dales" serial rather than "Mrs Dale's Diary".time 


My mother quite liked the radio serials but often wandered off and asked me to tell her what happened. As I got older and we acquired a television I got fed up of doing this especially with Crossroads so I used to make up alternative versions. This habit is quite useful now as if Aditi wakes up after missing the last hour of a 2 hour TV detective/murder mystery I can tell her who did it and she can safely watch a repeat and be surprised.

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A colleague of mine, who thought he was a bit of a wag , constantly joked about "not trifling with Sherry" or called me a woman of note (referring to my pianistic skills.) Wearing after the 35th time; his name was Alcock!


Just been in the pool to cool down . ... tough but it has to be done.


My dear lady was an Allcock before we married.  You can imagine the stick she got at school and in her teens.... :D


BiL had his operation and although still heavily sedated some good came out of it.  They only took out the bottom third of his lung where the cancer was at it's worst and managed to take a smaller section from the top half, so he was left with around half a lung on that side.  No doubt he will be uncomfortable for days to come but they are expecting him to go home in a few days time.


Edit:  Now caught up with the other posts.  Mrs Dale's Diary was always on at home when I was growing up.  That takes me back a bit.  It's Friday so must be hoovering day..

Edited by gordon s
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  • RMweb Gold

Good morning all,


Dry but cloudy & 16oC. According to the forecasters we could be getting a fair bit of rain today & it will be cooler than the past few days.


I have to stay in this morning waiting for some parcels for my son. As he is away he has arranged for them to be delivered here (hoping it won't disrupt my plans too much) I told him that it would actually totally ruin my day & at some stage he would be called to account. A pint or two of "Pride" should do the trick!


Have a good one,



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Talk of bees reminds me that when I was a little 5 y.o. so & so I tried to stab a bee with a little penknife. Quite rightly the bee stung me & I learnt a valuable lesson. If faced with the same situation again I would use a very large machete! :jester:


Did you turn into a serial killer?

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Good morning all,   yup it's Friday......not much to report from around these 'ere parts.  



So speedy recovery to those afflicted with various ailments (or afflicted with instructions that get in the way of the important things in life!)


Still what ever try and find something to smile at, 



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  • RMweb Premium

Morning all, looks gloomy out side but I am up an hour earlier than normal. The clonk noise on the car has stopped but the car doesn't feel right so in it goes.Looking forward to a lie in tomorrow I hope. Have a good Friday if you can.

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  • RMweb Gold

Morning all.

Rather dull outside, looks as if it could rain.

Matthew and Aditi will be off to Stratford soon. Matthew is quite enjoying his temporary work. He now seems to have been deemed to be safe to be let loose on the applicants and is doing more interviews than data entry. He isn't giving course choice advice just helping people apply for their chosen courses. 

My kitchen drains seem to be flowing freely this morning. I'll lift the covers and have a look again later. If necessary I can borrow some drain rods from one of the neighbours,  



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Morning All,


I am a bit later posting this morning, having taken the little guy to school first.


The weather is nice again, and due to get quite warm later on.  Definitely a bit of an Indian Summer.


I also have an appointment for my woodburner to be installed.  At last, after several years of deliberation, I have decided to take the plunge and have it put in.  Not an easy job, because a chimney needs to be installed as well!  Unfortunately, the second chimney in the house was taken out at some point.


Have a good day everyone...

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Strictly speaking it is still Summer until the equinox later on in this month. It is cool here right now (high only in the low 70's,f) but it's that which is unusual.


Best, Pete.


PS Oops, thanx Pete.

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Hello all, Sore throat has largely disappeared, to be replaced by a somewhat stuffy nose. The nursing staff provided two 'sore throat sucking tablets' which worked almost immediately so I was able to sleep reasonably well. The handkerchief I started using yesterday is still dry enough in parts to be still usable so it's a very mild cold! All is well! :yes:


I'm becoming adicted to orange juice. I have got through 5 1/2 liters in the past week. It's not as expensive as brandy (R60.00 vs 120.00) but that isn't the point. After 2 or three brandies my body said "That's enough" and I stopped but now I am finding the orange juice very "moresome" and want to pour another glass as soon as I finish one. (It's a good job I never tried drugs)


Happy weekend all.

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